Archive for the ‘I Heart Hya’ Category


February 1, 2009

I spent most of the weekend either in PS or decorating with Kenlee, oh then there was the getting griefed in a sex sim, but that’s a bedtime story for another time 😛


In between travels, I was TP’d twice to Silent Sparrow to grab the Valentines newness from the chair. Luckily enough, one was for the boy’s suit and the other was for the girl’s. First time in ages I’ve actually won it not bought it so I’m stoked! Thanks Eden 😉 CHECK OUT THE SHOOZ!! Oh Nonko could quite possibly be the slove of my life. Their shoes are unique and detailed and gorgeous. These are called “Alice Stepped In Chocolate” and they will keep me out of my beloved hoofies for a bit! Join the JAPAN SOUL group, then touch the box in the main store for your amazing footwear.


I haz cupcake on my head, and it’s part of my hair!!! Violet Morellet, the yummy designer from inorite dropped these on the group this morn. Even the names of the colours are fecking imaginative, “Suicide Blonde” “Morphine And Chocolate” “Pot Kettle Black” I could go on, but I won’t. Back to PS I go. Ash out.


January 6, 2009

I’m used to hearing the “beep beep” of my IM’s going insane when I log in. However, it’s an unusual occasion that I get message from Ach the second I rez! Oooh she always has the bestest news.


Yummy, delicious new group gift from Silent Sparrow. The sim has been totally remodeled, the store all moved around and in Hya’s words “Please make sure to take a little wander outside the shop. Jessica has once again been working her magic through out the sim.”


There’s stuff for the girls and stuff for the boys, and 4651471 different options and ways to wear this gorgeous set. Hya, once again you’ve outdone yourself, congrats on the new sparkly sim and a very happy birthday to you xx.


The hair is new from Kin, whereupon my discovery of said hair, I TP’d the entire Aussie SL contingent to spend up a storm!! Not free, but only 100L per colour and so worth it. Is this not the most perfect bob you have ever seen? I used to be a hairdresser many years ago,before I moved to Sydney, and I tell you, I would have killed to do this kind of precision cut! Check out the skins. Amazing dollarbies from Trap. Use the slurl here as you won’t find this location in the designer’s profile.


And remaining on the skin subject! I got a very sweet note today from Sheena Benelli of WEiRD DESiGNS, letting me know about a dollarbie she has instore. There’s actually a few cheapy skins ranging in price from an L to 25L. These aren’t your average skins either. You’ll also find a lucky chair in store, soo worth stalking.


The one above is my fave, and matches the frosty theme!


Give us a kiss!!


It’s totally amazing to see the creativity inspired by the Splendor bases. All the mods I’ve seen so far have been nothing short of awesome, and the ones shown here are no exception. Thanks again Sezmra! Ash out.

Ash’s Wish For Christmas

December 22, 2008

Dear Santa (Philip Linden) could you pretty please with tier on top fix it so that I get group notices? Even when I’m online, I don’t get messages from my all time favorite group Silent Sparrow. I love getting notices from Hya, I *hate* finding out about new releases 4 DAYS LATER. It makes me emo dear Phil, there is much sadness, for me and the poor people on my friends list who have to listen to my whining. Also, while I’m asking for stuff, for the love of all things holy, give us more group space please. Love Ash.


Now onto fabulousness!! There is a new lucky chair set in the group only chair at Silent Sparrow. There’s something for the girls and as always, something for you boys too. It’s been ages since I’ve given my boy av Longest Jonson an airing, and what better excuse to dust him off than a suit from Hya?


The suit is actually unisex, as there are attachments for both guys and girls. I love the Toxine suit, I have it in 3565246 colours already and the lolita versions too!

I logged in this morning to a folder from Evangeline Eames (that awesome lady Eva shoes is named after!). You can get a gorgy pair of mules for free under the Christmas tree at the Dominion, as well some cute lingerie for 10l a set. The tree is located round the corner from Eva shoes.


This morning I’ve been dragging myself round the grid, yesterday was minime’s birthday and I am exausted!! Not to mention a wee bit sunburnt! The perfect antidote for that was this beautiful group gift from Evie’s Closet. You can now join the group for a nominal 100L fee, which is nothing really, considering the value of gifts given this month alone. Now I’m gonna plow through all my groups on both avs just to make sure I haven’t missed anything (cos I’m totes not busy or anything…..srsly) Ash out.

Hair That Aint Free But Rocks
Gritty Kitty
Philotic Energy

Four And Twenty Twittery Birds

November 16, 2008

Can you believe there are now 3,000 Twittery Birds? Time to celebrate…….you betcha your feathery butt!! With parties today and tomorrow, (tomorrow’s one I’ll be working my time….emo!) special releases from *takes deep breath* Silent Sparrow, Fleur, Schadenfreude, Violet Voltaire, Lazy Places, Balderdash, October Rust, Calico Creations (please forgive me if I left someone out, feel free to yell at me in comments and I’ll amend the post!!) and not to mention an extra special gift for us rabid groupies.


This gorgeous concoction called Suzume is not free, but it begged me, Yes begged me to take it home and love it and flounce round the grid in it! It comes with a million and twenty six point five pieces for you to mix and match to your hearts content, say it with me now….Stuununning.


This kids is the gorgeous group gift. It’s a mashup of the Entropy Suit and Jangling Jack shirt and vest in this more than awesome blue.


It’s unisex, with attachments for boys and girls, and perfection as far as this humble bird is concerned. Thank you Hya for an amazing party, all the designers who made stuff especially and everyone who came, danced and had a wicked time! If you missed today’s, never fear, tomorrow at 5pm slt there’ll be another gathering that’s sure to be just as much fun. Ash out.

Other Schtuff

Hair (not free)

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Monocle (not free)
Le Petit Prince

Costume Fair And Other Things Ash Forgot

October 25, 2008

Have you guys heard there’s a costume fair going on? Well, I had totally forgotten, and was merrily shopping away in Silent Sparrow. Then I was reminded by the most beautiful blue mermaid that I should really check out the fair!! I was actually supposed to participate as a designer *coughs*(bad, bad, bad Ash).

Look at the pretties our gorgeous blue mermaid made us!! We have 4 parts of hya’s very popular suits, Wrath, Entropy, Sylvan and Dominion. To get your hands on this gorgy gift, find the Silent Sparrow booth and pay the donation pumpkin 5l. Easy huh.

These yummies are what you’ll get if you buy the Schadenfreude pumpkin. Look, just what you always wanted, my head in a jar!!

And last, but by no means least, the pics from the Deviant Kitties hunt. Everything you see here can be found in the hunt, except for the boots and hair, which I just had to buy while I was hunting. I was gonna post them last night, but……..ya got like totally sidetracked. Not in vain though!! See the evidence on my Flickr! I hadnt been feeling at all creative lately, spending so much time on my Q and such. But I think my mojo is back baby!! So I’ma take advantage of it while I can XD!

Other Shit
Hair (not free)
Deviant Kitties

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Tattoo (not free)

My Ass……Let Me Show It To You!!

October 2, 2008

Ya I shamelessy pinched that quote from lolivia!! My Hya, oh how I love thee!! Because of you I wear colours I wouldn’t otherwise, I wear stockings with shorts and look awesomtastic, and do the best flounce this side of Bondi!!



This is part of the Swamplight Suite, a brand spanking new lucky chair prize at Silent Sparrow. You may now swoon.



This is the suit, unisex, so you boys are looked after……..yum. Seriously, guys in a Silent Sparrow suit? HAWTEST LOOK EVA!


And cos I’m on a lucky chair roll, thanks to the luffley B in our chat box, not only did I get the new Zaara dress, but I made a friend too xoxo

Other Shtuffage

Hooves (not free)
Lazy Places


September 9, 2008

Ooh there’s no end to Hya’s talent! She’s done her own mashup of a few fave suits and released it as a group gift!! It’s gorgy, pink and called Willow Garden.


Includes male and female versions *coughs, WINTER*!!! You’ll need to have your twittery tag activated to grab this at the main store. xoxo

Willow Garden Gift From Silent Sparrow


Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Minty Quicky!

August 30, 2008

Hya’s been holding out on us!! How she ever kept these gorgy outfits to herself is beyond me!! Now , not only are they available, but she’s put them in the lucky chair. Ash overload!!!

There’s couple of rules for the SS chair: “As requested previously. PLEASE do not call Lucky Chair letters in the ~silentsparrow~ group or any other Lucky Chair group. Teleport your friends!! ” Fankyoo Hya you legend x0x0

The Caged Bird Jacket In Minty
Caged Bird Lolita In Rosey
The Sylvan Suit In Silvery

Silent Sparrow

Sylvan Love!

June 4, 2008

Wow. Just wow. Phil’s Place is full of the best, most creative talent that rl has to offer. Throw generosity into it too while you’re at it! Hya from Silent Sparrow is one of those once in a lifetime people, talent, generosity, and so humble and down to earth. She loves what she does and it shows in her spectacular work. I’m a huge fan, it’s no secret! In fact the last 2 nights I have been at the sim buying up all the newness there XD! She always has time for me and anyone else who happens to bump into her while shopping, and the group kinda feels like a great big family. Anyhoo, I digress! This evening I logged in to find a notice announcing a new group freebie. The Sylvan Suit in Copper yays!! I have this is other colours, but the copper is indeed awesome.

Silent Sparrow Group Gift

This is the outfit in all it’s glory, with all the attachments. Boys can wear it too, there are male options in the box!!

Silent Sparrow Group Gift

And this is a smexeh version without the shirt…..yummmm! I’ve paired it here with the Thursday hair from Gritty Kitty, that Noam had made for another outfit from SS that I love! It’s not free hair, but the hat, and all the feathers have so many colour options that it may as well be a fat pack! If you’re not a member of the Silent Sparrow group, there is a joining request board at the landing point. Be patient, your request will be received and processed, but please for the love of god, don’t hastle hya about being added!

Silent Sparrow

Hair (not free)
Thursday from Gritty Kitty

Tattoos (not free)