Archive for the ‘Helpful Information’ Category

I’m a groupie (and scary stuff)

June 4, 2008

I was in such a great mood when I took the photo’s for this post, look at my smily virtual face.

Unfortunately this was not to last, as I had a possible hijack of my SL account today. Very odd experience – but I’ll tell you about that after I’ve shown you these goodies.

Alchemy has given their subscribomatic group this supercute bikini, beautiful texturing with little heart pattern. It gives good butt too. The Rhodri hair worn here is another great gift from the Philotic Energy group (see Adaire’s previous post), guys there is also a couple of styles here for you too.

alchemy kini
Hearty Bikini: Alchemy (subscribomatic Group Gift)
Rhodri hair in Sambuca: Philotic Energy (subscribomatic group gift)
SDR Skin: PixelDolls (subscribomatic group gift)
Bracelet: yamy (free)

This is what you have always been waiting for (well I have), Periquita group gift shoes, totally adorable and in 3 colours.
Retro Round Shoes: Periquita (subscribomatic group gift)

So as I was saying before about my unpleasant experience earlier today. I was logged on as my male alt, when all of a sudden I see Creamy Cooljoke come online.

Well of course I freaked and sent an IM to whoever had logged on as Creamy asking who the *beep*had logged on as me. I received no reply and the person logged off a few minutes later. I was seriously disturbed by this as my password was very personal and relates to RL stuff, there is no way anyone could know it apart from my family and I know that none of them could have logged on as Creamy.

I immediately changed my password and logged on as Creamy, thankfully nothing had been removed from her inventory (not that I noticed – it’s a total state), and my small amount of lindens were still there. Luckily this is not my main account so no payment info on file, but seriously I recommend you all regularly change your passwords, even if you think it is safe.

Free*Styling with *Adaire Decuir*

May 1, 2008

I’ve been promising to feature Free*Style Flickr Group photo’s since I started up the Flickr Group so I’m going to try and feature your photo’s regularly on this blog now.

There are a lot of fantastic photo’s in the group so please don’t be offended if I don’t manage to feature yours at this time. Please keep submitting your photo’s, the more fun, interesting and beautiful, the better. Hopefully I will feature one of your photo’s at some point. Need guys too please!

Take some snapshots in SL Upload them to Flickr (free to join). Join the Free*Style Flickr Group and add your pics to the group by clicking on Organize (top of screen) > all of your content > groups > and drag your photo’s onto the Free*Style group.

** The main subject of the photo must be free or 1L and still available at that price, but you can also wear full price items. Please put as much information on outfit/location/poses as you can with your photo with the SLURLs – you can get this by opening your map at the location and ‘copy SLURL to clipboard’ – then Ctrl+V to paste it into your photo info in Flickr. I can then just cut and paste it over into the post because I am a lazy ass 😀 **

So today’s guest star is Adaire Decuir. She’s taken some beautiful photo’s here at Surfline Rezzable and most of her items worn are free. This is a great example of how to list all your items below your photo in Flickr. Adaire made it easy for me – I just copied these straight over.

Tan lines Skin: Sinsations Skin in Dk Rouge-Dark-Tan by Bodies by Oh (1L)
Hair: Edea in Ash Blonde by Discord Designs (1L)
Eyes: Free Speerit Neweyes (multicolor) (group gift)
Tank: *Amerie’s Naughty* (from the Apple Hunt)
Bikini Bottoms – “Samantha” by Artilleri
Pose (Free*Style group notices) – Elissa Nitely Leaning Pose

Freebie <3 from Artilleri
Tan lines Skin: Sinsations Skin in Dk Rouge-Dark-Tan by Bodies by Oh (1L)
Hair: Edea in Ash Blonde by Discord Designs (1L)
Eyes: Free Speerit Neweyes (multicolor) (group gift)
Bikini: “Samantha” by Artilleri at Maxmarine
Pose: Vital Animations InWater 8

Freebie <3 from Mela
Skin: “Sakura sorceress” by Mela (free or 1L)
Dress: Ava by Raeva (free)
Necklace: Imperial Elegance (Lucky Chair)

Hair: Kalia in Kohl by Philotic Energy
Pose by Luth

Big thanks to Adaire for submitting these wonderful photo’s – she’s a stunna!

New Gnubie

March 7, 2008

The Gnubie Store has a fond place in most of our hearts, from the oldest Avatars to the youngest ones. Most of us went there to get kitted out when we first started playing SL and often keep going back for more. Well now you have another reason to visit again, whether you are a new player or not.

I made this YAY pose, I’ll put it at Free*style for y’all.

Gnubie Store has moved to a new location and has more designers on board too, lots of my faves in there including Toast (Nylon), Polyester (Yummy), Antonia Morat (Artilleri), Emma Gilmour (Surf Shack), Triangle (GHOST), Noam (Gritty Kitty), Nyte n Day, Juliet (Tres Blah), Kenzie, Fallingwater (Shiny Things), Sachi (Adam & Eve), Roslin & CJ (Fleur) and many more for men and women. Not only fashion, there’s buildings by Ingrid Ingersoll and Barnseworth Anubis and more, accessories, hair and much more to be added….all for free or 1L!!

Here’s a few of the goodies I picked up.


Tube top and shoes on the first pic (part of an outfit) by Emma Gilmour (Sand Shack Surf Co.)
Necklace by Fallingwater (Shiny Things)
Jeans by Kenzie
Earrings by Polyester (Yummy)
All free or 1L from the Gnubie Store


Top by Juliet Westerberg (Tres Blah)
Pants and Bracelet by Antonia Morat (Artilleri)
All free or 1L from Gnubie Store

Summer Skin – Kao Skin and Shape (prize camp)
Hair – Pompa braid by BP (100L)
Chucks by Darkstar (60L)

TP to the Gnubie Store

A new girl on the scene

February 25, 2008

This post is a mixture of freebies and non freebies. The gorgeous dress I am wearing here is a the ‘Fairyheartful’ dress which is a free gift in the Aoharu group (search Aoharu and look in notice archives for the free gift which will be there for 30 days). I have featured the fantastic Aoharu previously HERE on my blog, there are beautifully designed Japanese clothes and skins and soon to be hair, this dress is a little taster of what’s on offer here.

aoharu fairy_002

I was a lucky girl the other day and received these preview Essence skins from Canimal, now I must stress that these aren’t free but I think they are beautiful so I had to show you, I have made an almost freebie shape especially for these skins. I’ll put it at Free*Style for you all to enjoy, it’s a fully modifiable shape so tweak it and make it your own.

Yep – I’ve been on the silly names website again, this secksay lady is called ‘Meg A. Boner’

Canimal Essence Skins (modifiable lip colour/gloss and brow colour)
aoharu fairy_007 aoharu fairy_006

aoharu fairy_003 aoharu fairy_005

Nelly Hair – Truth (1L)
Essence Skin & Soul Eyes – Canimal (not free)
Meg A. Boner Shape by Creamy at Free*Style (1L)

This shape also looks really great with the skins from A Piece of Candy and Imagen available at Free*Style for 1L.

L-R – Candy Skin, Imagen Eva Skin at Free*Style
aoharu fairy_009 aoharu fairy_008

In the Meg shape box I have included a skirt shape (so your bum doesn’t look huge in dresses and skirts) and also a regular shape. This is a pic of the full body regular shape worn with Canimal Essence Skin. She’s curvy, voluptuous with legs up to her armpits.

aoharu fairy_001
Lingerie and Socks – Dutch Touch Group Gifts (touch the subscribo sign at the store, touch it again and choose ‘history’, these may still be available.

I have set the price for Meg Shape at 1L, it’s not much but everything counts towards my rocketing broadband fee’s (I think it’s because of all my Flickr uploads for this blog). I don’t earn money in SL so if you feel like donating a tip into my little black kitty at Free*Style it would be greatly appreciated.

The freebies and dollarbies at Free*Style are growing, I might need to expand. If you are a designer, please contact me if you would like to add a free or dollarbie gift. For those of you who have no home in SL, feel free to set Free*Style as your home location, I’m gradually making it into a cool little beach hangout.

When you land at Free*Style you will also see a Metaverse Voter, if you click on this you will be given a HUD to wear – it’s like a sort of Facebook for SL and also you can explore the grid with ease, add your favourite places and find anything you want. If you are a business owner you can add your business to this HUD and also place one of these on your land to get on the HotSpot list. For more info about this IM Robbie Kiama in game or check out the website

(See the Kitty there? That’s my Tip Kitty – he eats Lindens, he needs them to survive)

TP to Free*Style

Share-It HUD

February 19, 2008

Flater Baxter has created something fantastic. It is called ‘SHARE-IT and it is FREE to use for designers and shoppers alike.


“SHARE-IT” is a fantastic way to show residents your designs and tell them about your business.

If you would like to join this project, you have to invest some giveaway’s (that’s the share part). You will receive a server from Flater, in it you place your logo and a notecard with your design info. Then you will put in some creations that you want to share with all the residents of SL. Box the objects with notecards,landmarks etc)

For the public there is a “SHARE-IT HUD”, they wear the HUD and then can search for the giveaway’s using the open chat channel. If they find a product of yours, they click the image and your logo will be shown when they touch your logo, your info will be given. If they touch the image of the product twice they can choose to get the object, or to see all the giveaway’s of the creator.

On the right side of the hud, 6 random designers will be shown for extra promotion.

This is a larger version of how the hud would look on the wearers screen (click for a larger view)
share it_002 share it_003


1# you or your alt must be the creator of the objects
2# the objects must be TOS compliant
3# no nude pictures.
4# no racism in picture or product.
5# all the images must be 256×256 pixels.

If you would like to see a demo of SHARE IT, it can be seen in-game at THIS LOCATION
share it_001

Here’s the link to see the info on the website:

For more info or if you wish to participate, please IM Flater Baxter.
He will give you all the items needed to add your designs to the SHARE-IT network.

I think that if Flater gets the approval to place this information at Orientation Islands/Infohubs and other popular new player places – this will be a great way to help new players and also a fantastic way for creators to publicise their designs.

I would love to hear your comments about this, Flater is happy to receive any feedback.