Archive for the ‘Hat’ Category

Do you believe in life after love?

May 23, 2008

…sorry for singing one of the worst songs ever recorded there (in my opinion) but I think I look a bit like Cher in this first set of pics.

These two great outfits are free at Elemiah Designs until Sunday. The 4you1 outfit comes in blue and pink with black leggings and gorgeously flouncy babydoll style top.



24-5_007 24-5_008

4you1 Outfit by Elemiah Designs (free until Sunday)

Gogo sent a message to the group about some really free cool boots by Katat0nik on Axis Mundi (which I will show later in the post). When I arrived there I spotted this free skin which you get when you join the group. Touch the sign at the store wearing your group tag. Gogo has featured the beautiful Lolita dresses in the store on her blog


*SOD* LE Peach Skin – [Twilight/Dusty Rose], Katat0nik on Axis Mundi (Group Gift), join the Axis Mundi Explorers group and touch the sign at the store to receive this.

Silk Aeon made the fantastic shoes worn in the above photo’s, these are scripted to change colour, she kindly sent these to the Free*Style group today. Thanks Silk!


Another item I discovered on my travels today was this gorgeous outfit from Kame, which cost only 15 minutes on the prize camp chair.

Beret at a seriously jaunty angle: Decollage (free)
Black outfit: Kame – **LM Corrected** (Prize Camp 15 mins)

These are the sculpted boots which Gogo told us about at Katat0nik on Axis Mundi , you will find these hidden down a back alley just before you reach the carnival, hard to explain exactly where they are, have a look around. This is another beautifully built sim, well worth a visit, SL didn’t allow me to take pictures at the time. These boots may only be available for a limited time, oh and they are unisex too.

Sculpted Unisex boots: Katat0nik on Axis Mundi (free)

This luffly hair is the new freebie from TekuTeku, thanks Miu for sending a notice about this one. The skin is by Frick, there are so many free and low priced Another Shop mod skins there, really good quality in lots of elaborate designs. The ring I found at K Squared at Starlust, you have to get a pick and dig for nuggets to get this and lots of other goodies in the store.

Sculpted Boots – Katat0nik on Axis Mundi (free)
Ring: K Squared at Starlust (free)
Necklace: Creators Pavillion (see my previous post)
Tan – Green/Pink Eyes – Super Pink Lips: Frick (1L)
Hair: TekuTeku (free or 1L)

Non Free Items
Eyes: Decollage (50L for loads)
Sexy Hair: Seu (120L)

Oh poo my pics are all over the place but I’m so tired so nvm. kbai nites ❤

A Greek Paradise!

May 20, 2008

You know I looove to explore beautiful places in SL, so when I saw Beanie Canning’s mini blog on Fashion Finds in Phil’s Place I had to visit.

This stunning place is called the Heart Reef Resort, a virtual remake of a pretty Greek resort, built so beautifully and thoughtfully, I actually felt like I had been transported to Greece (one of my favie holiday destinations). The colours are so vivid and even the sounds effects are so realistic.


The free Linda Mini Dress by Mayuki which was released today, is perfect for a stroll on a cooler day in this resort, this sweet dress comes complete with the long sockies and can be worn alone or with the bolero.




Having a wonderful time…wish you were here!!!

A big thanks to Beanie for introducing me to this wonderful place, the Heart Reef Resort – this place is made of awesome. Tell your friends!

Linda Mini Dress by Mayuki (free for a limited time)
Easter skin by
less than 3 (free)
Electric Feel Hair/Hat by Hiccup (free at Starlust Motel)
Fecal Matter Necklace by Violet Volitaire (free at Starlust Motel)
Schadenfreude Starlust Charm Bracelet (free at Starlust Motel)
Big Chunky Blue Bracelet from UnTone (free)
Kylie Pump by K&K (free)
Tabitha Shape: by Creamy at Free*Style (1L)

Female AO by E Watkins (free), also a Male AO available here – these are two of the best free AO’s I have seen.

Not Free
Eyes by Decollage (50L for loads of colours)

Another Silly Post

May 18, 2008

Our posts have been getting sillier and sillier this weekend, we’ve been having great fun!

Once my hangover lifted today I logged on to SL (I can’t handle SL on a hangover). Itny IMd me about these fun freebies at Bland, this is relatively new store and I really love it, The outfits are so fun and creative with bright colours and patterns. Some of the items worn here are from the Bland store at Le Zoo, and the dress and glasses are free at the Bland Mainstore. Type Bland into the blog search for more items from this store.

Well I was desperate to visit the Garden of NPIRL (Not Possible in Real Life) Delights, (also see Olivia’s post about Yip’s freebies here), so we TPd there to take the photo’s. This place is absolutely awesome, I haven’t even explored half of it yet, but I can see I’ll be spending a lot of time here. I made some crazy windight settings especially for this sim too.



Funny shoesies also a Bland freebie.

All hats, glasses, t-shirts, dress, underwear and fun stuff are free from Bland (not the striped pants tho’, they are about 120L), there are different freebies in both stores
Bland Mainstore
Bland store at Le Zoo

Big thankies to Gogo who IMd me about SineWave’s fantastic new free dances, there’s one for the boi’s and one for girls. I haven’t danced in SL for ages so I tp’d Cheri over to join us for a sort of impromptu mad disco, it reminded me of a child friendly version Aphex Twin’s Windowlicker video, (all dancing around with the the same heads).


Drunk Skin and Seafoam Sundress: Rosemar Group Gifts (250L to join for regular lovely gifts)
Photo’s taken in the Garden of NPIRL Delights

Going Dotty!

May 15, 2008

Ok, haven’t posted in ages! When I saw this beautifully stylish dress at Bishwear for $1 I couldn’t resist! it was instant inspiration. This is just a quick post, RL is biting at my ankles! gnar gn gnaw..

You need a group tag in order to buy this and I don’t know how much longer it will be there, so please mosey on over there!!


I had to show you the hat in closer detail because it’s just cuuute as a button, a spotty dotty one!


and with that I must sign off!


Bye for now folks, Hugs Cheri ❤



Skin: CHAI by LF Vedette in Cream (No longer available free)

Hair: ETD Katterina – Platinum (Not free)

Eyewear: Icing Marilyn glasses in white (Not free)

Jewelry: /Fuel/ Glass chunk bangles & Polka Polka earrings (Not free)

Gloves: Bijou Diva in black (Free in store)

Shoes: HUB Venus sandals in Sleek Noir (Not free)

Shape: by Cheri Pye


Styling the Hag with Elissa Nightly

May 11, 2008

It’s time to show you some more great photo’s from a Free*Style Flickr group member. Elissa Nightly has been so inventive here with her look, she’s made a stylish hag, (it’s not all about model looks you know)…I love it when people have fun with their Av’s. The colours in Elissa’s photo’s are wonderful, really vivid and sharp.

It’s always good to have an Iron Man to carry your shopping. This guy is free from Silverscreen

What IronMan does when hes not saving the world 🙂
IronMan The ...Gentleman?

LF Chai Group Skin
hobo shape: (heavily modded body and made female)…
Hair : Zero*Style Free You Hair
Free Dress at
(I think, dont kill me if im wrong :P)
Shopping Bags: Sixty-nine group gift
Token Sim Beige coat outfit Freebie
Shoes: Gossip girl Maitreya Freebie
Iron Man: Silverscreen

Swinging Hag
Swinging Hag

Sunny Sunshine
Sunny Sunshine!

Nicky Ree Mothers day Dress: (Get this fast it wont be there for long!)
LF Chai Group Skin
Hobo shape: (heavily modded body and made female)…

To be young again
To be Young again...

Please keep your photo’s coming (add them to the Free*Style Flickr group), I’m trying to feature as many as I can. It’s most helpful to me if you include the SLURL’s with your photo’s so all the hard work is done for me 😀

Tic Toc, Limited Time Freebies Again!

April 12, 2008

13日24時までの期間限定でこんなステキな洋服がPeppermint Blueで無料で手に入ります。急いでくださいね~。





Outfit – Peppermint Blue Free until 8am SL time on Sunday the 13th. All the items you see in the pics including the peppermint blue top, capri pants, cute little clogs, 2 skins, 3 hair, bikinis etc are free. When you TP, look around, you’ll see 2 panels on the wall. One is the outfit and accessory pack and the other is the skins.

Club Kaya

April 12, 2008

This is just a quick note. Like I said in my previous post, Club Kaya is having its first anniversary party, and it ends on the 12th Japan time! There is this gorgeous dress from Little Heaven as one of their anniversary freebies and I don’t know how long they’re going to be there. They have really nice live music and it’s definitely worth a trip!


Full outfit including tights and shoes!



I loooove this huge hat with a corsage.


Just TP to Club Kaya before it’s too late x.X

Truly, it’s Tuli!

April 6, 2008

OMG, EMERGENCY! Look what Tuli’s gone and done, she’s given her group the most wonderful outfit – the Ana Revamped, which comes complete with hat/hair in 3 colours. I think GUYS could wear this hair also.

The original Ana was released near the end of last year, and I blogged it HERE. Tuli has brought it into 2008 and given it a funky cropped pant, perfect for spring. I loooove!!

Bracelet – Kiki’s Closet group Gift
Earring – Kiki’s Closet at AZ Radio (Free)


Ana Revamped outfit – Tuli (Group Gift)
Skin – Beauty Avatar (Free)

Thank you to Elissa Nitely for letting me know about this one in the comments and big huge thanks to Tuli as well, I think you’ve made a lot of people delighted.

Will do the links tomorrow, I’m too tired right now, nite xxxx

skull happy

March 9, 2008

my slday began with the discovery that artilleri is giving away this, as one of my rl bff’s would say, ridonk (ridiculous? ridonkulous? whatever, we take it to mean teh sex) slinktastic dress as a group gift:

[skin/lashes – digit darkes (i got them as a subscribe-o-matic gift but i believe it can be snatched up at the skin fair) whoops! per sasy scarborough: “the Digit Darkes skin was a limited time only pack which is no longer in store, fair or subscribo.” so there you go guys, if you’re not joining up non group slot munching subscribe-o-matics yall are missing out; hair – 0 style, you (1L, instore) ]

i then proceeded to, perhaps, completely overdo it, as i am wont to do… i slapped on my wrists the pretty thank-you-for-joining group gift (probably better suited to something more gothic lolita but i couldn’t resist) from draconic kiss, and, on my head, a sweet little hat by kiki’s closet, which i picked up earlier at kss mall‘s white day boardwalk sale type thing (thanks whyspe!). the bag, or maybe more accurately, the train case, is a group only instore freeb.. which means join sey’s group (thanks elusyve!) and for the love of god have your tag activated:

oh, the necklace!

a delightful group gift from the inimitable allegory malaprop of schadenfreude.

ah, my inner misfits fan is smiling hard, even if this all was a little prissy 😀

Some really nice finds!

March 1, 2008

Was feeling a little bit reluctant about visiting the skin fair 2008 today after reading Mela’s blog.

I went over to Baiastice just to have a better look at their unique, high fashion designs… I love the flare & boldness they use in their designs.
While at the shop I discovered that they have put their March Free outfit out right on cue.
It has a 1960’s retro style feel, but at the same time has a high fashion statement to make. I really love the chocolate base leather jacket with that bright orange padding; the zips are so nicely placed too. The leather effect pants have a unique orange inner thigh padding, similar to what a motorbike courier might wear!

Baiastice March outfit full_SLink Suede mary janes_pumpkin

Along with the jacket & pants you get the matching sculpted hat & bag with a copy of Vogue magazine strategically placed ; )

Baiastice March free outfit_Darkes sisters skins S8 sunkissed_moda_starz_Darkstar_Jacii_rednatural
With the outfit I’m wearing ‘S8 Sunkissed Moda Starz’ skin from Digit Darkes’ Subscribe-O gift. I really love the makeup on this particular skin, the glittery eyeshadow, the wonderful lip shape & gloss. Along with this skin you get 3 other tones, prim lashes, several premade eyebrow shapes & a face light.

Please hurry over to the shop because this is only available until Monday 3rd March when it will be removed from the machine.

Darkes Sisiters S8 Sunkissed Moda Stars_closer

Hair: Jacii – Red Natural by Sh*t Happens (Darkstar Designs) (Not free)
Eyes: Surreal blue window eyes by X2 (Not free)
Shoes: Mary Janes – Pumpkin by SLink (No longer available)

I found this beautifully textured ‘Victory dress in Pink’ for free in a little brown bag at Big Booty Big Money shop, has a lovely soft sheen, with that unusual burnt effect edging & diamond shaped finish. This shop has some of the most remarkably innovative dress designs around!

BBBM Victory dress pink_Coif Disco goddess_snow_A Piece of Candy_group gift_AS ruby gloss mod

A Piece of Candy also gave out this beautiful Another Shop mod ‘Ruby Gloss’ skin, I really love the way Candy Enoch has made these skins her own. The lips are so wonderfully pouty too, I can’t get enough of these.

Closeup_A piece of candy_AS_mod_Coif disco goddess_snow

Amazingly Big Booty Big Money also had this gorgeous L$1 dress out on the wall called ‘Simple Russian preview’ dress.

BBBM dollarbie Simple Russian preview dress_A piece of candy_ruby_gloss_COIF_disco goddess_snow

Lovely dark blue/gray dress with a subtle pattern, the skirt is slightly transparent with a light blue inner prim skirt giving a glow of brighter color, really nice idea which works so well.

Hair: Disco Goddess – Snow by COIF (Not free)
Eyes: Storm eyes by BBBM (Group gift & still available)

❤ Cheri