Archive for the ‘juno amanda beard lauryn hill vinyl cafe ruffian heartbreaker pose little fish on the cover bodyline russian iki creators pavillion’ Category

Some Good Deals

January 23, 2009

Nedeko of Bodyline has informed me of a limited dollarbie at the Creators Pavillion location; those of you who are not aware of the brand, their unique shapes are avaliable to buy at Kusshon as well, where Lano Ling often dishes out gorgy eyes!! Abra has recently blogged the latest freebie, the ‘twilight cat’ eyes in her post: iScream.

Bar life

Here is how the shape looks, cost only $1L until 28th Jan for non-members, you will receive a style card alongside the shape, recommending which skin to use etc; useful if you would like a change!

Bodyline Close up

Thank you, Iki Ikarus! This is a picture submitted by Iki to preview the shape, I think it looks amazing!

Bodyline – Russian Shape, $1L until 28th Jan

Time for some poses; I have discovered a pose store called [On The Cover], as the name suggests, poses are based on stars posing on magazine covers. [On The Cover] is one of the many participants in the upcoming GREATEST LOVE hunt, which I will help write about. The hunt starts on 7th Feb until 28th Feb!

There are 3 dollarbies out right now, as shown below:

Lauyrn Hill Freebie Pose

1. Lauryn Hill pose
Clothing from Little Fish (not free), shoes from Soreal (not free)

Amanda Beard freebie pose

2. Amada Beard (Pwwwoah!!)
Clothing from Kenzie (not free)

Juno Pose freebie

3. Juno (cute!)
Clothing from Spice & Sugar (not free), stilettos called ‘Heartbreaker Shoes’ in grey from Vinyl Cafe, only $1L! As for my hair? It’s from Detour (not free).

These animal bangles are gorgeous, also avaliable in tiger and leopard print @ Ruffian for only $1L each, there are more quality jewlery there, all only $1L each. Check out the place if you are in need for some accessories!