Archive for the ‘Gothic’ Category

Bold Prints and Big Shoes

December 10, 2008

To make up for the fact that the group shoes in my last post aren’t available, I’ve got some lovely sculpty shoes here which are free at Blue Blood this week.


I have a confession to make that I still have not done the POE hunt yet (just not had the time). I just happen to randomly visit a store and a globe is there, which is what happened with this beautiful dress I found at a lovely store called salon de pigeon blanc . You will find this gorgeous dress in the POE globe in the store, all the clothes are so cute and inexpensive here too.


The lamp in the background is free at an adorable store called Roseo, which I only discovered today. Check out the clothes upstairs too.

I’m scared of my inventor(ies), yeah I’ve not got just one to keep clear – they are all filling up now *my brain hurts*

Christmas Tree Head

December 8, 2008

I’m shamelessly blogging some friends in this post and I don’t care, YAY!

Morgan Kincess of Digital Eyes is my friend and I have hardly ever shown her creations on this blog, it’s about time I did because she is super talented. Check this gorgeous hair she is giving for the POE hunt.

I’m wearing it with this sexy little Tango outfit which is a POE hunt gift from another talented friend of mine Ghanima Uriza of Blue Blood. This outfit includes a really gorgeous pair of boots which you can’t quite see in the pic, the socks are a freebie from Juju’s Closet (lots of other items in the freebie box for men and women).

BB Digital Eyes1

BB Digital Eyes 2

This rabbit outfit by Blue Blood is not free, but what the hell, it’s so, so cute. This is from Ghanima’s new Harajuku collection. There’s also a panda version.

Blue Blood Bunny

I really wish I knew BettiePage Voyager of BP*, her creations are amazing and fun. She has given 3 gifts out in her store.

2 cute Xmas hairstyles, fluffy earmuffs and Xmas Tree’s (not shown) all free in BP* store



Another fun creator is Mayamaya Indigo, the designer of some of the coolest, most inventive afro’s in SL. This one is a group gift in store, join the Mayamaya group and touch the sign at the store. (whoops just noticed Suri already did this hair in her last post, but never mind, here it is again)


Unisex Snowflake Tee: Aitui – FREE, that’s 0L (sorry about the error before XD )
Skin: ti’ko (not free)

Oh by the way, did I leave a dildo anywhere recently? I had one returned to my inventory this morning…..oooeer!

I’m cooooold

November 21, 2008

Today is the first day of snow here in my part of Scotland. It’s freeeezing! It’s not that lovely white fluffy snow though, its the wet, sleety grey stuff, the one positive thing about it was my kids actually wanted to leave the house earlier for school this morning because they were excited – the wierdo’s! I think I will have to hang out at warm sunny places in SL to make myself feel better.

I’ve got another lovely mix of stuff to show you here today.

This is the So Chic outfit by Thalia Fashion Collection
Whoops my bad! I saw the free group gift text on this sign but it is not this outfit which is free. The outfits on the other side of this sign for this outfit are free and lovely too. Thanks to Schnaeppchen for pointing this out.

OUTFIT NOT FREE, sorry for misleading anyone, I’m half asleep still.
20 nov thalia

I found the Meu and Ska Shack store on a shopping trip around Osaka a few days ago and it has some great free gifts. Meu has really fun girly stuff, vintage style with bold prints, I really love. The top was not free (only 80L), the skirt was a free gift and there are some Tshirts there too.
20 nov flower

Also worn (not free):
Barber Hair: yumyum
Skin: :: DUTCH TOUCH :: Skin Indie Summer MU 7

Here’s one I’ve been meaning to post for a while, the fantastic Stuka dress, lucky chair gift at Blue Blood . I have been wearing this permanently over the past 3 days. Thank God we don’t get smellyvision on SL.

20 nov bb lucky chair

Fantastic new free outfit in the Blue Blood store too.
20 nov dress1_009

Also worn
Wild Woman Hair: MiaSnow
ByrneDarkly skin: MiaSnow (not free)
Ribbon Boots: Shiny Things (not free)

We have a new little store at Blue Blood, there’s a small collection of items there so far (if you would like to provide a free or 1L gift let me know) .

I made these a couple of AO’s a few weeks ago and today seems like the perfect day to blog them. You can find these at the Free*Style Blue Blood location.

Cooold AO’s, one for men and one for women. They show perfectly how it feels to live in Scotland today. They are 1L each (or pay what you wish.)

If you click on the photo and view it in original size in Flickr you can see these animated
Cooold AO

Cooold Male AO

Moar Spookeh & a Competition

October 14, 2008

I’ve just been to see Igor at the cinema with my kids and I think I loved it more than they did.
The hideous yet beautiful ‘Frankenstein’ type Monster, Eva, is now my heroine. She was created to do evil but she was accidentally brainwashed into thinking she is an actress…chaos ensues with a soo sweeet melty ending. LOVED IT!

Anyhooo, onto the freebies. Rockberry have some awesome outfits for free for Halloween, a bit different from your usual Pumpkins and Ghosts. We have a Jester and a Vampire/gothic lady


These outfits are so beautifully made, the gothic outfit can be worn in two ways, as pants with tails or a long flowing skirt. I adore the neckline on this, it reminds me of batwings.


The Jester outfit is so fun and unusual, it comes with the skin and shape (not worn).


I won this gorgee skin on the lucky board at Rockberry too.


Ghanima at Blue Blood has been busy-busy as always, she’s made lots of super Halloween goodies, the Body Art skin worn here is free in store for a limited time.



Also you can find this gorgeous Alice in Wonderland inspired Cheshire skin on the lucky mushroom camp chair at Blue Blood.


Just as I was finishing this post, Ghanima IMd me to say that she is having a photo contest.

Send a Halloween themed photograph to Ghanima Uriza wearing a Blue Blood outfit, the winner gets 4 free outfits of their choice.

These are the conditions
1) You must belong to the Blue Blood update group, (search ‘Blue Blood’ it is free to join)
2) You must be wearing a Blue Blood outfit
3) No Photoshop (or any other photo editing program) allowed as this could give an unfair advantage. Raw, untreated photographs direct from SL only please.
4) entries by the 25th October and the winner will be announced on the 28th

One photo must be sent in a folder named with your SL name to Ghanima Uriza containing the picture and a notecard mentioning the 4 outfits you want.

Oh…and I volunteered to be a judge, I’ll take on the Simon Cowell role – so watch out :p

Pics 1, 2, 3, 4
Jester and Gothic outfit: Rockberry (0L)

Megan Dark Skin: Rockberry Lucky Board( 0L)
Wild Woman Hair: Miasofia lucky chair (0L)

Pics 5 & 6
Body Art Skin: Blue Blood (0L)
Wild Woman Hair as before
Cheshire Skin: Blue Blood Lucky Chair (0L)
Halloween Tiara: Irollic (0L)

Outfits both from Blue Blood (not free)

Blue Blood Babes in the Wood

September 3, 2008

Oi Oi, sorry about not posting for a few days, I’ve been working on something fun for y’all, (not that you really needed me anyhoo cos ma girlies here have been doing an excellent job).

I really had to take time out of my latest venture to show you these wonderful lucky chair prizes at Blue Blood. Oooh and look, it’s Ghanima, the supremo-talented, hard-working brains behind Blue Blood modelling these goodies with me.

This first outfit is totally different from Ghanima’s usual designs, it’s gothic lolita working 9-5. I love it, it’s got a funky big prim collar, it’s gorgeously tight and figure hugging and the skirt is a rubber texture. Very practical for an office job – not sweaty at all! This outfit is available in 3 shades on the lucky chair. (Boots also from Blue Blood– not free)


Hair: Boon (1L or free)

These gloriously gothic outfits have also just been added as chair prizes in store, these pics don’t do the outfits justice at all, they flow beautifully and the textures are lush. We look like dark princesses.



I’m going to spam you with posts over the next few days as stuff has been building up in my inventory.

You must check out Ghanima’s Alice In Wonderland inspired area outside the Blue Blood store, it is magical and free for you to enjoy, lots of little sitting areas and places to explore.


The little Green Exit Man Avatar there is actually me, I spent much of the day like this yesterday. It was only 1L from a little shop I found at Honmoku Hills.

Expo’s And Other Shtuffs

July 13, 2008

Big post today!! What a huge weekend it was (remember I’m future girl, so currently I am at work emoing about Monday, the rain, the cold and life in general!) First up, Jojo from Wigwambam has new releases for us, including this smokin outfit for an L. Hand drawn lushness baby.

new wigwambam dollarbie

new wigwambam dollarbie


Tricolore Group Gift

Tekeli-Li Group Gift

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Then for those of you just starting out in game, and wanting to do the Goth Dolly thing, Draconic Kiss have three complete outfits for you for free. Detailed and complete down to kyoot stockings that look like they’re about to fall down!

Draconic Kiss

Draconic Kiss

Draconic Kiss

Draconic Kiss

Shoes (not free)
Unique Needs @ The Shoe Expo

Hair (not free)
Shop Seu

After wading through lag at the Shoe Expo, I thought, why not do it all again at the Swimwear & Lingerie Expo!!!!! There are some srlsy smexy designs there ladies, and quite alot for you bois too. And holy crap, the freebies!! The partaking designers have been generosity plus, and I staggered home with an inv stuffed full of goodies! I have labeled each pic with the corresponding designer, as you can see, there were a million and 2! The slurl will take you to a central landing spot, then it’s up to you to wander round and find the shtuffs.

expo copy

swim expo

lingerie expo

Back to work for me now bleh. Oh and McHottison, I see you glued to the screen staring at my pics, STOP IT NOW, kthnxbai 😉

Swimmers And Undies
Swimwear And Lingerie Expo (the various creators are labeled on the pics, too many to do again!)

Hair (not free)
Shop Seu

Tattoo (not free)

wah wah wah

June 30, 2008

i’m in a grumpity mood so i’ll spare yall the words words words words and get on with pictures and slurls.

get your ass to haunted zuzu. click the subscribeo. check the history. get two sassy tanks. i’m wearing the birds and cherries one below, which of course you’d never know cause it’s one of my typically craptastic shots… trust me, it’s a yummy top.

[hair – jade, nana (100L); skin – gala phoenix; headphones – pushbutton industries (90L); shorts – fetch alternative (from the freebie box); tights – edge grafica (free); boots – urban bomb unit, tattoo rainboots (245L);]

neeeexxxt is a lacy foofy dollarbie from sisters which a sane person might wear to a cocktail party, but me, not so much:

[hair – maitreya, aimee (free); boots – katat0nik (dollarbie); gloves – sheer (50L for two pair)]

and last freeb is something i have to kiss the lovely amethyst mcmahon’s feet for finding: edge grafica’s mourning dress… the velvety weightiness of the material is nearly palpable, and it comes with stunning little hat!

[hair – zero style, missi (300L for a three color pack); shoes – shiny things, ruffle boots (400L)]

locations: iron fist and winterfell absinthe.

The sweet side of goth

June 26, 2008

This week I’ve had a penchent for mixing pretty girly dresses with gothy skins, I’m channelling Luella’s gothic revival -(Fall 2008 dahhhlings). I love this look, it’s a great way to release your inner goth.

This beautiful cherry dress is from a new store called Bingo (there is also a couple of other free items in store now YAY!). The unsual skin is a free gift from The Obscene (limited time freebie – hurry it might be gone soon).


Awwww, look at my little bear, this is the Grim Babies freebie which Ashia featured in her post. The hair is the free Aimee style at Maitreya and the cute pierced kitty ears are from Katat0nik at Axis Mundi 130L (includes 2 tails, pierced and unpierced ears -all twitchy animated)

These eyes are by Aralute, she makes stunning, unusual eyes and they really work well with this skin, you can get these at Aralute’s for only 20L.

This hair is also free at The Obscene , the beautiful dress you can just see below is a prize on the Crimson Shadow lucky chair, you can see this is full on Adaire’s post.


While I was working on this post, Elemiah Designs sent a note through about a new free dress in store, I rushed right on over there because I love Elemiah’s clothes, and WOW check out this glorious creation, the Bonheur Pink Gown. This is available for 1 week.



My chummy Azia Lunasea IMd me yesterday about a good friend of hers, Tekelili Tantalus, who has an amazing store called Tekali-Li packed full of beautiful fantasy hair in many unique designs. This intricately detailed style is a little taster of what is on offer, it’s only 1L and there is also 2 free tattoo’s and earrings. The striking skin worn here is the Goth – Extreme Black/Green Makeup from Frick, 1L


Achariya called to me today about this wonderous tree hair, which a new freebie from Curious Kitties, I thought “it’s fabulous but what the heck am I going to wear with it?”


But then, as if by magic, I receive these beautiful dresses from Katat0nik at Axis Mundi. It’s like this hair was made for them, and this Ganguro skin 1L from Frick, sets it all off perfectly!

THE DRESSES (in 6 colour combinations)


The texture used in these skirts is one of Katat0nik’s beautiful paintings, how amazing is that to be able to translate your own painting onto an avatar’s clothing!


Also free in the Katat0nik at Axis Mundi store are these cute and chunky legwarmer boots and skirts (the skirts I think we have previously blogged, but they go perfect with these boots – so here they are again). These boots come in so many different colours.


Oh one more thing, I had to show you this eyecover also free from Curious Kitties, I found the perfect hair for it in my inventory, the dreads from Booperfunk at Savoir Hair (free or 1L, I really hope it is still there). The bracelets and skirt are also free at Curious Kitties.

Woops sorry, bewbies (at least you can’t see my eyes)

Tha PHLow

June 22, 2008

This is a real quick one

There is a really colorful bird tattoo in light and dark to be found for $0L at PHLow, along with this lively Black & Pink silk bra! I tried to get a kinda punk ballerina thang together here…


The nicely textured bra and detailed tattoo in closer detail…


I should get back to my stress filled rl Sunday now! Snapshot_003

Non-free items:

Skin: Live01 – Wine Minajunk

Hair: Jenna – Cerise ETD

Eyes: Black onyx jewel eyes – DP Yumyum

Socks: Gillian’s leggings – Corduroy

Boots: Darklord boots – Beckenbauer

Collar: Posture collar from Arachne/catwalk collection @ Last Call (now closed)


Tutu (self tinted): Primalot, where you will find loads of lovely freebies, including a gorgeous red dress! (not featured because I ran out of time!)

Bird on a wire waist cincher – Silent Sparrow (old group gift, )

Sylvan Love!

June 4, 2008

Wow. Just wow. Phil’s Place is full of the best, most creative talent that rl has to offer. Throw generosity into it too while you’re at it! Hya from Silent Sparrow is one of those once in a lifetime people, talent, generosity, and so humble and down to earth. She loves what she does and it shows in her spectacular work. I’m a huge fan, it’s no secret! In fact the last 2 nights I have been at the sim buying up all the newness there XD! She always has time for me and anyone else who happens to bump into her while shopping, and the group kinda feels like a great big family. Anyhoo, I digress! This evening I logged in to find a notice announcing a new group freebie. The Sylvan Suit in Copper yays!! I have this is other colours, but the copper is indeed awesome.

Silent Sparrow Group Gift

This is the outfit in all it’s glory, with all the attachments. Boys can wear it too, there are male options in the box!!

Silent Sparrow Group Gift

And this is a smexeh version without the shirt…..yummmm! I’ve paired it here with the Thursday hair from Gritty Kitty, that Noam had made for another outfit from SS that I love! It’s not free hair, but the hat, and all the feathers have so many colour options that it may as well be a fat pack! If you’re not a member of the Silent Sparrow group, there is a joining request board at the landing point. Be patient, your request will be received and processed, but please for the love of god, don’t hastle hya about being added!

Silent Sparrow

Hair (not free)
Thursday from Gritty Kitty

Tattoos (not free)