Archive for the ‘Free*Style Group Rules’ Category

Free*Style Group Guidelines & Info

October 8, 2008

HERE YOU WILL FIND RULES & INFORMATION ON THE FOLLOWING, please scroll down to the section relevant to you:


1. Free*Style Main Group Rules & Info for Shoppers.

In the Free*Style main group you will receive notices about free and 1L fashion items for your avatar, many notices from store owners and designers, some from group informers and myself. The group is now open enrollment and can be found in group search. Group IM chat is now disabled. You can read past notices which you may not have received by looking in the notice archives. Please take the time to read these rules carefully.

Please always be POLITE to store owners/other shoppers. If you arrive somewhere and it is busy and laggy, please visit the store again later.

If you do not like a free gift given out, please keep it to yourself, some people may enjoy it even if you don’t. Please also remember, no store owner is not obliged to give out a gift.

If I receive reports of any rude/bad behaviour in stores, this person will be ejected and banned from the group and probably banned from the store/sim involved.

If a free gift is hidden in a store, it is hidden for a reason. Some people like to hunt for it so please DO NOT SHOUT OUT THE LOCATION OF AN ITEM. Please do not hassle the store owner or staff for the location of the items.

If you discover a free item you think the group would enjoy please send a note card with info to myself or a Group Informer or Officer. Please see HERE for list of Free*Style Informers/Officers.

If you are a Designer/Store Owner please contact myself or an Officer if you wish to send a notice to the group and I will give you the ability to send notices.

If you feel anyone is breaking these rules/being generally annoying, please report any names and copy of chat log/relevant info to me by notecard if I am offline. Officers can help you if I am offline. Please click HERE for list of Group Officers.

If I receive any information of any Free*Style member behaving badly they may be ejected and banned from the group immediately without warning.

2. Free*Style Group Rules for Designers/Store Owners (Fashion/Home & Garden Groups)

These are the Free*Style Group Rules for Designers. Please read carefully, contains information on notice frequency and notice content.


Put all your info on a notecard (with LM and photo of free item if possible) and attach this to the notice. Many people prefer this as they can keep your note in their inventory and visit your store when they have time.

Only send notices about FREE or 1L items in your store, you are welcome to show your full price items in this notecard as long as the FREE/1L INFO AT THE TOP OF THE NOTICE. *Please contact me first if you wish to advertise anything over 1L, this is not usually allowed unless something extra special*

You are welcome to send a free gift direct to the group via a notice, please include an LM so people can come and see your store. *Please DO NOT send gift cards unless it will buy a whole item in your store*

Please DO NOT send notices about free items in your store which are gridwide commonly available full perms items or low quality items.

Please DO NOT send notices about free goods (eg. Resell/Buy in a Box Items) of which you do not know the source. I do not want this group to be associated with anyone who supplies unauthorised goods or rip-offs of anyone else’s creations. This is theft and if I or any group member discovers goods of this type, anyone suspected of distributing such goods will be ejected from the group immediately and reported to the original creator who in turn will file a complaint and take possible legal action.


You can inform the group once a week about a new free/1L gift in your store.

If you have the same free gift then please send a notice about this once every 15 days.

Please do not send ‘reminders’ about free or 1L items in your store/free Item offers about to end, etc. I get many complaints about this and it is considered to be spam.


If you think a notice you sent didn’t go through – wait 5 mins as SL might be having issues – then please contact an online group member privately by IM to check if they received it.

You can also join the FREE*STYLE CHAT ROOM and send an IM to this group to see if anyone received it. If notice was not received, you can send the notice again.

I do allow notices regarding charity fundraising or competitions, BUT PLEASE CONTACT ME FIRST SO I CAN APPROVE IT.

If any of these rules are repeatedly ignored, the ability to send notices will be suspended and you risk being banned from the group.


The FREE*STYLE CHAT ROOM is open enrollment, anyone can chat in group IM, share info on lucky chairs/hunts/freebie finds or anything. This group does not receive notices like the other groups.

Spam is not allowed in this group. This means store owners/friends of store owners CANNOT send IM the group to attract people to their store for commercial benefit.

If you wish to send a notice about your free/1L items to the main FREE*STYLE group, please contact me or an officer.

Do not send any type of web link to this group.

Please be polite to other chat group users, this mean no aggressive/overly sexual or offensive IM’s

Anyone breaking these rules will be banned from the group and all of the other Free*Style Groups.

As IM chat is enabled in the FREE*STYLE CHAT ROOM this means potential spammers, it is very difficult to control.

Please MUTE anyone if they annoy you, do not bother complaining to them in group IM – go to their profile and press MUTE, it’s the best way and then they can never spam you in any other group.

If anyone provides any suspicious website links, DO NOT click on the link, report anything suspicious to me and I will ban them from the group. Same goes for anyone being offensive or rude. Remember, in any open IM chat groups, MUTE BUTTON IS YOUR FRIEND!!

If you have any queries, please contact me CREAMY COOLJOKE or FREESTYLE ADAMSKI (by notecard if I am offline). If it is urgent and I am online please contact an officer, see link


I hope you all enjoy the groups as much as I do and that you will all respect these rules for the good of our groups.

Creamy Cooljoke

UPDATED: 28 October 2008