Archive for the ‘Guest Star’ Category

Ode To Absent Friends

July 14, 2008

I miss my Artie! Every year we go through the same thing because of his rl work. So for a few months, we get to hang out every night, blow each other up, grief each other, be gesture tards for hours on end and shop. Then poof, back to rl work he goes and is mainly offline for 3 months. These pics were from one of our escapades to find freebies that ended in fits of laughter. We had been dancing the night before, and Artie was in on my huddles. I totally forgot, and couldn’t work out why, when I was changing my photo poses, he was changing his XD!!! Then he shot me. Oh the joys of having a boi for a best friend!


Artie was the one who told me about Rockerwear. He had these seriously wicked punk pants and I was dying to get them, so he took me to the store. And when we got there, a whole section of dollarbies for the girls!! Next stop accessories.


Same deal, a whole freebie section, we were both in heaven. The boots were free too, amazing. The cuffs I’m wearing here are from Hexed, not free but my favorites.


I love this dress, if you zoom, you’ll see the teeny skulls on it!! Awesome. I asked him if there was a freebie section for the boys. No he says. That makes no sense, I say. You poor boys, never catch a break!! However, Artie as usual was blind and not paying attention!! Of course there’s a freebie section for the lads! Pants, tops, shorts and other goodies await you! Fin.


Ash’s hair

Battle Of The Floof: Part Deaux- Killer Kitteh

June 11, 2008

Oh I knew there’d be a rematch!! So when I spotted Ames out and about it was on babeh!


Here we are at the bar. I’m considering slipping her a mickey, or maybe I’ll just get her hella drunk!!


If I look the other way, she won’t notice me following!!


Ha look at the joy on my face! Ash=evil kitteh!!


After a bit of a kat scrap (with Ames still looking perfect I might add!) I have her cornered!


Gotcha Kitteh! Ames is such an awesomesauce freebie hunter and the best sport on the grid! Speaking of awesomesauce, I’m totally addicted to the Dorktionary, check it out if you have the chance, and feel free to add to it!! Bellaboo would be most happy!

What Ames Wore:
Skin: babe-kateglossypinkNF-brunette from BiancaF (group gift)

Hair: Daina Black – Tukinowaguna Hair Style (L0) – whole wall of freebies ((1 for guys too!) and L5 hair. 􀀇

Shoes: OpenToe Pumps in White – SKG Shoes (L1) – others freebies/dollarbies here too

Choker: Leisurely
Bracelet: ::f*a:: forbidden apple
– both available for L0 at their shops at the Tokyo Pig Sight Mall (most of the shops here have freebies!)

Socks: knee-high socks_White at edge grafica (L0 for 3 pack)

1) Diosa Dress &
2) Espirito Dress by KatKreation

3) siro-tyou from **RAPIS* (L1)

Ears: not free from Purrrrfect Kitties

What Ash Wore:
Hair (not free)

Ears and Tail (not free)

Dress 1

Dress 2

Slasher Outfit
Latex Shorts

Bloody Apron
Bloody needle

Dirty Sucker Punch Bracers (not free)

[Insert Alabama Smalls here]

May 27, 2008

Hehehe, couldn’t help but play off of the title of your last post, Creamy! Yet another Free*Style Rockstar submitted some gorgeous pictures (with links!) to the Flickr group and I couldn’t pass up posting them.

Please meet Ms. Alabama Smalls, who I had the pleasure of meeting when she won The Violent Nightmare model search contest. When you see these pics, you’ll see why!

Here we have “Sweet Home Alabama” with a kyoot little outfit. (Yup, I’m going to make as many bad jokes as I can muster – forgive me Alabama!!) Her skin is Another Shop skin called “Envy” with Freckles. I just recently started wearing my Eloh skins again, wondering why I ever stopped, as the originals are just gorgeous unto themselves. One place you can pick them up is at Baby Monkey. (And Baby Monkey has a hunt going on, too!) Her “Kira” hair in “Espresso” is a great dollarbie from Frangipani Designs. Her *DP Serendipity Syusu blouse is also free, and her Amerie’s *NAUGHTY* Autumn Chocolate Pants are just $1L.
She also snagged some great lucky chair outfit fromSn@tch amongst other very cool freebies. The Sn@tch lucky chair outfit is called “Glam Vamp” and is worth stalking in the newly redesigned store! The Sn@tch “Streetwalkers” (I love the name!) are not free but are ridiculously kyoot and reasonably priced at $250. Ivey made really cool patterns on many of them and I couldn’t help but pick up a few pairs myself. The necklace from Al Jewels is called “Gray Pearls” and is available for $1L (just flip through the vendor for lots of awesome dollarbies). The skin is Mela’s “Sakura Sorceress” that is still available for $1L. The eXceSs- Reverse Hair ::A:: Black Tipped (all 3 colors) is at Savoir Hair and is free (this was an eXceSs group gift too). The Black Gothic Bangle & Ring is from Baby Monkey. The tattoo is just $1L and is called “It is time to awake my little demon” from Alexitimia.

Here is a closeup of that gorgy Mela skin, edgy eXceSs hair, and the Al Jewels pearls mentioned above. The “Naturals Grey Blue” eyes are from Flawed Perfect for $50L.

The Alabama Slammah below is wearing the MiaSnow Sofia 2.0 (no longer available from what I could find). The Frangipani “Zoey” in Licorice is available for 1L. The shirt is from Amerie’s NAUGHTY that was a gift from the apple hunt. The camo pants are another Sn@tch lucky chair gift. The Les Animaux Vintage Souvenir Charm Bracelet was a Le Zoo freebie.
And it appears Alabama got a bit banged up from her pose, lol. The Undead Skin is a dollarbie from Alextimia Tattoo that was blogged awhile ago but looks tres fabu here.The hair from ETD is called Phoebie for 1L. The Amerie’s *NAUGHTY*Bloodied Bikini is just $1L. The shoes are the Sn@tch “Streetwalkers” mentioned above.
Thanks again to Alabama for the fabulous pics!!

More Free*Style Guest Stars!

May 26, 2008

I found some more great finds and great pics from members of the Flickr Free*Style group. Woot! Up first we have the lurrrvely Itny Lisle giving us a little fun in the sun. Her ‘kini is a freebie from Popfuzz. The Marilyn tee is free from Embellished. The shades are $15 (but strangely marked as a “freebie”) from SpeXx and the bracelet is a part of a very generous gift from ::69::, available in-store. Her green peacock earrings are a lucky chair gift from Microphage.
The not-free-but-fabu stuff includes her hair from Abyss and Naughty Designs and her Fashionably Dead skin. Isn’t that lil’ dab of sunscreen on her lil’ nose kyoot?

Next up is Vixxon Sass! Her skin is the Quelito Soon skin in Darjeeling – Acceso that was a Bianca F group gift (one of the best subscribe-o-matics in SL for generous gifts!). The leather vest is free from the much blogged and loved teddy bear hunt at Asri Falcone. It’s labeled as a men’s gift but isn’t it the yum on Ms. Sass? The boots are the also loved dollarbie from Katat0nik on Axis Mundi that Creamy blogged here. The bracelet is free from Edge Grafika. (LOTS of cool freebies there!) The skirt and leather shorts are part of the Babydoll treasure hunt that’s still going on. Her C&H “ash brown” hair is available for free here. Her “Timeless” shape is by none other than Free*Style Fox Ashia!
And last but not least, I found a boi to post about. It’s Free*Style gone “G Style.” These pictures and finds came about when he was giving me heck about how long it takes me to do just one little post. (It takes a lot longer than you’d think, but don’t get me wrong – I love it!) I turned to him and said “HA! Why don’t YOU try it?!” And he did. And, he now admits that it’s a lot harder than it looks. Adaire for the WIN!

G is rocking the free “Black and White Suit” from the beloved Yip! It comes in many colors too! His “Jack” skin and hair are both free from the Gnubie Store from Random Fashions. His Decollage eyes are also $0L and are also available at the Gnubie Store.

I think he’s looking rather dapper thanks to Yip, but it’s a darn shame that the only time I can get G in a suit is for a post!! Below, he’s got on a “Made in Germany” tee by iNFLiCT that’s available from the German Fashion Expo at Vanity. It’s worth noting that there are a decent amount of guy and unisex freebies available there. Yay! His yummily ripped up “Zoltan” jeans are a dollarbie from PomJ. There’s also a blue pair for $2L. The piercings are from FlipSide and aren’t free, but G won’t take ’em off for anything since he got them.
Thanks to all of the stars featured here, especially for posting all of the links!! Keep sending in those pics and stay classy, Free*Style readers. [cackles at the absurdity of trying to imitate the great Will Farrell as Ron Burgundy]

Happy Style Hunt

May 12, 2008

The Happy Style Mall is having a hunt with 30 items to be found around the mall. This hunt is on until 2008/5/12 22:59, so you still have time. Hopefully SL will allow you to TP soon, because I’m stuck!

Thanks for MiaSnow for submitting these photo’s to the group, she’s wearing a shirt and scarf and a gorgeous Kimono which she found at the hunt.

may 10, 2008 good day :)

Artificial eye, group freebie from Null Nation
Shirt and scarf from the Happy Style Mall Treasure Hunt
Hair: Little Heaven (not sure if this is free)
Head scarf: free by Little Heaven
Skin by Miasnow (not free)
Art by INO JIES called *INOJIES*treetree (I don’t think this is a free item)

building :)

Kimono freebie from the Happy Style Mall Treasure Hunt

Again, I’m sorry I can’t provide SLURL’s at the moment *kicks SL*

Free*Style Flickr Stars

May 12, 2008

It’s all gone grey, the weather is grey and my Av is grey. I can’t do any of my planned blog posts this morning. Grrrrrr.

Luckily though, I have more fantastic photo’s from our Flickr Group to show you. I’m sorry, I can’t provide SLURL’s for any of the items if they weren’t included with the original photo information, SL is having it’s fabulous asset server issues. If you submit photo’s to the Free*Style Flickr group, please can you provide SLURL in the info…pretty please!

I love this outfit Aralute has put together here. She looks absolutely amazing, and I hope this hair is still available because I want it.

Dance the night off

Shape : Handmade
Eyes : Handmade
Hair : Discord group gift (free)
Jacket : Aoharu Freebie
Jeans : Bare rose raffle gift
Sculpted boots : 20L for 3 colors in izumiya
Skin : wintermoon female freebie
Gloves : handmadeBelt : louroo’s shop (70L for 10 belts)
(no need to buy pricy things to be hip ,right ? :p )

This outfit Davatar is wearing here caught my eye straight away, the colours are so vivid and jewel-like

Pouty Moi

Free sari from The International House of Style (Int’l House Of Style – Cheongsam, Loepa (64, 237, 56)
Free mask from the Amorepacific sim,
Saba skin from Skin Within (not free).

Here’s Helix looking amazing sexy disco diva in the pants suit from Mimikri.


and Supersweet and summery in the free dress from Mimikri

Vixen Sass looking sassy and cute here, I hope this gorgeous dress is still available. I couldn’t tp to find out.

Freebie Green Dress
Green Dress: Free for a limited Time Sam’s Secret Boutique’Antibes/95/66/28
Jacket:1L at Starlust Hotel: Thimbles
Shoes: Lime – Tesla Lucky Chair
Hair: Gurl 6 April 2008 in Honey, free with newbie voucherSkin:
LF Chai Nutmeg Indigo Freckle Subscriber Gift

Thanks to you all for these great pics!

Styling the Hag with Elissa Nightly

May 11, 2008

It’s time to show you some more great photo’s from a Free*Style Flickr group member. Elissa Nightly has been so inventive here with her look, she’s made a stylish hag, (it’s not all about model looks you know)…I love it when people have fun with their Av’s. The colours in Elissa’s photo’s are wonderful, really vivid and sharp.

It’s always good to have an Iron Man to carry your shopping. This guy is free from Silverscreen

What IronMan does when hes not saving the world 🙂
IronMan The ...Gentleman?

LF Chai Group Skin
hobo shape: (heavily modded body and made female)…
Hair : Zero*Style Free You Hair
Free Dress at
(I think, dont kill me if im wrong :P)
Shopping Bags: Sixty-nine group gift
Token Sim Beige coat outfit Freebie
Shoes: Gossip girl Maitreya Freebie
Iron Man: Silverscreen

Swinging Hag
Swinging Hag

Sunny Sunshine
Sunny Sunshine!

Nicky Ree Mothers day Dress: (Get this fast it wont be there for long!)
LF Chai Group Skin
Hobo shape: (heavily modded body and made female)…

To be young again
To be Young again...

Please keep your photo’s coming (add them to the Free*Style Flickr group), I’m trying to feature as many as I can. It’s most helpful to me if you include the SLURL’s with your photo’s so all the hard work is done for me 😀

Crazy Antics with Ashia

May 6, 2008

Another post featuring photo’s from the Free*Style pool. Today I have gathered some of of Ashia Tomsens great pics. She’s found some yummy fun things most of which haven’t been featured on this blog yet. Just what I’m looking for.


Outfit – Rebel Hope Designs (Includes Boots)
Hair – BP* Lucky Chair




Boots – Spirit (only available for this week)
Leotard and Tutu – Spirit, 1 Lala each, when you TP there, go to the dancers dressing room


Shopping Bag-Sixty-Nine Group Gift
Sunglasses-Artilleri Gift

Come on folks, join the Free*Style Flickr group and add your fave freebie snapshots. I’ll try to show as many as I can. The looks which include a combination of items which are still available for free or 1L and have not been featured on this blog already will be most likely to catch my eye. Please remember to include the store name/price and the URL to the store.

Stylin’ with Welmita

May 3, 2008

Welmita Bonekita is one of the highest contributors to the Free*Style Flickr group so far, her photo’s are so fun and she combines her freebies in such a cute inventive way. Here’s some of my favies. (only the free items are listed)

DP yumyum Frilly blouse (free)
Pin-up Girl Pumps at Digital Knickers (lucky chair)

Hoodie and necklace at Magika (camp chair 100 minutes)

Cloe Despres pose \o/
Halter Dress: PixelDolls – Subscribomatic Group Gift)
Hair: Magika (camp chair 100 minutes)
Shoes: Aphrodite ( Red Stick Hunt)
Tattoos: Alexitimia (Mia easter hunt, no longer free)

Ninfa DEI BOSHI Outfit at Baiastice (free)

Corset Russian at Baiastice(free)
White pants at cupcakes (free)

Free outfit : Hard Candy at Baiastice
Shoes: Tesla (lucky chair)

Massive thanks to Welmita for being so cool!

Free*Styling with *Adaire Decuir*

May 1, 2008

I’ve been promising to feature Free*Style Flickr Group photo’s since I started up the Flickr Group so I’m going to try and feature your photo’s regularly on this blog now.

There are a lot of fantastic photo’s in the group so please don’t be offended if I don’t manage to feature yours at this time. Please keep submitting your photo’s, the more fun, interesting and beautiful, the better. Hopefully I will feature one of your photo’s at some point. Need guys too please!

Take some snapshots in SL Upload them to Flickr (free to join). Join the Free*Style Flickr Group and add your pics to the group by clicking on Organize (top of screen) > all of your content > groups > and drag your photo’s onto the Free*Style group.

** The main subject of the photo must be free or 1L and still available at that price, but you can also wear full price items. Please put as much information on outfit/location/poses as you can with your photo with the SLURLs – you can get this by opening your map at the location and ‘copy SLURL to clipboard’ – then Ctrl+V to paste it into your photo info in Flickr. I can then just cut and paste it over into the post because I am a lazy ass 😀 **

So today’s guest star is Adaire Decuir. She’s taken some beautiful photo’s here at Surfline Rezzable and most of her items worn are free. This is a great example of how to list all your items below your photo in Flickr. Adaire made it easy for me – I just copied these straight over.

Tan lines Skin: Sinsations Skin in Dk Rouge-Dark-Tan by Bodies by Oh (1L)
Hair: Edea in Ash Blonde by Discord Designs (1L)
Eyes: Free Speerit Neweyes (multicolor) (group gift)
Tank: *Amerie’s Naughty* (from the Apple Hunt)
Bikini Bottoms – “Samantha” by Artilleri
Pose (Free*Style group notices) – Elissa Nitely Leaning Pose

Freebie <3 from Artilleri
Tan lines Skin: Sinsations Skin in Dk Rouge-Dark-Tan by Bodies by Oh (1L)
Hair: Edea in Ash Blonde by Discord Designs (1L)
Eyes: Free Speerit Neweyes (multicolor) (group gift)
Bikini: “Samantha” by Artilleri at Maxmarine
Pose: Vital Animations InWater 8

Freebie <3 from Mela
Skin: “Sakura sorceress” by Mela (free or 1L)
Dress: Ava by Raeva (free)
Necklace: Imperial Elegance (Lucky Chair)

Hair: Kalia in Kohl by Philotic Energy
Pose by Luth

Big thanks to Adaire for submitting these wonderful photo’s – she’s a stunna!