Archive for the ‘Giftcard’ Category

PixelDolls Giftcard

November 28, 2007

Aloha!! I had a day off blogging yesterday and now I am back, all refreshed and inspired.

If you didn’t know already, PixelDolls now have a subscribe-matic system for their group, if you TP there and click on the subscribe sign, click it again and choose ‘HISTORY’ then go through the previous notices, you will be given the beautiful bullet necklace (pictured below) and a 150L gift card to spend in store.

This card only seems to work on a small selection of clothes in the store, these being the boots and oufits on the stands at the front of the store. I bought this beautiful swooped neck wraith top with mine, it cost 150L exactly so the voucher paid for it. I thought I was only buying the one colour but in the folder in various beautiful jewel colours and different layers – nice surprise!

Pixel Wraith

Pixel Wraith back

Pixel Wraith

*Jeans – part of the free Cimarron set in PixelDolls, this set can be found in the centre of the store on one of the on-rez stands, but you can also buy it from on-rez and it will be delivered to you in game (see link on left of screen)
*Hair – Juliet by Gurl6 (bought with voucher for players under 30 days old. Contact me if you need help with this)
*Skin – Hollywood Gloss (Minnu group gift – no longer available)

Go and embrace the lag in PixelDolls!