Archive for the ‘Free*Style Group Info’ Category

Disclaimer : I do not know any of these designers…

December 3, 2008

…. but I wish I did 🙂

I just feel the need to respond to a negative comment on a previous post from our friend ‘anonymous’ accusing us of mostly blogging our friends stores (which is absolutely crap by the way). I have made friends with many lovely and talented creators since starting this blog and I often feel bad because many of them I have not featured…YET! I would absolutely LOVE to do them all, believe me – but genuinely time is a big factor). I was so annoyed last night I actually said the F word TWICE in my response to the comment.

Fact is that myself and my fellow bloggers get sent many reviews and we always try to feature these first (sometimes we don’t manage to because we are so busy or we can’t find something to go with it etc…but we try our best, if you have sent us something and we haven’t featured your item yet, it is nothng personal, we are just so busy and persistence really does pay off). If you wish to send me a review of your free gift please send it in a folder with all info to my alt FREESTYLE ADAMSKI, as Creamy’s inventory is a horrible mess and I lose stuff.

When we have time we also love to do our own freebie hunting, that was my original hobby, but nowadays it’s really had to find unique items which have not already been blogged elsewhere.

We obviously all have our own styles and favourite stores, just like everyone else does, which of course we feature regularly as we are often in the update groups or get tip offs. It doesn’t mean we are know the designer.

Ultimately though we are doing this for fun and to help people who can’t afford lots of clothes, and I also like it if we can help advertise new talent. We don’t get paid so we aren’t obliged to do anything we don’t want to do.

Nuff said and on to the freebies…

I adore Slow Kitchen and I wish I knew the creator XD. They have a new free gift in store – this really cute dress in grey, the red version is on the lucky chair. The shirt underneath also comes with it. The skins worn here are Lion Skins…EVERY THING IS FREE…OMGWTF? They rock! Helianthus told me about it last night, so I went down this morning and the place was completely packed, you probabaly know about it already. The hair worn is the Diversity VIP group gift as shown by Ashia.

3 dec slow kitchen

Also in the above pic I am wearing tights and shoes by Little Fish, I’ve been showing this store a lot lately because I love it…oh yes, I do not know the designer, but I wish I did!

Little Fish are also participating in the POE hunt so search for the globe in store and you will find one of these items (I think it was the yellow dress), but not only that, there’s a Xmas tree in store with a new free gift everyday. So far this gorgeous red tang top, TARTAN shoes (yesssss) and tights. The skins worn below here are stunning and they are 1l at Beauty Avatar on the desk, also a male outfit there.

3 dec little fish

These shooooz *gasps)

3 dec_005

I’m offski, its sunny outside and I need fresh air. Have fun peeps!

ღ¸ More changes to Free*Style áƒ¦Â¸

October 28, 2008

Following some helpful feedback to my question here, I have now created a separate Free*Style group for free and 1L home & garden items.

Guess what I’ve called it? Yes, Free*Style Home & Garden!!
If you are a creator of home, garden, even fun miscellaneous items which cannot be worn on an avatar. Please send your info to FREESTYLE ADAMSKI (my alt) on a notecard and I will invite you as a designer so you can send notices. THIS GROUP IS OPEN ENROLLMENT FOR ALL SHOPPERS, but only myself, designers and store owners can send notices.

The Main FREE*STYLE Group is now only for notices about items which can be worn on an avatar.

This group is now OPEN ENROLLMENT too!!. At long last, SL has given group owners ability to turn off the pesky group IM chat, so (hopefully) no more spam.

To join the group type Free*Style in group search (yes the group now shows up in search too..things are looking up).

Current members can also invite new members to the group, so if you meet a new player or someone in need, help them out and send them an invite, remember to tell them about the our blog and the stores also, locations below and more coming soon….


IF you have space in your profile picks, it would be great if you could put one of our Free*Style locations there, to help people who may look at your profile and also to enable us to be found more easily in search. The more people who have us in their profile, the higher we will show in search.

If you wear your Free*Style group tag you can set your home location to here also. You can also unpack here if you wear your group tag but please remember to clear up afterwards .

If you are a Designer/Store owner you will still need send a note with your info to Freestyle Adamski or an Officer to be given the ability to send notices to this group.


This group is also open enrollment and can be found in Search. Also current members can invite new members and anyone can chat in group IM, share info on lucky chairs/hunts/freebie finds or anything.

This group does not receive notices like the other groups. Remember MUTE button is your friend in any open chat group. Spam is NOT allowed in this group but it is very difficult to control. If anyone is offensive or provides any suspicious links in group chat, please send me the info and I will ban them from all Free*Style groups.


This is Freestyle…

October 26, 2008

Meet Freestyle Adamski. ..Oh yeah, I know she looks like all my other alts :D.

edelweiss bat_004

I have created her as my admin alt for the group, so I can keep all my notecards and group info in order. Creamy’s inventory is terrifying.

So, if you have any queries about the group, would like an invite to the group as a designer or would like me to review something for the blog, anything Free*style related really, please send a NOTECARD or FOLDER (no IMs please) with all your info to Freestyle Adamski and hopefully I can keep on top of things more easily.

I only log on as her once a day for a short time if I can, just to reply to notes and stuff but please give me up to 5 days to reply to you, if I haven’t replied after 5 days please contact me again, your note may have got lost.

I’ll put my latest favourite new stores, along with old favies in Freestyle Adamski’s profile picks, so keep checking because it will probably change often. Today I stumbled across a wonderful place called Christmas, which funnily enough, is mostly Halloween themed. There are not many stores here yet but many of the stores here have fun free gifts (mostly Halloween inspired at the moment)

Look at this amazing bat hairband from Edelweiss, it’s only available at their Christmas location.

edelweiss bat_005

I was sooo surprised by what happened when I took to the skies…the wings open up and flap beautiful, like they are carrying you off.

edelweiss bat_003

The photo’s were taken on the Christmas sim, the sweetie filled pumpkin house is right at the top of the hill. Also check out the Pure Angel Mall right next to this sim (at the bottom of the hill). Lots of yummers stuff there too.

Bat Hairband: Edelweiss (0L)
Jacqueline Hair: Diversity (bought with new player voucher – under 30days old – remember to pick up your free new player skins too)
Skin: Sin Skins Group Gift (click the sign in store to subscribe and you will be given these skins)
Dress: GHOST at Free*Style (1L – or pay what you wish)

tell me your thoughts….

October 23, 2008

I was having a think today about Free*Style and if there is any point to it. I really want to know a few things.

If you are a Store Owner/Creator, have you noticed an increase in sales after advertising in the Free*Style group or being featured on this blog?

As a Shopper, are you really interested in the items which are advertised in the Free*Style group, are you discovering new stores you would never have found before?

That’s what I’d like to know.

So I’ve created a poll at the side of this blog and would really appreciate if you could take a second to answer. There’s one for shoppers and one for store owners.

Also, if you have the time, please leave any additional comments on this post. I’d be really interested to hear any suggestions, constructive criticism, what you would like more/less of etc…
If you require a response, please also include your SL name.



October 10, 2008


I just wanted to explain a few things, I wish I could put all this in my SL profile but I can’t fit it all in (and I think I am the only one who actually reads profiles anyway).

If you have sent me a notecard for a Free*Style group invite, or any other question and I haven’t responded yet, I’ve been having lots of problems opening notecards lately…you know, the dreaded message ‘system has timed out’, which means I’m unable to read the notecard. With the latest SL update lots of crap stuff has been happening, display driver crashes, black screen of death etc. I’m crashing regularly and it sucks!

If you have sent me an offline IM and I have not responded, it’s probably because I have crashed on login and lost your IM, or they have been capped. (My IMs do not go to my email as my inbox was driving me crazy). If I haven’t replied to you within a week, please feel free to contact me again, or even better, contact one of my group officers, who are listed on this blog.

It’s probably best to contact me when I’m online which is mainly between 12pm – 4pm SLT on weekdays (I’m in UK so this is my evening-time). Weekends can vary. You will see on my SL profile when I am online.

If I am online I am often afk, therefore I may not reply straight away. If I don’t respond eventually, I may have crashed and lost your IM, so please contact me again.

If you are a designer and you have sent me a review copy of your free gift for the blog and I haven’t featured your goodies yet, I’ve been really busy with RL, so not been able to blog so often lately. Please feel free to send items to any of my fellow bloggers who are listed here.

So I hope you all know now that I’m not totally ignorant, I’ve just got a chaotic life…RL and SL!

Thanks for your understanding.

Free*Style Group Guidelines & Info

October 8, 2008

HERE YOU WILL FIND RULES & INFORMATION ON THE FOLLOWING, please scroll down to the section relevant to you:


1. Free*Style Main Group Rules & Info for Shoppers.

In the Free*Style main group you will receive notices about free and 1L fashion items for your avatar, many notices from store owners and designers, some from group informers and myself. The group is now open enrollment and can be found in group search. Group IM chat is now disabled. You can read past notices which you may not have received by looking in the notice archives. Please take the time to read these rules carefully.

Please always be POLITE to store owners/other shoppers. If you arrive somewhere and it is busy and laggy, please visit the store again later.

If you do not like a free gift given out, please keep it to yourself, some people may enjoy it even if you don’t. Please also remember, no store owner is not obliged to give out a gift.

If I receive reports of any rude/bad behaviour in stores, this person will be ejected and banned from the group and probably banned from the store/sim involved.

If a free gift is hidden in a store, it is hidden for a reason. Some people like to hunt for it so please DO NOT SHOUT OUT THE LOCATION OF AN ITEM. Please do not hassle the store owner or staff for the location of the items.

If you discover a free item you think the group would enjoy please send a note card with info to myself or a Group Informer or Officer. Please see HERE for list of Free*Style Informers/Officers.

If you are a Designer/Store Owner please contact myself or an Officer if you wish to send a notice to the group and I will give you the ability to send notices.

If you feel anyone is breaking these rules/being generally annoying, please report any names and copy of chat log/relevant info to me by notecard if I am offline. Officers can help you if I am offline. Please click HERE for list of Group Officers.

If I receive any information of any Free*Style member behaving badly they may be ejected and banned from the group immediately without warning.

2. Free*Style Group Rules for Designers/Store Owners (Fashion/Home & Garden Groups)

These are the Free*Style Group Rules for Designers. Please read carefully, contains information on notice frequency and notice content.


Put all your info on a notecard (with LM and photo of free item if possible) and attach this to the notice. Many people prefer this as they can keep your note in their inventory and visit your store when they have time.

Only send notices about FREE or 1L items in your store, you are welcome to show your full price items in this notecard as long as the FREE/1L INFO AT THE TOP OF THE NOTICE. *Please contact me first if you wish to advertise anything over 1L, this is not usually allowed unless something extra special*

You are welcome to send a free gift direct to the group via a notice, please include an LM so people can come and see your store. *Please DO NOT send gift cards unless it will buy a whole item in your store*

Please DO NOT send notices about free items in your store which are gridwide commonly available full perms items or low quality items.

Please DO NOT send notices about free goods (eg. Resell/Buy in a Box Items) of which you do not know the source. I do not want this group to be associated with anyone who supplies unauthorised goods or rip-offs of anyone else’s creations. This is theft and if I or any group member discovers goods of this type, anyone suspected of distributing such goods will be ejected from the group immediately and reported to the original creator who in turn will file a complaint and take possible legal action.


You can inform the group once a week about a new free/1L gift in your store.

If you have the same free gift then please send a notice about this once every 15 days.

Please do not send ‘reminders’ about free or 1L items in your store/free Item offers about to end, etc. I get many complaints about this and it is considered to be spam.


If you think a notice you sent didn’t go through – wait 5 mins as SL might be having issues – then please contact an online group member privately by IM to check if they received it.

You can also join the FREE*STYLE CHAT ROOM and send an IM to this group to see if anyone received it. If notice was not received, you can send the notice again.

I do allow notices regarding charity fundraising or competitions, BUT PLEASE CONTACT ME FIRST SO I CAN APPROVE IT.

If any of these rules are repeatedly ignored, the ability to send notices will be suspended and you risk being banned from the group.


The FREE*STYLE CHAT ROOM is open enrollment, anyone can chat in group IM, share info on lucky chairs/hunts/freebie finds or anything. This group does not receive notices like the other groups.

Spam is not allowed in this group. This means store owners/friends of store owners CANNOT send IM the group to attract people to their store for commercial benefit.

If you wish to send a notice about your free/1L items to the main FREE*STYLE group, please contact me or an officer.

Do not send any type of web link to this group.

Please be polite to other chat group users, this mean no aggressive/overly sexual or offensive IM’s

Anyone breaking these rules will be banned from the group and all of the other Free*Style Groups.

As IM chat is enabled in the FREE*STYLE CHAT ROOM this means potential spammers, it is very difficult to control.

Please MUTE anyone if they annoy you, do not bother complaining to them in group IM – go to their profile and press MUTE, it’s the best way and then they can never spam you in any other group.

If anyone provides any suspicious website links, DO NOT click on the link, report anything suspicious to me and I will ban them from the group. Same goes for anyone being offensive or rude. Remember, in any open IM chat groups, MUTE BUTTON IS YOUR FRIEND!!

If you have any queries, please contact me CREAMY COOLJOKE or FREESTYLE ADAMSKI (by notecard if I am offline). If it is urgent and I am online please contact an officer, see link


I hope you all enjoy the groups as much as I do and that you will all respect these rules for the good of our groups.

Creamy Cooljoke

UPDATED: 28 October 2008

Creamy’s Brain Explodes!

August 25, 2008

Well not quite, but nearly. The opening of the Free Style Sim hunt yesterday was absolutely crazy…but great fun!

The technical issues turned out to be caused by SL and not the actual Sim. Most of us crashed and were unable to log in for an hour or so.

Despite this Gecko DJ did a wonderful job spinning the tunage and giving out prizes. We’d like to give massive thanks to all the designers and store owners for giving away such fantastic gifts, not forgetting big huge thankies to my fellow Free*Style bloggers for all their help and to lupu who owns the Free Style sim and to GOD – The Lord Almighty *cries* (errr, who do I think I am, Mariah Scary??)

This hunt is on for a whole week so if you didn’t make it yesterday there is still plenty of time.

Now I am hugely disorganised as you know, I have no idea how many prizes there are to find, will work that out later and we might even add some more!!

* If you were one of the 20 or more people who sent me an IM yesterday and I didn’t respond because I was busy gesturetarding and suchlike, please can you IM me again or send me a notecard because I crashed and lost everyone’s names so unable to reply to you *

Love Creamy (unprofessional and proud)

Yummy Umi Usagi!

August 24, 2008

Phew…….. it’s been a weekend of amazing hunts, hair fair insanity and also some phenomenal gifts from amazing designers! I occasionally visit Umi Usagi shop and when I did last night I found this jaw droppingly beautiful Anniversay dress called Rabbit*Kiss in ‘lapin bleu’, which comes with numerous options, neck corsage and shoes!


It’s so wonderfully detailed, Jeter Jun has designed a wonderful dress here and her shop is full of beautiful outfits & items, some of which have a steampunk edge!

These cute shoes with bunnies as heels come with it!


The new FREE*STYLE sim is officially opening today at 1pm SLT!! Yay!…. With it comes a hunt with assorted items hidden in dollar bills set at $0-$1 around the shop & sim, some items are made by our very own lovely team 🙂
here you can enjoy our new bigger surroundings, sharing a sim with Free Speerit who have hidden the lovely skin I’m wearing below in several tones!


And now I must take a breather 🙂



Minajunk – Live01 skin (last picture only)

also shoe pose (no longer free)

Curio – Ribbon updo in light brown

Free Stylin’

July 24, 2008

Hoooooo! (I’m trying to be retro saying ‘Hooo’, next I’ll be bringing back bling)

Sorry my posting as been so limited lately. Following my mental issues, which are now almost back to normal, (well, as normal as I can ever be) – I am now having technical issues. The laptop I use for SL won’t connect to the internet and I can’t download the new driver updates because the CD drive is broken, so it’s got to go to PC hospital. Currently I am using a wind-up computer from the olden days (it feels like it anyway). The graphics suck and I can hardly move when I play SL.

So I’ve got some pretty outfits and some GREAT NEWS for you’s…

I managed to move very slowly today and put together this cute little outfit, thankfully Ashia took these pics for me because honestly, you should see what the wind-up pooter does to my graphics – eeeeek!

The beautiful sheer jewelled top is a group gift by Pixel Dolls (this can also be worn alone to flash a bit of boobage). I paired it with the shorts and top which are part of the cute suspender shorts outfit, a group gift from Rosemar (this also comes with skirt – previously blogged by Ash).


Top: Pixel Dolls (group gift)
Shorts and T Shirt – Rosemar (group gift)
Necklace ~flirt~ at the Bridal Expo(1L)

Have you heard the latest? Free*Style have a main store, don’t fret though, we still have our cute little Juicy place too. The mainstore is still being set up, but we have a few freebies out already. One of them being this amazing outfit from the supertalented and generous Katat0nik Pigeon of Axis Mundi.

This dress two skirt prims with different beautiful textures, leggings and various layers for the top, all free!



Outfit: Katat0nik at Free*Style (0L)
Necklace ~flirt~ at the Bridal Expo (1L)

We are putting new stuff out all the time so keep checking back. I will be away for 2 weeks from Saturday so I’m hoping to get it all officially up and running when I get back. If you are a designer and wish to place a free or 1L item at Free*Style while I am away, please contact one of my fellow Free*Style bloggers.

Ooooh, and also I have put out 3 Photosphere’s with poses and backgrounds which are free to use, you will find these at the side of the building. Have fun and please don’t make a mess while I am away 😀

Non free items in this post
Golden Shimmer skin: Birthday Suit – Rosemar /Cupcakes
Black Cherry Heels: Juicy

The Short Hair: Magika

Crazy Antics with Ashia

May 6, 2008

Another post featuring photo’s from the Free*Style pool. Today I have gathered some of of Ashia Tomsens great pics. She’s found some yummy fun things most of which haven’t been featured on this blog yet. Just what I’m looking for.


Outfit – Rebel Hope Designs (Includes Boots)
Hair – BP* Lucky Chair




Boots – Spirit (only available for this week)
Leotard and Tutu – Spirit, 1 Lala each, when you TP there, go to the dancers dressing room


Shopping Bag-Sixty-Nine Group Gift
Sunglasses-Artilleri Gift

Come on folks, join the Free*Style Flickr group and add your fave freebie snapshots. I’ll try to show as many as I can. The looks which include a combination of items which are still available for free or 1L and have not been featured on this blog already will be most likely to catch my eye. Please remember to include the store name/price and the URL to the store.