Archive for the ‘Fancy Dress’ Category

Hunty Goodness

March 28, 2009

I have to admit, the thought of hunting at 300 stores scared me a little, also the strain of my already ridonculous inv had me fearing sim crashes and all sorts of other madness on Ash. So with that in mind, the only choice is to do it as Q. Also, my personal plan of attack is to go to my favie stores first, then have some exploring time, going to stores I’ve never heard of before.


This first outfit is the hunt gift from Little Heaven. The ears are made of total win, all floppy and pierced!! You even get 2 types of hair with this gift, but I had a hell of a time trying to get them to look right so I haven’t shown them.


An amazing gift from Wretched Dollies shown with shoes from Nonko. You get a choice of aprons to wear with this outfit, I chose the ones with bunnehs on it of course!! The gorgy skin is the gift from Chaos By Design. The pack also has mens skins too, yay for the boys!


And lastly on today’s hunt agenda is the outfit from Bare Rose. Shown with the TOTALLY NOT FREE NEW HAIR FROM ETD. Can’t wait till the stores properly up and running, oh Elika how I’ve missed thee!! Look at my adorables shoes!!! These are the new gift from the Dilly Dolls midnight mania board. I’d get in early if I were you, the board has no problems filling up as soon as it’s opened again!! No wonder, these are colour scripted so you get 790856078540 options.


And as a break from the hunt, check out this amazing jacket from the Lunas Boutique group. I totally love it, and am so stoked to have such a versatile piece. Shown with undies also from the same group. They were sent out last week, so get in quick. I’m telling you, this is one group to keep in your 25, not just for the gifts, but for news of the new releases too! Ash Out

Pic 1
Hunt Gift #2-Little Heaven
Hair (not free)
The Stringer Mausoleum
Skin (not free

Pic 2
Hunt Gift #246- Wretched Dollies
Hunt Gift #288-Chaos By Design
Hunt Gift #27 –Nonko
Hair (not free)

Pic 3
Hunt Gift #1-Bare Rose
Dilly Dolls MM Board
Skin (not free)
Hair (not free)

Pic 4
Lunas Boutique Group Gift
Skin (not free)
Hair (not free)

Bunny Fever And Sparkly, Magical Unicorns

March 28, 2009

I think I must have had a glitter overdose, cos if I haven’t been running round the grid dressed as a magical unicorn, I’ve been hopping round decked out like a bunneh!! Just like Ach, my daughter thoroughly approved of my attire today, although she did ask at one point for moar pink.. ahem.


The other day, I got a notice from Prism Haute Couture and off I went to check out the new releases. I was also lucky enough to get this dollarbie while I was there, shoes included. It’s the perfect spring outfit, can be mixed with anything else you may have in your inv already!


This is the not free new release, but it’s so gorgeous and fun I had to show it. Journey McLaglen told me that she had a great time putting this together, and personally I think it shows. I didn’t even have to fiddle with the prims, can’t get better than that seeing as prims and I = fail!!


This cutey is from Apple May Designs and is 10l till the end of the weekend. Shown with amazing boots from Bax Cohen, not free but look how gorgeous they are! Plus you have a million ways to customize them to make the look your own, a nifty ankle fixer and all sorts of other things that make em worthy of the L’s.


Yes there is a war being waged, but because we are an equal opportunities blog, I thought it only fair to show both sides 😛 Above is the Anti-corn, with a yummy blood covered skin from Imagen, grab yours at the Harold playground, along with loads of other great dollarbies. The shorts are part of a Twisted Hunt gift from Loulou & Co.


Could I be any moar glittery??! With my unicorn parts, Starlight hoofies from Lazy Places, rainbow skin from Imagen and the yummy outfit from Deviance (blogged beautifully by Sai), I’m all ready to spread magic and love across the grid 😛 Grab you pro unicorn stuff here! Ash Out.

Not Free But Completely Ossum
The Stringer Mausoleum

Skins not mentioned in the post

Gold Shoes

The Sweet Scent Of Spring

March 24, 2009

Celebrating the change of seasons is something Ravenlynn of LVS fame has become known for. I loved the pirate event she had last year, and her Halloween happenings are always incredible. This spring is no exception.

I present to you the “Spring Fling” event. Running for 3 days, all the outfits shown here are dollarbies you can pick up round the sim. Each outfit has 6 colours to choose from. Above is Spring Fling Cutie in Red.

I love her dollie dresses, and the bright colours make me happy!! Above is Dollie in Tears. The yummy shoes were a subscribe gift from Sweeter Than candy.

Isn’t this babydoll the sweetest, shown here in Orange, in honor of our Elvish colleague who is obsessed with all things Orange.

This is probably the most “traditional” spring dress of the ones shown. It comes with a bonnet too, with a choice of 4 hair colours, perfect for the Easter parade!! The dollarbies are really easy to find, head outside the store and look for massive flower pots, you’ll find the outfits contained within. The hard part? deciding which colours to get 😛 Ash Out.

Not free


Monday Morning Musings

March 22, 2009

So this fine Monday morn finds me pondering the great questions in life such as, If my daughter has more than 20 pairs of undies (at last count) why can we never find a pair when we need them? Or, Where the hell have all her matching socks gone? Or my all time most asked question, why is it that no matter how long I spend cleaning, mini Ash’s toys find a way to ninja themselves back under the sofa cushions? Yes I’ve had Redbull, clearly 😛


Last week I gave you a sneak peek of some of the amazing prizes from the Bunny Hop Hunt. Someone in comments was all bereft in case they forgot what prize was who’s and where it came from and such! Never fear, would I let you down? So here is an update, with extra prizes added to entice you 😛 This first dress is the prize from Whonose. It comes complete with cute ballet flats and a nifty headpiece thinger.


This dress I think is one of my faves so far. A gorgeous prize from Sister Strawberry. While being totally cute, the black lacing around the bottom of the skirt stops it being cavity inducing. The hunt starts 3/27 and runs till 4/19, you ready?!




These pics are a repost of my original blog post about the hunt. To read that in all it’s glory, click the link at the top of the page, the credits for these dresses and the non freebs shown can be found there. Now I’m off to hunt for those missing socks before dragging myself to RL work. Ash Out

Non Freebs From the first 2 pics of this post.

Ballet Boots

Hair (which FYI, I dragged my 2 besties round the grid for 4 hours the other night trying to find this hair, all clothes must now match the ‘hawk :P)
Black Maria

Bunny Hop Flair

March 14, 2009

3am, all was not well in the Tomsen household, mainly due to my super loud boinking neighbours, who not only woke me up, but Mini Ash too, grrr. And the grid was broked too, awesome. So I was moaning on Plurk about my Sasybum being MIA and me missing her terribly. Well I found out last night there’s a terribly good reason for her not hanging out. Shoes. Awesome sauce ballet flats to be precise. Sasy has a new project on the go, named “Flair”.


The ones shown here can be nabbed on Xstreet for an L. In the pack you actually get 2 versions of your chosen shoes, so thats 4 pairs of shoes for 2L. Get the grey ones here and the pink ones here.


If you want other styles, colours or demos check out Sasy’s merchant page here. The regular retail price is 150L, so it’s well worth checking the dollarbies out, trust me theyre gorgeous. Speaking of gorgeous, how are these little short suits!! Tomoko Manamiko sent me a lm this morning for an amazing store called DrLife. Not only do they have 4 lucky boards (2 of them contain full skin sets) but there’s also some yummy group gifts you can claim with your tag active. The shorts come in all sorts of colours, there’s hair and jewelery also. yay for new to me stores!


A big hunt is about to get underway, the Bunny Hop grid wide hunt. Check out the official blog here. This first dress is the gift from Weird Designs. It’s called “Dead Bunny” and I fecking love it. Shown with the very not free, but totally awesome “Dead Dreamer” skin from Miasnow.


Here we have offerings from Angelwing and Spork for the clothes, Sentou Yousei for the shoes and Chaos By Design for the skin. The shoes are truly to die for and you get 6798679 colours, not just the ones shown here.


The bunny outfit is from Venice Picassa, the ears twitch, too cute!! And the skin and middle dress are from Skinzors. The skin is beautiful, delicate and ever so pretty. Do check out the official blog, for more participants, and stay tuned here for more gifty previews. Ash Out.

Not Free

Skin from 1st & 2nd pic

Things that make you go yummmm!

December 19, 2008

I’m feeling such a lazy sloot today. I had a big girls night out last night which was fun, but ugh, I’m suffering now. Thankfully I took most of these pics yesterday, so this post has not required much effort,

Little Fish has a really great outfit for free for a limited time to celebrate the opening of the new store. A gorgeous knit sweater and sexy jeans which give good buttitude.

17-12 lf

Thimbles have a couple of gifts in the group notices. This unisex V neck top which comes in approx 4753838484 colours

17-12 thimbles 2

Also in the Thimbles group notices is the beautiful Holiday Spectacular..and it is spectacular.

17-12 thimbles

Icing has this lush Ruby coloured vixen dress in the group notices, (this group has a 250L join fee but worth it)

17-12 icing

Kunglers have totally spoiled us with these gorgeous outfits they have given to their group. The scarf worn looks perfect with this outfit, this is another group gift from Thimbles

17-12 kunglers 2

17-12 kungler

These glorious emerald green shoes I found on the Footprint Hunt at R2, all of the shoes in the store are AMAZING.

17-12 R2

Get your skates on and join the Aphrodite Friends and Fashion group for these cute little Cheeries Skates, you can also get the non skates version of these free in Aphrodite store (on the desk)

12-12 aphrodite

Also worn
Hat/Hair: Argrace (not free)
Berri Silver Hair: Truth (1L)
Bombshell skin: MiA (not free)

I can’t move my head without my brain feeling like it might explode. Think I may need another lie down. *skulks off*

A Touch Of Decadence

December 18, 2008

At first glance this post is a mishmash! Stick with it though, the running theme is lushness. Be it lushness of texture, prim work or out and out over the top awesomeness. After taking a well deserved break last night, to get drunk, gross my friends out by eating over voice, and get kicked in the ass for not telling Sasy about a new store I had found (ya she totes bruised me too!) I thought it was time to get back to it.


Have you ever seen anything as amazing as this dress? I’m stuck on my old laptop at the moment, so I’m sure my pictures don’t do it enough justice. You can get it until the 1st of Jan at The English Rose, a new to me store. You will find amazing Baroque period pieces here, complete down to animated fans. The dress can be won via an apple bobbing game, grabs your girlfriends and make it a party, with this as a prize you cannae go wrong. The amazing skin is unavailable I’m afraid, Sasy made it for herself a while back, and I pleaded in a rather unladylike manner to get my hands on it! But it goes so perfectly with this kind of dress, and there are similar skins available to buy around the grid, or hit up Illusions for some beautiful prim masks (not free)


I am fairy queen!! This stunner is a subscribo gift from my Shannon of Coquette. It’s called Ice Queen, the wings alone are 10 kinds of awesome! It comes with everything, skin, shape, shoes. We are so very spoilt, you rock Shannon!


And onto another place in time altogether. The Black Canary has a new main store, and this amazing coat is now in the lucky chair. I bought it cos at the moment I have the patience of a flea and the attention span of a um……dunno, but I’m totes impatient!! Morrigan is ever so generous and lovely to talk to as well, taking time to chat with us ladies last night, although I’m sure I made no sense whatsoever!! On a side note, grats to Adi for finishing her finals, and huge massive grats to Q’s gorgeous hubby, who took the last of his exams this afternoon, both of you are made of win. Ash out.

Shizzle That Ain’t Free
Paper Couture

Massimo Attack

November 22, 2008

I little cheeky reference to one of my favie ever bands Massive Attack there.

Massimo have this amazing outfit in their group notices which you need

I’m rockin’ it like futuristic barbie doll gone wrong – in a good way!



Oh and you need to check out the 4 lucky boards and lucky chair in the Massimo store too. I’ve been stalking for weeks and only won the cushions so far (which rocks by the way) but there’s a few outfits there for men and women which you will love …. I need!

Fighting Queen outfit: Massimo (group gift)
Eartha Boots: Sole Sisters: 1L
AD-Virgo-Sunkissed-Drama-Infected Yellow (LS): Diversity (not free, previous hunt gift)
48 Hair W&Y (100L)

I’m Having a Gang Bang!!

October 29, 2008

Don’t kill me, but this post isn’t entirely about freebies. It is very important that you know about this – you’ll thank me for it in the end, mark my words…read on luvva’s.

Thimbles has a MASSIVE 5L sale on everything which is orange or black, or a combo of both until 31st Oct. I love this store so much, the clothes are fantastic and created with such humour, even the names of the outfits are funny.

I decided to have a team get-together WITH MY ALTS to show some of the clothes here, the first time this has ever happened in my history of SL.

Actually, my craptop would find it impossible to run so many sessions of SL, so I just superimposed them onto a photo together, yes guess who only just figured out how to do this in PS (ableit very badly :D) If I had planned ahead properly I coulda done a mass Alt Orgy with them in all sorts of positions together, maybe next time…

Anyhoo here’s all the yummy stuff I picked up today from Thimbles, guess how many of my alts were involved in these pics today?

Thimbles1 CEC

All clothings worn above were 5L from Thimbles (including the mens)

Skin: Mia: (Not Free)
Hair: Kurotsobaki (no longer available in group)
Roman Skin: Nylon (Not Free)
Hair: Novocane (Not Free)

thimble3 hhl

All clothing 5L each from Thimbles

Other items worn L-R
Girl 1:
Bat Hair: House of Heart (Halloween free gift in store)
Halloween Skin: Tuli (group gift)

Girl 2
Hair: Diversity (not free)
Halloween Skin: Tuli (group gift)
Shoes: Ki2 (not free)

Girl 3
Skull Hair:House of Heart (Black not free)
Skin: Minnu (previous group gift, not free)

Thimbles2 LFH

All clothing 5L each from Thimbles

Other Items worn L-R
Girl 1:
Skull Hair: House of Heart (Black not free)
Skin: Minnu (previous group gift, not free)

Girl 2
Bewitched Hair: House of Heart (Halloween free gift in store)
Halloween Skin: Tuli (group gift)

Girl 3
Skull Hair in white: House of Heart (Halloween free gift in store)
Skin: [42] (subscribomatic group gift, also a free Halloween skin in store)
Python tights: Saya (free)
Wedge Shoes: Fuel (not free)

thimble rockberry_002

Shirt: Thimbles(5L)
Jeans: Random at Gnubie Store (0L)
Hair: House of Heart Halloween free gift in store
Skin: Rockberry (group gift)

Have I overwhelmed you enough? No? OK here’s some more then….(not all of these items are from Thimbles)

l ki2 thim, f hoh thim, l aoharu

Girl 1:
Skull Top: Ki2 (1L this week)
Skirt: Thimbles (5L)
Skin: Minnu (not free)
Hair: Creamshop (not free)

Girl 2:
Skull Hair: House of Heart (Halloween free gift)
Dress: Thimbles (5L)
Skin: [42] (subscribomatic group gift, also a free Halloween skin in store)

Girl 3:
Goooorgeousness Jacket and dress (0L FOR 3 DAYS, AOHARU)
Skin: Minnu (not free)
Hair: Creamshop (not free)

One more while I’m here. Check out what Muism have in the group notices, you can be a, errrrm, beautiful (?) zombie couple. Includes male and female outfits and skins.

muism zombies2

muism zombies

M&F Zombie Outfits and Skins: Muism group gift (join the group and look in notice archives)
Sweeny Todd hair: House of Heart (Blonde colour – 0L) (Black – not free)
Chucks: Akeyo (not free)

So how many alts then, you ask? Work it out for yourselves ;~)

Absentia makes the heart grow fonder

October 27, 2008

This my favorite kind of post, NEW stores, yay!!! As I mentioned in the comments of Cream’s post, I still get so excited when I find or am told of places I’ve never been to before. Part of that excitement stems from wanting to share awesome finds with yooos!

These gorgy dresses are from Anachronism. It’s a small store, with all sorts of yummies, including teddybears!! The orange dress is free for Halloween, the black dress isn’t free but I had to have it! Check out the amazing chokers and cuffs. The first set is a group gift from P/A, my all time favorite store. You’ll need to have your group tag active and click on the sign in the main store to get this. The second is a terribly versatile leather set from the uber talented Rosie Barthelmess of Sable Rose. Grab yours and say hi while you’re there!

This beautiful skin is part of a huge Halloween gift box you’ll find at Absentia. I’ve shown it with the Queen of Hearts set from there, not free, but worth every penny to not be tortured with my nekkid ass doncha think!!

This super cool outfit is from Nyte ‘N’ Day. Nyte has loadsa shtuff out for Halloween, including apple bobbing!! There’s a whole heap of T’s too, I’m sure you boys could grab them. Only available till Nov 1st. Follow the slurl in this post to take you directly to the freebie area!

And just because I can’t seem to keep my clothes on lately, yet another half naked pic XD!! The amazing collar is part of a Halloween set from Star Kindler. Thanks to Lorelei in our chat box and also Elbereth for dropping these yummies on me!! I last blogged this store for the 4th July festivities, forever known as the “Kewt & Wootie” post *coughs*. Ash out.

Other Shit
Hair (not free

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Tatts (not free)