Archive for the ‘hunt’ Category

Ironic, Don’t you think?

March 20, 2009

Here I stand, a statue. Trapped in a cast of a creature normally known for turning men to stone. So what gives?

The Armorie-a Jewelry event like no other!

Held on the Platinum sim, this event is till Sunday. It’s a showcase of 5 jewelry designers:

Candy Cerveau (.::eyecandy::.) – emerald
Caliah Lyon (Muse) – pearl
Kesseret Steeplechase (KessKreations) – ruby
Violet Voltaire (Violet Voltaire) – amethyst
Saiyge Lotus (Balderdash) – smoky topaz

What are the Gem colours for?

Well there is a Journeyman’s Quest, and your invited to join in!

You are a journeyman jeweler newly learning your trade. You have traveled to a magical labyrinth where you’ve heard you can perfect your skills with some of the finest jewelers in the land. You will be given jewelry boxes, and in the labyrinth, your task is to seek magical gems to fill the box. The gem names beside each designer name above is the colour for that designer.


There are very detailed instructions upon rezzing into the sim. They are too detailed(and super well written) for me to put on here, or I’ll take the whole darn Free*Style page. It’s tempting, but I’ll be nice.

What I will tell you is there are 2 parts to the hunt. There is a silver quest open to all, and there is a gold quest as well, I’ll explain more on the gold in a bit.

So it took me about an hour to get 12 of each gem. You need 6 per gem for each of the hunts, silver and gold.

Follow the instructions carefully, I screwed up once, and had to go re hunt, and it took me forever to find my last gem. So read the notecard. READ it again. Then memorize it. Then act it out like it’s Shakespeare. Then write a 1000 word essay. Backwards.

It’s really not that hard. I just want you to read the note so the organisers aren’t plagued by IM’s.

Here are the silver gifts sans Violet Voltaire, Adaire DeCuir will be showing you those soon in her next post here on Free*Style.

Left Top Corner-KessKreations Silver Hunt Gift
Right Top Corner- Balderdash Silver Hunt Gift
Left Bottom Corner- .::eyecandy::. Silver Hunt Gift
Right Bottom Corner- Muse Silver Hunt Gift

Now to participate in the old hunt, it has one little twist, to get those hunt items for free, you must get a 7th gem. it’s called the Flawless Gem, and it’s can’t be found in the maze. Each designer has picked out a few of their designs for sale that include this special gem. So you have to buy one of the items that is marked with the gem. Only those times will have it.

This is the item I bought from .::eyecandy::.. It’s a steal at L$250, and is red and gold, what more can a girl like me want. Oh and it’s got spiky thinks. I could dig someones eye out I think. Or dirt out of my nails. I do have nails right?

Sanguine Temptress Necklace-L$250

Below are the pictures of the Gold hunt prizes, again all but Violet Voltaire. I will have them on flickr if you can’t wait for Adaire to see them.

Left Top Corner-KessKreations Gold Hunt Gift
Right Top Corner- Balderdash Gold Hunt Gift
Left Bottom Corner- .::eyecandy::. Gold Hunt Gift
Right Bottom Corner- Muse Gold Hunt Gift

So if you like shiny things, or getting concussions, come on down!


Skin&Eyes-Imagen-Mannequin Skin&Eyes-L$1
Dress-Ashia posted it here first!. It’s the only white thing I really had. White gets tossed in my hate pile with pink(sticks out her tongue).

The day gold caught up with green

March 19, 2009


I’m simply showing off a few more items from the Magic of Oz hunt. (My skin is not from the hunt. It’s MiaSnow’s Goldess skin.) Specifically:
***Frock: Laughing Academy Siobhan Golden Green Gown
***Necklace: KessKreations Shamrock Mardi Gras Beads
***Monocle: Guild of Crie Eyewear Store
***Hair: The Stringer Mausoleum Assasin – in Guinness Bubbles
SLURL to Magic of Oz

See more goodies!
~*~ If you’d like to see the gorgeous Strawberry Singh in these items plus a few more, please go read her blog here: (Strawberry’s blog) — this also has a description of how the hunt works.
~*~ Helena Stringer did an awesome post about other Magic of Oz free items over here: The day green took over the grid.
~*~ hyasynth Tiramisu looks lovely in her hunt items here
~*~ katat0nik (or is that Adaire?) looks adorable in her dresses here
~*~ And I posted about a few other hunt items here in my blog.

Happy hunting! Strike early and wear no prims!


The Day Green Took Over The Grid!

March 17, 2009

Why? . . . WHY! More GREEN?

Didn’t I say I liked green?

Well there is a good reason for this post. The Sim “Magic of Oz” is holding a hunt! If ever you have been to a Oz hunt, you’ll know the quality of the stuff is to die for. Even in a sea of green. This hunt is no different. Want to see some of the lovely clothing? you’ll have to go visit Strawberry’s blog for that, just click Here!

I’m blogging everything else for you to oggle at.

But first I’ll give you the official info:

Times:March 17th-March 22nd

Sim Mainstores
.:: eyecandy ::. (2 Gifts)
malContent (formerly Treasured Visions) (2 Gifts)

Sim Vendors
KessKreations (2 Gift)
MnM Design Store (1 Gift)
KatatOnik (3 Gifts)
silentsparrow (1 Gift)
Laughing Academy (1 Gift)
Aqua Shop (1 Gift)
Schadenfreude (1 Gift)
Wasabi Pills (1 Gift)
Guild of Crie Eyewear Store/Reve du Crie (1 Gift)
Risusipo Shop (2 Gifts)
The Stringer Mausoleum and Shrine (1 Gift)


1)Coins are what you are looking for. They appear all over the island.
2)Wear the coin, in the name of the coin, and in scripted chat, it’ll say what store it is for.
3)go to the coins store on the island. eg. You have a coin that says *Oz* St. Patrick’s Cuardach Gold Coin:Silent Sparrow. This means you have to find the Silent Sparrow Store on the island.
4)find the pot of gold in each store. You have to go up close to them.
5)Click the coin you are wearing. Your gift Will poof to you! Accept it, and there you go! Now don’t be RL Blonde like me, and try to click the pot of gold. It wont do anything!

Some stores have more then one gift. This means you’ll get one of them randomly. So in order to get both, you have to try again with a new coin. It takes a few tries some times, but the coins are easy enough to find.

Okay enough of that, on with the goodies!

Clothing from Silent Sparrow. There are a bunch of pieces in the gift, these were for the dudes, but I didn’t feel like crossdressing today. The jewelry is by EyeCandy. I’m not big on rings and things, but I do like this one, and it was super easy to fit. I also love the clasp on the back of the necklace, I didn’t take a pic, but the detail is great. I find as a RL jewelry designer, much of the items in sl are lacking that fine detail quality I expect in my own works. EyeCandy keeps surprising me with these little things.

Particles always suck when blue screening, I should have done an “on Location” shoot for this one. But the head bobbers are really nice inworld. They and the necklace come as one of the gifts from KessKreations. The clothing is some more bits and pieces from Silent Sparrow.

The lashes are from Wasabi Pills, and were not hard to mod to my face. The eyes are one of the gifts from the rebranded malContent. Malkavyn is going to be diving into a few other types of content, other then eyes. All the backgrounds in my pics he made, and they are the other gift in his pot.
It’s like a mini Pope! This is from the Aqua Shop.

The hat here is the 3rd gift from Katat0nik. The other 2 are the dresses from Strawberry’s post.
These have nothing to do with OZ, I really just needed to snag these before Ashia did =) Kat sends group gifts out here and there. These both came in the one today. The other great thing about the group is there are secret group only sales and other benefits of being in there. Kat sends an invite once you have spent L$250 in the store, it should come within 24hours. bug her if it takes more then a week, or mob the store with pandas. Think of it as a group fee, but you get something automatically.

I saved the best for last. Lookatthisthingy! It’s a ridable Clover! It makes me want to make random things to ride now, maybe that can be the next craze after sticking odd things in our mouths!

Stop thinking sick things you!

Other items I’m wearing that aren’t from the hunt:

Skin(Pic 1-6)-Domestic V-Mairmalade-03-Sketchy Mustard Skin-JPTRC 2009-L$25 for 3tones in 5 different makeups
Shoes(Pic 2-3)-Duh!-Light Green Leather Pumps-past gift-Join the Subscribo to learn when new ones are out!
Lashes(Pic 6-8)-La Sylphide-Natural Prim Lashes-L$0
Eyes(Pic 6-8)-Elv’an-L$5 for a bunch of colours
Dresses(Pic 7-8)-*katat0nik*-(lime) Dollie Dresses-group gift
Skin(Pic 7-8)-{Frick}-Goth-Shamrock-lucky chair gift
Boots(Pic 7-8)-SN@TCH-Oblivion Boots (Black Leather)-L$300

Next post-Under The Sea-Stay Tuned

Milestone Creations Hunt

March 8, 2009
Just want to let you know about a cute hunt at Milestone Creations.  Look around her shop and collect 10 (free) little shamrocks to get all the pieces to put together this cute outfit.  It also includes, but not shown in this picture, legwarmers and shoes. 

While you are there, hit the subscribomatic, as this next gift will be this adorable shoulder bunneh!  He needs you to give him a good home.  

Not Free
Hair: Clawtooth
Skin: Tuli


February 13, 2009

Yay for an excuse to get my bewbs out!! It’s been ages and I do believe long overdue 😛


This Clubbing Jacket is from a new store called Modd.G. I’m sure that in someone else’s hands this could be made to look all high fashion and such, but it screamed pasties to me. It’s one of the many grand opening gifts you’ll find this weekend.


Hit the subscribo too as I have it on good authority you’ll find some goodies in there too.


The dress is my fave, it comes with the darling ballet flats, although for some reason last night, they wouldn’t rez properly for me inworld, but the pics came out fine, SL is soo odd. Thanks so much to moddishh GossipGirl for letting me know about her super cute store.


How amazing is this suit. It’s from Dilly Dolls and is their Vain Hunt gift. I was actually there doing the Betrayed Heart hunt, but when I landed (literally) on the Vain lips, how could I resist! You get 678097809 options and ways to wear it, it’s perfection for swishing ones way round the grid!


The stunning rosary I’ve worn in various ways throughout this post is from Balderdash. It’s not free, but 50% of the proceeds will go to the Bushfire Appeal. Taken from the note I received “Saiyge is also participating in the Bushfire Red Cross Fund – you can either donate at the kiosk she has set up OR purchase a special red dot item, primarily Merlot coloured items, and 50% of all proceeds go directly to the Fund.”

mod copy

And this is what I had been after for bloody ages I tell you. Massive huge bajillions of thanks to Suri who helped me find the last heart that had thus far eluded me! This is the Betrayed Heart hunt gift from Dilly Dolls. Hunt down the 10 hearts with daggers through them to get the various pieces of the outfit. Boots included, spoilt much? Yes we are! Ash out.

Not Free

Ashia Designs-Timeless 2009
Belleza-Greatest Love Hunt Gift
Ti’ko-Dark Doll

Bec Is Ok!

February 6, 2009

The lovely Ms Okrebecca has been spamming our chat box for ages with the bestest of tips, she’s so fast I can’t even pretend to keep up!! But this tip, I was all over it dood.


Not one, not two, but eight skins from Lazolli. All these scrummy makeups belong to the “Julia” range and they’re just so gorgeous.


The mouth is very pouty, I had to take mine down heaps, because as we all know, my av has a ridiculously large mouth 😛 That being said I love the lack of lipstick, and the focus on the eyes. The gorgeous hair is a Valentines gift from Aleri Darkes of Diversity. You get 5 Valentines type colours, ranging from red to silver, thanks Aleri!!


Our kat sent out a group gift at some point in the last 2 days (don’t ask me exactly when as I’m still not getting notices.) This super cute fishing Katty doll, a shopping bag and a tattoo. The dress shown is a 25L special for Valentines called Rina, prettiful huh!!


The black version is part of the Vain gridwide hunt, and is 0L just for you. Which brings me to the boots. It’s not often I read something that gets me totally inspired and fascinated, but when I do, look out!! For months now, Ash has had the free slave/mistress heels from DXD, Q has full versions of the slave heels thanks to a crazy friend of hers who likes to play dressup the slutty barbie!! But for all the times I had been to the store, I had never looked at anything else really, till I read this post. I was at work too when I read it, bouncing around in my seat, waiting for my break so I could log in and claim those boots as mine!!! Since the last time I had been to DXD, Mistress Xene Demina has been redecorating, and alot of the vendors were offline….EMO SAD. So the iron boots I covet are still not in my inv, and I had to make do with the ones shown here (totes not a hardship as they fucken rock!) They are my new loves, so much so, I bought a pair for Q and Ash. Now the boots and I need to be alone……..Ash out.

Non Free Hair

Moar Shopping to the MAX

December 17, 2008

YAY, I had the perfect RL shopping expedition today!

Gift boxes with Anim: Stitch By Stitch (1L)

I needed to buy an outfit for a girly night out tomorrow, so off I went into town. The first shop I visited…THERE IT WAS, the perfect dress…and only £25 (so of course I had to spend a fortune on accessories, because the dress was so cheap).

I was only shopping for an hour, which is not enough, so I logged onto SL to quench my shopping urges and look what I picked up. Many of these were found whilst I was doing the Footprint Hunt, but not all items are part of the hunt.

Skirt and Jacket found in 2 stockings (Footprint Hunt) : Anuenue (0L)
Colour changeable Hat/Hair: (Footprint Hunt) Waka & Yuki (0L)
Xmas Skin: Sin &Secrets (1L)

Pucci Dress found in gingerbread man (Footprint Hunt): C’est La Vie (0L) – there are 2 gifts there but I only found one
Hair: Glitter (Group Gift, join group and look in notices)
Shoes: Fuel: (not free)

Both of these following cute dresses are free group gifts in the C’est la vie store and include the poses
Dresses: C’est la vie (group gifts in store)
Blonde Hair: Glitter, Footprint Hunt gift found in stocking (0L)
Hat Hair: Waka & Yuki (as before)
Socks: The Sock Shop (1L)
Skin: Tuli (previous group gift)

I hunted high and low for the Footprint gift at LikeA but no luck there, until I saw the group joiner in store, clicked to join and look what I found in the notices. The most amazing jeans which can be worn in various styles


Jeans: LikeA (group gift, look in notice archives)
Jacket: Anuenue Footprint hunt gift as before
Hair: Waka & Yuki Foot print hunt gift as before

Sole Sisters have a really cute pair of white Holly Shoes as a 1L holiday gift in store, love these. Other colours are available for 100L


Jeans: LikeA (corrected LM) Group gift (as before)
Holly Shoes in white: Sole Sisters (1L)

Have I missed anything? Ok i’m going back to LikeA (corrected LM) to see if i can find the hunt gift. This is a great store.

Busy busy busy, shopping shopping shopping

December 17, 2008

Gosh what a busy day!! Yep last minute rushes before Xmas as usual for me. My kids finish school on Friday so I’m trying to get my shopping done before then, as I’ll have no time (or inclination) do it after that.

I probably won’t get so much SL time as Xmas is fast approaching, (I imagine the same goes for my fellow bloggers). I have decided to place a special Xmas Freebie Tips comments box on our blog where you can all leave tips, you can also join the Free*Style Flickr Group to show photo’s of your finds, (please put as much information about your outfit as you can under your photo). The Free*Style Flickr Group feeds through to the blog so all the readers can see, you can click on each photo to see it in more detail. Store owners are welcome to advertise their gifts too, just incase we don’t get around to showing your can imagine how crazy our blogging folders are right now.

I’ve got a mixture of goodies here which I collected over the past few days.

Xmas skin – Aki Kimono (1L)
Group Gift Hair – Tekuteku (1L or free)
Brown Eyes – Snow Rabbit (POE Globe Hunt Gift)

16-12 encemble
Outfits: Encemble (group gifts in store)

Ear Muffs & Hair: BP (free)
Clash Tee by Chav Paderborn at Uncle Wiggly (free)
Wrap: Dysfunctional Dolly (group gift in The Hole at walk sim- walk into the dark hole…)
Shorts & Beach Clean Skin : [42] (free or 1L)
Legwarmers: Encemble (footprint hunt gift)

I’m still working my way through the footprint hunt, but basically you hunt at each store location for a red/green stocking, or a gingerbread man, this contains the gift and the LM to the next stores. Some of the stores I have found it impossible to find the gift. I found it easier to just TP to each store direct from the blogs listed on the footprint hunt blog, rather than try to find each gift which contains the next LM. Good luck on that one, it’s the gifts are wonderful so it is well worth it.

Miu Footprint hunt gift
Sunday Dress: Miu (footprint hunt gift)
Hair: Tekuteku (1L)
Beach Clean skin: [42] (free or 1L)

Hairstyles & Eyelashes: House of Heart (free or 1L). There is a hunt on there until Xmas
Beach skin: [42] (free or 1L)
Sweater: Ki2 (1L this week)
Wrap: Dysfunctional Dolly (group gift in The Hole at walk sim- walk into the dark hole…)
Skirt: Miu (Footprint Hunt)

Today I also did the plod hunt for the awesome bag worn below (See Achariya’s post), wow this sim is fantastic, it made this hunt a pleasure. A big huge thanks to Jordan Giant for helping me out. Upstairs in the plod store I found a couple more freebies, this box with sit animation and a wood pose stand.


Bedtime for me, I’ve got more shopping tomorrow, I’ve got a girlies night out on Thursday so I neeeeed to get an oufit. Oh the joys!

They say PLOD, I say artistry

December 9, 2008

Plod’s been having a hunt these past few days. If you are Japanese enough to figure out the directions from this site, here they are. I’m pretty sure the sign indicates that the hunt runs from now until the 25th of December.

Mina Jun was kind enough to hop over and help me decipher the directions. She said that basically, you do this:

1. Click the sign at this location to get a punchcard hud:

2. Wear the hud, and search the sim for ten snowmen. Click them and the hud fills.

3. When the card is full, find a certain Christmas tree, click the tree, then click the ‘redeem’ button on the hud.

4. You has awesome bag!

Thanks to Mina Jun for the help!

Disclaimer : I do not know any of these designers…

December 3, 2008

…. but I wish I did 🙂

I just feel the need to respond to a negative comment on a previous post from our friend ‘anonymous’ accusing us of mostly blogging our friends stores (which is absolutely crap by the way). I have made friends with many lovely and talented creators since starting this blog and I often feel bad because many of them I have not featured…YET! I would absolutely LOVE to do them all, believe me – but genuinely time is a big factor). I was so annoyed last night I actually said the F word TWICE in my response to the comment.

Fact is that myself and my fellow bloggers get sent many reviews and we always try to feature these first (sometimes we don’t manage to because we are so busy or we can’t find something to go with it etc…but we try our best, if you have sent us something and we haven’t featured your item yet, it is nothng personal, we are just so busy and persistence really does pay off). If you wish to send me a review of your free gift please send it in a folder with all info to my alt FREESTYLE ADAMSKI, as Creamy’s inventory is a horrible mess and I lose stuff.

When we have time we also love to do our own freebie hunting, that was my original hobby, but nowadays it’s really had to find unique items which have not already been blogged elsewhere.

We obviously all have our own styles and favourite stores, just like everyone else does, which of course we feature regularly as we are often in the update groups or get tip offs. It doesn’t mean we are know the designer.

Ultimately though we are doing this for fun and to help people who can’t afford lots of clothes, and I also like it if we can help advertise new talent. We don’t get paid so we aren’t obliged to do anything we don’t want to do.

Nuff said and on to the freebies…

I adore Slow Kitchen and I wish I knew the creator XD. They have a new free gift in store – this really cute dress in grey, the red version is on the lucky chair. The shirt underneath also comes with it. The skins worn here are Lion Skins…EVERY THING IS FREE…OMGWTF? They rock! Helianthus told me about it last night, so I went down this morning and the place was completely packed, you probabaly know about it already. The hair worn is the Diversity VIP group gift as shown by Ashia.

3 dec slow kitchen

Also in the above pic I am wearing tights and shoes by Little Fish, I’ve been showing this store a lot lately because I love it…oh yes, I do not know the designer, but I wish I did!

Little Fish are also participating in the POE hunt so search for the globe in store and you will find one of these items (I think it was the yellow dress), but not only that, there’s a Xmas tree in store with a new free gift everyday. So far this gorgeous red tang top, TARTAN shoes (yesssss) and tights. The skins worn below here are stunning and they are 1l at Beauty Avatar on the desk, also a male outfit there.

3 dec little fish

These shooooz *gasps)

3 dec_005

I’m offski, its sunny outside and I need fresh air. Have fun peeps!