Archive for the ‘house of munster’ Category

Got skin?

December 15, 2008

when it comes to skins in SL. I’m not too fussed. While I don’t like to brag it, the shape I have can really pull off any skin. And if it doesn’t work, I don’t wear it.

But this skin. THIS SKIN. This skin does things for me. It’s pink. It’s gorgeous and has freckles that make me all proud to have freckles.

Better still. You can pick it up at The Hotel Dare Free Shizzle freebie forest. Hellz Yeh!!
It’s by Milk Motion!!!


Hair: House of Munster

over the prim snow, peoples.

December 9, 2008

SO basically I’m fed up with the whole white Christmas, snow falling, pine tree’s everywhere Christams that Second Life is offering me. I’m not being a bah-humbug….well maybe. But I’m sick of it.

So this post is dedicated to the Aussie Christmas.

Forget your hot food, baked and stuffed turkeys, I want my fruit. It’s bloody hot over here in Aus. Summer time means yum yum yummy fruit, like cherries and all those yummy goodies.

Like this.


Everyone needs something tropical in their lives.

Grab this prim-tastic pineapple dress from the lil boutique called Abnormal MS at the LVS Drive Sim. There’s also a hobo dress too, complete with duct tape over le nipple and a skirt of tatterd newspaper. Classy.