Archive for the ‘Female Avatars’ Category

Totally T’rrific Terry!

January 20, 2009

It’s been a wee bit quiet on the western front where my friend Terry Toland has been concerned. I’ve hardly seen her at all, and was wondering why. She’s been a busy bee!! Knowing that alot of players come to SL to role play (and I don’t mean slex, I mean proper RP ya filthy lot!), Terry already has some amazing avatar packs set out for free at her sims. You can get a merfolk kit, Dark Elf and Fae. These are all complete, with hair, skins, shapes, eyes, clothes and AO. All of these Terry has made with attention to detail, and the skins she modded herself from the Eloh bases.


New to the packs already available, let me introduce Sullivan and Carolyn. They come with everything you need to get started playing a peasant, there are 2 size shapes, dwarf and taller, eyes, skin, hair, clothes, shoes and AO. I forgot to change shapes for Carolyn (bad Ash) but look how cute Sullivan is, all cuddly and such! You can find these at Dynamic Recluse in Sordoh.


My Candace from Sweeter Than Candy sent this out to the group the other day (yes I’ve claimed her too cos she totes rocks!) the shoes come with it, as well as a pair of thigh high boots I haven’t shown.


Remember how I tortured you with amazing but not free boots from EvA a few posts back? Well the incredibly generous Van has put these babies out for your strutting pleasure. You’ll find them next to the ankle boots display. Thanks Van and Evangeline, you’re making our SL ridiculously smexy! Oooh I nearly forgot! The tattoo! It’s from Otaku Designs. My letter came up half way through me doing an item camp, camp soon abandoned as this tatt has ice creams and cupcakes on it….it had to be mine XD! Now I shall go back to the joyless task of trying to find all my PS brushes and re download them, as along with the buttsecks from the grid, my computer died and I spent the weekend reformatting the HD…..again. A very emo Ash, out.

Blonde Hair (not free)

Why o why o why o why…..

August 16, 2008

Lemon Sorbet contacted me today (thanks Lemon) about the new free outfit at ALB Dream Fashion.

Now why did I not know about this store before? I’ve just looked at all my fellow freebie bloggers blogs (links at the side of this blog) and a few have already blogged the wonderful free outfits in this store. The first one I am showing you today is the new one, so hopefully it is good news for you. I absolutely love it!

The wonderfully named Shakespeare’s Midsummernights Dream outfit, comes with everything you see here, includes the legwarmers, tights and headpiece


I enlisted the help of Peroxide, Ashia and Amethyst for these pics, thankyaaas girlies!


Peroxide Bleac tongue attack…ooh sounds nasty!


This Pocahantas style Coyote outfit is also free in store and comes with the shoes, hair, two skins, jewellery et al…..amazing!!! Can be worn in loads of different ways too.


Also free on the table in the store is this wonderful skirt (which comes with hat and bag), worn here with the top, shoes, skin and jewellery from the previous outfit and the gorgeous free hair from Teka Li



No…we aren’t done yet, these are the shoes you will find for free in the store, the black ones are not in the same place as the free outfits above, you will find these in the shoes store out on the courtyard. The beautifully detailed sandals are free with the Coyote outfit.


Have to show you the complete pirate ‘Gorgeous’ avatar which Ashia and Amethyst are wearing above. It’s free and I love it, it’s so camp and so much fun. You will find it here inside the building at Gorgeous House, (all the photo’s here were also taken on this sim). Peroxide wore this avatar and was chatted up by a lovely Japanese lady…he is that Gorgeous!!


Outfits, shoes, skins, jewellery from ALB Dream Fashion
Wildwoman hair in first pic: MiaSnow (lucky chair gift)
Gorgeous Pirate Avatar: Gorgeous House (0L)
Eve Hair: Tekeli-Li

Not Free
Byrne Darkly skin in first pic: MiaSnow

Flower Power

May 18, 2008

Yay! Those hazy summer days have arrived so don your best & loudest floral wear, along with it you can add these hilarious but cool ‘Flower Power’ outfits in 2 versions! given to the Free Speerit group!

Free speerit flower power1

Just Wonderful! and it comes with this skin and hair!

Free speerit flower power2

Lashes from The Stringer Mausoleum (not free)

*Excuse the pictures being small but somehow flickr only makes them small or large! even if you use the medium option, gah!!

Enjoy ❤

Greenie Mayhem

May 17, 2008

I did the hunt that Ashia blogged about earlier for the free Greenie Avatar. I dragged along Gecko Gorilla (Secret Agent Name: “The G”) and he had a good time too. I must say, it’s easy and really well thought out with the clues. We carried out Greenie shenanigans with our new Greenie avis in the Greenies Home sim. Below, I’m rocking the Greenie Skater Avatar Set, and he’s got on the Punk Male Set. It wasn’t apparent to me if I was a guy or a girl from the options in the folder, but G assures me I was ah…”packing heat.” Alas…thank goodness for boyfriends that constantly zoom in on yer crotch? And yah, that is a fro pic and yah, that is a rubix cube. Woot! The poses we are both using are from Imperial Elegance. I’m using one of the three Extra Gun Slinger Poses that are available for $10 L. He is using the dollarbie Goofy Fight Pose (seriously, it’s called that, lol).

I enlisted another hunter to take some pics with me to show off the Greenie Female Gnome set, who begged to keep her identity a secret. Something about the notoriety associated with Free*Style? o.O
This is definitely worth doing. The average Greenie avi set is $950 big Ls, so grab it while you can!

Dawn Designs

May 16, 2008

Susie Voom left a comment today asking where DawnShop went to, and this reminded me about a post I had planned..

The store ‘formerly known as DawnShop’ has moved and is now called Dawn Designs, it’s located at Rookery Cove. When you land here, you will see a sign with a sexy latex pink outfit. Click the sign next to it to join the group and click this outfit sign wearing your group tag and…hot dammm….this is what you will look like. This outfit includes the white boots and a scarf too (not worn cos it didn’t work with ma hair)


Now go up the stairs to the Dawn Designs store, there are more free items there. This gorgeous outfit (includes shoes and skin).


Also, Dawn has updated her free male Avatar, check this handsome chap out. The skin is a very nice Another Shop mod and it also includes complete outfit/shoes, shape, hair (not worn) and AO. The free female avatar is great too, I have previously featured this on the blog a loong time ago HERE.

Everything worn here is part of the free male avatar apart from the hair which is from Uncleweb.

So if you know any new male and female SL players, take them to Dawn Designs for her fantastic starter avatars.

Non Free Item
Sexy Hair: Shop Seu


May 15, 2008

You guys have been to Greenies right? It’s one of my all time favorite places to visit in Phil’s place. This is gonna be super quick because I’m supposed to be at work 0.o Bad Ash! Anyhoo I had this card dropped on me today which I shall pass on to you.

Ladies, Gentleman and other virtual beings,

Greenies’ tailors have been very busy with making high quality outfits for the Greenies Population. The Greenies made their wishes very clear, they want clothing that makes them blend in with existing polulations on the grid, or suits everyday grid activities. And the tailors did their utter best to accomodate to those wishes. To celebrate the arrival of the new Greenies, we shall party at Greenies Wednesday 21th of May, starting 2PM SLT.

Until then, those Greenies avatars have hidden in what they feel is their ‘natural environment’, a sim where they feel at home. The 4 Greenies that went to such sims, took magical greenie tickets with them. Collect all 4 by clicking them and bring them back to the Greenies Home Shop to rezz them there and to receive your free Greenies avatar.

Prosper and live Green,
The Greenies

1. Collect all 4 tickets by visiting each participating store in turn and touching the dispenser.

(a) 􀀕
The Dump
HINT: ‘Miaauw. In the dark tunnels do I reside.’

(b) 􀀔
Project Neptune
HINT: ‘Sometimes you just need to follow the widest path and go with the flow. Mermaids like anemones.’

(c) 􀀓
Crimson Shadow
HINT: ”When things get complicated, it’s always straight ahead,’ says God as well as the Devil.’

(d) 􀀒
HINT: ‘Little paper boats will always get you where you need to be. Don’t fear sinking. Lovers never drown. They always walk towards the light!’

2. Visit the Greenies Home Rezzable sim and find the shop there.
Greenies Home

3. Rez your tickets in the shop. You should get a message saying that that ticket has been marked. (You won’t need to mark that ticket again.)

4. Once you’ve marked all four tickets, you will receive a free Greenie avatar! It’s as simple as that.

Rezzable Productions Ltd
May 2008

Thats it kiddies! Have fun, if theres any prob with the slurls I can pass the nc onto you when I log in this evening! Ooh ps…….If the feed boinks my picture……I promise it looks awesomes on the blog itself!

I Love Peppermint Blue

April 26, 2008

Peppermint Blueにこのドレスが無料で置かれています。スキン5種、シェイプ3種、ヘアからアクセサリー、靴まで全て入っています。期間限定だと思うのでお早めに!以前紹介したカフタンドレスやカジュアルな服とスキンが入ったセットも置いてあります。前回間に合わなかった方、この機会にどうぞ^^
All the items shown in the pics – Peppermint Blue (Free. There’re lots in the box – 5 skins, 3 shapes, bracelets, stockings and shoes etc. I think it’s only available this weekend. There’re other freebies including this outfit set, in case you missed it the last time.)

Tic Toc, Limited Time Freebies Again!

April 12, 2008

13日24時までの期間限定でこんなステキな洋服がPeppermint Blueで無料で手に入ります。急いでくださいね~。





Outfit – Peppermint Blue Free until 8am SL time on Sunday the 13th. All the items you see in the pics including the peppermint blue top, capri pants, cute little clogs, 2 skins, 3 hair, bikinis etc are free. When you TP, look around, you’ll see 2 panels on the wall. One is the outfit and accessory pack and the other is the skins.

Gridwide Egg Hunt

March 20, 2008

Lady Pichot (Facets/Eternal Impressions) and Chica Indigo (Seasons) have organised a Sim to Sim Egg Hunt which begins on Thursday March 20 at 3pm SLT/ end Sunday March 23 at 3pm SLT at their store location :

Many excellent designers will be participating! Wear your favourite bunny outfit and bunny hop from sim to sim to hunt the eggs to win lots of great prizes (there will also be a contest for the cutest and funniest bunny costume)

WHAT YOU’RE LOOKING FOR: Eggs, Eggs and more Eggs…just like this one….

season hunt 3_002

At Facets/Seasons you will find this beautiful Geisha Avatar called “Kumiko” which will be broken into four eggs around the sim. (no Geisha’s were harmed in this process)

season hunt 3_006
The skin is gorgeous, here it is worn on my own shape with the oriental style Nikki dress and the Kumiko hair, this dress 1L in the store along with a couple of other lovely dresses. The abalone jewellery can also be found in the hunt.

season hunt 3_004

season hunt 3_005


~Eternal Impressions~Facets~Seasons by Chica~Annuarisu~Flair!~(Angels)~Baby Monkey~Spark Ignited~Vixxen~ Passion~IceWolf Designs~Visioinzry Visuals~KatKreation~[AI] : Artificial Intelligence ~Rory’s On 5th Ave~Sentimental Occasions~Urban Shopper~SD Wears~SpellBound “”~Bewitched Hair~ He & She fashion for both~Lucious & Lords~The Shops at Endavour Cove:~DK Designs~Fashion by Lana Nichols~Zak’s Picture Shop~Southern Cross Creations~Matahari Style~Indigo Ink Tattoos~Hibiskus Shoes by Ishtar Ihnen~Maison De Zandra~Dare To Reveal~Crystal Gadgets~Ritchey Sealy Art Studio~Couture Bliss~Insolence

**Each designer participating will have a poster that will give a notecard with all the LM’s for the other eggs**

Start Location is at Facets and Seasons:

If you happen to see Lady Pichot/Chica Indigo give them a big bunny hug and a hump from me 🙂

Have fun!

Unique Needs & Ravenwear Skin

December 10, 2007

Would you like to know where I take my snaps? I visit a store called Unique Needs . Anne Otoole, the store owner, has been kind enough to create a Photosphere Garden for free use. This is where I take most of the pictures for my blog (even though I have my own sphere, I love the poses and backgrounds in here).

Today I sent Anne an IM to thank her for the use of the Photosphere’s and we started chatting, she has these beautiful diamond earrings for free in her store, along with free male and female complete avatars.

Unique Earrings

Anne also gave me a sneak preview of this beautiful Empress gown and cape. I know this is mainly a freebie blog but I had to bend the rules a little to show you this, it’s very special and needs to be seen.

Unique Gown

This beautiful dress costs 350L and also includes cape, crown and jewellery and undershirt. Comes in many different colours too, the one shown here is Andromeda.

The design detail is exquisite and the way it moves when you walk is amazing. Look at this awesome photo I took in the gardens.

unique gardens

Remember to get your earrings free at Unique Needs , right in front of the lucky chair and the free complete male and female avatar set.

The hair worn was made by Valryn, she kindly gave this free to the Free*Style group.
The skin worn in these pics is the free gift from Ravenwear, available for a limited time only to celebrate the opening of their new store. I think it’s stunning!

Ravenwear skin

Remember to harvest at the Xmas tree at Ravenwear too, they are giving away some fab goodies!

*Hair, Loelle by Maitreya (free)