Archive for the ‘Free*Style Group Info’ Category

Parallel Love in a Parallel Universe

April 11, 2008

Hey, I’m proud of that title….it’s hugely corny, but true!

Parallel Love has this gorgeous pink girly dress as a free gift in store. Thank you to Silk Aeon for sending a notice about this one, she’s a brilliant hunter and she’s sent some very useful items to the group too, including a windlight face light which includes a HUD so you can change the brightness intensity, direction and colour of the lights etc. It’s been a lifesaver for my photo’s, if you would like this, IM invite to the Free*Style group. Click HERE for list of Inviters.

S’cuse the glare in these pics, I was still experimenting with the lighting.


If you join the Parallel Love group you will receieve this heart jewellery set, which includes earrings, ring and choker (not shown)

If you visit the Honey Soul store next door to Parallel Love you will find the glitter dress I blogged HERE for 1L too (this was a group gift previously)

Dress: Parallel Love (FREE)
Cool Soul Hair – Junwave (5L)
Fata Saharabloom decor Skin: Bianca F (Free Group Gift)
Ribbon Boots: Shiny Things (not free)

Getting Things Straight

March 7, 2008

When I returned from my holiday I logged on to a few complaints about arguments in the Free*Style group chat and also rude behaviour of group members in stores, (please see Ivey’s post on the Snatch blog for an example of what’s been going on). I really don’t want our group to be associated with this sort of thing. I know the group has become so big and I’ve probably created a monster – which is not what I intended.

Ugly scenes in stores – not a good look!

Frenzied Shoppers

I started up Free*Style for fun and to help people who have little money on SL to look good quickly and cheaply, of course everyone else is welcome because we all love a freebie, but mainly this was the reason. The majority of group members are fantastic but it only takes one or two who behave badly to give the group a bad rep.

I don’t want to sound patronising because we are all adults, so please don’t take it that way. I am going to list the group guidelines here and this is an edited version of the one which was sent to the group months ago (which some people haven’t read I assume) – I will resend this to the group today.

1. If a free gift is hidden in a store, it is hidden for a reason. Some people like to hunt for it so please DO NOT SHOUT OUT THE LOCATION OF AN ITEM or behave like greedy animals.

Please do not hassle the store owner or staff for the location of the items.

Please always be COURTEOUS AND POLITE TO STORE OWNERS. If you arrive somewhere and it is busy and laggy, please visit the store again later. Please also rememeber, no store owner is not obliged to give out a gift.

2. If you do not like a free gift being given out, PLEASE KEEP YOUR OPINIONS TO YOURSELF, it is generous of the store owner to give out a free gift and not everyone has the same taste, some people will love it even if you don’t.

If I receive reports of any rude/bad behaviour in stores, this person will be ejected and banned from the group and probably banned from the store/sim involved.

Bad/rude/greedy behaviour spoils things for everyone and if it continues store owners/designers will stop giving out free gifts.

3. I do not want this group to be associated with anyone who sells unauthorised goods or rip-offs of anyone else’s creations. This is theft and if I or any group member discovers goods of this type, the distributor of such goods will be reported to the original creator who in turn will file a complaint and take possible legal action.

4. STORE OWNERS/FRIENDS OF STORE OWNERS. Please DO NOT advertise the freebs in your store in group chat. Please contact an OFFICER if you wish to send a notice to the group.

5. NO advertising of clubs, gambling places and suchlike in Free*Style. Anyone who does this will be immediately removed from the group.

6. Sharing info on freebs on group IM is fine – but please keep OFF TOPIC chatter to a minimum in group IMs. You can ask about the location of a free item on a notice, or anything related to a notice which has been sent.

I have now created a Free*Style Chat Group which you can join and leave freely if you want help or just a general chat, find this in search called .::. FREE*STYLE CHAT ROOM .::.

7. Please NO OFFENSIVE chat in group IM’s of Free*Style and Free*Style Chat Room, (meaning overly sexual, aggressive or threatening). Anyone who does this will be immediately ejected and banned and I will suggest everyone in the group mutes this person.

8. If you feel anyone is breaking these rules/being generally annoying, please report any names and copy of chat log/relevant info to me by notecard if I am offline.I have Officers to help if I am offline (see list below)

**Store Owners/Designers, please send me any information of any Free*Style member behaving badly in your store by notecard and I will eject and ban them from the group immediately.**

I hope you all love this group as much as I do and that you will all respect these rules for the good of our group.

I have spent quite a lot of time over the past couple of days rearranging the Free*Style Group Roles.

I’ve created a special role for Designers/Store owners so they can post their own notices. I’m writing a special set of guidelines for this too – similar to the excellent Fashion Consolidated rules, so hopefully it won’t get spammy. If you are a designer and wish to send notices about your free gifts to the group please contact me.

Free*Style Officers – can send notices and invite or eject members

Holli Hansup, Cecee Losangeles, Cheri Pye, Olivia Connaught, Keleka Qinan, Laki Trescothick, Anna Zwiers, Elusyve Jewell, Dot Lane, Mini May, Sammie Stawberry, Miaow Dastardly, Mooki Junkers, Eisa Loon, Dolci Woodget, Lilly Loll, Kie Jinn, Gorgeous Yongho, Sherpa Davies, Ceejay Wrigglesworth, Achariya Maktoum, Aemilia Villota

Free*Style Designers/Store Owners – can send notices about their free gifts in store or give them out to the group in a notice (they can also place a gift at Free*Style, please contact me if you would like to do this)

Free*Style Informers
– can send notices to the group and invite new members
Mini May, Sammie Stawberry, Miaow Dastardly, Eisa Loon, Zalashiji Heckroth, Kie Jinn, Holli Hansup, Kagome Tachikawa, Gorgeous Yongho, Catita Babenco, Foxy Jubilee, Sherpa Davies, Ceejay Wrigglesworth, Dolci Woodget, Lilly Loll, Bronwen Llewelyn, Laki Trescothick, Marni Sands, Olivia Connaught, Amethyst McMahon, Dot Lane, Mooki Junkers, Azia Lunasea, Whyspe Wylie, Lauren Parrot, Ceejay Wrigglesworth, Achariya Maktoum, Anna Zwiers, Miaow Dastardly, Aemilia Villota, Triangle Caudron, Lixandra Nixdorf, Cheri Pye, Lilly Loll, Cecee Losangeles, Elusyve Jewell, Tilly Wrigglesworth, Eisa Loon (more to be added)

Free*Style Group Inviters
– can invite new members.
Quin Telling, Mini May, Sammie Stawberry, Miaow Dastardly, Valyrn Vandeverre, Foxy Jubilee, Daisiee Georgia, Eisa Loon, Corcosman Voom, Zalashiji Heckroth, Kie Jinn, Gorgeous Yongho, Sherpa Davies, Samsara Melson, Ceejay Wrigglesworth, Angelico Dreamscape, Lilly Loll, Atos Cuttita, Calaya Criss, Dolci Woodget, Elle Connaught, Bronwen Llewelyn, Laki Trescothick, Olivia Connaught, Gorgeous Yongho, Amethyst McMahon, Dot Lane, Mooki Junkers, Azia Lunasea, Whyspe Wylie, PattyTheBrat Babii, Lauren Parrot, Anna Zwiers, Aemilia Villota, Lixandra Nixdorf, Cheri Pye, Elusyve Jewell, Marni Sands

Please contact an myself, an Informer or Officer if you find a great freebie, we may not announce a freebie if we consider it to be low quality or resell/full perm because often we do not know the source of this item.

So…these are my final words on the matter and then I’m going back to being ‘fun loving – pissing about’ Creamzilla again.

I have plenty of responsibilities in my RL, I didn’t come to SL for more and I hate all this ‘being serious’ shit. SL to me is a game and a game is meant to be fun, but saying that, we must still always have respect for eachother – just as we would in RL.

I always said as soon as the group starts becoming a chore and not fun, I would close it down. So I am sending this plea as a last attempt to make it the way it was. Whatever happens though – this blog is stayin’.

Feel free to leave comments on this too.

Wow, my eyes are popping out of my heed.
Thanks for reading!
♥ Creamy