Archive for the ‘Gnubie store’ Category

first date;

February 9, 2009

in the spirit of valentines, here my pick for a first date.

Grab this dress, and a tonne of other freebs I will be blogging very soon, from The Gnubie Store. Go crazy. Everything is free or 1L.

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‘Muuuummm! Stop taking photo’s! Your so embarrassing!!’

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‘Is my hair okay? You sure it isn’t too windswept?!’

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‘I hope he takes that fishbone out of his mouth before we hookup….’

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‘Clooooosseerrrr…..Get that sexah body closer!’

Nothing happened. I swear!

What you need:
Keep your eyes out for more items from The Gnubie Store. Which is sick, I tells ya!
Dress: Random Fashions at The Gnubie Store.
Hair: Colleen by Aden (Not free)
Skin: [42] Not free.
Shoes: SLink prim feet in Valentines Edition (Not free, but only 100L!!) (I couldn’t TP there for some reason. Just search for it, and it comes up! Have fun! They’re great!!)