Archive for the ‘GL hunt armidi’ Category

A Combination of Pretty Things

February 6, 2009

The month of February dawns upon us, not only have I accidentally missed a dear friend’s rezday, I realised there are like a gazillion hunts going on or about to start!

We have Vain Inc. Kissed hunt started today, and we will have the Greatest Love hunt commencing tommorrow…how do you keep up?

Some vendors for the Greatest Love hunt has already set out their boxes, there is also a flickr showcase group; Here are some previews from the flickr group, along with other stuff I picked up along the way…

Greatest Love

Frame: [On The Cover] – Lindsay Lohan Frame, GL Hunt Gift

Outfit from Bijou!!!
Shoes from Tesla

Greatest LOVE gift

Silk from HopScotch, for the GL Hunt. There is another gown and a gift for mens too!


[MC] Milestone Creations – Greatest Love Pose for the GL Hunt (includes the heart I am holding!)

Shirt on Takeshi & me is the new group gift from Thimbles!

Other things on Suri:
1. Cowboy hat from Mezzo, not free.
2. Short denim pants from League, not free.

GL hunt

Angelico B Designs ‘s Gift outfit for the GL Hunt. Hat is exclusive for designers of this hunt!


More pose gifts! I really like this one! It’s from Sugar Mill for the GL hunt.


Offering from Prim & Pixel Paradise for the GL Hunt. Ultimate salsa dress, in hotcha cha red with tons and tons of flexi ruffles and a large ultra feminine fluffy shoulder bow.


Dresses from Axel for the GL Hunt.

Vinyl Cafe boots again

I cannot resist these boots! Like myself, you propably have them in a variety of colors, this pair of Raspberry Pink Over The Knee Leather Boots from The Dominion Fashion District tickles my fancy, after all, a girl can never have TOO many shoes, right? The SURL should TP you in direct view of the boots – have fun!

Swimsuit from Armidi, not free.


My boots are the gifts from Sweeter Than Candy Midnight Mania! Thank you to Fab Renee for her tip for this!

Charcoal Dress from UnTone Quilt, not free.