Archive for the ‘Female Skins Group Gifts’ Category

All good things come to an end.

April 13, 2009

By all good things I mean my long weekend. By come to an end I mean I had to drag myself into work today like a dead weight. I must be coming down from a sugar high or somesuch!


EDIT: The pic that was here has been temp removed as the dress posted had a glitch 😦
Tuli sent out a truly stunning skin to her group today, although it came with a sobering message. Named “Faith” as it’s something we could all use, and can never have too much of. My thoughts are with Tuli and her family, lets all send her some good vibes and positive energy 🙂 The skin has beautiful painted lashes, luscious lips and comes in three tones, so y’all are catered for 😛


A new store is something I always get excited about. Kayla Radikal sent me a card letting me know about a lucky chair at Grim Kitteh. While I wasn’t lucky enough to win the skirt, I did this super cute outfit for joining the subscribo. I’ve paired it with some of my fave (not free) acessories, you can grab the slurls for those down below. Now I need some caffeine…stat. Ash Out.

Pic 1
Prim & Pixel
Tuli Group Gift
Hair (not free)

Pic 2
Grim Kitteh Subscribo join gift
Tuli Group gift
Hair (not free)
Legwarmers (not free)
Sweet Leonard
Tattoo (not free)
Custom Inkz
Collar (not free)
Cats Of A Feather


April 3, 2009

Just popping into the blog in between the 1647384884 other things I am doing, (eating prawn crackers and drinking wine, whilst making a hat in SL, whilst watching tv and plurking simultaneously. I’m a master multitasker (which explains why everything I do isn’t that great, haha)

Fascino have given a gorge new hair out to the update group, perfectly coiffeured and looks fab with this exotic group gift skin from YourSkin & YourShape (you do have to adjust the hair quite a bit so that the scalp hair on the skin doesn’t show though)

fascino hair

{fascino} Jessi hair group gift (search {fascino} and look in notices archives)
Skin and Eyes
*YourSkin* Guenda_Breeze_Hair_Red_GroupGift (search *YourSkin & YourShape* Update Group and look in the notice archives)


April 1, 2009

Oh god I hate it when I wake up, and it’s raining, been raining all night. Dark skies at 7am are just wrong. Specially on a Weds, specially when mini Ash decided at 2.30am that there was no way on earth she could sleep in her own bed. Specially when she takes up my whole damn bed.

Van Stantz, he makes me happy, in fact he makes me squee. These amazing boots are yours for free, for a limited time at EvA. As always, they are scripted sculpts of yum, and we are spoilt rotten. Be sure to fangirl Van and Evangeline if you see them!

Next we have a gorgeous opening dollarbie from Amaranthus, a new project from Elbereth Nightfire of Star Kindler fame. This is a bit of a departure from the jewelery we are used to from this talented designer, featuring Victorian gothic pieces that are just stunning. The perfect foil for these gorgy silks from Silk & Satyr, also an opening gift. Do hit up the subscribo, and do spend lots of lindens in this yummy store, it’s my first choice for silks…….srsly.


And here is where Ash got thoroughly fed up today!!! Ash and Q were looking decidedly similar, so here we have the new (for the moment) Ash! I’m prob the only one that can tell the difference, but that kinda counts..right?!



I haven’t posted about the cutest store on the grid for awhile. Lo*momo long ago claimed that title in my books, and there has been no contender since!! Shown here are a mixture of group gifts (avail in store with tag activated) dollarbies and the Bunny Hop gift. Ohh and there’s 2 lucky boards there now, both dresses eluded me, but they are stunning. And now I suppose I shall drag myself off to do something semi useful, Ash out.

Pic 1
Hair (not free)

Pic 2
Silk And Satyr Group Gift
Hair (not free)
Amaranthus opening Dollarbie

Pics 3,4,5

Hair (not free)

Hoofies (not free)
Lazy Places

Skin worn Throughout
Seduction Cupcakes Group Gift


March 29, 2009

Oh what a beautiful morning, the sun is shining in Sydney (and in sl, cos it’s always sunny in Ash’s world :P) Mini Ash is at pre school, I don’t have to start work till a bit later, housework=done, washing=done, inv sorting kinda done?! Not bad for a Monday morning.


Even better than all the above, look at the amazing things I logged into today. First is today retiring dollarbie from Lemania. Tapika sent me an IM saying this is a must have, I 100% agree with her. Eggplant Elegance is the kinda dress you’d wear while dancing the night away with a significant other (without a hint of hooing!!) I needed a skin to go with it, to do the dress justice, and despite going through my 70895709785723563854057 collections of skins I was coming up empty. Till a group gift from the Cupcakes group landed in my inv! This is the new line “Seduction” and if you adore Lovespell, this skin is for you. It is just stunning. Rosemary and Mimi just get better and better with each release and this is my favorite so far. The lips are absolutely amazing, and this makeup features a gorgeous irridescent eyeshadow and liner. At this stage, there are 8 tones available, 10 makeups per tone, so get to demoing!


The super cute bikini shown here is part of the April gift from Voodoo Baby. There is a men’s gift available too, as well as unisex flip flops (thongs to us Aussies!) Aren’t these boots scrummy!!! They are free for a limited time from Wik’s Wardrobe. I love the Burberry pattern, and the red soles are to die for, I have been cammed on my feet for ages, yes I’m strange I know!! The hair shown is not free, but there is a massive sale going on atm at Aden, so all hair is 50L. I think it’s a closing sale. I sincerely hope not, because I love Aden’s hair and skins and we really don’t need to loose another awesome content creator. Ash Out.

Pic 1
Sedution By Cupcakes (group gift)
Hair (not free)
Necklace (not free)

Pic 2
Voodoo Baby
Wik’s Wardrobe
Hair (not free)
Skin (not free)

Dare To be Reasonable

March 12, 2009

So I was tarding about on Q last night, getting up to all sorts of mischief, when I got the ping from my email. Alexx Usbourne had sent me unbearably yummy lingerie from Reasonable Desires. There is a group gift available at the moment, have you tag active and head to the main store. You’ll also find a tintable version there too, it’s a pick reward. Y’all know the drill with that! There are 6 (yes 6!) lucky chairs, and all sorts of costumes that had me drooling.

rd1 copyblog

Perfect for these “Vicious” boots from Dare Designs. These are in the lucky chair now, as well as 678987867 other colours 😛 Thank you Mr Monroe, pwn is not the word for you, although it goes a little way to describe your ossumness! Also another excuse to show off moar of my Miasnow skins. Shown here are Green Goddess and Gorgeous Grape. I’ve blown the picture out alot in Photoshop, for a true idea of the colours, get thee to the store and demo!


OMG. I’ve been waiting, and I totally set up camp at the store, Bebae has finally released Coral FTW. And and and, a group gift for juuus.


You get all 4 tones, Creme, Cina, Cara and Coco. The makeup is divine, the slash of liner is perfection. Yes rainbows and puppies and such, deal with it.


Do a search for Bebae in groups and grab these beauties asap, then go buy fat packs of your favie tone 😛


Thank you so much Torie, you can have your store back now, and I promise to move my sleeping bag 😛 Ash Out.

Not Free Awesomeness





March 11, 2009

I haven’t done an artsy farsty picture for ages, and rarely do them for the blog as I’m petrified of over processing and not showing the clothes off properly. But, one of my amazing new skins from Miasnow was screaming for some special treatment!

This incredible dress I won from the Haute Couture lucky chair this morning. It is just stunning, and I totally felt all regal when I put it on. There’s 3 outfits in the chair that I saw, and the time between letters is only 5 minutes. I won 2 dresses in no time at all! The Cleo hair from Inorite just seemed to fit perfectly with the look I was going for, not free, but tell me it isn’t the shiz!! The gorgy crown is seperate, so it can be worn with other hair, but why would you wanna?!

Check out my pretty top! OKR tp’d me to Fishy Strawberry to get my hot little hands on this a couple of mornings ago, I love love it. Isn’t the skin just so amazing. The lovely Feo from Freebie Telegraph told me about it while we were stalking the Miasnow chair together. Please don’t faint, yes we do share tips and don’t scratch each others eyes out, sorry to disappoint 😛 You can grab this from the Ami’s Style group. I’m not sure how much longer it will be in the archives though, so best to hurry. I’ve shown it here with a yummy necklace from Sable Rose, not free, but fabulous and just my style, mhm they’re handcuffs 😛 Ash out.

Hair (not free)

Foxygirl Skin (not free)

Necklace (not free)
Sable Rose

Jeans (dollarbie)

Well Duh

February 28, 2009

I’d been anxiously waiting for Tuli to release her new line “Natalie”. Stoked was not the word when the group preview came through. It really is a beautiful skin


The lips are to die for and the light smattering of freckles are just perfect. My fave bit?


Colorable brows. Mostly I’m blonde, but I do like to have the options of wearing other colours, and brows I can edit or change is a massive plus in my book.


The tones are gorgeous, and I love the body. No doubt there will be something here for everyone. The group is 250L to join, but worth a million times more than that!! Thank you Tuli, “Natalie’ rocks!


For the clothes I’m showing, I indirectly have Helena Stringer to thank. She was visiting a store called Duh!, and got chatting with the owner Renee Harvy, and told her to drop me some stuff, so here we are!!


Cute, tongue in cheek tees for an L each. My personal faves are “Attach To Pelvis” and “Douche Magnet” There’s a lucky chair with yummy boots, a group gift happening at the moment, Paddy’s Day specials and nothing in the store is over 20L. Yup, that’s the regular pricing.


Know someone new? Wanna save them from blingtastic boots and shoes? Send them to Duh! I should also mention the boots are scripted with sounds and poses, but all very easy to turn off, just click the boots to bring up the menu. I’ve shown them with my usual dollarbie jeans from Torridwear and the new hair from Troof. The hair’s not free, but pretty rockin’ no? New build for the store, new textures for the hair and new skins for the boys. Yes I managed to say the word “new” 3 times in one sentence 😛 Ash Out.

Skin (not free)

Stuff And Moar Stuff

December 22, 2008

I should actually call this post “Eden Rocks My World” because seriously, that woman is a freebie finding machine! She drops me LM’s and notecards like a demon, then yells at me if I haven’t had time to go check em out.


This was an Eden find. She knows I love doll clothes, keys and everything in between. So She sent me to All Dolled Up. Follw the slurl in this post, that’s very important. Cam down to a mousetrap on the floor below, and find a teeny tiny box. Click on that box and get this whole outfit for free, key included!

This lushness is from Kouse’s Sanctum. You’ll find it under the Christmas tree. Scuse the pics of the sleeves, I did something um interesting in PS, theyr’e not bluish in world XD! I love Kouse’s gowns, they are always prim perfect and move so beautifully.


Aeons ago, Eden TP’d Q into Dilly Dolls to clear the lucky chairs there for her. I dropped in there yesterday to grab the Christmas gifts, then saw this! It’s a Midnight Mania dress. You get 56856856 different corsets and tops, too many options to show here. The stunning skin was a group gift from the ladies at Cupcakes, part of the new Celebrity line. Happy holidays girls xoxo


Check out this skin! The luffley Tuli sent it out probably last year, but I only just got it now (my group notice getting issue is still not fixed). Merry Christmas to you Tuli and thankyou!! The dress is a yummy gift from the Happy Happy update group. Now I’m back on my normal comp instead of my craptop, I can appreciate Mayuki Nozaki’s designs even moar!


And last but by no means least, a new store! Eden sent me a fashocon note sent out by Fandabydozie. I had to go look for the name alone! You’ll find a lucky chair and several dollarbies, the ones shown being just a couple of them. I also bought some yummy shoes there and was lucky enough to bump into the designer’s boyfriend, who dropped an amazing ice cream backpack on me, which I will feature in a later post. Now I have to get to work, then brave the shops for some last minute shopping. Ash out.

Hair (not free)

Shoes (not free)
Unique Needs

I can haz some random stuffz of yumz!

December 9, 2008

Wee! In one week exactly, I’ll be done with the hell that is law school exams that I’ve been moaning about on Plurk for like…an eon. Yuss, an eon! And then! You must deal with me for three weeks straight. Muahahaha. *attempts to look scary and foreboding, etc.*

Yeah, yeah. I know I’m not so scary (and that’s probably a good thing). But it would be scary not to acknowledge how much of the awesome is floating around the grid right now in celebration of the holiday season. My post contains a mishmash of stuffs from all over ~ forgive the lack of organization. If it’s not about the Federal Rules of Evidence, it’s not all that coherent in ‘me brainz. Meep!

That Peace on Earth hunt is really something. If only we could bring about peace via hunts in SL. Well, I think everyone who is participating is doing a dandy job, because I’ve never seen anything like it. So many vendors coming together to give a little something is really quite rad!

I’ve had a few moments here and there to stumble around the hunt. One of my favie designers, the one and only Tulikins, has made a traditional Dutch outfit that is really adorable, all the way down the cute shooz. I paired it with the latest {Frick} skin that is a recent subscribe-o-matic gift bloggeth by the lovely Ash here.

I’m going to follow Creamz’ latest lead for the friend shoutouts and blog the non-free hair I’m wearing above and below from Philotic Energy. The hairz above is called “Adi” and I’m vain enough to pretend it’s named after me. The below hair is called “Zoey,” and honest to goodness, I got my hair cut like it irl after I got it in SL. The cute little asymmetrical cut has gotten me stopped on the law school campus a few times, and I have Aemilia Case to thank for it! Shanks, Aems! (Let’s not discuss how crackhead my stylist thinks I am… :/)

But, never fear. There is a lot of freebie goodness above. The shirt is a part of the Eat Rice freebie from the Peace on Earth hunt, as is the pants from Sam’s Secret Boutique, the shooz from ShoeFly, and the legwarmers from DeLa.

There’s also a new yummy from the Crimson Shadow lucky chair that is too good not to stalk. This crimson gown is stunning, and even includes a back piece to float around during the season.

It even comes with shooz! It’s really a fabulous ensemble, so get the lucky chair party going for sure!

Besos to everyone and I hope to be back to blogging regularly soon. I miss all the comment love and the harassment when I take a goofy pic. (The good harassment, that is.) Luffs y’allz. xx

Non-free Shizzle:

Picture 1:
“Adi” Hair (Sambucca) ~ Philotic Energy

Picture 2:
“Zoey” Hair (Charcoal) ~ Philotic Energy
“Opaline” Skin (Fever) ~ Curio
“Love Like Blood” Choker/Necklace (Blood) ~ Violet Voltaire Biker Gloves ~ +Plus

Picture 3:

“Marisella II” Hair (Black) ~ ETD (Still $30L per hair pack!)

All poses are by Long Awkward Pose [LAP]. Worship Dove Swanson already. Srsly. She’s a goddess. And she had a hunt themed after poop a few months ago and I’m still not over it. It doesn’t get any better than that.

Glitches/Bugs, but I’m a Cosy Kitteh

December 2, 2008

SL is being a shitbag to me today, I’ve been unable to TP the whole day, I can only get to where I want to by relogging. Here is the perfect song for my experience of SL today…

Ema’s has another ace free gift for you kittens, a beautiful wintery blue outfit with gorgeous cosy scarf (my legs and arms are still freezing but who’s SL)

emas cupcake_002

These boots which also come with the outfit are so fun, they leave pawprints everywhere you go, so you can forget playing hide and seek wearing these…it just won’t work.

They look soft but those claws are sharp.

emas cupcake_003

YAY, new skin gift from M&R Cupcakes to celebrate the opening of their new mainstore at Le Zoo. This tangerine makeup is a group gift (250 join fee) and comes in freckled and non-freckled version in loads of skin tones. I especially love the freckles, I wish I had them in RL. (If you are not a member of the group, these were also available in a mini hunt at the store, I can’t tp so i can’t check if they are still there.

emas cupcake_001

Wynter Hair/Hat from Kyoot (not free)