Archive for the ‘Face Food’ Category

With Love From The Biatchipoos

February 14, 2009


I know, I know, it’s just a hallmark holiday right? Even blackhearted cynical me got a wee bit sucked in this year. Not from the romance, but all the girls on my list giving cards and pressies and using today as an excuse to let us all know how they luff us. Romances have come and gone, but my girls, ah my girls, how I adore them, RL and SL. And of course, mush aside, a chance for me to get into lingerie (like I need much encouragement…ahem.)


First up we have this beautiful lingerie from Addoro Design. I love this style of undies, comfy yet terribly sexy. The pack comes with a necklace and bracelet too, perfectly matching.


What mushy day is complete without chocolate? Violet Morellet from Inorite, knows this and dropped these yummy treats on the subscribo group this morning, nomnomnom 😛 Thanks Violet!


This lingerie will be vanishing from Apple May Designs either today or tomorrow so grab it fast. The hair!! This is a gift from Beauty Avatar, I tinted it a wee bit darker than it originally was. But so terribly pretty I had to TP the biatchipoos to get it 😀 Seems like Lady Gaga is the style icon du jour! She was here in Sydney last week, and boy is she “out there”, lets just hope she doesn’t crash and burn too fast! And speaking of mah Biatchipoos, a funnier, more supportive group of ladies you will never find, heart juuuus girls. Ash Out.

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