Archive for the ‘free skin’ Category

And Introducing – Guest Blogger Gidge!

March 3, 2009

Hello girly girls. First off I’d like to thank Creamz for the invitation to be an occasional guest blogger. I’m sort of tickled as this is my favoritest fashion blog that is not my own. So *WAVES AT ALL THE FREESTYLERS!* Hi!

I’m not an avid freebie collector, honestly, because my inventory is cruising madly over 40k and something has to stop the madness (or does it?). But I thought that I’d just love the opportunity to share with you guys the freebies that I LOVE around the grid – both new and old.

So without further ado……..let’s rock this bitch shall we?

For starters, the beautiful and uber sweet Sachi Vixen of Adam n Eve has UPDATED her free gift in store (found in the skin store – slurl below). It includes the dress (wth two options for the skirt, this hair as well as skin (yay skin is the new black according to Grazia!) The box also contains THIS gown that I already blogged a while back and so did lotsa other folks so I’ll spare you! I’m a dork and didn’t take a clear enough shot of the shoes (I am working on this…..bear with me!) but if you join the Maitreya subscribo – she gives you a fatpack of heels in excellent colors! (of course I’m wearing sensible old black…sowwy).

The hair is a fatpack, so that was great because all the colors didn’t suit me. I’m just such a blonde girl whenever I can be! The skin is a nice natural summer look. Very pretty.

May I interest you in some slurls? Will that be to go?

Earrings – Izumiya – FREE

Dress/Skin/Hair Adam N Eve FREE

Shoes – Join the Maitreya Subscribo Group FREE

My eyes are from FNKY and are called Purple Rain. NOT FREE


Gidge is a regular blogger on It’s Only Fashion

Choclit (Channeling Ames)

February 16, 2009

So my beautiful and talented Ames is giving up her blog. She’s such a good writer too, but alas RL has the better of her atm. Soooo, because she *can’t* stop finding good shit when she has the time, she’ll be passing the info to me and demanding asking me to write on her behalf.

So this first one’s from Ames. According to my email, she dropped this on me at about 6am, around about the time I was yelling at Mini Ash to get back to bed and *no* we couldn’t go to the store to get ice cream FCOL. I present to you Magical Choclit Croissant Hair. You’ll find this and the clothes shown here at Concrete Flowers. There’s a whole wall of dollarbies, as well as a WTF wall, Creams you’ll love it, unfortunately none of it was trans or I would have sent you something *special* 😛 The cute choker came from Kosh, conveniently located next door to Concrete flowers. There’s a wicked scripted Neko set for free, and some really pretty dollarbie jewelery to be had. Thank you Ms Ames, heart you all over the place!!

ACDC, an Aussie tradition. Now you can wear em inworld thanks to Candace from Sweeter Than Candy, who sent this out to the group with the yummy boots shown. The pants shown aren’t free, they’re my faves though, you can find them at Axel.

Last but by no means least, this complete pack from Mayden Couture. The skin is included. It’s very dark in tone, making a nice change from my favored “Death warmed up” choice of shade! There is some really heavy shading under the lips, which could have been made worse by my shape as it doesn’t look as dark in the ad pics instore, best to try it on your shape to see how it looks. The makeup is beautiful though, and the body very nicely done. And now I’m off to get some chubby poses, as since making my shape bigger, I’m having “hands vanishing inside my body” issues. Yes, it’s as painful as it sounds 😛 Ash Out.

Other Stuff That Wasn’t Free

Lazy Places


Collar in pic 2

Absentia makes the heart grow fonder

October 27, 2008

This my favorite kind of post, NEW stores, yay!!! As I mentioned in the comments of Cream’s post, I still get so excited when I find or am told of places I’ve never been to before. Part of that excitement stems from wanting to share awesome finds with yooos!

These gorgy dresses are from Anachronism. It’s a small store, with all sorts of yummies, including teddybears!! The orange dress is free for Halloween, the black dress isn’t free but I had to have it! Check out the amazing chokers and cuffs. The first set is a group gift from P/A, my all time favorite store. You’ll need to have your group tag active and click on the sign in the main store to get this. The second is a terribly versatile leather set from the uber talented Rosie Barthelmess of Sable Rose. Grab yours and say hi while you’re there!

This beautiful skin is part of a huge Halloween gift box you’ll find at Absentia. I’ve shown it with the Queen of Hearts set from there, not free, but worth every penny to not be tortured with my nekkid ass doncha think!!

This super cool outfit is from Nyte ‘N’ Day. Nyte has loadsa shtuff out for Halloween, including apple bobbing!! There’s a whole heap of T’s too, I’m sure you boys could grab them. Only available till Nov 1st. Follow the slurl in this post to take you directly to the freebie area!

And just because I can’t seem to keep my clothes on lately, yet another half naked pic XD!! The amazing collar is part of a Halloween set from Star Kindler. Thanks to Lorelei in our chat box and also Elbereth for dropping these yummies on me!! I last blogged this store for the 4th July festivities, forever known as the “Kewt & Wootie” post *coughs*. Ash out.

Other Shit
Hair (not free

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Tatts (not free)

Costume Fair And Other Things Ash Forgot

October 25, 2008

Have you guys heard there’s a costume fair going on? Well, I had totally forgotten, and was merrily shopping away in Silent Sparrow. Then I was reminded by the most beautiful blue mermaid that I should really check out the fair!! I was actually supposed to participate as a designer *coughs*(bad, bad, bad Ash).

Look at the pretties our gorgeous blue mermaid made us!! We have 4 parts of hya’s very popular suits, Wrath, Entropy, Sylvan and Dominion. To get your hands on this gorgy gift, find the Silent Sparrow booth and pay the donation pumpkin 5l. Easy huh.

These yummies are what you’ll get if you buy the Schadenfreude pumpkin. Look, just what you always wanted, my head in a jar!!

And last, but by no means least, the pics from the Deviant Kitties hunt. Everything you see here can be found in the hunt, except for the boots and hair, which I just had to buy while I was hunting. I was gonna post them last night, but……..ya got like totally sidetracked. Not in vain though!! See the evidence on my Flickr! I hadnt been feeling at all creative lately, spending so much time on my Q and such. But I think my mojo is back baby!! So I’ma take advantage of it while I can XD!

Other Shit
Hair (not free)
Deviant Kitties

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Tattoo (not free)

Like A Puppet On A String

October 21, 2008

We have been thoroughly spoilt this Halloween, especially by amazing skin designers.

Check out this stunning skin you can get from the lucky board at Den-Dou. I’ve paired it here with a beautiful group gift from Brain Restriction, the ever versatile stockings from Edge Grafica and some wicked stompers I picked up in the Crimson Shadow 50l sale, as posted by Adi hurr.

I’m so loving my finger tape, I have Dakota from Fashion Junkie to thank for my latest obssesion!! Wonder how long this one will last for.

Isn’t this dress gorgy! Another gift you’ll find in the Brain Restriction group. It has many different attachment point options, I um……..used em all XD! It’s not supposed to be quite so floofy, but hell I was tired yesterday! The legwarmer boots are a group gift from DK Shapes, you’ll find these and some Halloween shooz too. And check out my bat thingos flying round my head!! This is a gift from the luffley Helena Stringer that you’ll find for a very limited time at Crimson Shadow, so get thee there like now!

And saving my fave till last. This amazing creation is from LVS&Co. You really do get to be a puppet, complete with an incredible AO, and strings!!

It’s part of the Midnight Madness promotion. All you have to do is click the board to get your name down, and at midnight, if enough people have clicked, the gift gets delivered to all participants, wicked ay! And cos I’m in an awsome mood today, hurr is some eye candy.

Best played loud, with beer. Ash out.

Other shit
Hair (not free)

Finger Tape (not free)

Skin, Strange Brew & the Collared Kind

October 21, 2008


How morbid it must sound, a post about skin & witches & collars. ha ha ha. I assure you it’s all very innocent, what with the hot post below, I can’t help but attempt at taking it down a notch. 

Theses beautiful skins are from the new Bejambled skin boutique. The sweet owner, Cory, is giving the above skin away for free. (!!) The give away was suppose to end yesterday, but Cory’s so cool that she decided to extend the giveaway to the end of Wednesday, just for Free*Stylers. How cool is that?!

The strawberry choker is another freebie, from the awesome !* Rebel Xtravaganza *! The adorable (not free) shirt is from Uma who runs Uma’s Style Diary, which is one of my favorite SL Style reads. I love her cute cartoon t-shirts. The art is great as is the t-shirt texture. 


This next skin isn’t a freebie, but I couldn’t resist sharing it with you. I feel so pretty in it. I know this must sound strange, but Cory does a real good nose. I love, looovee the way my nose looks here. Sometimes the nostrils look terrible, morphed into weird kidney bean/jellybean mutants. I must say I have no complaints here. This nose is perfecto.

The earrings are a freebie from the always awesome Yak & Yeti. The pretty pearl cuff is a freebie from Icing.

I adore my very Halloween triple skull earrings from Deco, which is one of my new favorite jewelry shops. (along with *UnTone* and Beauty Avatar) They also have a cute saw necklace too. (All non-free mind you, but extremely on topic with Halloween and all). The necklace is from Atomic Kitty and is a limited edition Halloween release, and it rocks my socks off!

AnnaMayaHouse Witch

The cute lil witch on my shoulder comes from AnnaMayaHouse and it’s a freebie for halloween! It comes in two colors, and two positions. As a shoulder pet as shown, or you can have her fly around you in circles. 

[AMH] Wicked Witch

Her broom lets out color-changing sparkles! Soo cute. The witches also come with a big, chunky scarf held together with a giant safety pin. I’d wear the scarf with a cute dress, pig tails and bubbly shoes. Voila- cutie pie Halloween look. Just be prepared to swat away all those who want to pinch your cheeks.

[AMH] Benny The Bear

I couldn’t help but sneak in another non-freebie. AMH creator Anya also makes an adorable bear shoulder pet named Benny. The first time I saw him, I couldn’t help but ooh and ahh. He’s so sweet, turns this girl into puddles. Eternally sleeping, he lets out some “zzzZZZZzzZZZZzz’s” and snuggles up to your neck. awww

Sanu <3<3

I mentioned Sanu Collars back in this post a little over a week ago. Well, the lovely designer Sanura Sakai has released companion Madame Butterfly Halloween earrings to all her group members. You get orange, green and purple! They are really gorgeous, it’s hard to call them Halloween jewelry when I will surely wear them year round- I recommend that you join the group asap!

xo, Abra
{pic 1}
Jessibelle Special Edition @ Bejambled Skins
Strawberry Choker @ !* Rebel Xtravaganza *!
{not free}
hair- Gritty Kitty
T-Shirt- toastface (see Uma’s Blog– a favorite read of mine)

{pic 2- not free}
Jessibelle Deep Red @ Bejambled Skins
{not free)
hair- ::69::
tube top- [pink] outfitters
earrings- Yaki & Yeti’s
pearl bracelet- Icing

{pic 3}
Wicked Witch Wendy I from AnnaMayaHouse [AMH]

{pic 4}
Wicked Witch Wendy II from AnnaMayaHouse [AMH]
{not free}
hair- *BP
shirt- Armidi
necklace- Atomic Kitty 
earrings- Deco
{pic 5}
Wicked Witch Shoulder pets from AnnaMayaHouse

{pic 6}
Benny the Bear Shoulder pet from AnnaMayaHouse

{pic 7}
Nemesis Halloween skin from Beauty Avatar (in store dollarbie)
Madame Butterfly Choker from Sanu Collars (freebie in store)
Madame Butterfly Earrings from Sanu Collars (group gift, look up group under: Sanu OR touch the sign in store)
{not free}
hair- Atomic Kitty
shirt- redgrave