Archive for the ‘Halloween’ Category

Like A Puppet On A String

October 21, 2008

We have been thoroughly spoilt this Halloween, especially by amazing skin designers.

Check out this stunning skin you can get from the lucky board at Den-Dou. I’ve paired it here with a beautiful group gift from Brain Restriction, the ever versatile stockings from Edge Grafica and some wicked stompers I picked up in the Crimson Shadow 50l sale, as posted by Adi hurr.

I’m so loving my finger tape, I have Dakota from Fashion Junkie to thank for my latest obssesion!! Wonder how long this one will last for.

Isn’t this dress gorgy! Another gift you’ll find in the Brain Restriction group. It has many different attachment point options, I um……..used em all XD! It’s not supposed to be quite so floofy, but hell I was tired yesterday! The legwarmer boots are a group gift from DK Shapes, you’ll find these and some Halloween shooz too. And check out my bat thingos flying round my head!! This is a gift from the luffley Helena Stringer that you’ll find for a very limited time at Crimson Shadow, so get thee there like now!

And saving my fave till last. This amazing creation is from LVS&Co. You really do get to be a puppet, complete with an incredible AO, and strings!!

It’s part of the Midnight Madness promotion. All you have to do is click the board to get your name down, and at midnight, if enough people have clicked, the gift gets delivered to all participants, wicked ay! And cos I’m in an awsome mood today, hurr is some eye candy.

Best played loud, with beer. Ash out.

Other shit
Hair (not free)

Finger Tape (not free)

Straying Into The Light

October 18, 2008

Having not logged in as Ash for longer than 5 minutes recently, I had folders coming out the wazoo!! But boy am I glad I took the time to sort through them today!! Arcana Ceawlin from Dead Kitties has gone off on a Halloween costume tangent that I’m so loving!



This incredible offering is called Sky. It comes with the skin, hair, eyes and the glowy thingos! It’s only a linden, along with the other costumes you’ll find at her main store location.


This is Eden, yes, I have a snake on my breast and wood for hair.



It’s raining cupcakes!!! Joy! The parasol and the cupcake rain is part of the Rain outfit from Deadkitties. The top in the first pic is a gift from the ever generous Yohane of Strayer. If you hurry it should still be in the group notices. The second top is a yummy corset I snagged from the Jaywalk lucky chair. Theres a million and twenty five different gifts in the chair, Ms Lyra is spoiling us rotten!!

Other Shit
Hair (not free)
Shop Seu

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places



October 16, 2008

I was trying to vary the things I show on this blog so we don’t overdose on Halloween, but it’s proving impossible because so much amazing stuff is appearing.

Kuri Style has created one of my favourite Halloween outfit so far. It’s adorable! These cute little orange wedge shoes are this weeks 1L goodie from Ki2, they work perfectly with this outfit.


This top has a golden sheen and is so beautiful detailed, with a cute little pumpkin hat and skirt.


You probably all know by now that Minnu has these skins free in store, for GIRLS & GUYS, and they rock. Hurry get them quick as they might be gone soon.

The Moscow Halloween skins come in four beautiful makeups.

mm skin

mm skin2

It’s very rare that a top quality male skin like these are given away, I imagine that it’s not in stores best interest to do this as men rarely change their skins like us girls do. It’s very generous of Minnu to do this for the guys. For the first time I have seen lashes for BOYS in the gift bag…YAY!

mm men

Oh and by the way guys, this great top is a group gift from Valiant, join the group and look in the notice archives, this is such a cool store and Wavie is very generous to his group.


Pumpkin Halloween outfit: Kuri Style: 0L
Orange Wedge shoes: Ki2 (1L)
Moscow Light Halloween Skins (4 makeups): Minnu (0L)

Madrid Halloween skins (hair and no hair, 2 makeups & lashes), Minnu (0L) – limited time!
Top: Valiant group gift


October 16, 2008

Not having much sleep last night left me in a murderous mood this morning, my daughter getting up every half hour for the whole night. I’m a mess of coffee and Redbull atm, but feeling slightly more human.

This delightfully blood drenched shirt from Den-Dou goes perfectly with the Butchered jeans I picked up from the Fishy Strawberry lucky chair.

This amazing shirt is a subscribo gift from Fishy Strawberry, fankyoo Fae for spoiling us rotten!!

OMG THIS HAIR! It has to be my all time fave hair, (I even used a picture of it to enter the Hairfair Flickr contest) I love it so much. Now you can fall in love with it to, thanks to the Avz group! Join now and grab yours today, another group worth staying in too, even if it’s just to see the amazing creations of Hern Worsley. Ash out.

Other Shit
Hair in first pic (not free)
Deviant Kitties

Legwarmer Boots

Moar Spookeh & a Competition

October 14, 2008

I’ve just been to see Igor at the cinema with my kids and I think I loved it more than they did.
The hideous yet beautiful ‘Frankenstein’ type Monster, Eva, is now my heroine. She was created to do evil but she was accidentally brainwashed into thinking she is an actress…chaos ensues with a soo sweeet melty ending. LOVED IT!

Anyhooo, onto the freebies. Rockberry have some awesome outfits for free for Halloween, a bit different from your usual Pumpkins and Ghosts. We have a Jester and a Vampire/gothic lady


These outfits are so beautifully made, the gothic outfit can be worn in two ways, as pants with tails or a long flowing skirt. I adore the neckline on this, it reminds me of batwings.


The Jester outfit is so fun and unusual, it comes with the skin and shape (not worn).


I won this gorgee skin on the lucky board at Rockberry too.


Ghanima at Blue Blood has been busy-busy as always, she’s made lots of super Halloween goodies, the Body Art skin worn here is free in store for a limited time.



Also you can find this gorgeous Alice in Wonderland inspired Cheshire skin on the lucky mushroom camp chair at Blue Blood.


Just as I was finishing this post, Ghanima IMd me to say that she is having a photo contest.

Send a Halloween themed photograph to Ghanima Uriza wearing a Blue Blood outfit, the winner gets 4 free outfits of their choice.

These are the conditions
1) You must belong to the Blue Blood update group, (search ‘Blue Blood’ it is free to join)
2) You must be wearing a Blue Blood outfit
3) No Photoshop (or any other photo editing program) allowed as this could give an unfair advantage. Raw, untreated photographs direct from SL only please.
4) entries by the 25th October and the winner will be announced on the 28th

One photo must be sent in a folder named with your SL name to Ghanima Uriza containing the picture and a notecard mentioning the 4 outfits you want.

Oh…and I volunteered to be a judge, I’ll take on the Simon Cowell role – so watch out :p

Pics 1, 2, 3, 4
Jester and Gothic outfit: Rockberry (0L)

Megan Dark Skin: Rockberry Lucky Board( 0L)
Wild Woman Hair: Miasofia lucky chair (0L)

Pics 5 & 6
Body Art Skin: Blue Blood (0L)
Wild Woman Hair as before
Cheshire Skin: Blue Blood Lucky Chair (0L)
Halloween Tiara: Irollic (0L)

Outfits both from Blue Blood (not free)

Halloween Loco Pocos Hunt!

October 14, 2008

Damien Fate created Loco Pocos last July to redefine tiny avatars in SL and create a magical, interative sim for SL-ites to explore and have fun with. Ash wrote a great post when it first opened, and now there is a Halloween hunt that you won’t want to miss!

How does it work? It’s pretty simple. You teleport into the main sim, then use the Halloween teleporter to get to the Halloween hunt area. Once there, you click on a sign that will give you a pumpkin. Most of us should choose the “human” one, but if you have a Loco Pocos avi, slap it on and choose that one!

Then you go from door to door, knocking on the ones that have lighted windows, strangely like in real life. You then choose “trick” or “treat” when it pops up on the door after you click it. Depending upon your choice, you get candy, accessories for Loco Pocos avis, and ultimately a key. You need the key to unlock the chest to get the prize – your own Loco Pocos avi!

You may have to knock on a lot of doors until you get the key, but it’s worth it! The key will go directly into your pumpkin when you get a message you’ve received it, and you can click on the treasure chest to get your prize.

I have been wearing the female version of the prize avi, Frieda. There’s one for the bois too. One of the coolest things about it is the hud that allows you to customize eye color and your accessories (like the pumpkin!). You can also make gestures and faces too. It’s really quite amazing how beautifully integrated it all is.

I caught up with the great Damien Fate himself to snap this picture by the prize chest! He’s riding on a broom (not holding something naughty!) and wearing the mummy avi that is available in his shop. If you love your avi so much like I did, you’ll end up there too. I’ve been wearing a few things that are for sale, but the avi, the head bolts, the pumpkin and candy, and the giant candy corn backpack are all free!

Witches, Zombies and Fairies

October 13, 2008

OMG!! I love this skin Tinker Hax has made for her store Amplify, it is available until Halloween and it’s only 1L.

amplify * clothing
pic by Tinker Hax

J&J skins at Baiaistice also has 2 gorgeous free skins, each include lashes and the most beautiful wings, one is a fairy and one a witch.

fairy5 J&J

Witch J&J

Zombie Skin: Amplify(1L)
Fairy and Witch Skins, includes wings and lashes: by J&J skins at Baiastice (0L)
Lingerie: Fancy Fairy (0L)

Hair in Pic 2, previous group gift by Minnu, available to buy in store
Hair in pic 3 by Dernier Cri (not free)

Raspberry Love Goddess and other fine tales

October 10, 2008

bloomin' onion

In the last few days I’ve come across some gorgeous pink dresses. The color of fresh raspberry juice: bright & sweet..lil bit tart. ;)) It’s getting to be ball gown season. For some this is year round, for me, I synonymously think of ball gowns and the darkness of autumn. Pay it no mind- I read a lot as a child; I saw too many Disney films. 😉 

raspberry kiss

Slipping on dresses like these bring me back..


And what is this? A perfectly matching headdress? These flowers are like lollipops from nature. I feel like an updated, hippie version of Glenda the Good Witch. I guess I should take the time to tell you about my obsession with Life is Good. This sim is just gorgeous: Ino Jie & Porta Fosse have made a sim from my dreams. Ino is fantastic artist (I own a couple of her pieces) and SL gardener; her ivy, sweet clover and strawberries adorn the elven arch at my home and make me smile every time I pass through. Porta has an amazing musical performance space and I have been waiting with perked ears for a sign of a concert. (Until then I will wait patiently as I listen to my Music is Good radio- not free- available at the sim.) 

hippie princess

This headdress makes me so so happy, instant happiness like instant coffee. It is a group gift from the LIG update group, and I urge you to join, retrieve said headdress, wear and take pictures in it, while dancing naked with your favorite people in a field of daisies. *le sigh* Pretty things do this to me.

I’m also wearing the lipgloss gift from the BP* group. (see 2nd post photo, above.) Like prim nails, it’s prim lipgloss and will instantly make your lips softer, shiner, pinker. If it doesn’t fit just right, go into your edit menu and adjust each linked part independently.

punkin' patch

BP*‘s BettiePaige also sent the group this pumpkin patch today. Be prepared, it’s big! (Only 12 prims though.) A perfect scene for all your Halloween pictures, it has three pumpkins so you can pose with all your friends! 


This pumpkin head, necklace and shirt/underwear set is from the Isle of Tranquility’s Halloween giveaway. There are little carts set all around the sim, so you can walk around and trick or treat early. The pumpkin head can be found outside iTuTu– the ultra cute garden shop, along with some spiderwebs for your home. You can pick up the necklace from Amerie’s Naughty shop and then hop on by Den-Dou for the bloody (and also unbloody) clothes set (and the amazing limited edition Vampire skin Olivia wrote about on Oct 1st, not free).  There’s also some lit up branches and this beautiful dress Adaire wrote about from DP*YumYum.


Wrapping it up is this fine number from Butterfly Princess. Sexy, frilly, feminine and dark (when paired with Ashia’s fab Halloween skin), it’s simply perfect.

the end xD


{pic 1}
‘sweetheart formal’ by Journey
{not free}
‘Una’ hair in blonde by Bewitched

{pic 2}
‘satin shine’ in pink by Designing Nicky Ree
‘Autumn Gift Corolla’ headdress from Life is Good update group
{not free}
‘wish’ hair in pecan by Cake (I modified it & removed the bangs 😉

{pic 3} & {pic 4} see above for info

{pic 5}
‘pumpkin patch’ by BP* for update group (search: BP* Update Group)
‘halloween hair’ in black/orange from Kurotsubaki‘s update group
(clothes links below)

{pic 6}
‘pumpkin head’ by iTuTu
‘halloween necklace’ by Amerie’s Naughty
‘bloody striped’ shirt & underwear from Den-Dou
‘ma peau zombie pinup’ skin by Mijn Boa @ Free Sh*t that doesn’t suck store at Hotel Dare 
black nails by J’s (having my nails done is somewhat of an obsession of mine, and I wear these all the time)
{not free}
‘leopar’ shoes by Shooz! (I love these, I love these, I love these…)

{pic 7}
‘rosebud black’ lingerie by Butterfly Princess
Ashia’s Halloween skin can be found @ the free*style shop!
{not free}
‘Emi’ hair in Chestnut by Zero Style

Sn@tch makes it hot, Tuli makes it hotter.

October 10, 2008

Tuli is doing a grand opening of her new sim tomorrow, and with it comes her brand new skins. She *just* sent out a group gift that has some of the most gorgeous skins I’ve ever seen in SL. Yeah, I know everyone says that. But seriously…you NEED these. I’m not sure what juju Tules is doing, but whatever it is, Sumi and Meredith (the 2 names of her new skins) are breathtaking. It’s $250L to join her group, but it will be the best $250L money can buy. Trust me. I wish I had the skillz to do these justice.

That’s Sumi. Let me introduce you to *Meredith.* Group members can get early VIP access to the sim tomorrow from 12-2:00 PM SL.
Ivey Deschanel also has a new release from Sn@tch. She did some monster-licious tees that go great with just about anything in rich, vivid colors for $0L, and her Crazy Little Belt fatpack is FREE until she takes it down!
We do the mash…we do the monster mash! I’m pairing the La Sylphide lucky chair skin with Ives’ clothing yum yums because Stephanie Misfit has an insane amount of free eyes and a free set of prim lashes new in-store.
Dracula wants to suck your blood, but not your lindens with these free tee shirts. Dizamn, I’m sounding like a used car saleswoman, but seriously. I couldn’t be more excited when three of my fave designers gives out wicked awesome treats.
Enjoi these for a limited time only, and keep sending the Halloween 411 my way. Thanks to the ladies that have shared their skeletons in the freebie closet secrets!

Other items used in this post:
Cheap & Tawdry Pants (part of the set) ~ Sn@tch
Trash Heels (Silver Python) ~ Sn@tch
Cruel Cuffs ~ Sn@tch
Box Cutter Earrings ~ Sn@tch
Nina Hair (off-black) ~ ::69::

Ground control to major Tom

October 9, 2008

Moon Landing

I delight in all the cool, random things I come across in SL. Take this moon suit for instance, it’s rockin’, funny and completely free. And I bumped into it’s lil vendor box right in time for Halloween. woot woot. 

Gonna Moon U

This also comes in a men’s version too, so if you’re into the whole matchy-matchy couples thing this could be it. Or as my friend Syn recommended, you could always wear it in a completely random place to take pictures/get attention. (We were thinking of swimming in our favorite pool.) If you have a moon dance animation + this suit, you’ll be set! xD

They also have a few other freebies there, including a men’s wetsuit. haha. I love random outfits!


Nasa Space Suit @ Designing Nicky Ree direct tp to table here