Archive for the ‘Jacket’ Category


September 9, 2008

Ooh there’s no end to Hya’s talent! She’s done her own mashup of a few fave suits and released it as a group gift!! It’s gorgy, pink and called Willow Garden.


Includes male and female versions *coughs, WINTER*!!! You’ll need to have your twittery tag activated to grab this at the main store. xoxo

Willow Garden Gift From Silent Sparrow


Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Continuing my spammage of the Fashion Feed…

September 3, 2008

Men stop reading now, this doesn’t concern you, off you go and build a shed or somethin :p ……

You know when a girl has ‘the painters in’ aka ‘red flag week’ etc etc… She goes a bit loopy, there are certain signs that this is happening and one of them is wearing crazy outfits, clashing colours and major mismatchingness. Well I thought I would go with the flow (literally) and make Helle the latest alt girl, suffer for my hormonal issues.

ALB Dream Fashion has this superbright ‘Colo’ jacket free in store today, I would so wear this in RL. I’m a big hoody fan. These cute long socks are free/1L from Twosome and the jeans are part of last weeks free outfit from Oops (I edited them to make them shorter).

Wedge Shoes: free by Fuel in the Free*Style Hunt (shhh they are still there)

Also in ALB Dream Fashion are many other free items, including some great looking boots, I haven’t picked them up yet though as I couldn’t find them.

Butterfly Doll Hair by 69 in the Hotel Swan Feather Hunt

Ki2 has this bright flouncy green skirt as their mystery dollarbie (whoops not so mystery now), and check out these adorable free roses shoes fromVacono and Stine: Lamore Shoes. Aren’t they just the shizzle?


I slipped into this ooouchily high cut swimsuit to show you a close up of this beautiful Ma Peau Dare’s geishas skin by Mijn Boa, you will find this free at the amazing Hotel Dare sim for a limited time. Mijn is an fab artist (check out her gallery) and I have really fallen in love with the skins she has been creating lately. The sexeh Thimbles Pig, Sheila swimsuit is a group gift for The Starlust Group. Camel toes ahoooooy!!!


Hair: Rayna II – Alice Project Hair Fair Freebie

Spammage for the day…over and out!

Cup Of Crown

September 2, 2008

Weeks ago, the lovely and very talented owner of Cup Of Crown dropped a folder on me, letting me know about a luffley freebie in store. Me being caught up in moving and building, I totally forgot, Ash=bad. However! I remembered today, and dragged Ken along to check out the store.

Free*Style Blog - Cup Of Crown

This yummy top could be yours if you get your hawt butts down there and scoop it up before it vanishes!! Doesn’t Ken look edible!!

We were lucky enough to meet the designer, Emperor Oyen and got to go all fan girl about the amaaaazing clothes. The Kiam Jacket and Ruined Ball Gown are my personal faves. Not free, but so worth checking out for the beautiful textures alone.

Emperor also makes delightful kimono, the store is small, but what’s there is lovingly made.

Watch out for this store, Cup Of Crown is destined for big things kids!!

First Pic
Cup Of Crown

Rest Of The Pics
Jackets & Dresses (not free)
Cup Of Crown

Minty Quicky!

August 30, 2008

Hya’s been holding out on us!! How she ever kept these gorgy outfits to herself is beyond me!! Now , not only are they available, but she’s put them in the lucky chair. Ash overload!!!

There’s couple of rules for the SS chair: “As requested previously. PLEASE do not call Lucky Chair letters in the ~silentsparrow~ group or any other Lucky Chair group. Teleport your friends!! ” Fankyoo Hya you legend x0x0

The Caged Bird Jacket In Minty
Caged Bird Lolita In Rosey
The Sylvan Suit In Silvery

Silent Sparrow

words words pictures words

June 18, 2008

i don’t know how many weeks ago it was that the ever dorkalectable isabellagrace baroque tp’d me to frozen turquoise valentine. i’d been there before but somehow missed the two freaking shelves of dollarbie boxes, doh. there are four boxes in all but this sassy little jacket and swishy skirt outfit was my absolute favorite of the bunch:

[skin – fashionably dead, gorean free woman (900L); hair – hiccup, slow jamz 2007 (175L); shoes – periquita, mary squares (200L)]

aaaand a better look at the lovely ambrosia pendant, available free (with matching earrings!) ONLY at earthtones’ celistia island location:

Style Magazine

May 15, 2008

Ok………I’m gonna take a deep breath and try to get all this out without hyper ventilating!! The Italian version of Style Magazine has a sim here in good old phil’s land. There is an exhibition and ….dun dun duuuuuuuuuuun FREEBIES!!! Rl designs brought into sl in a good way.. Who here hasn’t coveted a designer something? C’mon admit it!! I know I have……..I’ve looked at some of the glossy magazines and practically drooled! Well here’s your chance to own a bit of something special. Jump on the slurl, check out the exhibition and grab yourself some stuff that includes, but is not limited to….shoes, jeans, bags, jackets, sunnies. And boys? There is a TON of stuff for you too. I haven’t even shown half of what I got……I was too excited and wanted to show you all! Let the sim rez as it’s huge…….the areas that contain the freebes are slightly in the air and look like train cars. But if anyone has any probs……..IM me……I’d be more than happy to show you around 😉 A HUGE thanks to Beanie Canning for the tip…….I think I may have to marry you!!

Clothes, bag, sunnies, shoes
Style Magazine Corriere della Sera

Hair-Armidi (not free)


May 8, 2008

I’ve had another fun idea for the Free*Style Flickr Group , I’d like you to send photo’s of outfits you have put together from lucky chairs/prize camp chairs and I’ll make it a regular feature on this blog.

Take some snapshots in SL. Upload them to Flickr (free to join). Join the Free*Style Flickr Group and add your pics to the group by clicking on Organize (top of screen) > all of your content > groups > and drag your photo’s onto the Free*Style group.

** The main subject of the photo must be free or 1L and still available at that price, but you can also wear full price items. Please put as much information on outfit/location/poses as you can with your photo with the SLURLs – you can get this by opening your map at the location and ‘copy SLURL to clipboard’ – then Ctrl+V to paste it into your photo info in Flickr**

I’ve got a great example for you today. Crimson Shadow have 2 fantastic outfits on the lucky chair. The Blood Parlari suits (for men and women) are only available on the chair for a few more days so keep checking if your letter is there.



This skin from Unpredictable group is perfect for this outfit. There’s a male and female skin in the group, they are both pretty much identical makeup-wise. I wore the male skin with my Mike Oxlong shape (1L at Free*Style), it looks so like the Steve Strange from Visage (yuss showing my age again, ooh but this was an ace band.) The likeness here it’s scary – yet cool….check this out.


Steve Strange and Visage: Fade to Grey


These fantabulous outfits are only available on the lucky chairs at Crimson Shadow for a few more days, so hurry on down.

Parlari Suits: Crimson Shadow lucky chair
Xantha Hair: Philotic Energy (not free)
Reckless Mink Hair: Exile (Group Gift – Search Exile Gear and look in notice archives)

It’s magic!

May 7, 2008

I had a really bizarre dream last night that I was a famous magician and Four Yip was my glamourous assistant. This is how it went…

“and now for my next trick, I will attempt to saw a person in half. Any volunteers? No?
How about you with the blonde hair, come on up here”


“don’t be afraid young lady, you are perfectly safe, I’ve been doing this for many years and have only had 3 deaths so far….climb into the box please”

magic_002 (2)

“Now watch with amazement while Creamzilla The Great attempts to saw this girl in half…” *drum roll and dramatic music…*

magic_001 (2)

“I will now open the box, behold you will be amazed, her body has been completely sawn in half”


*Rapturous Applause*


“and now if you can climb out of the box young lady, you will see she is completely whole, not a scratch on her virtual body”


Oh no! It wasn’t a dream, it was REAL! Four Yip has made another cool free thing for us to play with. This comes complete with the magician’s trick set, and the outfit four is wearing which consists of shorts, top, tattoo’s and a gorgeous necklace (gorgeous, looks like it’s made out of tiny bones.)
I’m wearing the Charliegirly outfit which is also free at Yip’s, and a ‘big fake dastardly tache’ free from The Seamstress

Yip’s Magic Sawing Trick: Yip’s (free), go get it and amaze your friends and neighbours!

Photo’s taken at Gypsy Moon

p.s. No Four Yip’s where harmed in the making of this blog post.

More Random Coolness

May 5, 2008


This is a super quick post, my frikkin laptop is being a biatchipoo again and has reset the clock, it’s been displaying as an hour behind what the actual time is, trying to confuse me…it’s way past my bedtime.

Random Fashions is giving away even more great gifts, a unisex pair of white skinny jeans and some tops and leggings for girls. If you would like these, TP to the store and click the subscribomatic sign, click it again and choose history option 1.

So, for the girls, we have 3 pairs of leggings and tops in various colours which can be worn with the flouncy prim bit or just as a vest top.




random1_008 random1_009

The white jeans also part of the Random group are unisex. The Top Gun style flight jacket also worn here is only 1L from Diversity (possibly only for a limited time so get this mucho quickness). This jacket is guys but it looks good on us girlies too.

This IS a guy in case you were in any doubt 😀

and this one is female…look she’s got bewbs!

One more thing…Gigi Couture has given away a wearable kawaii backpack which contains a LOVE top to the group, search Gigi and join the Gigi Couture group for these and lots of other great items. The super sexy jeans worn here, which I have previously blogged, are also still in the group notices.



Ever felt like I was rushing to get out of here?…I’m outta here. Ni nites xx

Tops/Leggings/White Jeans: Random Fashions (subscribomatic group gift)
Flight Jacket:
Diversity (1L)
Gigi Couture (Group Gift)
Jessica Skin by Cake (not free)
Lil Diva Hair by Cake (not free)
Male Skin by Random at Gnubie Store (free/1L)
Rick Hair by Random at Gnubie Store (free/1L)
Chucks: Akeyo (not free)

Will provide the links for these tomorrow

In The Memory of hide

May 5, 2008

X Japanのhideさんが亡くなってから10周年という事でSLでも追悼イベントやアイテムが出されています。今回紹介する作品を出されているクリエータのしゅんさんにモデルをお願いしました。





A decade has passed since hide from X Japan passed away. Some of Japanese creators released items to honor the memory of him.

Parka, T shirt and specs – Shun (free)
Hair – Armidi (not free)

Gate of Psychommunityという場所にも期間限定の10日まで追悼記念アイテムが置かれています。タンクトップ、ネール、ヘア、ギター(ジェスチャー付き)などなど。




Modelled by Shunpra Inshan

Gate of Psychommunity has some nice items too, for a limited time only. 2 tanktops, nails, guitar with 3 playing gestures, and also the hair I have in this pic are free.

追記:Gate of PsychommunityのスタッフのSincreaさんからコメントを頂いたのでインワールドで同じくスタッフのRonさんが同席されお話を伺って来ました。結果から言うと聞いた話の内容にとてもがっかりしました;;スタッフのお二方はやんわりと角を削ってから話されていたのでなお更です。スタッフの方が声をかけても無料アイテムだけ手に入れると返事のないまま消えてしまう方が多いそうです。今回記事にした物はX Japanのhideの追悼記念アイテムであり、この店のスタッフの皆さん、更にクリエータさん方の特別な思い入れで作られた作品ばかりです。Creamyのブログなので私が色々と書くべきかと悩んだのですが、大人のGridにいる以上は最低限のマナーを守るべきだと思います。Creamyが以前書いた記事を参考になさってください。


Hi fellow Free*Stylers. One of the staff from Gate of Psychommunity left me a comment on this article and I had a chat with them in world. They told me that a lot of people who come in to get the freebies don’t even say “hello” or “thank you” when they are greeted, and just leave after getting what they wanted. I know this is not my blog nor here just to criticize but we are all adults in the adult grid, so why don’t we act like one? See the guidelines Creamy has posted.

I changed the LM, when you get there, you’ll find a 3D map and it will show you where the teleporter is. TP to the skybox and you’ll find the items there. IM me if you have problem finding the place. Thanks!