Archive for the ‘Fecking Awesome New Designer’ Category

A Night With The Bestie

March 27, 2009

So a night with my bestie usually consists of “Dood have you seen……?” “Dood you gots to check this out….” and “OMFG loook at that guy’s collar” And so it was this evening. Bestie and I were at Aden, stocking up on hair, when this guy rezzed in. He had on the most amazing neko feets, but it was his collar that grabbed our attention. His name is Devilmaycare Oxbar, and we were mercilessly clicking on him to see what his collar would do. It changed before our eyes, from a simple collar, to rotating gears, to yet another collar with glowy gear symbols on it.


“ASK HIM WHERE HE GOT THAT SHIT FROM” I think I remember demanding at some point. So question asked, LM given and we were off to Cats Of A Feather. It’s a store Devil and his partner Melancholia Lilliehook own. After the collar was purchased, we actually took a breather to look round!! Not only do they have the most incredible jewelery, but poses, neko parts and fecking awesome cyber bits. Shown here is the Kitty Lock Collar, which while isn’t free is the best L you’ll spend this year….srsly. The hawt outfits? Totes free from Kayliwulf Kingdom.


And because I’m not a total meany, the bone choker shown here is a freeb/dollarbie (forgive me I have buyers fever) 😛 You will find free eyes, a shape, poses and much more. The other chokers shown are amazing and totally reasonable (like 75L) so go buy em!!! Now if you’ll excuse me, I haz to go cleek myself….lots 😛 Ash Out.

Other Stuff I’m Wearing
Hair (not free, but all hair is 50L atm)

Skin (not free)

Seerose Lucky Chair

New New New, Go Now, Go Fast!!

December 6, 2008

This is one of those tingle moments. I love it when I get to a store, and it rezes and I go “Ohhh”. I had one of those moments when Niki from Axel dropped her LM on me and I landed in the store.


Gorgeous right? And yours too if you head to the store. This is in a wee gift bag by the subscribo kiosk. The collection is small but stuuuunning, very reasonably priced and the textures are impeccable.


Hottest mini dress eva! You can get this from Mearra, next to Axel. Same design team, with all bases covered, from Clubwear to formal! Go check em out, spend a fortune and tell *everyone*!! Ash out.

Hair and Stuff (totes not free)
Eat Rice

A Kaleidoscope Of Lush

July 30, 2008

Ok, I’ll try to be calm and composed, which is hard cos I’m totally fecking excited about this post!! I’ve been slowly going through my notecards and such, when I found one from Leigh Matos, telling me about her store and a hunt she was having there. I IM’d her in a panic, thinking I’d missed it, feeling 10 shades of bastard for not seeing the card sooner. Ha lucky me and indeed you, cos the hunt is still on, and baby, these clothes are HAWT. Yes I used capitals to emphasise my point, deal with it XD!





These are 4 of the 5 outfits up for grabs. Leigh’s store Kaleidoscope is small, so finding the boxes won’t be hard at all. Shown below are some of her other creations, that aren’t free, but sure as hell deserve a few pics!!





Btw, one of the first babydolls to not get all buggered by my AO, gots to love that! Do yourselves a favour, get thee to the store, do the hunt, spend some lindens on her other shtuffs, and remember who told you about her when she’s a huge celebritard designer person!! Ash out.

Pics 1-4
Kaleidoscope Hunt

Pics 5-9 (not free)

Worn Throughout

Hair (not free

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Tattoo (not free)