Archive for the ‘Hair Accessories’ Category

Ssshhh, spot the green!!

March 16, 2009

As I’ve mentioned before on the blog, if you’re a hard core RP type, finding “your look” can be terribly hard on a budget. Recently there have been some incredible packs floating round the grid, covering all sorts of looks/avatars. So today it’s the turn of the vampire. Fitting as one of the terribly good looking undead has joined our ranks 😛

Lunas Boutique is a store I’ve blogged a few times, discovered through Fashcon around the New year. Do a search for the LL group, there are some super cool gifts in the archives. Including a pose hud stuffed full of poses, total must have. But these outfits are what I’m stoked about, a gift from Candy Shop (in the Lunas Boutique group archives). They are complete vampire avs, including skins (not shown) shapes, teeth, emote hud and all the clothes shown. So many options and stunning pieces, to say I’m blown away is an understatement! Skins! The skins worn with the red outfit are from the Imagen hunt. You’re looking for 20 teeny shamrocks, and you’ll get 19 skins and some eyes. If anyone needs a hand, drop me a line inworld and I’ll be happy to help. None are hidden in walls or anything like that, lets just say that sometimes the most obvious hiding places are the hardest to find 😛 The skin worn with the black outfit is a gorgeous dollarbie from Domestic V. There’s a huge sale going on also, and loads of freebs on the ground floor (you’ll find the skin shown upstairs).

I had to sneak a wee bit of green in here!! This beauty is a group gift from Fairytails. You’ll need your group tag activated, then snag this for an L. The skin I’m wearing here, and for the rest of the post are part of the Rockberry gift for the most random hunt ever. I love love love them!

I saw a small post about this store on the Freebie Telegraph, and had to go have a nose for myself. Nah! is a new to me store, and all these outfits are free from there, unbelievable! The brown dress also comes with super cute cowboy boots, not sure if you can see them too well. I can’t wait till the store is fully stocked so I can go spend, as at the moment, everything is free. Now I’m off to try and give mini Ash a bath, hard at the best of times, but the little princess is sick, so I anticipate much sadness! Ash Out.

Non Free Awesomeness
Gritty Kitty
ETD (still closed?)
Dejavu (some avail to buy, 2 are old group gifts)

Lazy Places

Ballet Boots

Totally Twisted

March 4, 2009

Firstly, a hearty welcome to all our new guest bloggers, especially Ms Eden who I have pestering for months to start blogging! Now you all can appreciate her razor wit as much as I do, yay!


I’m gonna start things off quite sedately with this gorgeous, classy number from A Piece Of Candy. A store I haven’t blogged for ages (shame on me!) You’ll find this, some skins and 2 other outfits in the latest subscribo gift.


And here we have “Jazz Baby” from the ever generous Ms Lemania. Shown here with the stunning “Kept” choker I picked up from Sable Rose as part of the massive Twisted Hunt. There’s a lock and key version in the folder and both are my new sloves.


And speaking of the Twisted hunt, I thought I’d show a few of my faves. I know it’s been all over the feed, but hopefully my faves don’t clash with anyone else’s!! These silks are from Subtle Submission, and I adore them. They come with the wrist and ankle chains shown, and cover quite a bit more than regular silks, perfect for shyer wearers!


This is the gift from Blueblood, shown with the most amazing hair from Burning Chrome. Apart from the yummy hunt gifts, you’ll also find mucho goodness at the main store, and hit up the group too, a little bird tells me there’s something waiting for you 😛


I love love this dress from Skinzor, shown with incredible stompers from Self Expression. I’m only up to 20 something out of 103 pressies, so far some have been easy to find, others really really hard. Best advice I can give is de prim, take your time and above all have fun with it. If you can’t find a gift, move on to the next. There’s a list of the stores participating on the blog, and it’s not the end of the world if you have to leave a gift till later. And for the love of all things holy, don’t be an asshat kthnx 😛 Ash Out.

Amazing Shtuff That Ain’t Free



February 1, 2009

I spent most of the weekend either in PS or decorating with Kenlee, oh then there was the getting griefed in a sex sim, but that’s a bedtime story for another time 😛


In between travels, I was TP’d twice to Silent Sparrow to grab the Valentines newness from the chair. Luckily enough, one was for the boy’s suit and the other was for the girl’s. First time in ages I’ve actually won it not bought it so I’m stoked! Thanks Eden 😉 CHECK OUT THE SHOOZ!! Oh Nonko could quite possibly be the slove of my life. Their shoes are unique and detailed and gorgeous. These are called “Alice Stepped In Chocolate” and they will keep me out of my beloved hoofies for a bit! Join the JAPAN SOUL group, then touch the box in the main store for your amazing footwear.


I haz cupcake on my head, and it’s part of my hair!!! Violet Morellet, the yummy designer from inorite dropped these on the group this morn. Even the names of the colours are fecking imaginative, “Suicide Blonde” “Morphine And Chocolate” “Pot Kettle Black” I could go on, but I won’t. Back to PS I go. Ash out.

Exxessive Xmas

November 19, 2008

Hey people! I’m getting all Christmassy on yo’ ass, hope you don’t mind.

It’s just I received the most gorgeous Chrismas outfit yesterday from Exxess, I have never been to this store before but WOW, I don’t usually dress in a fantasy style, but this store is going to change all that. I was drooling over the sexy outfits, I think I want to be Egyptian girl.

This outfit is the Chrismas free gift and really the photo’s don’t do it justice, it has to be seen in virtual reality to see the way it moves, it is stunning. The boots and earmuffs also come with the outfit.

The hair worn below is not free but it is AWESOME so I had to have it, I have never seen anything like it, it comes with this spider like crown. There’s loads more beautifully designed unique hairstyles at Exxess if you like something a little bit out of the ordinary.


Free boots, check out the heel.
I personally wouldn’t like to be kicked in the sphincter in these, but I’m sure there are many who would, going by the freak show Zuzu, Gattina, Valentine and I took part in at the bukake place yesterday (on Elizabeth Hallstrom’s recommendation XD)

exxess 4

This beautiful hair and toy are also free in the Exxess store. You will find the free items in the hair section.


ARgghhhhh, SL is being a tool at the moment *sighs* I see a few people are having trubs logging on. I did manage to log on but only as my account which has payment info on file, not sure if this is the reason I could log on.

This is Freestyle…

October 26, 2008

Meet Freestyle Adamski. ..Oh yeah, I know she looks like all my other alts :D.

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I have created her as my admin alt for the group, so I can keep all my notecards and group info in order. Creamy’s inventory is terrifying.

So, if you have any queries about the group, would like an invite to the group as a designer or would like me to review something for the blog, anything Free*style related really, please send a NOTECARD or FOLDER (no IMs please) with all your info to Freestyle Adamski and hopefully I can keep on top of things more easily.

I only log on as her once a day for a short time if I can, just to reply to notes and stuff but please give me up to 5 days to reply to you, if I haven’t replied after 5 days please contact me again, your note may have got lost.

I’ll put my latest favourite new stores, along with old favies in Freestyle Adamski’s profile picks, so keep checking because it will probably change often. Today I stumbled across a wonderful place called Christmas, which funnily enough, is mostly Halloween themed. There are not many stores here yet but many of the stores here have fun free gifts (mostly Halloween inspired at the moment)

Look at this amazing bat hairband from Edelweiss, it’s only available at their Christmas location.

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I was sooo surprised by what happened when I took to the skies…the wings open up and flap beautiful, like they are carrying you off.

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The photo’s were taken on the Christmas sim, the sweetie filled pumpkin house is right at the top of the hill. Also check out the Pure Angel Mall right next to this sim (at the bottom of the hill). Lots of yummers stuff there too.

Bat Hairband: Edelweiss (0L)
Jacqueline Hair: Diversity (bought with new player voucher – under 30days old – remember to pick up your free new player skins too)
Skin: Sin Skins Group Gift (click the sign in store to subscribe and you will be given these skins)
Dress: GHOST at Free*Style (1L – or pay what you wish)

Orangy Group Gorgeousness

October 1, 2008

Oh my poor aching head……again! And to make the hangover even more perfect, my darling, wonderful daughter got up at 5am this morning. Oy. I’m just waiting for daylight savings over the weekend, then I can maybe get an extra hour of sleep in!

First up, this super cute outfit from the Happy Happy Update Groupe. I luff Mayuki Nozaki‘s clothes, such an eye for detail. Look at the tiny pumpkin buttons, delightful! And check out the shooz, a group gift from Shoe Fly! The group topped 2000 members and lookee, we gots pressies!

The hair! Another awesomesauce afro from Mayamaya Creations. You’ll need to join the group, and go to the main store, as you did last time to get this. It won’t be up for long, so grab it now. The adorables dress is from Parallel Love. There’s all sorts of yummy Halloween goodies there, including Pumpkin hair, which I’ll show you in a future post.

This skin’s one of mine, one I’d been working on for awhile. I’ll be sending this out to my group over the weekend. The subscribe kiosk can be found hurr. After that I may put it out at Free*style. Ooh if you do happen to go to our main store, we’re currently undergoing a facelift, so it’s a tad messy!! Designers, Creams will be in touch soon to get you to move your bits and pieces again!! Ash out, to search for a Redbull IV or something similar 😉

The Q Quandry

September 12, 2008

While stalking a few lucky chairs recently, I noticed they had a love for the letter Q. Course I don’t have a Q on my friends list, and after trying to get the girls to make one, I decided to give it a go myself!! Here she is, a brand new Q, looking quite spiffy already!!


And of course every lucky chair I went past today had a sodding A on it!! Wouldn’t you know!! All of these gorgy outfits are from Girls Style. If you haven’t been to this super cute store, now’s the time to start!


How awesome is this?! Chuck on some pigtails and roll round in a field of corn or some such!!


The bangles are from Girls Style also, pink, pink and did I mention theyre pink?! I know you wanna know about the hair. The stars are attached to this afro *sighs* joy!! It’s a group gift from Mayamaya Creations, you need to join the group and pick up the gift from the main store. Now back to lucky chair stalking!! Ash out xoxox

Girls Style

Mayamaya Creations

Intergalactic Planetary

August 27, 2008

Hurry up!!! Today is the last day to get some wicked freebies from the Juicy Bella sim. For a super duper detailed post on other outfits you can find there, check hurr!! The shoes are from Unique Needs, The Death Dolly Goth Mary Janes, All Colors. Another triumph from Ann O’toole, with a nifty colour change script thats easy peasy to use. Click and change!! Even I can manage it. They’re not free, but so worth the lindens IMHO. The hair is a freebie from Magika, that can be picked up from Hair Fair.

It was checking Adi’s post that led me to the title of mine!! Once again, I’m running round the house singing badly, while my daughter yells “shuddup mummy I’m trying to watch the Wiggles”!! Well excuuuuuuse me! Katatonik has put a new dollarbie out at the Free*style main store, the Ghostfire dress in blue,it’s out of this world (punny pun punnnyness)!! I’m wearing it with the amaaaazing Wish hair, which at the moment can only be picked up at Hair Fair

And bubbles!!! I stalked the HPMD lucky chair till I was triumphant. I saw off many other a’s including mermaid Ach!! You get 6 different bubbles, each with it’s own super kyoot pose, and the poses seperately, in case ya wanna stick em in some other random piece of furniture! I have furniture and houses in general on the brain, having just packed up my store and moved, and found one of the best sky boxes I have ever seen!! I will be taking lotsa pics in my new home woot!!! A massive thankyou to Suri Christen, who helped me more than I can say in terms of decorating my home, with some pretty unique and quirky items. Heart yooooo xoxo

Shtuffs You Need To Know
Juicy Bella

Shoes (not free)
Unique Needs

Magika Gift @ Hair Fair

Rest Of The Pics
Katatonik @ Freestyle Main Store

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Hair (not free)
Katatonik @ Hair Fair

Evil Betch from Hell

August 24, 2008

I have gone hair insane over the last week, and it’s the best insanity known to man!! Sixty-Nine‘s releases have melted my heart, and now they have put a special edition of the gorgy doll hair in a lucky chair!! Unfortunately, I was one of those terrible people who tp’d in yesterday, and my letter came up instantly, go on, curse me now, I know ya wanna!!

The beautiful dress is a gift from the Ewing group. It’s now open enrollment, and well worth giving up a space for, as you get all sorts of yummy goodness from fashion shows, openings and other such special occasions!! Search for Ewing in the “All” tab, join and check the notice history.

As you all know, there is a wicked hunt going on at Freestyle at the moment, as mentioned HURR and HURR and HURR.



One of these beauties is one of my prizes. I can’t remember which one I put out, and I can’t log into the grid to check either!! So if and when I ever get back to the grid, I’ll update the pics as needed!! Now I’m gonna join the girls in the chatbox for a party……I haz cocktails baby!!!

It’s the blue one XD!!!

Christ In A Hatsack

August 22, 2008

My best friend and long suffering business partner Kenlee is colourful to say the least. The title of this post is one of her fave sayings, when something is so outrageous it beggars belief. I know for a fact that is what she would have said if she was at the Hair Fair sims today. The time and effort, not to mention the creativity that has gone into this event is just amazing. I was lucky to get a preview, and pat pat Sasy as she nearly passed out from lack of sleep and waaaaay too much Redbull!!! Shown below are jut a tiny few of the gifts you can pick up at the fair when it officially opens tomorrow.

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And what would a preview be without Ash spending eleventy twelve million lindens on brand spanking new, only available at the fair hair? Shown below are my fave purchases so far.

hair fair

hair fair

hair fair

hair fair

Get yourselves to the fair and spend or donate as much as you are able. With most of the hair, 50% of the proceeds goes to Locks Of Love, and if you buy a bandana, all of the proceeds go to that charity. Locks Of Love provides wigs to children that have lost their hair due to chemo treatments, and seeing a kid smile again, well it’s priceless isn’t it. As an aside, when talking about what I should do with my bandana, someone who shall remain nameless revealed that they were a survivor, and that their hair had only started to grow back recently. So, you never know just how close cancer is to you, especially in Phil’s Place xoxo

Hair Fair Purple
Hair Fair Pink
Hair Fair Red
Hair Fair Orange