Archive for the ‘Furniture’ Category

Super Quick Quickie!

March 18, 2009

The lovely Ms Eames of Vinyl Cafe fame has moved to a brand new sim!! As a thank you to all of you readers for your support, she has released this fanfuckingtastic pack. I’m at work, so she kindly gave me permission to post her ad for the set, so feast your eyes 😛 If you see her, say a massive thank you and give her loads of hearts!


Taken from the card she sent me: The Vinyl Cafe and Shops have relocated to a brand new sim and to celebrate we have put together a GORGEOUS present for all of our friends at FREESTYLE. Strut and sleep in style with this amazing FREE GIFT that includes:A fabulous pair of gold and turquoise suede ankle boots with super SEXY stiletto heels…
AND A very CHIC bedroom suite in turquoise, tan, black and white with: -a modern bed with a full sex and cuddle menu
-two side chairs with animated sits
-PLUS a coordinating chest, lamps and multipicture frame where you can display your own photos! Make sure to grab this amazing FREEBIE while you can…
Sweet Dreams from your friends at The Vinyl Cafe and Shops!

Grab the awesomeness here. Ash Out.

Words N Stuff

February 21, 2009

Urgh sleepless night. I’ve been productive though, trying to Photoshop myself to sleep! I find myself looking at things in SL, builds, textures and such, and wonder how much of the was borne of a sleepless night.


I know we don’t normally show furniture but this was too good to pass up! My friend Julez Odigaunt has a really cute, quirky store called The Julia Collection. She makes beautiful pieces, with hidden poses for you to find. Until March 1st, you can grab this Teatime Chair for an L. That’s an unbelievable bargain, go grab it now!


These outfits started as a post on Welma’s blog. I saw the dress on her and had to have it. The Freesia dress shown below is from Ambrosia. There’s a box in the Aventi Isle store, you vote for the store and get the dress. There are really gorgeous dresses of all kinds here.


In most of them, you get two skirt options, a babydoll or a more flowy skirt.


The ones shown here are an L each, the Freesia one is free.


Even the full price dresses are so reasonable, starting from 40L. It’s totally the store to go to if cutesy is your thing. The beautiful, delicate skin is from Yome Shoujo. You’ll find it in a box on the floor, to your left as you land. Don’t forget to check out the 5 lucky boards at the back of the store and the other freebies scattered around.


Also a huge massive thank you to Laleeta and Dove, who have totally helped on the pose front. Now I’m back to my usual picture taking times, instead of trawling through my poses for an hour looking for the right ones. heart you girls 😛 Ash Out.

Not Free

Bold Prints and Big Shoes

December 10, 2008

To make up for the fact that the group shoes in my last post aren’t available, I’ve got some lovely sculpty shoes here which are free at Blue Blood this week.


I have a confession to make that I still have not done the POE hunt yet (just not had the time). I just happen to randomly visit a store and a globe is there, which is what happened with this beautiful dress I found at a lovely store called salon de pigeon blanc . You will find this gorgeous dress in the POE globe in the store, all the clothes are so cute and inexpensive here too.


The lamp in the background is free at an adorable store called Roseo, which I only discovered today. Check out the clothes upstairs too.

I’m scared of my inventor(ies), yeah I’ve not got just one to keep clear – they are all filling up now *my brain hurts*

Special gifts

December 10, 2008

I logged on as Freestyle Adamski (my group admin alt) this morning and got hugely distracted from the matter in hand by these wonderful group gifts.

Yome Shoujo has this gorgeous table with pink lace trim.
Momo (*not lo momo) has 4 pairs of cute Xmas panties in the group notices, and the Slow Kitchen group has these lovely star flowers.

luce momo_001

luce momo_slow kitchen

The shoes and scarf are a group gift from LUCE, a wonderful furniture, shoes, skins, poses store which I stumbled upon while I was exploring the Gracia sim. Unfortunately, after I took this photo I noticed the group is NO LONGER OPEN ENROLLMENT. This store is definitely worth a visit – you should see the shoes, I was drooling. Hopefully the group will be open enrollment again soon.

Also worn:
Skin: Belleza POE gift
Hair: Diversity (not free)

MnM Hunt, and it is a hunt….oh yes….

November 16, 2008

….AKA, the most confusing hunt in the virtual world (if you don’t speak Japanese).
Once I had completed it though, in hindsight it was really rather simple. Info on the MnM website HERE

So the hunt started yesterday and runs through to 24 Nov and you win wonderful prizes from *BP, MCH and Honey Kitty.

You begin at the Okinawa sim, you are looking for a large acorn which appears randomly in certain locations. It is the same acorn which appears all of the sim, so you don’t need to collect them from all over the sim. I found 3 places it where the acorn appears but there are more locations.

The 3 places I found acorns
hunt okinwama Acorn locations

BUT, it’s not as simple as you collect an acorn and you get a prize…oh no! you are sent on a trail for your prize, you have to work for it.

When you collect an acorn you are also given a notecard which gives landmarks to 3 more locations : Electro Kitty, MnM at Glass Earth and MnM at Oz. So my tip is, stay where you are and keep collecting around 8 or more acorns (in case lag swallows them, which happened to me).

Go to one of the locations on the notecard you are given (it is the same notecard with each acorn), where you will find treasure chests.
Click on the chest to open, see your name above the chest.
Ctrl + drag the acorn from your inventory into the open chest)
*You don’t need to put an the acorn in every chest. I have written on the photo’s below how many acorns you need at each location, please read the pictures carefully.

The 3 locations on the notecard given with the acorns.
Hunt - acorn drop chests

When the chest accepts your acorn (any problems please read the MnM blog), you will be given a leaf which says *wear* and a notecard with the prize location LM.

Hunt - Take your leaf to next location

Take your leafs to the prize location and touch a chest to open. When you see your name above the chest drag your leaf into the chest.
Honey Kitty and MCH have the same prize in each chest so you only need one leaf for these. BP* has 3 prizes so you need 3 leaves.

BP* has 3 gifts, drop a leaf into a chest at gift 1, 2 and 3 location as shown on the photo below.
Hunt - BP Leaf Drop Chests

You only need to drop a leaf in 1 chest at Honey Kitty and MCH as they all contain the same prize
hunt HK & MCH Leaf drop chests

After all your efforts, well what do you win? Cute stuff, that’s what!

hunt prizes 2
Gorgeous Smooch pumps worn above are from Vinyl Cafe, free for a limited time

Hunt prizes 1

hunt prizes 3
The skirt and top worn above are by Pink Outfitters. The top is a group gift (search Pink Outfitters and look in notice archives) and the skirt is 1L in the Pink Outfitters store.

The Xmas tree with couple pose shown below is also a BP* prize, comes in snow particle or no particle version and different sizes.

Here I am posing with my real life cousin (SL name ‘Chapman’). He’s wearing a normal male shape here for a change, he normally looks like a turkey in SL. I remember when he was born…arghhhghghghghghg (I feel old now)
hunt prize 4

Big thanks to Jojoruno, elka lahane and a lovely mysterious girl called Teshi (who if she reads this blog won’t realise it was me, as I was playing an alt) for helping me with this hunt.

Also to my fellow confused hunters Zuzu and Uma Ceawlin for making me realise that it was not only me who felt like a total retard doing this hunt. XD

Is it October yet?

September 27, 2008

Nope, not October yet, true to form, SL has started going Halloween crazy already. I’m sure some off us will be sick of orange and black by the time Halloween arrives.

I do like it when a designer makes a Halloween outfit which can be worn all year round though, like this outfit by Mayuki, which is a Happy Style Mall group gift, touch the sign to join the group at the landing point and the dress is available next to it.


It looks gorgeously cosy and autumnal, not obviously Halloween inspired until you zoom in on the buttons…little cute pumpkins.


These photo’s were taken in my humble little sky box, do you see the yummy hanging cake tapestry behind me? It is from a wonderful store called Couverture, a special 1L offer for Halloween season. I won the the cute flexa ‘Kinoko’ mushroom seating (just seen in the background) on a lucky board at Shinshaibasi Mall.

Tina Dress: Mayuki- Happy Style Mall Group Gift
Ariel Skin: Beauty Avatar (1L)
Tintable Tights: Viva La Glam (1L)
Hanging Cake Tapestry: Couverture (1L)
Kinoko Table Set : flexa gift Shinshaibasi Mall (Lucky Board Gift)

Non free items
Wynter Hair/Hat by Kyoot
Phoebie shoes in Grey, Kookie

Gridwide Rabbit Hunt Update

September 18, 2008

Just wanna let you know that the Gridwide ‘Down the Rabbit Hole’ Hunt (Olivia posted HERE yesterday), doesn’t seem to have started yet, I imagine it will start in the next few hours though so keep trying.

Lolivia pipped me to the post yesterday, I was takin these pics last night before my t’internets decided to go tits up. So to save on wasting the piccies I took, here’s some of the yummy cuteness you can find..

Alice checkered ensemble, dress of gorgeousness

Oversized time telling teacup top

The tea has ‘interesting’ effects.

These are only some of the fantastic goodies you can find, have fun!

These pics were taken at the beautiful Tea & Strychnine mainstore (one of the locations in the hunt), you will find more information on the hunt here if you can’t wait until it starts.

Also worn
Donna Shoes: by Kookie (not free)
Sexy Hair by Seu (not free)
Skin: by Mijn Boa (‘i borrow your eyes’ previous group gift)

I Wish Upon A Сладък Star

August 29, 2008

You can wait your whole sl for something incredible like this. I thought I’d found my nirvana with the Facelight 3000, but this group gift from Bettypage tops that. It’s amazing, it’s Rozkošný beyond compare and it’s my own personal spotlight!!!

You get 3 versions in the box, including one you can wear, in case of a sim with build off. Theses pose props have to be the Süßt things I have ever seen. Fankyoo Betty, the stars are made of awesome!

Kenlee and I were wandering round the Sugarmill sim, dressed as Alice and Malice, playing with all the Sød poses. There’s even twister kids, too much fun!! I hadn’t been there for ages, and we ended up in Fluky. We were lucky enough to bump into the owner Bronwyn Llewelyn, who was a heap of fun to talk to, and was kind enough to let us try our luck with the Fortune Teller gift giver thingo! I actually won!! Wonders will never cease, and this Knap dress was my prize! It’s blood covered perfection!!

There’s also a huge box of freebies, of which I’ve shown a couple of the Joli outfits. I luff the star tank, perfectly in keeping with my theme du jour! The jeans have the belt drawn on them, so perfect for that laggy event you can’t say no to!! The hair alas is not free, but it comes with it’s own super carino tiara *whispers* you all need a tiara! Grab yours from the Deviant Kitties booth at Hair Fair.


BP* Group Gift

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Hair (not free)
Deviant Kitties @ Hair Fair

And as a closing thought, I luff the word Χαριτωμένος, it’s just so Atraente doncha think! 😉

Intergalactic Planetary

August 27, 2008

Hurry up!!! Today is the last day to get some wicked freebies from the Juicy Bella sim. For a super duper detailed post on other outfits you can find there, check hurr!! The shoes are from Unique Needs, The Death Dolly Goth Mary Janes, All Colors. Another triumph from Ann O’toole, with a nifty colour change script thats easy peasy to use. Click and change!! Even I can manage it. They’re not free, but so worth the lindens IMHO. The hair is a freebie from Magika, that can be picked up from Hair Fair.

It was checking Adi’s post that led me to the title of mine!! Once again, I’m running round the house singing badly, while my daughter yells “shuddup mummy I’m trying to watch the Wiggles”!! Well excuuuuuuse me! Katatonik has put a new dollarbie out at the Free*style main store, the Ghostfire dress in blue,it’s out of this world (punny pun punnnyness)!! I’m wearing it with the amaaaazing Wish hair, which at the moment can only be picked up at Hair Fair

And bubbles!!! I stalked the HPMD lucky chair till I was triumphant. I saw off many other a’s including mermaid Ach!! You get 6 different bubbles, each with it’s own super kyoot pose, and the poses seperately, in case ya wanna stick em in some other random piece of furniture! I have furniture and houses in general on the brain, having just packed up my store and moved, and found one of the best sky boxes I have ever seen!! I will be taking lotsa pics in my new home woot!!! A massive thankyou to Suri Christen, who helped me more than I can say in terms of decorating my home, with some pretty unique and quirky items. Heart yooooo xoxo

Shtuffs You Need To Know
Juicy Bella

Shoes (not free)
Unique Needs

Magika Gift @ Hair Fair

Rest Of The Pics
Katatonik @ Freestyle Main Store

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Hair (not free)
Katatonik @ Hair Fair

some beach, somewhurrrrr

July 28, 2008

someone’s blasting this frigging song and now it’s in my head and i would rather scrape out my eardrums with a moldy spork than listen to any newish country music especially something that references goddamn margaritaville although that josh turner dude‘s majestic hasselhoffian chest hair does give me some special feelings in the pants anyway so maybe if i use this as a post title it’ll go away and i wonder how much more horrific a runon sentence this can get? NOT VERY.

anyway. this post is all bathing suits, i was too lazy to shoot at a beach, and i totally stole ash’s polaroid gimmick. skip to the end for slurls, prices where applicable, and item credits.

not free, all photos
hair – naughty, nicole (350L for a three color pack)
skin – cake, sienna (3000L for a four makeup pack)

photo #1
bikini – bijou instore freebie, comes in other colors as well.
shorts – mirrors*+, instore gift but you MUST join their group in order to get them. these delightful hickory shorts come in three versions, each better to show off your plumbers crack than the one before. there are several other gifts there as well – leggings, a bag, a cute tshirt.

photo #2
bathing suit – amerie’s naughty, 20 minute item camp. located in the little shack next to the main store. comes with two skirt attachments, but also is super cute alone.

photo #3
bikini – laughing academy, retrolicious instore freeb/dollarbie.
sunglasses – worldwide industries subscribe-o gift. i believe they plan to give out gifts everytime they reach a milestone of so many members, so join up and stay put!

photo #4
bikini – in the light, bronze bikini (250L). and the prim skirt resizing torture was worth it.

photos #5 & #6
bikini – grabbed it at the b11 mall opening and there are a slew of other great freebs around. also home of one of the greatest carousels in the history of slcarousels, the hieronymous bosch carousel; which is perhaps second only to the moustache rides at floyd.
hasselhoff lounge chair, tophat, beer tub, necklace, and flip flops – all prizes from the latest <a href="
“>ohana isle treasure hunt:
“Our treasure hunt has just gotten started – will run through Aug 3rd… There’s 43 treasures to find, and 5 more in our new extra uber treasure hunters bonus round. (Full instructions at the landing point on Mt Wannahawkaloogie.) We try to offer a fair amount of men’s items too – it’s never even anywhere in SL but we do make it worth it for the guys.”