Archive for the ‘Jewellery’ Category


April 1, 2009

Oh god I hate it when I wake up, and it’s raining, been raining all night. Dark skies at 7am are just wrong. Specially on a Weds, specially when mini Ash decided at 2.30am that there was no way on earth she could sleep in her own bed. Specially when she takes up my whole damn bed.

Van Stantz, he makes me happy, in fact he makes me squee. These amazing boots are yours for free, for a limited time at EvA. As always, they are scripted sculpts of yum, and we are spoilt rotten. Be sure to fangirl Van and Evangeline if you see them!

Next we have a gorgeous opening dollarbie from Amaranthus, a new project from Elbereth Nightfire of Star Kindler fame. This is a bit of a departure from the jewelery we are used to from this talented designer, featuring Victorian gothic pieces that are just stunning. The perfect foil for these gorgy silks from Silk & Satyr, also an opening gift. Do hit up the subscribo, and do spend lots of lindens in this yummy store, it’s my first choice for silks…….srsly.


And here is where Ash got thoroughly fed up today!!! Ash and Q were looking decidedly similar, so here we have the new (for the moment) Ash! I’m prob the only one that can tell the difference, but that kinda counts..right?!



I haven’t posted about the cutest store on the grid for awhile. Lo*momo long ago claimed that title in my books, and there has been no contender since!! Shown here are a mixture of group gifts (avail in store with tag activated) dollarbies and the Bunny Hop gift. Ohh and there’s 2 lucky boards there now, both dresses eluded me, but they are stunning. And now I suppose I shall drag myself off to do something semi useful, Ash out.

Pic 1
Hair (not free)

Pic 2
Silk And Satyr Group Gift
Hair (not free)
Amaranthus opening Dollarbie

Pics 3,4,5

Hair (not free)

Hoofies (not free)
Lazy Places

Skin worn Throughout
Seduction Cupcakes Group Gift

A Night With The Bestie

March 27, 2009

So a night with my bestie usually consists of “Dood have you seen……?” “Dood you gots to check this out….” and “OMFG loook at that guy’s collar” And so it was this evening. Bestie and I were at Aden, stocking up on hair, when this guy rezzed in. He had on the most amazing neko feets, but it was his collar that grabbed our attention. His name is Devilmaycare Oxbar, and we were mercilessly clicking on him to see what his collar would do. It changed before our eyes, from a simple collar, to rotating gears, to yet another collar with glowy gear symbols on it.


“ASK HIM WHERE HE GOT THAT SHIT FROM” I think I remember demanding at some point. So question asked, LM given and we were off to Cats Of A Feather. It’s a store Devil and his partner Melancholia Lilliehook own. After the collar was purchased, we actually took a breather to look round!! Not only do they have the most incredible jewelery, but poses, neko parts and fecking awesome cyber bits. Shown here is the Kitty Lock Collar, which while isn’t free is the best L you’ll spend this year….srsly. The hawt outfits? Totes free from Kayliwulf Kingdom.


And because I’m not a total meany, the bone choker shown here is a freeb/dollarbie (forgive me I have buyers fever) 😛 You will find free eyes, a shape, poses and much more. The other chokers shown are amazing and totally reasonable (like 75L) so go buy em!!! Now if you’ll excuse me, I haz to go cleek myself….lots 😛 Ash Out.

Other Stuff I’m Wearing
Hair (not free, but all hair is 50L atm)

Skin (not free)

Seerose Lucky Chair


March 20, 2009

Yesterday has to go down on record as one of the weirdest days of the year. I had been clinging onto the hope it was a full moon, and therefore perfectly rationalised ahem….not to be!


Want a sneak peek? Come closer and check out the yummy thats about to go in the lucky chair at Dare Designs. Either today or tomorrow, depending on Dare’s schedule, you can nab this, and other versions in the chair. So fecking hawt. The boots are previous freebies from SHI, and the sunnies, well they’re a sneak peek too. They will be released next week at Dare Designs.


This amazing dress is from Primalot. I actually read a post on The Freebie Telegraph about a jewelery set, the story behind it alone was enough for me to instantly TP. There are 2 lucky chairs aswell as a whole freebie section. The necklace shown is part of that very special set, read about that here. The gorgy wings are from Fancy Fairy. I don’t remember if I bought them, or if they are an old gift. Whutevs, they’re my faves!!


Isn’t this dress the cutest. It’s got such a Madonna 80’s vibe to it.It comes with matching boots and fishnets too! Grab it at Vixens, for a limited time only.


I hope after last week’s vampire post, you all stayed in the Lunas Boutiqe group. I did 😛 and looky what I got today. “Purple Disco Dream” baby, love it!


And last but by no means least, something that is most certainly not free, but worth every penny and more. This stunning, delicate lingerie is the RFL outfit from Fancy Fairy. You can get it for 150L, I paid more, cos I love it, and the money goes to a good cause. Ash Out

Not Free


Lingerie In Pic 5
Fancy Fairy RFL Item


March 5, 2009

So far this week has blown bucketloads. It must be a full moon over here, it really does bring the crazies out, all of whom seem to want to talk to me during RL work. I have felt the urge several times to headbutt my desk while chanting over and over “go away”. Unfortunately there is no reasoning with the insanity that is my job, so I’ll have to content myself with plotting the death of the IT dick who created our website instead…..satisfying 😛


Thank god for pretty clothes from one of my favie designers. Project Kiwi is a store I’ve blogged a couple of times and have really enjoyed seeing the newness from there. This gorgeous denim number is a linden for a limited time. You’ll find it at the main store with the new releases. Other colours are available for full price too, if green ain’t your thang and such. I’ve shown it with a necklace from Shiny Things, that is a part of a set, not free, but very versatile due to the nifty gem change script.


These shirts are also a linden from Project Kiwi, again only for a limited time. The jeans! A new store Miasma has these in the fortune teller. You can never have enough jeans in your inv, srsly!


Staying with Miasma, you’ll find this cute tank in the camping chairs, along with all sorts of other goodies, such as a tail and jelly bracelets. Yay for awesome new stores!


And last but not least, Leigh in our chatbox talked this up so much I had to grab it! While not free, this pack from Pacadi (formerly Maeva) is choc full of yummy stuff. You’ll get the dress, necklace, a skin, and 57457 pairs of leggings on all layers! 295L isn’t too much to pay for a preview of the new clothing line, grab it while you can. Now time to get mini Ash so we can play dress ups yay! Ash Out.

Not Free


Lazy Places

Totally Twisted

March 4, 2009

Firstly, a hearty welcome to all our new guest bloggers, especially Ms Eden who I have pestering for months to start blogging! Now you all can appreciate her razor wit as much as I do, yay!


I’m gonna start things off quite sedately with this gorgeous, classy number from A Piece Of Candy. A store I haven’t blogged for ages (shame on me!) You’ll find this, some skins and 2 other outfits in the latest subscribo gift.


And here we have “Jazz Baby” from the ever generous Ms Lemania. Shown here with the stunning “Kept” choker I picked up from Sable Rose as part of the massive Twisted Hunt. There’s a lock and key version in the folder and both are my new sloves.


And speaking of the Twisted hunt, I thought I’d show a few of my faves. I know it’s been all over the feed, but hopefully my faves don’t clash with anyone else’s!! These silks are from Subtle Submission, and I adore them. They come with the wrist and ankle chains shown, and cover quite a bit more than regular silks, perfect for shyer wearers!


This is the gift from Blueblood, shown with the most amazing hair from Burning Chrome. Apart from the yummy hunt gifts, you’ll also find mucho goodness at the main store, and hit up the group too, a little bird tells me there’s something waiting for you 😛


I love love this dress from Skinzor, shown with incredible stompers from Self Expression. I’m only up to 20 something out of 103 pressies, so far some have been easy to find, others really really hard. Best advice I can give is de prim, take your time and above all have fun with it. If you can’t find a gift, move on to the next. There’s a list of the stores participating on the blog, and it’s not the end of the world if you have to leave a gift till later. And for the love of all things holy, don’t be an asshat kthnx 😛 Ash Out.

Amazing Shtuff That Ain’t Free



February 13, 2009

Yay for an excuse to get my bewbs out!! It’s been ages and I do believe long overdue 😛


This Clubbing Jacket is from a new store called Modd.G. I’m sure that in someone else’s hands this could be made to look all high fashion and such, but it screamed pasties to me. It’s one of the many grand opening gifts you’ll find this weekend.


Hit the subscribo too as I have it on good authority you’ll find some goodies in there too.


The dress is my fave, it comes with the darling ballet flats, although for some reason last night, they wouldn’t rez properly for me inworld, but the pics came out fine, SL is soo odd. Thanks so much to moddishh GossipGirl for letting me know about her super cute store.


How amazing is this suit. It’s from Dilly Dolls and is their Vain Hunt gift. I was actually there doing the Betrayed Heart hunt, but when I landed (literally) on the Vain lips, how could I resist! You get 678097809 options and ways to wear it, it’s perfection for swishing ones way round the grid!


The stunning rosary I’ve worn in various ways throughout this post is from Balderdash. It’s not free, but 50% of the proceeds will go to the Bushfire Appeal. Taken from the note I received “Saiyge is also participating in the Bushfire Red Cross Fund – you can either donate at the kiosk she has set up OR purchase a special red dot item, primarily Merlot coloured items, and 50% of all proceeds go directly to the Fund.”

mod copy

And this is what I had been after for bloody ages I tell you. Massive huge bajillions of thanks to Suri who helped me find the last heart that had thus far eluded me! This is the Betrayed Heart hunt gift from Dilly Dolls. Hunt down the 10 hearts with daggers through them to get the various pieces of the outfit. Boots included, spoilt much? Yes we are! Ash out.

Not Free

Ashia Designs-Timeless 2009
Belleza-Greatest Love Hunt Gift
Ti’ko-Dark Doll


December 28, 2008

So just before Christmas, I got a cryptic IM from Sasy. Something about cats and my fave way to kill spare time in sl!! Turns out, there was a purpose for the vagueness, cos when she tp’d me, I squealed like a 16yr old school girl seeing her favorite boyband! We were in the Popfuzz basement, where I’d been a million times, but I hadn’t seen *this* before!


Do you see that picture? Zoom in if you need to, then take in the awesomeness. The deal is this. There’s a pad with the alphabet on it to the left. You click on your letter and it brings up the slurl of any chair that’s part of the network and currently on say “A” for example. You pick the prize you want, click on the slurl in local chat, and away you go!! I’ll also copy some of the card Hazel gave me:


1. Besides the alphabet list on the side, you can also click on the blue letters directly on the board, those are the newest listings.

2. This board is moderated, we try to keep it filled with decent designers and creators who make their own things. Stores with chair farms, business in a box or resale items are not allowed on the network . We encourage chair hoppers to let us know if a shop isn’t up to par.

3. You can contact Hazel Coppens or Indigo Lucerne if you’d like to get a Lucky Chair Box for your shop. Indigo Lucerne scripted the board and was/is instrumental in its being here.

4. Although you need to visit on-site, you can choose as many locations as you want as SLurls via chat.


I’ve shown just a couple of things I picked up. There’s some huge designers already taking part, if you’re not part of the network and would like to be, contact Hazel to get your kitty box! It’s dead easy to set up, apparently you just fill in the settings card and you’re good to go. Chair stalkers, remember your chair etiquette too, as I’m sure the place will get packed! Ash out.

Who, What, Where
Lucky Chair Station
Popfuzz Bargain Basement

Outfit 1
Noble Intentions Lucky Chair

Necklace (not free)
Violet Voltaire (part of my Chrissy pressie from Loli!)
Hair (not free)

Outfit 2
Costume Depot Lucky Chair

Alienbear Lucky Chair

Hair (not free)

All Over Bar The Shouting

December 26, 2008

So it’s the end of Boxing Day here. I’m sick, minime is sick and it’s official……other peoples kids suck like woa!! Q’s hubby has gone home for 5 days, so there is much sadness, txt messaging and token msn sessions!! And digesting (yup ate so much I swear I’m still trying to digest it all XD!)




But! Katatonik always has the power to make me smile, despite myself! Find these yummies under the tree at Axis Mundi. The first one is 25L, the last 2 free. I’ve shown them here with some amazing jewels from Sanu. Group gifts, so join now, and stay in the group! Also, if you love Sanura’s store, for the love of god put her in your picks in your profile. She would never ask, but I can, cos I haz no shame!! She has always been so terribly helpful to me, chatty, accommodating and just totes awesome.


This was a group gift from Analise, shown in a different form by our luffley Suri hurr. The whole outfit screams subtle sex to me, so I had to post it (mostly cos I’m a vain egomaniac who only blogs to see pics of myself *coughs*) Anyhoo, time for that random MSN session 😉 Ash out.

Hair And Stuff That Aint Free
Agrace (old group gift)
Dejavu (old group gift)

Lazy Places

Attack Of The Killer Barbie

December 15, 2008

Oh joy!! I can safely say that school holidays are in full swing, judging by the amount of assholes I’ve run into in the last 2 days. Anyhoo



On with awesomeness. The scrumptious Fae Eriksen from Fishy Strawberry has put out a couple of gifts for us for the silly season and and and a new lucky chair set! I’ve shown the top and the shrug from that set, paired with some (not free) jeans I’ve coveted since seeing them on Dakota, eons ago. They’re from Tokeo Plastik, and after Creams and I had been to their latest fashion show (totes not cam perving on the hottest av on the grid, swear) I had to run get em. The beautiful chokers shown are from a store the luffley Eden sent me to, and I’m so glad she did. Sanu has some really special pieces. I fell in love as soon as it rezed. There is a lucky chair too, a wall of freebies and if you join the group, there’s 576456578 gifts in the notice history. Sanura Sakai is terribly generous to her group, as well as being an amazing designer.



Tinker Hax sent me an IM to let me know that her store Amplify is having a hunt. The clothes shown here are some of what I found. There’s 25 candy canes all up, you have to hunt “high and low”. The hunt runs all this week so you have plenty of time!


A few months back, I posted about a gorgeous store I had found called Inara’s Fantasy Couture. A massive wall of dollarbie silks can still be found there, as well as these stunning dresses you can camp for. The prize camps are a half hour each, so so worth it. Now I’m off to boink my ken doll in our Barbie Dreamhouse. Ash out.

Hair (not free)
Gritty Kitty

Hoofies (not free)
Lazy Places

Tattoo (not free)

Moar Axel Goodies

December 13, 2008

Remember that yummy store Axel I told you about? Well the new releases are out and to die for. According to the luffley Lila, with new releases must come new dollarbies (eebil ain’t she!)


This gorgeous top called Sunny can be found in the centre of the Axel complex. I’m showing it with the Vitalta set in rust, which isn’t free but it’s made of win, so there! I’m also wearing one of the stunning new skins from Cupcakes. It’s part of the Celebrity line, not free but too gorgeous to stay in the store!


This gorgeous lingerie is called Santa Hearts Me is a whole Linden. You get the two versions shown here, sheer and solid, both are ace. I think I may have to fangirl Lila and Niki and Hadi, or at least stalk them a tiny bit!! The shoes are from the Unique Needs lucky chair (although I had no patience that day so I bought mine instead of waiting for the chair!)


The necklace I’m wearing is from my amazing Shannon Carroll of Coquette. Yes I’ve claimed her as mine. It’s two little polaroid pics on a silver chain. All you do is drop 2 full perm pictures of your own in it (you dont even have to fiddle with edit linked parts!!) and away you go. You’ll find it in the subscribo, along with 464864 other gifts, cos Shannon’s cool like that.


This choker isn’t free, but it’s one of the many pieces I have from Coquette that deserve to be shown. And also Reid asked for more nakies pics, sorry Reid, no nips today XD! Ash out.

Other Shtuff
Hair (not free)

Horns (not free)

Hoofies (not free)
Lazy Places