Archive for the ‘Female Shape’ Category

A Weekend Of Washing

April 5, 2009

So Mini Ash managed to pick up a tummy bug of some sort from pre-school, so I’ve spent the last 48 hours doing the following routine: Holding her hair for her while she pukes, cleaning up floors, toilet etc and disinfecting, showering mini Ash, washing her soiled clothes and redressing her, changing the bed sheets and washing those. Lather, rinse, repeat. I am buggered, but I’ve been sitting on these pics for a few days, so while madame sleeps I thought I’d get this post out.


First up this gorgeous dress from VictoriaV. I was there while doing the Alienbear Easter hunt, in completely the wrong building of course, wondering why there were dress and not jewelery there 😛 After combing the place from top to bottom looking for Alienbear, I found this dress. You’ll find it on the lower level, along with 2 red dresses. Shown here with some yummy jewelry from DM Designs. You can thank Sileny for that one, she told DarionMonkee Levitt (the designer) to get in touch with me, yay for new stores!!! Also, the hair! Join the Copain group and grab this for an L, pretty nifty eh.


I had shown you the gorgeous skin you could get from the Cupcakes Easter hunt, so I thought I should also show you some of the clothes. The perfect shoes for all these outfits are the scrumptious flats from Flair, not free, but worth every linden.


The following tops are from Ibizarre. I had gone there for the sale, of course I was about 2 days too late!! I joined the subscribo, and was given the jacket. The tops are a linden in store I believe.


And last but by no means least some of the super cute things you can find on a mini hunt at Everglow. You can get poses, shapes, this bikini and the jewelery shown. Ash Out.

Pic 1
Cupcakes Group gift
DM Designs Subscribo welcome gift
Junwave (a linden for group members)

Pic 2
Cupcakes Easter hunt

Flats (not free)

Pic 3

Pic 4
Poses (for the 2 “big’ me’s)Bikini 7 accessories

Hair & Skins worn in pics 2-4
Hair (not free)
Skins (not free)

Almost Tit Flash

November 13, 2008

Ema’s sent a notice to the Fashcon yesterday about a free gift in her store, called Fandango. Now when I first read the name, I imagined some kind of spanish dancing affair, but when I opened the pic I was surprised to find a funky little outfit, with cute accoutrements on the skirt and little bow and badges on the neck, it’s really nicely designed. There is also a couple of nice outfits in store which you can camp for.

“Pull your top down love, your tit’s falling out”

Only in SL would you have boobs which defy gravity and hold your top up like this. Loves it!

Also in yesterday’s post I wore a Marianella skin, which reminded me to look in her group notices to see if she would be releasing any new skins soon. Lo and behold, look what I find in notices. A little taster of what’s to come, really pretty. I’m loving the eyemakeup on the 2nd one.

Marianella skin 2

Marianella skin1

Fandango Outfit: Ema’s (0L)
Annahi skins: Marianela Group gift (join the group in search and look in notice archives)
Yashna Shape: Free*Style (1L)

Fuafua Hair: Seu
Tartan boots: Kookie
Eyes: Dutch Touch

Carmen Miranda goes to the dark side

October 27, 2008

I was supposed to go bed an hour ago, but wait till you see this…it’s worth my baggy eyes…
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! I would say it out loud but I have actually lost my voice in RL so typing it a few times will have to suffice

Comme Il faut has a hunt going on, but this is a hunt with a difference. You search for 12 black candles….oh hey, scratch that, I’m going to copy it direct from Moire’s notecard because I’m tired.

“Carmen Miranda goes voodoo!There are 13 black candles around the store and the boulevard. Each one has a piece of the Carmen Macumba costume, probably the most creative costume you`ll find around this halloween!Most of the pieces can be worn by itself and mixed and matched with other costumes, so even if you don`t find all of them you`ll still have some great stuff to wear!”

Moire kindly dropped me the whole outfit, check it out, I was stunned it is so beautiful and there are so many parts to it.


Yay, shake those deadly maraca’s baby

A handy place to keep your booze stash. Oops I’ve drank all of mine already, that’s why I look so merry *burps*


Love these shoes. Moire you are amazing!!!

Now it’s time for bed. I wonder if I shall have a voice tomorrow or whether everyone in my RL will have peace and quiet from my incessant ramblings for another day.

All clothing and accessories: Comme Il faut Candle Hunt
Yashna Shape: Free*Style 1L
Skin: Fleur Allure Alabaster Kitten 1 (not free)


September 27, 2008

Who made me so hot?? Iki from Dutch Touch and Aranel Ah from BOOM, that’s who!!

I was so excited when I logged on as Creamy today, I only popped on to give Eisa (my guy alt)some money so he can kick Express’ ass for the throwdown he has challenged me to on Mens Second Style.

Anyhoooo….this is why I was excited…Iki has released a new Dutch Touch group gift skin, touch the subscribo sign at her store, touch it again and choose History, Option 1 and you should receive this beautiful skin too.

dutch touch_001

I just love it when I hear about a mall I’ve never been to, and I wasn’t disappointed when I visited this one today after receiving a notice about a free gift at BOOM. Crush Row has got tons of great shops, really well designed too, I didn’t even get lost once. That’s good for me, I’ve got no sense of direction whatsoever.

BOOM has this supah sexeh swimsuit for 1L (or free?) in store, it makes me want to sing….
♫ Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand ♫ (hey don’t knock Duran Duran, that song won ‘best video of all time’ on VH1 or something this year)

dutch touch_004

This windswept ‘Yokonagare’ hair is a lucky board gift from C&H, big thankies to Dot Lane for TP’ing me over when a ‘C’ came up. The Dragonfly tattoo was a group gift from Skin Within (subscribomatic) and the colour changeable necklace is from Juicy.

dutch touch_006

Flippin ‘eck, I nearly forgot, I made the shape worn above especially for this Dutch Touch skin. She’s called Yashni and you will find her just at the entrance of Free*Style Mainstore. You can pay whatever you like for her, 1L or a million L’s, it’s up to you.

Ohhh that’ll do for now, I need another glass of wine….it’s Saturday night after all!


August 22, 2008

I’m in a creative mood today so I think I’m going to attempt to make some free thingies for you, we have a hunt planned for the opening of the new Free Style Sim on Sunday.

This sim is named Free Style purely by coincidence, it is owned by Lupu Brulu and it just seemed fitting that we have a spot there. I will let you know more about the hunt later but put Sunday at 2pm SLT in yer virtual diaries.

On to the freebieness…

Yesterday Loxley contacted me about a store called Unique Design. Unique is giving away a wonderful outfit in store for free, due to her textures being stolen and resold at some full perms reseller store. If you see this texture anywhere else do not buy it, this was created by Unique and you can get it for free in her store.

The outfit consists of a beautiful chinese silk style corset and a great pair of black jeans.



There are many other beautifully designed outfits in Unique Monsoo, it’s definitely worth a visit.

Chinese silk outfit: Unique Monsoo (0L)
Sunkissed skin – *Flower Edition* : KA Skins (0L)
Tilly Shape: Free*Style (1L)

Not free
Lil Diva Hair by Cake

ARGGGGHHH Whats happened to my blog formatting????

Oops I’ve done it again…

August 15, 2008

Making a new Avatar feels like I’m buying a new doll, I get the same pleasure out of it as a child would. I love the feeling of a fresh start with a lovely tidy inventory.

Meet Helle, I’ve no idea where I got this name from…I didn’t even know it existed. I just did a Google search and apparently it is a Greek name and means the Daughter of Athamas, and also the Danish version of Helga…so there ya go.

I’m really proud of the shape I made for Helle, she looks amazing in the beautiful skins worn in this post, (group gifts from Sin Skins and M&R Cupcakes). I’m going to give her shape away for a limited time soon…watch this space.

Check out these wonderful free and 1L outfits from OOpS’ Fashion, you will find these upstairs in the store, there’s also a freebie box downstairs.

These first two outfits are making me feel all patriotic.

The Brit outfit, a nicer version of Ginger Spice

Cheeky shorts
The skin worn here is the soooooo beautiful M&R Birthday Suit, Copper : M&R Cupcakes (group gift – 250L joining fee)

Yay, a Tartan corset…Tartan is soooo A/W ’08-09. Love this top, it’s beautifully textured and comes with a great pair of jeans.



Last but not least, a funky little playsuit. Yep, all these outfits are free and 1L!!!

This stunning skin is SinSkin Tone 4:. Sin Skins (subscribomatic group gift, you will receive these when you click the sign to join the group – possibly only for a limited time, not sure)

Outfits: OOpS’ Fashion (0-1L)
Jaya Hair in Cocoa:
Diversity (bought with voucher for new avatar under 30 days old)
Roses Shoes: Stitch by Stitch (0L)

My Boi AO

June 20, 2008

I’ve lovingly crafted an AO (Animation Override) for men in need. I poured blood, sweat and tears into it and pulled out some of my hair (ewwww funny mix!), but I’m quite happy with the result. It’s a first attempt at animated poses, so it’s not perfect.

The Boi AO has 3 animated stands, a walk and a run. (I created the stands, but not the walk and run). If you like looking edgy then it’s perfect for you, the stands are kind of moody looking and there’s a bit of head scratching and dust kicking.

The anims are contained in a ZHAO II HUD, which for those of you who don’t know, you simply wear this and your Avatar will run through the animations automatically. You can pick this up at Free*Style for only 1L.


I’d like to give big credit and thanks to Torley for his excellent video tutorial on Qavimator, helped me lots in the creation of these animations.

The male outfit worn here is in a free gift box from Fetch Alternative which contains a really great pair of jeans and two tee’s. There is also a box of free female clothes which contains jeans, shorts, a top and skirt (some of which I have shown previously). Hair is the 1L Kensei from Truth.

Oooh yes and while I am talking about Fetch, they have given another preview of their beautiful new skins to the group, it’s pouty and pretty, search Fetch Alternative to join this group. This outfit is the free skirt and top in their free gift box.

Tillie Shape by Creamy, Free*Style (1L)

Check out this cute little photobooth Gogo has placed on the boardwalk behind Free*Style , it’s free to use and great for group pics too.

Non Free items
Male ‘Justin’ Skin: Good Life
Female ‘Scene’ Hair: Gritty Kitty

Rosemar Free*Style Skin

May 26, 2008

Check this out peeps, Rosemary Galbraith of Rosemar has kindly made a beautiful new free skin for us.

The Creampuff ‘Creamy Look’ skin comes in 4 skin tones with pretty, bright spring makeup colours. Totally adorable!! Big thanks to Rosemary for creating this for us. You can pick this up for free at Free*Style for freeeee of course. Help a new player out or someone in need and take them with ya.

Creamy_008 Creamy_007
OOMG!!! huuge breasticles….
Creamy_006 Creamy_005

This cute Lizbet hair is 1L from Moonshine , which you can get either in the store or atSavoir Hair (hopefully at Free*Style soon also). Shelly the creator placed it in her store for sale and she discovered the next day that it had been set for sale at full permissions (probably SL up to it’s tricks). Obviously there are some rogues out there who will take advantage of this, so if you see this for sale at a higher price anywhere – DO NOT BUY IT, you can get it 1L at these locations.

Moonshine or Savoir Hair

I’ve made a special shape for for this skin named Lilly Doll, (yeahh, I went for a normal name this time). Lilly Doll has a teeny weeny waist and a very big bottom and boobs , she is modifiable so you can shrink down her major assets if you wish, (or make her even bigger if that’s your thang!). This shape is included in the box with Rosemar’s skins.



Can’t forget to tell you about this gorgeous bikini, this is a subscribomatic group gift from Blaze and you also get these interesting leg designs as a sock layer. TP to Blaze, touch the subscribomatic sign, touch it again and choose history, option 1 for this.


Rosemar ‘Creamy Look’ Spring Makeup skins in 4 tones & Lilly Doll Shape: Free*Style (0L)
Orange Bikini: Blaze (subscribomatic group gift)
Lizbet Hair: Moonshine or Savoir Hair (1L)

Not free
Shoes:Blaze (250L)


May 19, 2008


I’m very happy to be featuring two new designers to the Free*Style blog today.

Sara Lee is the owner of a new skin store called Di Chantilly, her skins are absolutely gorgeous as you can see below. She’s kindly giving 2 skins for 1L each (there is also a skin in her group which Cheri featured HERE). I really love the eyemakeup, the pouty glossy lips and the peachy skin tone.

The sultry, sexy ‘Sarah’ skin
18-5 sara

The sweet and innocent ‘Kate’ skin
18-5 kate

Click for full view of the Sara skin, (sorry didn’t get nekkid because Flickr might ban me)
di_002 di_003
Lingerie – Rosemar free gift in store

Loreney Keyes of Lo Designs has a great store with beautiful couture creations, this fantastic ‘fran’ outfit is a new free gift in store, it’s so versatile and comes with various skirt and top options.



Skins – Di Chantilly (free)
Fran outfit –Lo Designs (free) more free items in store, also some for guys.
Green Lingerie – Rosemar (the orange version is 1L in store)
Fuafua hair – Seu (approx 120L)
Green Fairy Eyes – Blue Blood (these not free, but there is a free skin in store)
Tabitha Shape: by Creamy at Free*Style (1L) (will be removing this soon as I only made it available for a limited time so hurry and get it)

Dawn Designs

May 16, 2008

Susie Voom left a comment today asking where DawnShop went to, and this reminded me about a post I had planned..

The store ‘formerly known as DawnShop’ has moved and is now called Dawn Designs, it’s located at Rookery Cove. When you land here, you will see a sign with a sexy latex pink outfit. Click the sign next to it to join the group and click this outfit sign wearing your group tag and…hot dammm….this is what you will look like. This outfit includes the white boots and a scarf too (not worn cos it didn’t work with ma hair)


Now go up the stairs to the Dawn Designs store, there are more free items there. This gorgeous outfit (includes shoes and skin).


Also, Dawn has updated her free male Avatar, check this handsome chap out. The skin is a very nice Another Shop mod and it also includes complete outfit/shoes, shape, hair (not worn) and AO. The free female avatar is great too, I have previously featured this on the blog a loong time ago HERE.

Everything worn here is part of the free male avatar apart from the hair which is from Uncleweb.

So if you know any new male and female SL players, take them to Dawn Designs for her fantastic starter avatars.

Non Free Item
Sexy Hair: Shop Seu