Archive for the ‘Hat’ Category

No Label!

November 12, 2008

Get off yo’ hawrse ‘n drink yo’ melk…


Got a really nice surprise for you all here!

When I logged on today I noticed that komeko Shinn, the incredibly original and stylish designer behind [/NoLabel/] Has given the most generous gift out in her group: Drunken Cowboy boots in brown! (complete with bourbon flask tucked into one of them!!) you should also check her amazing earrings, accessories & clothing out. She’s extremely talented, I ❤ it all!

Without further ado… These babies are the group gift!


Textures are really well done and have a resize script, so they’ll fit pretty much any foot/leg combo! Have to say they look remarkably cool, I’ll be wearing these a lot! You can buy them in her store in other colors for $250 which is very reasonable for this quality


Really like the way the toe points up that little bit more than other designs I’ve seen!


The other bits I’m wearing are the gorgeous tartan scarf from Edge Grafica, along with the waistcoat and short shirt & skirt from the ever generous Peppermint Blue (no longer free).

Hope you all like these as much as I do XD

Have fun, Cheri ❤



Skin: Minajunk Bad Black02

Hair: BP* Mitsuami Braids

Hat: ::Mezzo:: Cowboy hat

Moar Spookeh & a Competition

October 14, 2008

I’ve just been to see Igor at the cinema with my kids and I think I loved it more than they did.
The hideous yet beautiful ‘Frankenstein’ type Monster, Eva, is now my heroine. She was created to do evil but she was accidentally brainwashed into thinking she is an actress…chaos ensues with a soo sweeet melty ending. LOVED IT!

Anyhooo, onto the freebies. Rockberry have some awesome outfits for free for Halloween, a bit different from your usual Pumpkins and Ghosts. We have a Jester and a Vampire/gothic lady


These outfits are so beautifully made, the gothic outfit can be worn in two ways, as pants with tails or a long flowing skirt. I adore the neckline on this, it reminds me of batwings.


The Jester outfit is so fun and unusual, it comes with the skin and shape (not worn).


I won this gorgee skin on the lucky board at Rockberry too.


Ghanima at Blue Blood has been busy-busy as always, she’s made lots of super Halloween goodies, the Body Art skin worn here is free in store for a limited time.



Also you can find this gorgeous Alice in Wonderland inspired Cheshire skin on the lucky mushroom camp chair at Blue Blood.


Just as I was finishing this post, Ghanima IMd me to say that she is having a photo contest.

Send a Halloween themed photograph to Ghanima Uriza wearing a Blue Blood outfit, the winner gets 4 free outfits of their choice.

These are the conditions
1) You must belong to the Blue Blood update group, (search ‘Blue Blood’ it is free to join)
2) You must be wearing a Blue Blood outfit
3) No Photoshop (or any other photo editing program) allowed as this could give an unfair advantage. Raw, untreated photographs direct from SL only please.
4) entries by the 25th October and the winner will be announced on the 28th

One photo must be sent in a folder named with your SL name to Ghanima Uriza containing the picture and a notecard mentioning the 4 outfits you want.

Oh…and I volunteered to be a judge, I’ll take on the Simon Cowell role – so watch out :p

Pics 1, 2, 3, 4
Jester and Gothic outfit: Rockberry (0L)

Megan Dark Skin: Rockberry Lucky Board( 0L)
Wild Woman Hair: Miasofia lucky chair (0L)

Pics 5 & 6
Body Art Skin: Blue Blood (0L)
Wild Woman Hair as before
Cheshire Skin: Blue Blood Lucky Chair (0L)
Halloween Tiara: Irollic (0L)

Outfits both from Blue Blood (not free)

Gridwide Rabbit Hunt Update

September 18, 2008

Just wanna let you know that the Gridwide ‘Down the Rabbit Hole’ Hunt (Olivia posted HERE yesterday), doesn’t seem to have started yet, I imagine it will start in the next few hours though so keep trying.

Lolivia pipped me to the post yesterday, I was takin these pics last night before my t’internets decided to go tits up. So to save on wasting the piccies I took, here’s some of the yummy cuteness you can find..

Alice checkered ensemble, dress of gorgeousness

Oversized time telling teacup top

The tea has ‘interesting’ effects.

These are only some of the fantastic goodies you can find, have fun!

These pics were taken at the beautiful Tea & Strychnine mainstore (one of the locations in the hunt), you will find more information on the hunt here if you can’t wait until it starts.

Also worn
Donna Shoes: by Kookie (not free)
Sexy Hair by Seu (not free)
Skin: by Mijn Boa (‘i borrow your eyes’ previous group gift)

BAAaaaa PiDiddle

September 16, 2008

It’s nearly bedtime here and I may have to count sheep to get to sleep again tonight. J and I were still awake gone 3am last night (we went to bed at midnight), we think someone may have put speed in our pesto – those pesky kids!!!

So BettiePage musta read my mind. She sent out this wonderful Sheep cap/hair to her group BP*, it’s 100% wool you know! I love BettiePage’s creations, always with so much humour and cuteness and she is very generous to her group members.


Talking of cuteness, look at this adorable llittle Pompelle dress which you can get free from the PiDiddle update group in this beautiful aubergine colour.


These shoes are not free but aren’t they just the shizzle? Kookie’s store has only just opened, you should go take a peek at the beautiful shoes she has created, I want them all in RL too.


Now I’m off to count sheep….

Sheep Cap: BP* Group Gift
Pompelle Dress: PiDiddle Group Gift
Python tights: Saya (0L)

Not Free
Natasha shoes: Kookie
La Sylphide – Ingrid Light – Glitter Baby Pink (previous group gift)

Not so hot off the press

July 13, 2008

I’m probably so late in showing all this stuff now, I’m discovering all these goodies in my groups after my break. Y’all probably know about them already

I just love Saya so much, the textures on her clothing is lush, bright shiny jewel colours and the designs are so unique. This outfit comes complete with the pretty yellow scarf.



When I looked in the Free*Style notice archives and saw Ashia’s notice about A FREE SKIN FROM BIJOU…oooooh!!! I had to get down there. Check this out, it’s called Masquerade and has little jewels


This gorgeous choppy bob style is a group gift from Tricolore, it’s been in the notices for quite a while so I hope it is still there. I love it! The yummy sunflower earrings are a group gift from PERTURB/ation.

Saya “summer outfit” (group gift)
Tricolore “short hair nocturne” (group gift)
PERTURB/ation “sunflower earrings” (group gift)
Bijou Helene Masquerade skin (free)

Did you get the notice yesterday about the 1L jeans from VG Republic? You neeeeed them in your SLife, there is a pair for men too. The prims on the leg of these jeans blend in perfectly with the jeans and I love the skinny fit. I think these are going to be a firm favie in my virtual wardrobe. They go perfectly with this cardigan of gorgeousness from Thimbles group. It comes in various layers and you can wear it with or without the bow.

vg jean


Thimbles “under the boardwalk” cardigan (group gift)
VG Republic jeans (1L)
Vain Inc Hat (group gift)
SKG: Shoes (5L for this week)
Emporio Caprioni skin (not free)

Again, apologies if any of these items are no longer available, I’ll be back on the ball again soon – I pwomise!

Time For Fireworks!

July 2, 2008

Even I’m getting in the July 4th mood! All the excitement and frolics, woot.


What better way to celebrate than throw on a smexeh kini and some killer pumps? Oh and of course a hat made of fireworks XD!


And check out these yummy earrings. Elbereth Nightfire from Star Kindler was kind enough to drop these on me. You have to see them at midnight…….made of awesome! They are avail in store for an L along with the hat. Oh the shoooz…Ash overload……..zomg.


I nearly didn’t make it to get the kini. Ames waited patiently for me while a chatted to a Hotty Mchottison……you know who you are bumface XD!!! Anyhoo, I ish off to swan round the grid in my kini……yes I shall be one of THOSE avs <33

Fireworks Hat, Earings and Spiral Galaxy earings Star Kindler
Ephemeral Creations
Black Hair
Shop Seu
Blonde Hair

wah wah wah

June 30, 2008

i’m in a grumpity mood so i’ll spare yall the words words words words and get on with pictures and slurls.

get your ass to haunted zuzu. click the subscribeo. check the history. get two sassy tanks. i’m wearing the birds and cherries one below, which of course you’d never know cause it’s one of my typically craptastic shots… trust me, it’s a yummy top.

[hair – jade, nana (100L); skin – gala phoenix; headphones – pushbutton industries (90L); shorts – fetch alternative (from the freebie box); tights – edge grafica (free); boots – urban bomb unit, tattoo rainboots (245L);]

neeeexxxt is a lacy foofy dollarbie from sisters which a sane person might wear to a cocktail party, but me, not so much:

[hair – maitreya, aimee (free); boots – katat0nik (dollarbie); gloves – sheer (50L for two pair)]

and last freeb is something i have to kiss the lovely amethyst mcmahon’s feet for finding: edge grafica’s mourning dress… the velvety weightiness of the material is nearly palpable, and it comes with stunning little hat!

[hair – zero style, missi (300L for a three color pack); shoes – shiny things, ruffle boots (400L)]

locations: iron fist and winterfell absinthe.


June 6, 2008

Adored is having a space needle hunt, yays! There’s 50 needles of freebie goodness, not too easy to find and not too hard, my perfect hunt! The first needle is right by the landing point of the slurl, fair warning though, the place took awhile to rez for me, so please be patient.








The gorgeous shoes I’m wearing throughout are from Tesla at the Fashion Expo for RFL. I’m scared to take them off in case the grid eats them, like it did with most of my inv last night. Obviously they’re not freebies but it’s such a worthwhile cause, and the shoes are hawt dammit! Most of the poses I’m using are from LAP, also limited edition sets only available at the expo. Jump on the slurl above and have a wander round, you may even find some freebies XD! Oh and a huge thankyou to Dove, for replacing all the poses I bought after the grid…..dun duuun duuuuuuuun, ate em!

Non Hunt Items

Shop Seu (not free)

Armidi– The Siren & The Ginza (not free)

HCT– Saleen (1l for a fat pack)

Shoes (not free, but awesome cause to donate to)
Tesla @ RFL Fashion Expo

Tattoos (not free)

Dot Pants
Still free as far as I know

Ears (not free)
Body Politik

Mixin’ it up with GG & Fetch & Starlust

May 30, 2008

Anyone missing me online today? No?
Oh well, if you were wondering where I was, I had asked Helena Stringer (see previous post) to send all her hunt items to one of my other avi’s so I could concentrate on putting the outfits together and then I found some awesome items in this avatars groups, you need to get these quick though, 15 days in the archives and some of these will be gone in the next few days.


First up, Gianna at Gigi Couture (GG for Generous Gianna, she gives out the most amazing gifties to her group) has sent out a really cute dress as a group gift, apologies if one of my fellow blogger ladies does this one too, I know we will all pounce on it ‘cos it’s awesometastic.


Vanessa at Fetch Alternative has started making skins, and she has passed a preview to the Fetch group, it’s natural, no makeup, very pretty and a great peek at what she has to come. There is also a pair of really cute denim shorts in the group which I know you will all love.

Pale Natural Skin: Fetch Alternative (group Gift)
Cross Earring: Sey (free group gift in store)
Hat and eyes: Stringer Mausolem Hunt
Hair: Gritty Kitty Scene (not free)

Shorts: Fetch Group Gift
Top: Part of
GiGi couture dress

Oh and this hurrrrr, its by Marly’s and she slipped it into the Starlust Motel group notices, you really need to join this group for lots of other great stuffages such as these ‘Ageplay’ Glasses by Marcelle Decuir of Decollage. I’m totally up for a bit of ageplay if anyone is interested, only if I can be ancient and wrinkly mind you.

M is for Melatonin Hair; Marlys, (Starlust Group Gift)
Ageplay Glasses: Decollage (Starlust Group Gift)
Pale Natural Skin:
Fetch Alternative (group Gift)

Oh and also in the Starlust group you will find these fabboo Thimbles ‘if I was these pants’ outfit which Lolivia previously blogged HERE (Thimbles group gift) in a reddish colour called arsenic. yayayyyaya!

‘if I was these pants’ in Arsenic – Thimbles: (Starlust Group Gift)

Don’t come crying to me saying I didn’t warn ya’s :p

What do you draw?

May 29, 2008


I introduce a lovely hat and the pose today. 🙂
The hat can be gotten by the item camp only for the group.
Please join the group of “Double Paradox” and sit for 20 minutes.

Hat : **DP**yumyum (FREE)
Animations : ::: u:ka ::: (FREE)

上のアニメーションと、下の3種類ポーズは::: u:ka :::さんのFREEです。^^*
Artist’s animation and three kinds of poses are FREE of the shop ::: u:ka :::.

Pose : ::: u:ka ::: (FREE)
Necklace : ::69:: (1L$)
pants : Moni Criss (50L$)
Shose : Juisy Shoes (500L$)
This very savory shoes are Juicy Shoes.:p
I like it with HQ very much. 🙂