Archive for the ‘Hats’ Category

Moar Proof Girls Can Wear Boys Clothes!

December 9, 2008

One of my most vivid memories of falling in love with the fashion feed, was an amazing post my Sasybum did on a boys skirt called Scavenger. She worked the hell out of that skirt, as did I when I ran to grab it and wore it in varying combinations for a month straight, no shit!


These outfits so remind me of that skirt. The Boeme dress above and the Battlemaster kilt below. On a tip from the ever luscious Green, these *had* to be in my inv and on my pixel bod. Can you believe they’re free?


This kilt is for boys, but I edited it with not too much drama. Get yours here. I now wanna see lotsa bruised, scarred boys running round the grid in this and submitting pics to our Flickr group!!



The lovely Blueberry Mayo sent me an offline to run grab these outfits from a hunt at Ayyaiyai. The outfit on the left in the first pic, I won on the lucky chair and lucky board while I was hunting. Lookit my monkey hat!! You can also get a panda version if your letter comes up. You’re looking for 50 candy canes for an L each, fair warning, they’re small. But alt click is your friend, as it said in the hunt card! And, and, winter hoofies!! Q’s long suffering hubby indulged Ash’s addiction to all things Lazy Places (confuzzled? Me too!) He even put up with me trotting round the house all day making snow crunching sounds and leaving hoof prints everywhere, must be love ay! Right, off to work for me. Below is a webisode of something that has totes been keeping us in stitches, it’s a must watch for any gamer, I present to you The Legend Of Neil. Please note, it’s a mature vid, not for kiddies. Ash out.

Hair (not free)

Tattoo (not free)

Voodoo Dolls (don’t read if easily offended)

November 25, 2008

**WARNING** Skip past this post if you are easily offended!!

It’s Thankgiving Day soon, isn’t it?
(I had no idea when it is, as I’m in UK. Wikipedia tells me that it is this Thursday, so hopefully they got their facts right)

Deja Hax of Voodoo Dolls has created a really fun outfit for Thanksgiving, this one is on the lucky chair in the store.



The turkey on the hat is having a dispute, it would rather you eat ham for Thankgiving – and who can blame it.

If that outfit made you feel hungry, just look at this next one, also created by the amazing Deja of Voodoo Dolls and it will put you off your food pretty quick (well, maybe not if you are a guy).

This dress contains pics of a rather unattractive pic of a woman flashing her vayjayjay and some midget cocks, I think its brilliant!
(I’m showing this pic very small in case anyone is reading this at work. If you wish to view the full glory of it please click on the pic and view it in large size)

Midget Porn Dress

This outfit has been tried and tested on the sex sims and it works a treat. You can find it at the Hotel Dare Free Shit store.

Skin worn is a group gift in store from Glanz
Hair is by DP yumyum (not free)

No Label!

November 12, 2008

Get off yo’ hawrse ‘n drink yo’ melk…


Got a really nice surprise for you all here!

When I logged on today I noticed that komeko Shinn, the incredibly original and stylish designer behind [/NoLabel/] Has given the most generous gift out in her group: Drunken Cowboy boots in brown! (complete with bourbon flask tucked into one of them!!) you should also check her amazing earrings, accessories & clothing out. She’s extremely talented, I ❤ it all!

Without further ado… These babies are the group gift!


Textures are really well done and have a resize script, so they’ll fit pretty much any foot/leg combo! Have to say they look remarkably cool, I’ll be wearing these a lot! You can buy them in her store in other colors for $250 which is very reasonable for this quality


Really like the way the toe points up that little bit more than other designs I’ve seen!


The other bits I’m wearing are the gorgeous tartan scarf from Edge Grafica, along with the waistcoat and short shirt & skirt from the ever generous Peppermint Blue (no longer free).

Hope you all like these as much as I do XD

Have fun, Cheri ❤



Skin: Minajunk Bad Black02

Hair: BP* Mitsuami Braids

Hat: ::Mezzo:: Cowboy hat

Carmen Miranda goes to the dark side

October 27, 2008

I was supposed to go bed an hour ago, but wait till you see this…it’s worth my baggy eyes…
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! I would say it out loud but I have actually lost my voice in RL so typing it a few times will have to suffice

Comme Il faut has a hunt going on, but this is a hunt with a difference. You search for 12 black candles….oh hey, scratch that, I’m going to copy it direct from Moire’s notecard because I’m tired.

“Carmen Miranda goes voodoo!There are 13 black candles around the store and the boulevard. Each one has a piece of the Carmen Macumba costume, probably the most creative costume you`ll find around this halloween!Most of the pieces can be worn by itself and mixed and matched with other costumes, so even if you don`t find all of them you`ll still have some great stuff to wear!”

Moire kindly dropped me the whole outfit, check it out, I was stunned it is so beautiful and there are so many parts to it.


Yay, shake those deadly maraca’s baby

A handy place to keep your booze stash. Oops I’ve drank all of mine already, that’s why I look so merry *burps*


Love these shoes. Moire you are amazing!!!

Now it’s time for bed. I wonder if I shall have a voice tomorrow or whether everyone in my RL will have peace and quiet from my incessant ramblings for another day.

All clothing and accessories: Comme Il faut Candle Hunt
Yashna Shape: Free*Style 1L
Skin: Fleur Allure Alabaster Kitten 1 (not free)


October 22, 2008

Plunder Airbus (home of Civvies) is having a pumpkin hunt. I really love this place, it’s unlike anything else I have seen in SL and there’s some brill stores here.

These pumpkins contain clothes, shoes, candy and this hunt is also for the GUYS, oh and it’s easy too!

You can find the pumpkins on the Plunder Airbus, Miau Haus, and Civvies – The Block has a bonus pumpkin. Hunt is on until 31st October!

I dragged poor old Eisa out for this post and I didn’t even have to dust of his virtual cobwebs. Everything worn here can be found on this hunt, (except skin, hair, shape and toast which are listed at end of post)





Shoes, Jeans, T-shirts, candy, belt and loads of other goodies to be found at the Plunder Airbus hunt.

Skin: Halloween gift : Minnu (free, may no longer be avaiable)
Tartan Scarf: Edge Grafika (free)
Hair: Novocaine (not free)
Toast: Hanuata


October 22, 2008

It was Mister Creamy’s birthday yesterday, hence I am pretty hungover today.

This blog post has actually been 5 days in the making as my time in SL has been pretty limited lately. I have often logged on but I am rarely at the screen, Mister Creamy is working from home now and our girls are on school holidays, so lots of other stuff going on these days (which is not such a bad thing). My ‘To Blog’ folder is seriously filling up, if you are a store owner and have an item you would like us to feature, please can you also send it to a fellow blogger in case I don’t manage to do it.

So what have we here then? First up this outfit from JE*Republic is really something special, it’s 10L but you get so much for that price, the outfit is beautiful quality and includes the amazing boots, hat and glowing wand. Upstairs in the store you will find a really stylish bag and hair for 1L.

Jrepublic, cutting class

The JE*Republic outfit also includes this handy little torch for those daaark spooooky places. These photo’s were taken at the Cutting Class Halloween Hunt, it’s such a brilliant, fun build and the hunt is pretty mentally challenging. Unfortunately I felt like I was walking through treacle so I didn’t get very far. I’m definitely going to try it again on a less laggy day (is there such a thing?)

Jrepublic, cutting class1

These boots frikkin rock, they are also includes in this 10L outfit

Jrepublic, cutting class2

This S&S skin is not witchy at all, but it’s so pretty I had to show youi. You can win this on the lucky chair in store, also another skin is available.

Jrepublic, cutting class, s&S

A&K designs also have a beautiful dress and hat in the fortune teller machine, which is located on the 2nd floor of the store, guys there’s also a great outfit for you too!

a&k tuli1

The skin worn is the beautiful Tuli Halloween group gift, which has Adaire blogged previously

a&k tuli2

While I was doing a some lucky chair stalking for the beautiful outfits at Katat0nik a couple of days ago, I happened to see an advertisement for Trepid Station, so I thought I would take a break and go explore. This place was so much fun, its an old disused haunted train station. My 5 year old daughter was as I exploring this place and she got scared.

spooky train station1

be careful when you enter a room…

spooky train station 2

…or the station may claim another victim and you will see your face in the headlines.

spooky train station 3

The free Halloweeny outfit worn above is by Beyond Chastity, also on this sim.

Other items worn:
Lilith Skin by Damiani (as previously shown by Ashia) 1L group gift
WildWoman Hair by MiaSnow: Lucky Chair

BAAaaaa PiDiddle

September 16, 2008

It’s nearly bedtime here and I may have to count sheep to get to sleep again tonight. J and I were still awake gone 3am last night (we went to bed at midnight), we think someone may have put speed in our pesto – those pesky kids!!!

So BettiePage musta read my mind. She sent out this wonderful Sheep cap/hair to her group BP*, it’s 100% wool you know! I love BettiePage’s creations, always with so much humour and cuteness and she is very generous to her group members.


Talking of cuteness, look at this adorable llittle Pompelle dress which you can get free from the PiDiddle update group in this beautiful aubergine colour.


These shoes are not free but aren’t they just the shizzle? Kookie’s store has only just opened, you should go take a peek at the beautiful shoes she has created, I want them all in RL too.


Now I’m off to count sheep….

Sheep Cap: BP* Group Gift
Pompelle Dress: PiDiddle Group Gift
Python tights: Saya (0L)

Not Free
Natasha shoes: Kookie
La Sylphide – Ingrid Light – Glitter Baby Pink (previous group gift)

Christ In A Hatsack

August 22, 2008

My best friend and long suffering business partner Kenlee is colourful to say the least. The title of this post is one of her fave sayings, when something is so outrageous it beggars belief. I know for a fact that is what she would have said if she was at the Hair Fair sims today. The time and effort, not to mention the creativity that has gone into this event is just amazing. I was lucky to get a preview, and pat pat Sasy as she nearly passed out from lack of sleep and waaaaay too much Redbull!!! Shown below are jut a tiny few of the gifts you can pick up at the fair when it officially opens tomorrow.

hair fair freebs_001

hair fair freebs_002

hair fair freebs_003

hair fair freebs_004

hair fair freebs_006

hair fair freebs_007

And what would a preview be without Ash spending eleventy twelve million lindens on brand spanking new, only available at the fair hair? Shown below are my fave purchases so far.

hair fair

hair fair

hair fair

hair fair

Get yourselves to the fair and spend or donate as much as you are able. With most of the hair, 50% of the proceeds goes to Locks Of Love, and if you buy a bandana, all of the proceeds go to that charity. Locks Of Love provides wigs to children that have lost their hair due to chemo treatments, and seeing a kid smile again, well it’s priceless isn’t it. As an aside, when talking about what I should do with my bandana, someone who shall remain nameless revealed that they were a survivor, and that their hair had only started to grow back recently. So, you never know just how close cancer is to you, especially in Phil’s Place xoxo

Hair Fair Purple
Hair Fair Pink
Hair Fair Red
Hair Fair Orange

Free until tonight

July 10, 2008

期間限定でフリーでゲットできるものを紹介します。日本時間の金曜日4時まではゲットできると思うので急いでください。こちらKuri Styleの新作です。スカートの丈は2種類、ミニとロングが入ってます。4時を過ぎるとL$100に戻ってしまうのでこの機会をお見逃しなく~。ヘアはAOHARUのグループギフトです。
Dress – Kuri Style (L$1 until July 10 midnight slt then goes back to L$100. The skirt comes in 2 length, mini and long.)
Hair – AOHARU (group gift)

Straw hat – Shun (free. The ribbon is color changeable.)
Mini Dress – AOHARU (free. Gift in Store. Available until July 10 midnight slt)
Hair – AOHARU (not free)

Photo Studio – Shun (L$1. 16 backgrounds and 99 poses included. 3 lights. You can modify and add your own backgrounds and poses. 7 prims. Refer to his blog for more info.)

Got my Neko Head on

June 13, 2008

I’ve been creeping about as my neko alt Miaow today. I was in a hugely antisocial sort of mood and Miaow is perfect for that, she barely has any friends and growls at anyone who attempts a conversation. She’s great for concentrating on shopping!

Oh I was sooo productive. Look what I found (in between crashes and serious lag patches)


Who DOESN’T like to wear dead wildlife carcusses around their waist? This belt of slight spooky coolness is free from Style Attack


Love this hat with the spikey hair bit and somewhere to keep your fags, this is free at Crazy Crazy Bitches . The tatt is really beautiful too, it’s free from moloko and also in the box is a hot little star tank top.

Skin: Whitney (Militar) : Free Speerit (group gift)

This sexeh lil numbeh is also in the freebie box from Crazy Bitches , have to apologise but I tried to get the exact URL and couldn’t find the store again in the maze of neko shops, it is there though, I promise. You just have to walk around a bit to find it.

The skins worn are a Free Speerit group gift, there’s a selection of skin tones with various fun quirky designs (taches, military, paint splats)- a little taster of the beautiful new skin range. You will also find many other goodies in this group gift box, join Free Speerit and look in the notice archives. Have a look around the store too, new skins and new store..veerrry nice!

Skin: Sara (Blush) Free Speerit group gift
Ceres – Special Black Hair: The Obscene (opening gift – FREE for 1 WEEK ONLY)

Punk Rock Kitteh Beanie and Star outfit: Crazy Bitches (0L)
Jeans: Fetch Alternative (0L a freebie box of loads of goodies, mens there too)

Cadavar Belt: Style Attack (0L
“Oranje” camisk Top (part of outfit):
Evil Neko (0L)
moloko (0L)
Skins: Free Speerit (group gift)