Archive for the ‘jewelry’ Category

A Weekend Of Washing

April 5, 2009

So Mini Ash managed to pick up a tummy bug of some sort from pre-school, so I’ve spent the last 48 hours doing the following routine: Holding her hair for her while she pukes, cleaning up floors, toilet etc and disinfecting, showering mini Ash, washing her soiled clothes and redressing her, changing the bed sheets and washing those. Lather, rinse, repeat. I am buggered, but I’ve been sitting on these pics for a few days, so while madame sleeps I thought I’d get this post out.


First up this gorgeous dress from VictoriaV. I was there while doing the Alienbear Easter hunt, in completely the wrong building of course, wondering why there were dress and not jewelery there 😛 After combing the place from top to bottom looking for Alienbear, I found this dress. You’ll find it on the lower level, along with 2 red dresses. Shown here with some yummy jewelry from DM Designs. You can thank Sileny for that one, she told DarionMonkee Levitt (the designer) to get in touch with me, yay for new stores!!! Also, the hair! Join the Copain group and grab this for an L, pretty nifty eh.


I had shown you the gorgeous skin you could get from the Cupcakes Easter hunt, so I thought I should also show you some of the clothes. The perfect shoes for all these outfits are the scrumptious flats from Flair, not free, but worth every linden.


The following tops are from Ibizarre. I had gone there for the sale, of course I was about 2 days too late!! I joined the subscribo, and was given the jacket. The tops are a linden in store I believe.


And last but by no means least some of the super cute things you can find on a mini hunt at Everglow. You can get poses, shapes, this bikini and the jewelery shown. Ash Out.

Pic 1
Cupcakes Group gift
DM Designs Subscribo welcome gift
Junwave (a linden for group members)

Pic 2
Cupcakes Easter hunt

Flats (not free)

Pic 3

Pic 4
Poses (for the 2 “big’ me’s)Bikini 7 accessories

Hair & Skins worn in pics 2-4
Hair (not free)
Skins (not free)

Ironic, Don’t you think?

March 20, 2009

Here I stand, a statue. Trapped in a cast of a creature normally known for turning men to stone. So what gives?

The Armorie-a Jewelry event like no other!

Held on the Platinum sim, this event is till Sunday. It’s a showcase of 5 jewelry designers:

Candy Cerveau (.::eyecandy::.) – emerald
Caliah Lyon (Muse) – pearl
Kesseret Steeplechase (KessKreations) – ruby
Violet Voltaire (Violet Voltaire) – amethyst
Saiyge Lotus (Balderdash) – smoky topaz

What are the Gem colours for?

Well there is a Journeyman’s Quest, and your invited to join in!

You are a journeyman jeweler newly learning your trade. You have traveled to a magical labyrinth where you’ve heard you can perfect your skills with some of the finest jewelers in the land. You will be given jewelry boxes, and in the labyrinth, your task is to seek magical gems to fill the box. The gem names beside each designer name above is the colour for that designer.


There are very detailed instructions upon rezzing into the sim. They are too detailed(and super well written) for me to put on here, or I’ll take the whole darn Free*Style page. It’s tempting, but I’ll be nice.

What I will tell you is there are 2 parts to the hunt. There is a silver quest open to all, and there is a gold quest as well, I’ll explain more on the gold in a bit.

So it took me about an hour to get 12 of each gem. You need 6 per gem for each of the hunts, silver and gold.

Follow the instructions carefully, I screwed up once, and had to go re hunt, and it took me forever to find my last gem. So read the notecard. READ it again. Then memorize it. Then act it out like it’s Shakespeare. Then write a 1000 word essay. Backwards.

It’s really not that hard. I just want you to read the note so the organisers aren’t plagued by IM’s.

Here are the silver gifts sans Violet Voltaire, Adaire DeCuir will be showing you those soon in her next post here on Free*Style.

Left Top Corner-KessKreations Silver Hunt Gift
Right Top Corner- Balderdash Silver Hunt Gift
Left Bottom Corner- .::eyecandy::. Silver Hunt Gift
Right Bottom Corner- Muse Silver Hunt Gift

Now to participate in the old hunt, it has one little twist, to get those hunt items for free, you must get a 7th gem. it’s called the Flawless Gem, and it’s can’t be found in the maze. Each designer has picked out a few of their designs for sale that include this special gem. So you have to buy one of the items that is marked with the gem. Only those times will have it.

This is the item I bought from .::eyecandy::.. It’s a steal at L$250, and is red and gold, what more can a girl like me want. Oh and it’s got spiky thinks. I could dig someones eye out I think. Or dirt out of my nails. I do have nails right?

Sanguine Temptress Necklace-L$250

Below are the pictures of the Gold hunt prizes, again all but Violet Voltaire. I will have them on flickr if you can’t wait for Adaire to see them.

Left Top Corner-KessKreations Gold Hunt Gift
Right Top Corner- Balderdash Gold Hunt Gift
Left Bottom Corner- .::eyecandy::. Gold Hunt Gift
Right Bottom Corner- Muse Gold Hunt Gift

So if you like shiny things, or getting concussions, come on down!


Skin&Eyes-Imagen-Mannequin Skin&Eyes-L$1
Dress-Ashia posted it here first!. It’s the only white thing I really had. White gets tossed in my hate pile with pink(sticks out her tongue).

The Living Dead Girl

March 6, 2009

Ya that’s me, living dead girl. Why? Oh I live in a mausoleum. I’m Helena Stringer, your newest guest blogger to hit the Free*Style pages. I learnt of Freestyle almost right after it was born. I started making notices shortly after, for all the deals I found(in the beginning anyone could post deals, we weren’t that big then). I didn’t know of the blog, till one day Creamy basically said to the group, I’m to lazy today to post all the shops I found items in. So check out the blog. Well she had had the blog way before then, but that was the turning point for me. When you get too busy designing, and are a cheap ass like me, you can sort of just window shop. It’s a beautiful thing.

My aim here will be to blog in theme, me I love themed things! So be it a certain item, like a whole post on ankle boots, or blue things, or ducks, you get the idea. Feel free to put themes of things you want me to find, in the comments, I’ll try my best for you, designers willing!

I decided to be a bit lazy myself, and do some freebie shopping on slx . . . oops Xstreet SL®. It’s a great thing for when sl sucks . . . ermmm guess I can’t say that here. Little round furry things okay? They normally come in a pair, unless something is wrong.


The Dress above caught my eye. I have a thing for making my hips even bigger(shoves more Hershey’s WHITE chocolate chips in her mouth). I was let to this dress by clicking a link from slx to the store. There is a bunch of goodies here. I had also found a set of gloves on slx. Now they led me to the inworld store, which had even more goodies. The ones I wear here are of the inworld variety.

I had the perfect tat from one of my new favvy stores. Hadn’t worn it yet, so why not get nakie for you guys?

If you don’t have an eyelash folder, man oh man, go out and find some of those suckers. You will have to learn how to modify objects in sl, since we are all different, but most take little tweaks. These, well the fit me perfect! They come in 5 colours.

The necklace, I couldn’t tell you when I found that, but it seemed to fit the bill. It’s just too bad he didn’t have a lil ebil grin, eh?

OMG another great find! My hips are even bigger looking!(throws Hershey’s WHITE chocolate chips in her hot chocolate).

These next 2 dresses warranted on location shots. I took these pics at the Crimson Shadow sim.

There is a pink version of the dress too, but it clashed with all my blood.

Even dead girls like shoes! Sad thing is, even with my arsenal of grayish skins, I couldn’t find one to match right. Maybe I’ll have to make one out, now that you all are going to run off and get these, or you could maybe share with me if you find a good match.

These are for is your worried your toes are more in a state of decay then you thought. You get to keep them digits with these! While adding a bit of fluff too!

Picture 1-3

Gloves-Steamstress-January gloves-L$0
Tattoo-.:WEiRD.DESiGNS:.-Wings Tattoo-L$0
Eyelashes-Cybernetic-Eyelash type 3(ooo what a name!)-L$0
Necklace-Vellas– Devilkin jewelry set-L$1(only Necklace shown)

Picture 4

Dress-18th Century-Red Velvet Gown-L$0

Picture 5&6

Black Dress-Marinoco FashionBlack flowered wedding gown-L$0
White Dress-Marinoco Fashionwhite flowered wedding gown-L$0

Picture 7


Picture 8

Shoes-[may]-LoLi Shoes
Socks-Bondage Witch Project Store-White Socks w/ Frill Trim-L$1

Non Free items

All hairs-Well I’ll let you guess(Smerks)
Skin-Fatal Error-Wounded Vampire Skin-L$40-might not be free, but a great deal
Eyes-House of Ruin-Starry Eyes – dusty-L$30-BESTEST EYES EVER!

I know it’s long, but I have no clue how often I’ll be doing these, so I got to get as much in as I can!

Until next time


A little Kosh.. a little Kermit..

March 3, 2009

As a frugal elf, I’ve been a freebz devotee since day one. I do my part to support the SL economy with my shopping addiction so I figure I can indulge in a freeb or two, and I have found the most delightful stores while doing so.


I found the above “Chamber 13” outfit at Kosh, which is right beside Concrete Flowers, where I picked up these way fun socks.


Also available at Kosh is the “rusty skull” necklace and cuff, and some other dollarbee pieces and a set of mens shirts… as fellow freebz hounds, you no doubt recognize the lucky chair boots from Bukka, I am not sure if they are still in the chairs as I think they changed Feb 28.


And finally, just as you’ve finished sorting all the pink and red from February’s festivities… March brings in Green!! yaaaay for Green! This cute “St. Patties day freebie” from Ema’s will make a nice addition to your green collection!

Not Free: Hair from !lamb & Maitreya, skin from PXL, Tat from Inflict

Cheap stuff is pretty!

January 17, 2009

It’s a good day to wear pretty free things! My entire outfit, above, cost 1L, so I felt it was worthy of Free*Style. The hair is a freebie from Hal*Hina at the Aventi Isle location (slurls in credits below), and the outfit is a pretty frothy camp chair dress. I really like the light feel of the outfit, as well as the hair bow. (One thing about the hair bow. It is apparently attached to the right ear, so no earrings 4 us, even though there’s a free pair of earrings at the Hal*Hina main shop, hehe.)

Also gorgeous are these two skins from Weird Designs. The Crazed Skin (darker one) is new today, and the Frosted Skin was a previously released item that is still in the shop. I quite like the Frosted Skin! It goes well with the brightness of WEBER’s dollarbie corsets (below).

It takes some hunting to find the corsets. They’re in eyeballs on a little island at the edge of Axis Mundi, up in a Seussian tower. I found it with katat0nik’s help, and now I am the owner of a rainbow of pretty cupcake patterned corsets. The wrist cuffs are on a level of this tower too. Pretty work from WEBER!


Weird Designs store dollarbie (SLURL HERE)
***Light Skin: Weird Designs: Frosted Skin 1
***Darker Skin: Weird Designs: Crazed Skin Gift
Dress and hair from Hal*Hina
***Dress: Hal*Hina [LightBlue] Lace Dress Group Camp Chair gift (at the main store)
***Hair: Hal*Hina [tea orange] cocot, freebie at this location
Dollarbies from WEBER (located in eye-shaped boxes in the turquoise and yellow levels of the neato tower, SLURL HERE) — Fly up!
***Bracelets: WEBER Frosty Pink Cupcake Band dollarbies
***Corset: WEBER Cupcake Corset dollarbies in red, deep rose, ocean, ochre, lime, pink and sea

Fullll Of Monocle-y Goodness!

January 4, 2009

Have I mentioned how much I’ve loved the holidays? Not only has Q gotten to hang with her hubby, like everyday, but AMES HAS BEEN ONLINE!! Oh the trouble we used to cause, and the ridiculous amounts of fun we used to have before real life stole her away from me.

sanu lucky chair

And for a change, I got to tell her about a store, instead of the other way round heh. So a few posts down, Abra showed a monocle from an unreleased set from Sanu. Oh so much happiness, that set has now been set to sale, I got my hot little hands on it before the notice had a chance to load properly!! Sanura happened to be at the store, and we got to talking. When she said she was updating the lucky chair, and did I have any suggestions, I’m like MONOCLES!! And monocles you shall have people! 6 to be exact. Click on the pic for a close up view of their delicate beauty, then get to stalking that chair!


Isn’t this the height of retro kyooot!! This was a gift from Marly’s, sent out to the Starlust group. I’m a massive white shirt fan, and this one rocks!


NEW BOOTS FROM EVA!!!. These one are cheeky kitty ones and like all boots from Eva are adorables. Grab yours, along with past freebies you may have missed.


And finally these boots. They are from the lucky chair at Sentou Yousei. The pair shown here, you can only get from the chair, they go perfectly with my Toxine suite from Silent Sparrow and I fecking adore them. You too can have a pair! If you cant wait for the chair you can purchase other versions of the boots at a 50% discount for a short time. Now it’s 6am, I’m going back to bed for an hour, I only got up to roll around with hubby get a drink of water. Ash out.

Other Shtuff
Hair (not free)

Luxurious World (a gift sent out through Fashcon mebbe?)

Curiouser and Curiouser…

October 22, 2008

‘`Curiouser and curiouser!’ cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English)’ ~ Lewis Carroll

:O :O :O I know, i know, it’s been a looooong time emerging but finally I got to post again!

Lewis Carroll is by far my most favorite writer of verse, child stories. It’s so imaginative, colorful, crazy, barbaric, dark & often dreamlike.

Anyway, when my great friend Wednesday Soon of Woo’s mentioned about the anniversary Alice dresses at Dreaming Alice, I went galumphing on over!

First up the Pure Alice dress… the traditional Alice!


comes with hair bow!


And the Dark Alice dress, also with hair bow… For those times when you feel like shouting a piggy-nosed ‘Orf with ‘er head’ and asking the Cheshire Cat just wtf he thinks he’s smirking at!


Wednesday Soon – Woo’s has just released some gorgeous & very well detailed mega bangles which she kindly dropped me. They are size adjustable, come in silver and gold versions for both forearms! ❤ them



Little Bird skins (from Lucky chairs)

Hair in pic 1/2

Maya – ND (not free)


Ballet flats in white – Shiny Things (not free)

Frabjous Day All, Cheri ❤

Skin, Strange Brew & the Collared Kind

October 21, 2008


How morbid it must sound, a post about skin & witches & collars. ha ha ha. I assure you it’s all very innocent, what with the hot post below, I can’t help but attempt at taking it down a notch. 

Theses beautiful skins are from the new Bejambled skin boutique. The sweet owner, Cory, is giving the above skin away for free. (!!) The give away was suppose to end yesterday, but Cory’s so cool that she decided to extend the giveaway to the end of Wednesday, just for Free*Stylers. How cool is that?!

The strawberry choker is another freebie, from the awesome !* Rebel Xtravaganza *! The adorable (not free) shirt is from Uma who runs Uma’s Style Diary, which is one of my favorite SL Style reads. I love her cute cartoon t-shirts. The art is great as is the t-shirt texture. 


This next skin isn’t a freebie, but I couldn’t resist sharing it with you. I feel so pretty in it. I know this must sound strange, but Cory does a real good nose. I love, looovee the way my nose looks here. Sometimes the nostrils look terrible, morphed into weird kidney bean/jellybean mutants. I must say I have no complaints here. This nose is perfecto.

The earrings are a freebie from the always awesome Yak & Yeti. The pretty pearl cuff is a freebie from Icing.

I adore my very Halloween triple skull earrings from Deco, which is one of my new favorite jewelry shops. (along with *UnTone* and Beauty Avatar) They also have a cute saw necklace too. (All non-free mind you, but extremely on topic with Halloween and all). The necklace is from Atomic Kitty and is a limited edition Halloween release, and it rocks my socks off!

AnnaMayaHouse Witch

The cute lil witch on my shoulder comes from AnnaMayaHouse and it’s a freebie for halloween! It comes in two colors, and two positions. As a shoulder pet as shown, or you can have her fly around you in circles. 

[AMH] Wicked Witch

Her broom lets out color-changing sparkles! Soo cute. The witches also come with a big, chunky scarf held together with a giant safety pin. I’d wear the scarf with a cute dress, pig tails and bubbly shoes. Voila- cutie pie Halloween look. Just be prepared to swat away all those who want to pinch your cheeks.

[AMH] Benny The Bear

I couldn’t help but sneak in another non-freebie. AMH creator Anya also makes an adorable bear shoulder pet named Benny. The first time I saw him, I couldn’t help but ooh and ahh. He’s so sweet, turns this girl into puddles. Eternally sleeping, he lets out some “zzzZZZZzzZZZZzz’s” and snuggles up to your neck. awww

Sanu <3<3

I mentioned Sanu Collars back in this post a little over a week ago. Well, the lovely designer Sanura Sakai has released companion Madame Butterfly Halloween earrings to all her group members. You get orange, green and purple! They are really gorgeous, it’s hard to call them Halloween jewelry when I will surely wear them year round- I recommend that you join the group asap!

xo, Abra
{pic 1}
Jessibelle Special Edition @ Bejambled Skins
Strawberry Choker @ !* Rebel Xtravaganza *!
{not free}
hair- Gritty Kitty
T-Shirt- toastface (see Uma’s Blog– a favorite read of mine)

{pic 2- not free}
Jessibelle Deep Red @ Bejambled Skins
{not free)
hair- ::69::
tube top- [pink] outfitters
earrings- Yaki & Yeti’s
pearl bracelet- Icing

{pic 3}
Wicked Witch Wendy I from AnnaMayaHouse [AMH]

{pic 4}
Wicked Witch Wendy II from AnnaMayaHouse [AMH]
{not free}
hair- *BP
shirt- Armidi
necklace- Atomic Kitty 
earrings- Deco
{pic 5}
Wicked Witch Shoulder pets from AnnaMayaHouse

{pic 6}
Benny the Bear Shoulder pet from AnnaMayaHouse

{pic 7}
Nemesis Halloween skin from Beauty Avatar (in store dollarbie)
Madame Butterfly Choker from Sanu Collars (freebie in store)
Madame Butterfly Earrings from Sanu Collars (group gift, look up group under: Sanu OR touch the sign in store)
{not free}
hair- Atomic Kitty
shirt- redgrave