Archive for the ‘Glasses’ Category

Style Magazine

May 15, 2008

Ok………I’m gonna take a deep breath and try to get all this out without hyper ventilating!! The Italian version of Style Magazine has a sim here in good old phil’s land. There is an exhibition and ….dun dun duuuuuuuuuuun FREEBIES!!! Rl designs brought into sl in a good way.. Who here hasn’t coveted a designer something? C’mon admit it!! I know I have……..I’ve looked at some of the glossy magazines and practically drooled! Well here’s your chance to own a bit of something special. Jump on the slurl, check out the exhibition and grab yourself some stuff that includes, but is not limited to….shoes, jeans, bags, jackets, sunnies. And boys? There is a TON of stuff for you too. I haven’t even shown half of what I got……I was too excited and wanted to show you all! Let the sim rez as it’s huge…….the areas that contain the freebes are slightly in the air and look like train cars. But if anyone has any probs……..IM me……I’d be more than happy to show you around 😉 A HUGE thanks to Beanie Canning for the tip…….I think I may have to marry you!!

Clothes, bag, sunnies, shoes
Style Magazine Corriere della Sera

Hair-Armidi (not free)

La la la…

May 10, 2008

以前こちらで紹介したSlow Kitchenのワンピースの新バージョンがメインストアーオープン記念に出されています^^

Dress – Slow Kitchen (free. This one has a longer skirt than the oneI previously blogged about)
Snapshot HUD – Slow Kitchen (free. There are 2 other frames in a pack)
Hair – Bewitched Hair (free. See Creamy’s previous post)


Outfit – B11 Outlet (Prize champ chair – 10 mins)

Silk Aeonさんから頂いた情報です。MokopticaからL$1のサングラス2種が出ています。クリックするとレンズの透明度や色などを変更できてしまう優れものです。

Specs – Mokoptica (L$1 each. Big thanks to Silk Aeon for sending the group notice about these^^ These cool specs are so great, click on them and you can change the colors and bling)
Hair – CocoLuv (L$1)
Tanktop – T..a..R..t (Subscribo gift)

In The Memory of hide

May 5, 2008

X Japanのhideさんが亡くなってから10周年という事でSLでも追悼イベントやアイテムが出されています。今回紹介する作品を出されているクリエータのしゅんさんにモデルをお願いしました。





A decade has passed since hide from X Japan passed away. Some of Japanese creators released items to honor the memory of him.

Parka, T shirt and specs – Shun (free)
Hair – Armidi (not free)

Gate of Psychommunityという場所にも期間限定の10日まで追悼記念アイテムが置かれています。タンクトップ、ネール、ヘア、ギター(ジェスチャー付き)などなど。




Modelled by Shunpra Inshan

Gate of Psychommunity has some nice items too, for a limited time only. 2 tanktops, nails, guitar with 3 playing gestures, and also the hair I have in this pic are free.

追記:Gate of PsychommunityのスタッフのSincreaさんからコメントを頂いたのでインワールドで同じくスタッフのRonさんが同席されお話を伺って来ました。結果から言うと聞いた話の内容にとてもがっかりしました;;スタッフのお二方はやんわりと角を削ってから話されていたのでなお更です。スタッフの方が声をかけても無料アイテムだけ手に入れると返事のないまま消えてしまう方が多いそうです。今回記事にした物はX Japanのhideの追悼記念アイテムであり、この店のスタッフの皆さん、更にクリエータさん方の特別な思い入れで作られた作品ばかりです。Creamyのブログなので私が色々と書くべきかと悩んだのですが、大人のGridにいる以上は最低限のマナーを守るべきだと思います。Creamyが以前書いた記事を参考になさってください。


Hi fellow Free*Stylers. One of the staff from Gate of Psychommunity left me a comment on this article and I had a chat with them in world. They told me that a lot of people who come in to get the freebies don’t even say “hello” or “thank you” when they are greeted, and just leave after getting what they wanted. I know this is not my blog nor here just to criticize but we are all adults in the adult grid, so why don’t we act like one? See the guidelines Creamy has posted.

I changed the LM, when you get there, you’ll find a 3D map and it will show you where the teleporter is. TP to the skybox and you’ll find the items there. IM me if you have problem finding the place. Thanks!

OMG u need dis ‘kini

April 19, 2008

Olivia has got me obsessed with the urban dictionary now, I was going try to do this post in entire aolbonics but then I decided against “using single letters and numbers to make myself look like even more of an asshat on the internet”

So I shall speak in almost plain English (apart from random made-up words) about this sexxifulicious polkadot bikini which is a group gift from GiGi Couture, search Gigi Couture and join, look in notice archives and there it is.


Cute little halterneck bow and oooh yes, it gives nice buttage.

This cute hair is by Fuel, you can find this on the Ravenwear hunt if you look reeeeaaallly hard.
The glasses are a group gift by Periquita. TP to the store and touch the subscribo sign, touch it again and select History, I think it is Option 1


Bikini: Gigi Couture (Group Gift)
Hair: Fuel (Ravenwear Key Hunt)
Glasses: Periquita (Group Gift)
Serie 2 Skin: Dutch Touch (not free)

Chillin’ in ICEY

April 14, 2008

I visited Icey a few weeks and picked up an amazing retro dress for free. I couldn’t stay too long on this store that day as SL was up to it’s usual tricks. I found the dress again in my inventory today and thought I’d better check it was still available before I told y’all about it.


I took the time to look around the store today and picked up some other great items, everything is fantastic value and I even found a couple more free gifts too.

These pretty floral pumps were free, you will find these on the floor near the shoes. They have a bit of bling action, I’m never a big fan of bling usually – but in these shoes, I likeee!


The glasses worn in the next photo are free for 3 pairs in yellow, black and pink. The cargo pants and bikini top cost around 100L in total (maybe slightly less)


Also if you join the ICEY group, you get loads more goodies, there’s weekly free gifts!

In the group archives at the moment are boots, lingerie, jewellery, men’s hair (which also suits girls) and a baseball cap (not shown)




Shooting Glasses – Free
Pink Floral Shoes – Free
Retro Dress – Free
Black Grease glasses in the first photo, Cargo Jeans and bikini top all less than 100L each.

Other Items worn
CatEye Skin:
S5 Skin (in lingerie pics): Tuli (Red Stick Gift)
Henna Tattoos – Tuli (Red Stick Gift)
Crazy Curls Hair:


April 10, 2008

Muism have got a great new group gift, a stylish leather racer style jacket. Red/silver for the boys and pink/silver for girls. You can wear them with the sleeve rolled up or long.

Total coolness!

Sleeves worn long

Sleeves rolled up

Here’s Brad showing a bit of belly fluff, I was having a nightare trying to find a long enough top.

Sleeves worn long

Sleeves rolled up
Leather Racer Jackets – Muism (Group Gift)
Zip Top – Argrace (previous group gift, no longer available for free)
Aviatars – SATXI at Free*Style (1L)
Hair – Boon (1L)
Creamy’s Jeans – Rosemar (1L)
Brad’s Jeans – AB Apparel (1L)

Also, **kame** have a cute new group gift this month, the ‘cha’ outfit is a little teeny weeny skirt and top, yes you will need to shrink your ass right down for this one ladies. Search **kame** to join the group and you will find this oufit in the notice archives.


Sexy little camo bikini panties underneath the skirt

Lastly another gorgeous group gift for you, this adorable little bag from La Petite Fleur, search La Petite Fleur to join the group and you will find this in the notice archives.


‘cha’ outfit – **kame** (Group Gift)
Bag – La Petite Fleur (Group Gift)
Beenie Cap/Hair – Argrace (previous group gift, no longer availble for free)
Creamy’s shape – Meg at Free*Style (1L)
Creamy’s Skin – Soon Sable Natural Eyeliner,
Bianca F (free gift from skin fair, no longer available for free)
Brad Shape – Free*Style Group Gift
Male Skin –
Minnu (previous group gift, no longer available for free)
for free)


April 6, 2008

BOO!! I’m still here! My bad, I’m sorry for not saying I was going away for a few days – I was off to the mountains in the wilds of the Scottish Highlands with all the Haggis and snow!

Just before I left Achariya was telling me about a new place about to open called Starlust Motel, I only got half of the details before I crashed, so I had a peek at her blog today, the place looked so cool, it was the first place I visited when I logged back on.

It’s a right skanky place, dirty mattresses with unmentionable stains and filthy whores – it’s right up my alley. I love it!

Oh and the stores are cool too. Goodness, you will find all of these…Thimbles, Ki-Squared, Schadenfreude, Bagley, La Sylphide, Amplify, SD Wears, GG Couture, HotBox, Violet Voltaire. Pudge and some of them have freebies!!! Oh yes, check out the ones I picked up.



Dame Edna Glasses – Thimbles (free)
Awee Baby Blue Dress – Thimbles (free)
Cardigan – Thimbles (free) and looooads of colours
Plaid Skirt – Thimbles (free)
Black Tee (previous free gift from Ki Squared)

Pants and Top, SD Wears (free)
Serenity Heels – Aphrodite (NEW Group Gift)

Glam Bam Dress – Amplify (free)
Polka Dot Earrings – Pudge (free)


Beautiful Cameo Necklace – Violet Volitaire

(I looooooove La Sylphide skins – look at that amazing complexion and smokey eyes)
Starlust skin – La Sylphide (Free)

The cute lil hairstyle worn in these pics is the fabulously named ‘Mary Macaroni Waves of Glory’ by Pudge (not free). The red pack which has 3 different shades just needed me to buy it, it goes so well with this skin.

All of these stores can be found at Starlust Motel

Oh and while I am here, let me show you this boa of gorgeousness from Ivalde, you will get this if you join the group and look in the notice archives.


I think I need to seek professional help, I’m worried I’m becoming addicted to my emotes!!! Is there anyone out there who specialises in this area?

El Trebole modelled by the one and only Brad Shit

April 2, 2008

Following on from the Angelina Jolie theme in yesterday’s post. I’ve attempted to make a Brad Pitt.

I thought Brad could model the free mens clothes at El Trebole today (I featured the womens free clothes there also in THIS POST). These clothes are great for setting up a new player with some decent clothes, so if you find anyone in need of a makeover, point them in the El Trebole direction.

This photosourced leather jacket will go with pretty much anything.

Top with the El Trebole logo, I’m not a big fan of logo’s on clothes usually but this is pretty cool.


Two moist looking ‘Fun Boy’ vests. “Where have you been Brad? Don’t let Angelina know, she’ll box yer ears.”


Two pairs of cargo’s


Non Free Items
The skin worn is the fantastic new ‘Hot Rod’ skin by MiaSnow which I found on the Easter hunt a few weeks ago. This was the preview version, the finished version can be bought in the store. It’s amazingly realistic looking.
The ‘Jamie’ hair was a previous free style from Truth, this can still be bought in the store.
The ‘Groovy’ Sunglasses were a previous free gift from Argrace, probably available to buy in store.

‘Brad Shit’ Shape by Creamy (Free)
I’ll pass it out to the group and put it at Free*Style, he will be mod so you might be able to make him look more like Brad than I could.

in which i break the rules, oh noes

March 27, 2008

(what follows is mostly of the not-free variety but the clearance sale at random industries is fabulous enough that i couldn’t resist letting you all in on it, so don’t hate me too much please)

[skin – rosemar group gift; hair – random, layla (70L for around 25 colors); top – random; skirt – mg fashions]

i got the yummy salmon skirt free from the mg fashions update group a few days ago. i was completely stumped as to what to wear with it, and couldn’t settle on anydamnthing til i found the “this is why i’m hot” (20L, but you can get a big old variety pack of kitschy shirts for 150L) shirt at the abovementioned sale. i had to go all out pepto bismol pink overdose. had to!

[hair – booN, uzuz22 (220L for a 2 color pack); skin – belleza (group gift); top and jeans – random]

because i personally can never have enough peggy bundy in my wardrobe, i also picked up the shimmery metallic glamorous tops (5L for a 2 pack – gold and silver) and the skinny leopard jeans (a pack of 3 in varying washes for 25L).

[shirt – random, boys polo (25L for a pack of 7)]

yup, there’s stuff for the boys too! i’m a sucker for the boyliner on garbage’s skins (reduced to 75L for a single skin), and the emotacular jack hair was crying out to me, threatening to slit its imaginary wrists if i didn’t fork over the 70L (like with the layla hair, you get 25ish colors) and take it home with me. the glasses are from g.l.a.m./indigo’s instore dollarbie box – it’s upstairs with the men’s stuff.

and because you’ve all been so well behaved, i do actually have something totes free to share:

well hellloooooo nurse! thanks to bronwyn llewelyn for alerting the group to this naughty freebie from nuclear boutique. doctor bear’s included in case you can’t find a strapping young orderly to cuddle during those lonesome 11-7’s. you’ll find it instore in the casualwear section, and the sign indicates that it’s the freebie of the week, so don’t wait on this one. now, who’s ready for their checkup?

The Two A’s

March 26, 2008


Two more glorious group gifts for you here ladies and gents, these Cheeries shoes are the new creations from Aphrodite Outlander and you know how much I love her shoes. Always fun patterns and styles, just the sort of shoes I would love to wear in RL.

This first pair is free in the Aphrodite Friends & Fashion Group, these are called ‘Sweet Activity’. Join the group for these, they will only be in the notice archives for 30 days.


The Radioactive pair are free in the store (possibly for a limited time)


I couldn’t resist and bought a full price pair too, they are only 100L after all and a girl NEEDS lots of shoes. It was really hard to choose because all the patterns are so cute, but in the end I chose Earthflowers.


‘Cheeries Shoes’ by Aphrodite
Pink Sweet Activity (Group Gift)
Green Radioactive (Free in Store)
Earthflowers (100L)

Aoharu is a wonderful place which I feature often on this blog, Mechang Pichot is so generous to her group. I’ve been so excited to see her hair release, she’s given away 2 styles to the group, one for women and one for men

The Ann hair is a pretty topknot in milky montblanc shade


The Nick hair is a guys style in ‘Night White’, this can be tinted easily if you don’t dig blueish white hair.

27-03-08_009 27-03-08_010

For a week Aoharu are having a half price sale on their hair, so I had to buy one of course, this cute updo is called Momo in Twighlight Silver, it was 60L in the sale.

Ann & Nick Hair: Aoharu (Group Gift)
Momo Hair (last pic), Aoharu (60L half price for a week)
Male Skin: Aden by Imagen at Free*Style (1L)
Mouskouri Glasses, MKNaomi Group Gift (as seen in Olivia’s previous post)
Female Skin: Dutch Touch (previous group gift, no longer available for free)