Archive for the ‘Grand Opening’ Category

Super Quick Quickie!

March 18, 2009

The lovely Ms Eames of Vinyl Cafe fame has moved to a brand new sim!! As a thank you to all of you readers for your support, she has released this fanfuckingtastic pack. I’m at work, so she kindly gave me permission to post her ad for the set, so feast your eyes 😛 If you see her, say a massive thank you and give her loads of hearts!


Taken from the card she sent me: The Vinyl Cafe and Shops have relocated to a brand new sim and to celebrate we have put together a GORGEOUS present for all of our friends at FREESTYLE. Strut and sleep in style with this amazing FREE GIFT that includes:A fabulous pair of gold and turquoise suede ankle boots with super SEXY stiletto heels…
AND A very CHIC bedroom suite in turquoise, tan, black and white with: -a modern bed with a full sex and cuddle menu
-two side chairs with animated sits
-PLUS a coordinating chest, lamps and multipicture frame where you can display your own photos! Make sure to grab this amazing FREEBIE while you can…
Sweet Dreams from your friends at The Vinyl Cafe and Shops!

Grab the awesomeness here. Ash Out.

Huuuge, Massive Post!

February 20, 2009

I’m so happy happy this morning!! I have the house to myself again as I had given my roomie notice, and he’s gooooone!! I know it’s mean to celebrate so much, but some people you can live with and some….well lets just say you can’t 😛 The concurrent theme for this post is lucky chair exclusives. Those precious outfits you can only win from the chair.



This first set is from Dare Designs. A new to me store, but it’s a one stop for just about everything you could want! There’s 4 lucky chairs for girls, a midnight mania board, clothes galore, boots *pauses for breath* and if that’s not enough, you also get a gift when you join the subscribo! Phew. Thank you so much to Dare Munro for letting me know about his yummy store, I’ll be sending Q in with some cash later today 😉 The outfit is called STFU, and will be in the chair for about a week, so pack the place out ppl! You get all these options and more in the one box, a ton of ways to wear it.


These bits of hawtness are from +DV8+ and match the boots I posted a couple of weeks ago. There’s also an exclusive colour in the riotvend with matching boots, so get crowding!! Thanks Vasha. The skin shown here is a pick reward from Little Bird. The AYC skin is just luminous and innocent looking, I looove. You know the drill with pick rewards, add the store, wait a bit touch the thingo and away you go!


The next dresses are from the Glitterati Goodie Table. Shown are 2 dresses from T2T and DCNY. There’s also gifts from CNS, Arsnova, Rock Me Amadeus and probably much more that I missed due to copious blue screens.



These skins! More lushness from Lazolli, 7 new skins to be precise. I always feel terribly grown up when I wear these skins, I know, I’m completely odd! And looky! I haz Gummi Bears on my neck, thanks to Sanu 😛 You can get the Gummy Love Rainbow set from the lucky chair. You get a choker and 4 monocles, they’re so real looking, if I could work out a way to lick my own neck I would!! Ash out.

Stuff That’s Not Free, But You Know You Want
Discord Designs

Skin In Pics 1&2

Silver Collar

Things That Make Me Crash

December 11, 2008

We’ll get to the crashing bit in a mo! First, my other RL best friend Honey gave birth to her beautiful daughter Summer Rae yesterday afternoon. She was born very quietly at home with not much fuss at all, fed for ages and promptly went to sleep!! Honey was the first one of our group to get married (ps she’s still the only one that’s taken the plunge!) and everything has come full circle for her. Congrats to mum and bub and all the family, heart you and miss you all terribly.

Now onto the clothes!! Silk & Satyr is a store I featured a few weeks ago. They have a beautiful group gift out at the moment, 3 arm cuffs *scans photo to make sure she actually remembered to wear one*! The silks shown are dollarbies at the main store, the second set can be found at Vanity Universe. Which brings me to the title of my post.


All the clothes shown here are either dollarbies or cheapies from various designers that have set up shop at Vanity for A Winter Fairytale. It’s a charity event for Care International, with limited edition clothes you can purchase for a donation to the charity. I don’t know what it is about that sim, but my computer hates it. I walk into walls, do the never ending walk out of the sim, under water etc. The skin shown in all the Vanity pics is one of the amazing Chai skins I got from the hunt.


Things that make me crash: Walking, not walking, turning off my Mysti, leaving my Mysti on, taking off my AO, leaving my AO on, going bald, wearing hair, moving my camera, forgetting to light the incense on my Linden shrine, lighting the incense but not bowing down to the shrine, opening my inventory, leaving my inventory closed, lowering draw distance, raising draw distance, gesturtarding, resisting the urge to gesturetard.


Taking photos, not taking photos, changing my lighting, leaving the lighting on default, talking in voice, not talking in voice, opening an IM, ignoring an IM, having PS open at the same time as Sl, looking at the PS icon on my desktop before opening the program, taking a RL phonecall, sending a RL txt. Changing skins, rebaking, changing anything on the advanced menu. I think I have it all covered!!! If I left anything that makes you crash, feel free to put it in the comments!! And to make myself feel better about all the damn crashing, here’s another taste of my boys Kings Of Leon. This one has it all, moody drums, epic guitar solo, and Caleb, looking so fragile…totes enjoi! Ash out.


Bloody Kat Munsters!

December 7, 2008

Ash is having a couple of total crushes atm. The first being Lolli Munster hair. The hair worn below is from the new store, not free, but colour and size change scripted and sooo worth the L’s. You can see another of Lolli’s yum styles as modeled by our fabulous Ach (yeah I’m doing the Aussie thing and claiming anything awesome as our own!!)


Why am I telling you about a new store with non free hair? Weeell, see the macarbre blood covered dress I’m wearing by Katatonik? *Whispers* It’s a linden at the new Lolli Munster store, see how I look after you!! Fankyoo to Ach for the tp before the place got bombarded, gave me a chance to shop XD!!


Our Dahl posted the amazing skin Miasnow has bestowed upon us for Christmas. Well of course I rushed off to grab it, but I was having an awful day rezing stuff (as in it just sodding well wouldn’t). I found the tray Dahl was talking about, and clicked it a couple of times. And I got food!!! A gingersnap and a cupcake, nomnomnom. The supercute tank top is one of a million and twenty seven gifts from an amzing store called AKI Kimono. The beautiful eyes I’m wearing are also a gift from there.


Just what I need, as I never ever remember to put my busy sign on!! You get 4 different ones in the pack.


Isn’t this stunning. The Gothic Yukata is free as well as the amazing skin I’m wearing. You’ll find so much to spend your money on in this store, the designer is amazingly sweet and kind and also does custom work (no mean feat if you ask me!) Now I’m off to heckle the double G (and mebbe sport some socks!) Ash out.

Um, Get These Fings Here
Necklace (fffffffrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeee)

Horns (not free)

Hoofies (not free)
Lazy Places

Tattoo (not free

Pants (not free)

Second Blonde Hair (not free)

Geisha Hair (by the talented Valryn Vandeverre)
Sorry, totes no longer available.

Scrappy McScrapperson

October 14, 2008

Lo*momo has expanded, opening 3 new stores! Yay and huge congrats to the luffley owner Ayura Freschi. There is a stunning gifty waiting for you, trick is to go to all 3 locations to pick up the various bits of the outfit.

Stunning isn’t it! Location 1, Location 2, Location 3.

These gorgy skins are from the Little Bird Nation lucky chair, the ones above are the Elf set, the ones below the Goth set. They come with the eyes shown, a shape and eyebrows (not shown). You can see why everyone’s desperate to get their hands on them, they’re so delicate and beautiful.

You’ll need to have you wits about you to get anywhere close to the chair!! The Doll set eludes me, but I shall prevail! If you’re smart, you’ll deprim completely as at any given time the sim was packed to capacity. For the most part, everyone was really well behaved and having a great time, save the odd one or two. Let’s remember our lucky chair etiquette, especially when a store is so busy, and FYI, saying you’re going to spit on the chair is, A: Gross and B: Very unladylike behaviour, you know who you are!

Other Shit
Deviant Kitties (not free)
Sixty Nine lucky chair

Shoes (not free)
Unique Needs

Intergalactic Planetary

August 27, 2008

Hurry up!!! Today is the last day to get some wicked freebies from the Juicy Bella sim. For a super duper detailed post on other outfits you can find there, check hurr!! The shoes are from Unique Needs, The Death Dolly Goth Mary Janes, All Colors. Another triumph from Ann O’toole, with a nifty colour change script thats easy peasy to use. Click and change!! Even I can manage it. They’re not free, but so worth the lindens IMHO. The hair is a freebie from Magika, that can be picked up from Hair Fair.

It was checking Adi’s post that led me to the title of mine!! Once again, I’m running round the house singing badly, while my daughter yells “shuddup mummy I’m trying to watch the Wiggles”!! Well excuuuuuuse me! Katatonik has put a new dollarbie out at the Free*style main store, the Ghostfire dress in blue,it’s out of this world (punny pun punnnyness)!! I’m wearing it with the amaaaazing Wish hair, which at the moment can only be picked up at Hair Fair

And bubbles!!! I stalked the HPMD lucky chair till I was triumphant. I saw off many other a’s including mermaid Ach!! You get 6 different bubbles, each with it’s own super kyoot pose, and the poses seperately, in case ya wanna stick em in some other random piece of furniture! I have furniture and houses in general on the brain, having just packed up my store and moved, and found one of the best sky boxes I have ever seen!! I will be taking lotsa pics in my new home woot!!! A massive thankyou to Suri Christen, who helped me more than I can say in terms of decorating my home, with some pretty unique and quirky items. Heart yooooo xoxo

Shtuffs You Need To Know
Juicy Bella

Shoes (not free)
Unique Needs

Magika Gift @ Hair Fair

Rest Of The Pics
Katatonik @ Freestyle Main Store

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Hair (not free)
Katatonik @ Hair Fair

Evil Betch from Hell

August 24, 2008

I have gone hair insane over the last week, and it’s the best insanity known to man!! Sixty-Nine‘s releases have melted my heart, and now they have put a special edition of the gorgy doll hair in a lucky chair!! Unfortunately, I was one of those terrible people who tp’d in yesterday, and my letter came up instantly, go on, curse me now, I know ya wanna!!

The beautiful dress is a gift from the Ewing group. It’s now open enrollment, and well worth giving up a space for, as you get all sorts of yummy goodness from fashion shows, openings and other such special occasions!! Search for Ewing in the “All” tab, join and check the notice history.

As you all know, there is a wicked hunt going on at Freestyle at the moment, as mentioned HURR and HURR and HURR.



One of these beauties is one of my prizes. I can’t remember which one I put out, and I can’t log into the grid to check either!! So if and when I ever get back to the grid, I’ll update the pics as needed!! Now I’m gonna join the girls in the chatbox for a party……I haz cocktails baby!!!

It’s the blue one XD!!!

Yummy Umi Usagi!

August 24, 2008

Phew…….. it’s been a weekend of amazing hunts, hair fair insanity and also some phenomenal gifts from amazing designers! I occasionally visit Umi Usagi shop and when I did last night I found this jaw droppingly beautiful Anniversay dress called Rabbit*Kiss in ‘lapin bleu’, which comes with numerous options, neck corsage and shoes!


It’s so wonderfully detailed, Jeter Jun has designed a wonderful dress here and her shop is full of beautiful outfits & items, some of which have a steampunk edge!

These cute shoes with bunnies as heels come with it!


The new FREE*STYLE sim is officially opening today at 1pm SLT!! Yay!…. With it comes a hunt with assorted items hidden in dollar bills set at $0-$1 around the shop & sim, some items are made by our very own lovely team 🙂
here you can enjoy our new bigger surroundings, sharing a sim with Free Speerit who have hidden the lovely skin I’m wearing below in several tones!


And now I must take a breather 🙂



Minajunk – Live01 skin (last picture only)

also shoe pose (no longer free)

Curio – Ribbon updo in light brown

don’t say i never did anything for you

July 20, 2008

i’m going to let you in on a little secret: curio is open, and it is spectacular. there. you may thank me with pretty fanboys and obscene amounts of cash. i’ll be needing the extra L to spend on every single thing set for sale on the sim. you think i’m kidding? the skins give such good nudity that i’m contemplating getting a stripper gig, and the hair is rich and luxuriant with some of the most fun prim wrangling i’ve seen in forever. did i mention there are eyes? and jewelry? check out the elegant vintage heart necklace (this version with a purple gemstone is an update group exclusive; it comes in four metals, even) below:

[hair – curio, holly (200L per colorpack); skin – curio, sprinkle (1000L); eyes – curio, rita eyes (45L, located upstairs above the hair)]

oh frabjous day you guys, BIG BOOTY BIG MONEY IS BACK! kind of. there’s only one lonely set of dresses up at the new retrology location but they’re deeelicious. the above soft mossy green delight is free and newly available in bbbm’s group notice archives.

moving on, shopping cart disco‘s dynamic duo of tenshi vielle ({boutique}) and iris seale (punch drunk) are celebrating a blog move to a new server or something nerdtacular like that. the important thing is that there are hot gifts out at their aspire isle stores (this weekend only!):

punch drunk‘s sassy colorful juno outfit:

[hair/flower – curio, psychobilly freakout (200L per colorpack); skin – curio, lavender (1000L)]

{boutique}‘s adorable sparkly disco diva gift (my hideous visage is mercifully obscured by mijn boa’s enchanting dollarbie mask. get it at her viva la glam installation, and pick up some of her swoony magical art while you’re at it because it’s beyond affordable):

[shoes – juicy, sparkling iridescent pink pumps (500L at the shoe expo. 100% of the proceeds go to the aspca!)]

aaand another {boutique} dollarbie, the elton john shades. i confess that i have no use for sir elton but i have a crush on these:

[hair – curio, gertrude; eyes – curio, rita eyes (45L)]

words words words blah some words blah.

edited to add more words: i bolded/italicized pertinent info for those who are a wee bit more on the instant gratification side. if i could have made it all blinky/scrolling marquee/dripping blood i would have… this might be helpful too (for those of you who’d prefer plain old pictures! yay!)


July 18, 2008

about all those not-so-free gala phoenix skins i’ve been torturing the free*style readership with lately? here’s one that’s totally, completely, utterly without strings:

[shirt – cupcakes group gift, check notice archives; jeans – lf fashions – trusty jeans (the best 200L you’ll ever spend)]

rita groshomme of curio generously dropped me a folder of loveliness, which naturally i squeed over for about 10 minutes because really, what’s the point of being an f-list e-fashion mock celebritard if you can’t trick people into giving you stuff once in awhile? actually i squeed because i died a lame little fangirl death inside, but anyway… i was even more delighted to make the connection that my folder = the latest gifts to the gala and rita design announcements group. yes, that’s right, you too can procure rita’s cute cropped hipster hairdo (which is eerily close to my own RL ‘do. i’m generally of the opinion that hipsterness is wrong wrong wrong but it never felt so right) in about 2380572 brilliant shades, and gala’s nightshade makeup in 983259823 luminous tones. you bet your ass i counted. stick around the group too, ’cause as a member you’ll get a day early sneak peek at the curio sim:

We are pleased to announce the sneak preview of our new sim Curio, exclusively to members of our update group Saturday July 19th at noon SLT. The offical opening will be Sunday July 20th at noon SLT.

Be sure to join our update group “Gala & Rita Design Announcements” to get in early so you can shop with less lag. You can find the group in search or IM Rita Groshomme if you need an invite. We will also be giving out several group gifts before the opening 😀

We will have all new skins, hair, furniture, eyes, and more! See you there!

and with that, i’m off to sleepwalk through another muggy, hot-as-balls friday workday. hurry up, saturday!