Archive for the ‘Jeans’ Category

Halloween Tuli Style!

October 17, 2008

Tuli has *just* sent out another amazing group gift! Halloween-themed skins with and without spider webs in two different tones are available, including her *brand new* gothic line that debuts tomorrow. Woot!! (For those of you who are not group members, there is a $250 one-time joining fee that I think any Tuli update group member will tell you is a small price to pay with her gorgy skin generosity.)

I love the subtle little spider under the left eye. The Halloweeny orange makeup with the new gothic skin tone is divine. Her popular “Sunkissed” tone is also included for those of you who don’t embrace the power of pale like I do.

I’m wearing the Tuli group gift skin with some outfits I snagged at the mega $50L sale at Crimson Shadow. They aren’t free, but you can get amazing outfits with matching boots and accessories included for only $50L. It’s such a huge price drop for a limited time that I couldn’t help but go nuts running around upstairs snatching up the sale outfits to show you.

Here’s the Tuli skin with the spider web and with another $50L outfit from Crimson Shadow, appropriately called “Spider!”
There are boots included with the Spider set, but these I’m showing are separate, and are also just $50L! I literally picked up 10 new pairs of boots from Crimson Shadow because they’re all on sale and all so beautifully detailed. [swoon]

Tuli also has a lucky chair with two cute bags. It changes every 2 minutes, so if you stick around long enough your letter is bound to come up! I matched the bags up with 2 group gifts recently sent out by Callie Cline. Join the “Cal Gals” to score an “Always Love” pair of jeans and a tee!
The “Shy” skin shown with the bags and Callie Cline clothing is part of Tuli’s new gothic line that debuts tomorrow. Thanks to Tuli and Callie for these fabulous group gifties!

Other items used in this post:
Tiana Hair (Black/Faded) ~ ETD
Cani Hair (Black) ~ Gritty Kitty
PornStars Xtra Hi-Tops ~ Urban Bomb Unit
Lollypop Guild Bracelet (Strawberry) ~ Violet Voltaire
Poses ~ [LAP]


October 16, 2008

Not having much sleep last night left me in a murderous mood this morning, my daughter getting up every half hour for the whole night. I’m a mess of coffee and Redbull atm, but feeling slightly more human.

This delightfully blood drenched shirt from Den-Dou goes perfectly with the Butchered jeans I picked up from the Fishy Strawberry lucky chair.

This amazing shirt is a subscribo gift from Fishy Strawberry, fankyoo Fae for spoiling us rotten!!

OMG THIS HAIR! It has to be my all time fave hair, (I even used a picture of it to enter the Hairfair Flickr contest) I love it so much. Now you can fall in love with it to, thanks to the Avz group! Join now and grab yours today, another group worth staying in too, even if it’s just to see the amazing creations of Hern Worsley. Ash out.

Other Shit
Hair in first pic (not free)
Deviant Kitties

Legwarmer Boots

Girls & Boys

October 6, 2008

YAY, it’s Monday…the start of the weekend, (I’ve decided my weekends start on a Monday from now on)

I’ve been having fun dressing up my transgender alt Eisa over the past couple of days. SL’s gender swapping exploits made me think of this song by Girls & Boys by Blur.

“Girls who are boys, who like boys to be girls, who do boys like they’re girls, who do girls like they’re boys….Always should be someone you really love!”

On to the freebies.

halloween boy_001

Halloween Gloves and Hat ::sey:: (group gift in store)
Moss Cardigan: Savvy Avvy, (group gift) look in notice archives
Pants: Savvy Avvy (previous group gift)

halloween boy_003
Knit Vest Set: B11 at FS Mall (0L)
HalloweenGiftHair FLURRY 2 +++DEJAVU HOMME+++ (
Dejavu group gift– look in archives)
Emoooo Skin:
Free*Style at Hotel Dare (0L)
Belt: Key at
FS Mall

halloween boy_004

Grey Bubble Tee: Aitui Group Gift, join and look in notice archives
Downtown Jeans *Get Psycho* by iNFLiCT (group gift at the members area)
HalloweenGiftHair FLURRY 2 +++DEJAVU HOMME+++ ( Dejavu group gift– as before)
Scarf, B11 at FS Mall (part of previous outfit )
Wristband : [WaRmth18] at
FS Mall (0L)

I really loved #7 in the SL Secrets, Shopping Cart Disco blog, “I fucked my alt…and I liked it”, it made me laugh out loud! Maybe I should try it with Eisa, is that so wrong??

Oh and before I go, I found a some great free gifts for girls at the FS Mall too. This hat/hair is free from W&Y and the top is by Izumya, take a walk around the FS Mall for lots more free items for men and women.

fs mall

I was totally amazed today when I stopped by at Domestic V and saw that ALL the skins are on sale for 5L each!!!! There is also a box of the complete skins collection for 100L!!! Shocked?? Oh yes!! These skins are beautiful, I’m wearing the cheeky sheen hybrid2 (NATURAL) skin in the pic above, only 5L!!

Black And White?

September 27, 2008

I’ve been feeling a bit lack lustre about Phil’s Place of late, mostly due to alot of pressure RL. However, that pressure should be eased as I have a brand new room mate moving in this afternoon, yay! He’s fabulous and from London originally, like me. More importantly, mini me seems to like him as much as she likes the cat (which is ALOT!)


What better to lift me from my funk than a stunning skirt? Made by none other than our multi talented Creams! She made it using the nifty prim skirt builder by Vint. I was saying the other day, all we need now is a shoe maker to join the blog and we have all bases covered! I paired it with this gorgy top from DP Yumyum, goes perfectly. And looky, NEW HOOVES!!! Soo not free, but worth every cent I spent on the fat pack. I have hooves for every occasions, in all colours *sighs happily*




These beautiful dresses are from Brain Restriction, a new to me store. The clothes are stunning, and you’ll find a more than generous freebie/cheapie section.


And in keeping with the black and white theme, this super cute group gift from Sn@tch. You won’t be able to miss this on the wall, it’s the only white vendor XD! And now I’m off to get new headphones, my fourth pair…I suspect they make em crappy so you have to keep replacing them!!

Pic 1
DP Yumyum

Made By Creams (might be coming to the Free*style store?)

Pics 2-4
Brain Restriction

Pic 5

Non Freebs

Lazy Places

Mochilas y pelo

September 23, 2008

“Adaire, why the Spanish?” you might ask. “You’re no longer in Spain and you’re not talking about jamon (pork)!” My answer is simply this. For some reason, “mochilas y pelo” sounds a lot more exotic in my head than what my post is actually about…that being “bookbags and hair.” Meep!

So bookbags and hair it is, amigas. This cute little gawth (If I’m not allowed to say “kyoot,” can I please say “gawth?”) backpack is a freebie from the newly revamped shopping area of Carnival of Doom. The heart is a vibrant shade of red and the wings are extremely real looking. Well, not “real” as in just ganked off a birdie real, but more like the vinyl accessories you’d see in an alternative cute clothing shop. It also comes with a top hat! (Which I totally would have worn if I thought I looked as adorable as that dancing frog. Alas.)
I also flew around Ivy Falls to pick up a few new hairstyles from the Exile hunt. There is a rumor that there’s about 21 boxes, but I can’t confirm or deny it. (I found about 14ish…but I ran out of fingers to count on so I’m not sure that’s acurate!) There’s 3 styles for girls and 2 for guys, but I thought both of the guys’ styles were definitely girl-friendly. Here are a few of them below. There’s a lot more colors included than the “arctic” white I keep showing repeatedly, but I was trying to keep it simple!
This paint splattered hoodie and antique denim jeans is a free gift in-store at Pink Outfitters.
This skin used with the lovely mochila y pelo is a La Sylphide lucky chair exclusive. The earrings are a part of the Violet Voltaire Angel Jewelry Set that is also a lucky chair score.

Non-free items used in this post:
Blood Parlari Suit ~ Hyasynth Tiramisu for Carnival of Doom
Cross Black Leather Belt ~ Carnival of Doom
Cool Shimmer Standard Eyes ~ Miriel
Gentle Brush Lashes ~ AC Aphrodite Creations

arghhhhh err ooarr…

September 19, 2008

I give up, I can’t talk like a pirate, but I can dress like a pirate’s wench, especially with this beautiful wenchy dress from Comme Il Faut – 20L for a limited time.


Yeah, I’ve got WENCHITUDE!!!


Lo Designs has got an outfit here I know everyone will love also, it’s only 1L and comes with jeans, delicate lace top and a little cropped cardigan.




Pics 1 and 2
Wench Dress :
comme il faut (20L limited time)
Feather Eye Patch: part of bird set by
Yip’s (free)

Pics 3, 4 and 5
Outfit by
Lo Designs (1L)
Pixel Dolls previous group gift (may still be available in the subscribomatic)
Pulse (as shown in Miu’s last post)
Alizah Hair,light blondes pack: Diversity (special offer 44L for 24 hours) then will be full price

Mixin’ it up

September 14, 2008

I originally started thist post after my birthday night out, but I passed out drunk so I’ve restarted it 2 days later. I’m surprised the pics aren’t blurry, I could hardly see when I took these.

I’m still feeling a bit rough because I was out again last night, so this is going to be a post of few words. Thankfully it’s not my birthday every weekend. I am never drinking again! (until the next time)

This sassy and sexy dotty retro dress is 1L from 888-Betty.



This versatile top is this weeks 1L mystery gift from Ki2.



Stich by Stich is a wonderful store, vintage inspired with beautiful patterned designs. I felt inspired to do that clashing patterns thing. Check out the russian doll print on the skirt. I looove!


The green top here is 1L, the Tartan skirt was around 150L)

Pic 1 & 2
Halterneck Dots Dress:
1-800 Bettie’s (1L)
Bella Shoes: Fuel (1L)

September Hair: Laqroki (was a gift at hair fair – no longer available)
Beret: (Stich by Stich) Padrina & Padrino group gift (no longer available in group)

Pic 3&4
Belted Top: Ki2 (1L)
Jeans: VG Republic(1L)
Skin, Plush – Apricot – Headcold Freckled:
M&R Cupcakes (group gift 250L join fee)

Pic 4&5
Tops: (1L)
Lilac MATRYOSHKA skirt Skirt: (1L)
Tartan Skirt: (around 150L) all by Stich by Stich
Roses Shoes: Stich by Stich at Juicy (1L)

Naughty Old Girl

September 11, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME… AND ADAIRE!! (OMG how could I forget that Adaire and I share a birthday?)

Shhhh don’t tell anyone, but it’s just after midnight here and that means it’s September 12. My RL birthday. Lets just say I am officially old enought to know better….

So to celebrate I adorned my avi in this beautiful dress from which is a group gift from the wonderful store, Saya .


The texture on this dress is absolutely gorgeous, it comes with the brown sweater, pretty pendant necklace and flower belt.


Also Amerie’s Naughty group has given away this cheeky pair of painters jeans. These come in two different leg styles and are super low waisted to show a bit of bum cleavage.



And now I’m off to bed, I plan a day of binge-SL’ing tomorrow, and then binge-drinking and shopping all weekend. YAY!

birthday hat

Dress : Saya Group Gift
Cake Hat: Saya free in store (other free items there too)
Jeans: Amerie’s Naughty Group Gift

Not Free
Wedge Shoes: Fuel (10L)
Bombshell skin: MiA
The Short Hair in Pearl: Armidi

What have I been up to???

September 3, 2008

Here’s a little sneaky peak of what I have been doing….dun dun dunnnnnnn……


Yes, I’ve been torturing the primage, and torturing myself while I was at it (actually I really enjoyed it).

This style I have aptly named ‘Mary’ (was originally even more aptly named ‘ spermhead’), inspired by Cameron Diaz in the famous Jizz scene in ‘Something About Mary). I love it if I may say so myself. Yay, my very first hair!! I’m going to do a male version of it too, so you guys won’t be left out ok.

It’s not quite ready yet, just gotta sort add a few bits and shape it a little more and then I will put it out at one of our stores. How about this for an idea? I was thinking of a ‘Pay What You Want’ type store, so you can either have it for free, or if you are feeling extra generous or flush you can pay whatever you think it is worth, good or bad idea? Let me know what you think.
I need to find a script to allow people to do this when purchasing, so if anyone knows where to get one, please let me know.

**Creators and shop owners, please let me know if you would be interested in participating in this little experiment. I was thinking of changing the items every few weeks or so and of course any money paid would go to the owner of the product**

On to some lovely free clothes from a cute store called Magnet. While I was picking up the SLURL for this store, lots of people started landing there, so I guess someone has already blogged it. Damm I thought I found a new one!



Outfits: Magnet (1L)
Mary Hair: Creamy @ Free*Style (available soon!)
Ingrid Light Skin – Glitter Baby Pink: La Sylphide (previous group gift)
Rabbit Shoes: Aoharu (not free)

I Wish Upon A Сладък Star

August 29, 2008

You can wait your whole sl for something incredible like this. I thought I’d found my nirvana with the Facelight 3000, but this group gift from Bettypage tops that. It’s amazing, it’s Rozkošný beyond compare and it’s my own personal spotlight!!!

You get 3 versions in the box, including one you can wear, in case of a sim with build off. Theses pose props have to be the Süßt things I have ever seen. Fankyoo Betty, the stars are made of awesome!

Kenlee and I were wandering round the Sugarmill sim, dressed as Alice and Malice, playing with all the Sød poses. There’s even twister kids, too much fun!! I hadn’t been there for ages, and we ended up in Fluky. We were lucky enough to bump into the owner Bronwyn Llewelyn, who was a heap of fun to talk to, and was kind enough to let us try our luck with the Fortune Teller gift giver thingo! I actually won!! Wonders will never cease, and this Knap dress was my prize! It’s blood covered perfection!!

There’s also a huge box of freebies, of which I’ve shown a couple of the Joli outfits. I luff the star tank, perfectly in keeping with my theme du jour! The jeans have the belt drawn on them, so perfect for that laggy event you can’t say no to!! The hair alas is not free, but it comes with it’s own super carino tiara *whispers* you all need a tiara! Grab yours from the Deviant Kitties booth at Hair Fair.


BP* Group Gift

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Hair (not free)
Deviant Kitties @ Hair Fair

And as a closing thought, I luff the word Χαριτωμένος, it’s just so Atraente doncha think! 😉