Archive for the ‘Jeans’ Category


March 5, 2009

So far this week has blown bucketloads. It must be a full moon over here, it really does bring the crazies out, all of whom seem to want to talk to me during RL work. I have felt the urge several times to headbutt my desk while chanting over and over “go away”. Unfortunately there is no reasoning with the insanity that is my job, so I’ll have to content myself with plotting the death of the IT dick who created our website instead…..satisfying 😛


Thank god for pretty clothes from one of my favie designers. Project Kiwi is a store I’ve blogged a couple of times and have really enjoyed seeing the newness from there. This gorgeous denim number is a linden for a limited time. You’ll find it at the main store with the new releases. Other colours are available for full price too, if green ain’t your thang and such. I’ve shown it with a necklace from Shiny Things, that is a part of a set, not free, but very versatile due to the nifty gem change script.


These shirts are also a linden from Project Kiwi, again only for a limited time. The jeans! A new store Miasma has these in the fortune teller. You can never have enough jeans in your inv, srsly!


Staying with Miasma, you’ll find this cute tank in the camping chairs, along with all sorts of other goodies, such as a tail and jelly bracelets. Yay for awesome new stores!


And last but not least, Leigh in our chatbox talked this up so much I had to grab it! While not free, this pack from Pacadi (formerly Maeva) is choc full of yummy stuff. You’ll get the dress, necklace, a skin, and 57457 pairs of leggings on all layers! 295L isn’t too much to pay for a preview of the new clothing line, grab it while you can. Now time to get mini Ash so we can play dress ups yay! Ash Out.

Not Free


Lazy Places

Poppy Saves The Day!

February 4, 2009

I remember when I was new, I spent a month on Orientation Island learning stuff, sorting out my “look” and whatnot. I thought I looked pretty spiffy when I hit the mainland infohub. The I saw “her” this vision in a tank top and jeans, with the *most* amazing hair. Why the hell didn’t my hair do that, I remember thinking to myself. She sent me a LM to Taunt, there was a hair treasure hunt (not sure if they still do it). I too could have swishy hair!! She also gave me a halter top she had made and I was so stoked. Someone told me about Girl6, and I stood for hours in that store, trying to get my default skin to look like the skin in the posters!! I also was beside myself that I could pick *any* hair in *any* colour I wanted, and Six would give it to me for free.

For so long I walked like I had a stick up my butt, (who knew ao’s existed) and so many other funny things I did or said. I would have *killed* for this new resident pack from Popfuzz. You get the clothes shown above, perfect basics that should be in every inv. Also, manicures and pedicures, all of which are gorgeous.

And skins baby. Beautiful, luminous skins with yummy natural makeup, in every tone you can think of.

There’s even a neko skin. I tell you, new players will be so spoilt with this pack!! Everyone goes through a Neko phase in SL, I remember how excited I was about getting my first neko skin. It cost a fortune though, but now thanks to Poppy, you get a head start.

Did I mention there’s eyes too? There is a colour to suit everyone’s taste.They do have prim attachments, so if you’re helping out a new friend, you may want to stick around and show them how to torture prims!! Let all the new players you know about this pack, they can grab it from Popfuzz until they’re 30 days old. Also direct them to their Library, show them whats in it. Options and choices are good, choices from amazing, established designers are awesome! Save the grid from every new chick wearing “Alina”, that’s your mission, should you choose to accept it! Ash out.

Hair (not free)

Project kiwi

January 25, 2009

A new day, a new start hopefully. It’s a long weekend here in Aus, and so far, it’s been tres relaxing (apart from my epic hangover today 😉



Normally, when I have a top or shirt to show off, I immediately reach for my Torridwear dollarbie jeans. But now I have an alternative! For a very limited time, as in get down to Project Kiwi before 8pm slt today, the 2 pairs of jeans shown here are free. You get 3 different versions in each pack and they’re totes totally gorgeous. The first shirt is a Valentines gift of the Ash kind from A-Bomb. Even the note card announcing the shirt made me laugh, Lavea is a jaded bitch and hates Valentine’s Day, so if you are looking for fluff and hearts, don’t bother to come pick up our 1L V-Day tee. Men’s and women’s versions included on all layers. Hot. The sweater shown is 10L until Sunday, matches my hair perfectly!


While I was there, I won shoes on the lucky chair (which I’ll show in a later post) and checked out the cheapy section on the second floor. Nothing over 10L, and I found some really cool stuffs!



Perfect if you’re on a budget, but still have a wee bit of cash to spend. Wish me luck, it’s grocery shopping time. Ash out.

Things that aren’t free, but I cannae live without.
House of Munster

Custom Inkz

Lazy Places


January 12, 2009

Urgh, no sleep, no coffee makes Ashia something something. Grumpy? Don’t mind if I do.

So many notices, so little patience. This one however from Project Kiwi caught my eye. You get the super cute pants when you join the subscribo, and if you choose number 8 in the history, you’ll get the awesome armwarmers delivered to your inv quicker that you can say um gifty! The vest is not free, but at only 50L for 2 versions on all layers, it’s value. The shirt in the middle was a subscribo gift Sasy told me about, from Discord Designs.

Seeing Gabi’s bewbs awesome post totes cheered me up, reminding me I hadn’t been to T.A.R.T for aaaages. The outfit Gabi posted eluded me, due to it being 4am here, and me thinking I really should get back to bed instead of waiting on a lucky chair!

Never fear though! These yummy outfits are available for free in the main store, no waiting or listening to Ash emo required!

The stunning skins I’ve worn throughout aren’t free, but they’re brand new and so awesome. Digit Darkes launched the unDress range of skins last week and I haven’t taken them off since. There’s something for everyone and a wide range of tones to suit, yay! Now off to work with me, before I change my mind! Ash out.

Not free fings


Lazy Places


Things that make you go yummmm!

December 19, 2008

I’m feeling such a lazy sloot today. I had a big girls night out last night which was fun, but ugh, I’m suffering now. Thankfully I took most of these pics yesterday, so this post has not required much effort,

Little Fish has a really great outfit for free for a limited time to celebrate the opening of the new store. A gorgeous knit sweater and sexy jeans which give good buttitude.

17-12 lf

Thimbles have a couple of gifts in the group notices. This unisex V neck top which comes in approx 4753838484 colours

17-12 thimbles 2

Also in the Thimbles group notices is the beautiful Holiday Spectacular..and it is spectacular.

17-12 thimbles

Icing has this lush Ruby coloured vixen dress in the group notices, (this group has a 250L join fee but worth it)

17-12 icing

Kunglers have totally spoiled us with these gorgeous outfits they have given to their group. The scarf worn looks perfect with this outfit, this is another group gift from Thimbles

17-12 kunglers 2

17-12 kungler

These glorious emerald green shoes I found on the Footprint Hunt at R2, all of the shoes in the store are AMAZING.

17-12 R2

Get your skates on and join the Aphrodite Friends and Fashion group for these cute little Cheeries Skates, you can also get the non skates version of these free in Aphrodite store (on the desk)

12-12 aphrodite

Also worn
Hat/Hair: Argrace (not free)
Berri Silver Hair: Truth (1L)
Bombshell skin: MiA (not free)

I can’t move my head without my brain feeling like it might explode. Think I may need another lie down. *skulks off*

Moar Shopping to the MAX

December 17, 2008

YAY, I had the perfect RL shopping expedition today!

Gift boxes with Anim: Stitch By Stitch (1L)

I needed to buy an outfit for a girly night out tomorrow, so off I went into town. The first shop I visited…THERE IT WAS, the perfect dress…and only £25 (so of course I had to spend a fortune on accessories, because the dress was so cheap).

I was only shopping for an hour, which is not enough, so I logged onto SL to quench my shopping urges and look what I picked up. Many of these were found whilst I was doing the Footprint Hunt, but not all items are part of the hunt.

Skirt and Jacket found in 2 stockings (Footprint Hunt) : Anuenue (0L)
Colour changeable Hat/Hair: (Footprint Hunt) Waka & Yuki (0L)
Xmas Skin: Sin &Secrets (1L)

Pucci Dress found in gingerbread man (Footprint Hunt): C’est La Vie (0L) – there are 2 gifts there but I only found one
Hair: Glitter (Group Gift, join group and look in notices)
Shoes: Fuel: (not free)

Both of these following cute dresses are free group gifts in the C’est la vie store and include the poses
Dresses: C’est la vie (group gifts in store)
Blonde Hair: Glitter, Footprint Hunt gift found in stocking (0L)
Hat Hair: Waka & Yuki (as before)
Socks: The Sock Shop (1L)
Skin: Tuli (previous group gift)

I hunted high and low for the Footprint gift at LikeA but no luck there, until I saw the group joiner in store, clicked to join and look what I found in the notices. The most amazing jeans which can be worn in various styles


Jeans: LikeA (group gift, look in notice archives)
Jacket: Anuenue Footprint hunt gift as before
Hair: Waka & Yuki Foot print hunt gift as before

Sole Sisters have a really cute pair of white Holly Shoes as a 1L holiday gift in store, love these. Other colours are available for 100L


Jeans: LikeA (corrected LM) Group gift (as before)
Holly Shoes in white: Sole Sisters (1L)

Have I missed anything? Ok i’m going back to LikeA (corrected LM) to see if i can find the hunt gift. This is a great store.

Attack Of The Killer Barbie

December 15, 2008

Oh joy!! I can safely say that school holidays are in full swing, judging by the amount of assholes I’ve run into in the last 2 days. Anyhoo



On with awesomeness. The scrumptious Fae Eriksen from Fishy Strawberry has put out a couple of gifts for us for the silly season and and and a new lucky chair set! I’ve shown the top and the shrug from that set, paired with some (not free) jeans I’ve coveted since seeing them on Dakota, eons ago. They’re from Tokeo Plastik, and after Creams and I had been to their latest fashion show (totes not cam perving on the hottest av on the grid, swear) I had to run get em. The beautiful chokers shown are from a store the luffley Eden sent me to, and I’m so glad she did. Sanu has some really special pieces. I fell in love as soon as it rezed. There is a lucky chair too, a wall of freebies and if you join the group, there’s 576456578 gifts in the notice history. Sanura Sakai is terribly generous to her group, as well as being an amazing designer.



Tinker Hax sent me an IM to let me know that her store Amplify is having a hunt. The clothes shown here are some of what I found. There’s 25 candy canes all up, you have to hunt “high and low”. The hunt runs all this week so you have plenty of time!


A few months back, I posted about a gorgeous store I had found called Inara’s Fantasy Couture. A massive wall of dollarbie silks can still be found there, as well as these stunning dresses you can camp for. The prize camps are a half hour each, so so worth it. Now I’m off to boink my ken doll in our Barbie Dreamhouse. Ash out.

Hair (not free)
Gritty Kitty

Hoofies (not free)
Lazy Places

Tattoo (not free)

The Aftermath!

November 17, 2008

After the horror of Q popping Eisa’s cherry, the poor lass needed some time off, bless her! Don’t worry though Eisa, I’m sure she’ll call, specially after you used such lines as “You look fiiiiiine sugartits” *Coughs*

On with the clothes. Thanks to narin Auer, who dropped these yummys on me. You can get these at the main store, in a little gift box by the door. Anari stocks some really pretty silks, gowns and all sorts of other gorgy stuff. The silks shown are very skimpy, as in they haz no undies. Just thought you should know before you hit the ETD sale wearing em 😉

This dress comes via the Sweeter Than Candy subscribo. Candace sends out gifts on such a regular basis, we are thoroughly spoilt! Loving the cleavage, perfect for showing off them “sugartits” haha.

The top is also from Sweeter Than Candy, the jeans are a group gift from Kanan, fankyoo Millie for the tip! And now I must run round getting enrolment forms for mini me to get into a pre-school instead of daycare, god the time has flown, 2 minutes ago she was getting her first teefs, now it’s nearly school time *sniffs* Ash out.

Other Schtuffage
Hair (not free, and damned if I can bring myself to take it off!)

Tattoo (not free)

I got me a shorty…

November 17, 2008 alt Eisa and Ashia’s alt ‘Q’ are getting it on, it’s about time he had his virtual cherry popped.

Actually no, I don’t think ‘Q’ was much impressed, he’s not butch enough for her.

Ducknipple have some great new free gifts in store, for men and women. In the girls box are a couple of pairs of jeans, a skirt, socks and tee’s, in the mens box are 3 tops and a pair of jeans. Also some fun stuff, gestures, straw, curly wurly and a duckmilk carton for your arm, just to keep you going through the day.


On Q: dreadlocks hair/hat: Boon (0L)
On Eisa: Hair with knit cap: Mayamaya Group gift in store


On Q: Hair Mayamaya (group gift in store)
On Eisa: dreadlocks hair/hat: Boon (0L)

Eisa starts showing off, Q is not impressed


All outfits: Ducknipple (0L)

Also on Eisa

Wolf Hair, Mayamaya (100L)
Skin: previous group gift from Minnu
Tattoo’s: Strafe, Etch D, (not free)
Akeyo Chucks: (not free)

If you want to know about the other items Q is wearing (I don’t think these are free) just leave a comment to this post, as I forgot to ask her.


October 22, 2008

Plunder Airbus (home of Civvies) is having a pumpkin hunt. I really love this place, it’s unlike anything else I have seen in SL and there’s some brill stores here.

These pumpkins contain clothes, shoes, candy and this hunt is also for the GUYS, oh and it’s easy too!

You can find the pumpkins on the Plunder Airbus, Miau Haus, and Civvies – The Block has a bonus pumpkin. Hunt is on until 31st October!

I dragged poor old Eisa out for this post and I didn’t even have to dust of his virtual cobwebs. Everything worn here can be found on this hunt, (except skin, hair, shape and toast which are listed at end of post)





Shoes, Jeans, T-shirts, candy, belt and loads of other goodies to be found at the Plunder Airbus hunt.

Skin: Halloween gift : Minnu (free, may no longer be avaiable)
Tartan Scarf: Edge Grafika (free)
Hair: Novocaine (not free)
Toast: Hanuata