Archive for the ‘Fancy Dress’ Category

Carmen Miranda goes to the dark side

October 27, 2008

I was supposed to go bed an hour ago, but wait till you see this…it’s worth my baggy eyes…
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! I would say it out loud but I have actually lost my voice in RL so typing it a few times will have to suffice

Comme Il faut has a hunt going on, but this is a hunt with a difference. You search for 12 black candles….oh hey, scratch that, I’m going to copy it direct from Moire’s notecard because I’m tired.

“Carmen Miranda goes voodoo!There are 13 black candles around the store and the boulevard. Each one has a piece of the Carmen Macumba costume, probably the most creative costume you`ll find around this halloween!Most of the pieces can be worn by itself and mixed and matched with other costumes, so even if you don`t find all of them you`ll still have some great stuff to wear!”

Moire kindly dropped me the whole outfit, check it out, I was stunned it is so beautiful and there are so many parts to it.


Yay, shake those deadly maraca’s baby

A handy place to keep your booze stash. Oops I’ve drank all of mine already, that’s why I look so merry *burps*


Love these shoes. Moire you are amazing!!!

Now it’s time for bed. I wonder if I shall have a voice tomorrow or whether everyone in my RL will have peace and quiet from my incessant ramblings for another day.

All clothing and accessories: Comme Il faut Candle Hunt
Yashna Shape: Free*Style 1L
Skin: Fleur Allure Alabaster Kitten 1 (not free)


October 23, 2008

Something spooky is afoot at the Stringer Mausoleum. Getcha your plasma guns on kids and hunt those ghostly suckers down. There’s gifts for all inside the ghosts, and just so you know what to kill and what not to kill, here’s the colour break down.
White Ghost-Unisex gift
Blue Ghost-Men’s Gift
Pink Ghost-Women’s Gift
Gold Ghost-Special Gift
Black Ghost-Guest Designer Gift

Bat tata tape, best Halloween pressie eva!

Yes, a coffin you wear.

Mmmm toxic lime-tini, nomnomnom. All hair, eyes and um outfits? shown are from the hunt. So watcha waiting for? Runs till November 1st.

Other Shit
Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Ho Straps


October 19, 2008

More goodness that came about as a result of me logging in as Ash today! Not only did I get to go to the fab Crimson Shadow party as posted by our fearless leader Creamz below, but I also bumped into my old friend Karr. Once upon a time, there was four of us who were inseparable, but RL took over as it usually does, then I got obsessed with my Q (this is an ongoing love affair with my new av!!)

What better way to catch up than to play dress ups and be Bossy McBosserson?!! “Stand there, no closer…..are you wearing the outfit??!!” If you wanna see Karr is all his human hotness, he haz blog called A Male Perspective, check it out!

The costumes you can grab from Damiani Fashions are complete down to eyes and clothes. Don’t we look scury!! Join the group, have you tag activated and buy these babies for an L.

Here’s a close up of the girl’s skin, it really is quite gorgeous. Now I’m off to have brekkie with the girls and check out Sculptures By The Sea.

Other Shit
Hair (not free)
Deviant kitties

Finger Tape (not free)

Karr Fall (not free either but like total eye candy yo!)

Straying Into The Light

October 18, 2008

Having not logged in as Ash for longer than 5 minutes recently, I had folders coming out the wazoo!! But boy am I glad I took the time to sort through them today!! Arcana Ceawlin from Dead Kitties has gone off on a Halloween costume tangent that I’m so loving!



This incredible offering is called Sky. It comes with the skin, hair, eyes and the glowy thingos! It’s only a linden, along with the other costumes you’ll find at her main store location.


This is Eden, yes, I have a snake on my breast and wood for hair.



It’s raining cupcakes!!! Joy! The parasol and the cupcake rain is part of the Rain outfit from Deadkitties. The top in the first pic is a gift from the ever generous Yohane of Strayer. If you hurry it should still be in the group notices. The second top is a yummy corset I snagged from the Jaywalk lucky chair. Theres a million and twenty five different gifts in the chair, Ms Lyra is spoiling us rotten!!

Other Shit
Hair (not free)
Shop Seu

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places


Moar Spookeh & a Competition

October 14, 2008

I’ve just been to see Igor at the cinema with my kids and I think I loved it more than they did.
The hideous yet beautiful ‘Frankenstein’ type Monster, Eva, is now my heroine. She was created to do evil but she was accidentally brainwashed into thinking she is an actress…chaos ensues with a soo sweeet melty ending. LOVED IT!

Anyhooo, onto the freebies. Rockberry have some awesome outfits for free for Halloween, a bit different from your usual Pumpkins and Ghosts. We have a Jester and a Vampire/gothic lady


These outfits are so beautifully made, the gothic outfit can be worn in two ways, as pants with tails or a long flowing skirt. I adore the neckline on this, it reminds me of batwings.


The Jester outfit is so fun and unusual, it comes with the skin and shape (not worn).


I won this gorgee skin on the lucky board at Rockberry too.


Ghanima at Blue Blood has been busy-busy as always, she’s made lots of super Halloween goodies, the Body Art skin worn here is free in store for a limited time.



Also you can find this gorgeous Alice in Wonderland inspired Cheshire skin on the lucky mushroom camp chair at Blue Blood.


Just as I was finishing this post, Ghanima IMd me to say that she is having a photo contest.

Send a Halloween themed photograph to Ghanima Uriza wearing a Blue Blood outfit, the winner gets 4 free outfits of their choice.

These are the conditions
1) You must belong to the Blue Blood update group, (search ‘Blue Blood’ it is free to join)
2) You must be wearing a Blue Blood outfit
3) No Photoshop (or any other photo editing program) allowed as this could give an unfair advantage. Raw, untreated photographs direct from SL only please.
4) entries by the 25th October and the winner will be announced on the 28th

One photo must be sent in a folder named with your SL name to Ghanima Uriza containing the picture and a notecard mentioning the 4 outfits you want.

Oh…and I volunteered to be a judge, I’ll take on the Simon Cowell role – so watch out :p

Pics 1, 2, 3, 4
Jester and Gothic outfit: Rockberry (0L)

Megan Dark Skin: Rockberry Lucky Board( 0L)
Wild Woman Hair: Miasofia lucky chair (0L)

Pics 5 & 6
Body Art Skin: Blue Blood (0L)
Wild Woman Hair as before
Cheshire Skin: Blue Blood Lucky Chair (0L)
Halloween Tiara: Irollic (0L)

Outfits both from Blue Blood (not free)

Witches, Zombies and Fairies

October 13, 2008

OMG!! I love this skin Tinker Hax has made for her store Amplify, it is available until Halloween and it’s only 1L.

amplify * clothing
pic by Tinker Hax

J&J skins at Baiaistice also has 2 gorgeous free skins, each include lashes and the most beautiful wings, one is a fairy and one a witch.

fairy5 J&J

Witch J&J

Zombie Skin: Amplify(1L)
Fairy and Witch Skins, includes wings and lashes: by J&J skins at Baiastice (0L)
Lingerie: Fancy Fairy (0L)

Hair in Pic 2, previous group gift by Minnu, available to buy in store
Hair in pic 3 by Dernier Cri (not free)

The Morning After

October 4, 2008

My poor little Q. Dumped rather unceremoniously the poor poppet. It was one of those dramatic disappearing acts I’ve heard tell of…..oyfuckinvay!!! When I was a host, back when I was working to pay for texture uploads, one of my collegues faked death to get out of a slmarriage, I thought it was the funniest thing eva cos we knew all his alts XD! And um, so did his poor fiance!


Still got your shirt though mofo!! Ooh and your boxers, and no, you can’t have em back. You can get your “Morning After” shirt from the ever amazing Cup Of Crown. Tis not free, but go line Emperor’s pockets with lindens so this talented designer can keep designing.


This hurr is the dollarbie. Ready for Halloween, it’s called “The Soul Collector”. There’s a boys version too of course cos Emperor is an equal opportunity’s designer!



And looky. My all time favorite dress in new colours and textures…..*sighs happily* Again these aren’t free, but worth every linden IMHO. Go grab em, and hit up the lucky chair while you’re there – Ash out, to go get Q sldrunk!!

Cup Of Crown
(Halloween one is an L, the rest you gots to pay for)

Shop Seu

Death Warmed Up

September 29, 2008

This skin looks exactly how I feel! Drank waaay too much wine with my roomie while we freaked out over the Dexter finale……best TV show eva!


Go down to Cyber Rapunzel now to get this creeptastic offering from the lucky board!! It’s cracked, bloody and an awesome shade of zombie!


How beautiful is this dress? Yummy textures and the hat is divine.



Perfect witchypoo outfit! Get this and more from Grim Bros. They have all sortsa stuff, from boots to furniture, and loads of freebies around the store. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna flush my head down the toilet…….. Berocca, I hear you calling my name!

Grim Bros

Cyber Rapunzel


Getting Glam at Vanity Universe’s Glam Expo

September 27, 2008

Glam Expo begins today! Vanity Universe’s beautiful space is lined with fantastic vendors selling fabulous dresses and dapper menswear. As I wandered around “oohing” and “ahhing,” I picked up a few gifts from some of the designers and thought I would show a few.

Mimikiri “Gala” Dress in Candy ~

Bliss Couture “Thriza” Dress ~

SLC Glamour Evening Blue Dress ~

Abia Capalini Design “Audrey” dress with BiancaF gloves ~

Haute Style & Co.’s “Serendipity” ensemble ~

Ibizarre “Colette” Jumpsuit ~

I’m also wearing Dutch Touch‘s Special Edition group gift send that was sent out over the subscribe-o-matic this morning. It’s sunkissed with a nude, glossy lip and it’s quite versatile!

Good luck lag surfing at the expo. You can stop by Lemania Indigo’s booth and pick up her lag-free “warrior” ensemble to look fashionable while cutting down on the lag! Highly recommended!

Non-free items:
ChiChi pumps (Cerise & Black Velvet) ~ Maitreya
Lysa II (Sand) ~ Philotic Energy (includes optional color-change hair sticks)
Poses (various) ~ Sn@tch (only $35L!)

Orinoco Flow

September 27, 2008

“Let me sail let me sail let the Orinoco Flow…”
That would be the lyrics to an Enya song. I always think about it when I pop into Marinoco Fashions. What amuses me most about that song is that it involves a flashback to highschool. It’s kind of an embarassing flashback, really. Something with being 16 years old on a couch with a guy whose parents are upstairs in bed and him trying to romance me with Enya music.
Luckily, I have no bad flashbacks when discussing gorgy and pooftastic dresses. You can pick up this one by finding three boxes inside and outside the Marinoco Fashions store.
There is also a dollarbie available for group members. Just join the “Marinoco Fashions” update group to be able to snag it. The designer changes it often, so it’s a great group to stay in.

There is also a section of one of the walls that features $0L items. It includes hair, casual wear, wedding dresses, and things inbetween like these two dresses.

Other free items used in this post:Cathedral Jewelry Set (TONS of pieces!) ~ Miriel (Group gift!)
Newt T1 [First Release] soda (violet) skin ~ SINdecade

Non-free items used in this post:Kalee hair (Rebel, Golden Brown, Wine) ~ Philotic Energy for Black Swan
Riley hair ~ Philotic EnergyChichi pumps ~ MaitreyaPoses (various) ~ [LAP]