Archive for the ‘katat0nik’ Category

Pyschotic Nekos Dress…Well!

March 20, 2009

Oh hai! I had a moment to slap up a post about an Easter Egg hunt at Psychotic Neko that starts tomorrow (Friday). Oh yuss. PSYCHOTIC NEKOS!

Dun dun….DUN!!!!

Ok, I’m not sure where all that came from, but needless to say, I’m excited about it! So excited, that I took a stab at being a neko again. Oi.

Katat0nik’s egg hunt prize is a brand new color of her “Rina” dress ~ seafoam! Bask in the seafoamy goodness while you cruise the sim for the hunt. Just look for participating stores by finding the sign in front of them. Go in the shop, find the egg, buy it for $0, and hop like the Easter Bunneh in your new freebie yum yums. Like Katat0nik’s shop!

Other non-free but radical stuffs:
Neko Ears & Tail ~ Katat0nik
Teagan Hair (Charcoal) ~ Philotic Energy
Vixen Skin in “Merlot” ~ Curio
“Locked Heart” Choker ~ Katat0nik
Gryphon Myth Boots ~ Lazy Places
Poses (And I’m pretty sure these were actually free, now that I think about it) ~ On the Cover

The Day Green Took Over The Grid!

March 17, 2009

Why? . . . WHY! More GREEN?

Didn’t I say I liked green?

Well there is a good reason for this post. The Sim “Magic of Oz” is holding a hunt! If ever you have been to a Oz hunt, you’ll know the quality of the stuff is to die for. Even in a sea of green. This hunt is no different. Want to see some of the lovely clothing? you’ll have to go visit Strawberry’s blog for that, just click Here!

I’m blogging everything else for you to oggle at.

But first I’ll give you the official info:

Times:March 17th-March 22nd

Sim Mainstores
.:: eyecandy ::. (2 Gifts)
malContent (formerly Treasured Visions) (2 Gifts)

Sim Vendors
KessKreations (2 Gift)
MnM Design Store (1 Gift)
KatatOnik (3 Gifts)
silentsparrow (1 Gift)
Laughing Academy (1 Gift)
Aqua Shop (1 Gift)
Schadenfreude (1 Gift)
Wasabi Pills (1 Gift)
Guild of Crie Eyewear Store/Reve du Crie (1 Gift)
Risusipo Shop (2 Gifts)
The Stringer Mausoleum and Shrine (1 Gift)


1)Coins are what you are looking for. They appear all over the island.
2)Wear the coin, in the name of the coin, and in scripted chat, it’ll say what store it is for.
3)go to the coins store on the island. eg. You have a coin that says *Oz* St. Patrick’s Cuardach Gold Coin:Silent Sparrow. This means you have to find the Silent Sparrow Store on the island.
4)find the pot of gold in each store. You have to go up close to them.
5)Click the coin you are wearing. Your gift Will poof to you! Accept it, and there you go! Now don’t be RL Blonde like me, and try to click the pot of gold. It wont do anything!

Some stores have more then one gift. This means you’ll get one of them randomly. So in order to get both, you have to try again with a new coin. It takes a few tries some times, but the coins are easy enough to find.

Okay enough of that, on with the goodies!

Clothing from Silent Sparrow. There are a bunch of pieces in the gift, these were for the dudes, but I didn’t feel like crossdressing today. The jewelry is by EyeCandy. I’m not big on rings and things, but I do like this one, and it was super easy to fit. I also love the clasp on the back of the necklace, I didn’t take a pic, but the detail is great. I find as a RL jewelry designer, much of the items in sl are lacking that fine detail quality I expect in my own works. EyeCandy keeps surprising me with these little things.

Particles always suck when blue screening, I should have done an “on Location” shoot for this one. But the head bobbers are really nice inworld. They and the necklace come as one of the gifts from KessKreations. The clothing is some more bits and pieces from Silent Sparrow.

The lashes are from Wasabi Pills, and were not hard to mod to my face. The eyes are one of the gifts from the rebranded malContent. Malkavyn is going to be diving into a few other types of content, other then eyes. All the backgrounds in my pics he made, and they are the other gift in his pot.
It’s like a mini Pope! This is from the Aqua Shop.

The hat here is the 3rd gift from Katat0nik. The other 2 are the dresses from Strawberry’s post.
These have nothing to do with OZ, I really just needed to snag these before Ashia did =) Kat sends group gifts out here and there. These both came in the one today. The other great thing about the group is there are secret group only sales and other benefits of being in there. Kat sends an invite once you have spent L$250 in the store, it should come within 24hours. bug her if it takes more then a week, or mob the store with pandas. Think of it as a group fee, but you get something automatically.

I saved the best for last. Lookatthisthingy! It’s a ridable Clover! It makes me want to make random things to ride now, maybe that can be the next craze after sticking odd things in our mouths!

Stop thinking sick things you!

Other items I’m wearing that aren’t from the hunt:

Skin(Pic 1-6)-Domestic V-Mairmalade-03-Sketchy Mustard Skin-JPTRC 2009-L$25 for 3tones in 5 different makeups
Shoes(Pic 2-3)-Duh!-Light Green Leather Pumps-past gift-Join the Subscribo to learn when new ones are out!
Lashes(Pic 6-8)-La Sylphide-Natural Prim Lashes-L$0
Eyes(Pic 6-8)-Elv’an-L$5 for a bunch of colours
Dresses(Pic 7-8)-*katat0nik*-(lime) Dollie Dresses-group gift
Skin(Pic 7-8)-{Frick}-Goth-Shamrock-lucky chair gift
Boots(Pic 7-8)-SN@TCH-Oblivion Boots (Black Leather)-L$300

Next post-Under The Sea-Stay Tuned


March 1, 2009

Not one, not two, but nine new lucky chair dresses at Katatonik.


These are not fat packs, you need to win each dress separately. Grab your girlfriends and have a chair party!


The Dollie dresses are gorgeous, and each colour is a “must have”.


Shown here with non free hair also from Katatonik and non free skin from Curio. And to think, not an hour ago, I was wondering what to do with myself during some terribly rare time off from mini Ash. Huge thanks to Kat, Ash Out.

Bec Is Ok!

February 6, 2009

The lovely Ms Okrebecca has been spamming our chat box for ages with the bestest of tips, she’s so fast I can’t even pretend to keep up!! But this tip, I was all over it dood.


Not one, not two, but eight skins from Lazolli. All these scrummy makeups belong to the “Julia” range and they’re just so gorgeous.


The mouth is very pouty, I had to take mine down heaps, because as we all know, my av has a ridiculously large mouth 😛 That being said I love the lack of lipstick, and the focus on the eyes. The gorgeous hair is a Valentines gift from Aleri Darkes of Diversity. You get 5 Valentines type colours, ranging from red to silver, thanks Aleri!!


Our kat sent out a group gift at some point in the last 2 days (don’t ask me exactly when as I’m still not getting notices.) This super cute fishing Katty doll, a shopping bag and a tattoo. The dress shown is a 25L special for Valentines called Rina, prettiful huh!!


The black version is part of the Vain gridwide hunt, and is 0L just for you. Which brings me to the boots. It’s not often I read something that gets me totally inspired and fascinated, but when I do, look out!! For months now, Ash has had the free slave/mistress heels from DXD, Q has full versions of the slave heels thanks to a crazy friend of hers who likes to play dressup the slutty barbie!! But for all the times I had been to the store, I had never looked at anything else really, till I read this post. I was at work too when I read it, bouncing around in my seat, waiting for my break so I could log in and claim those boots as mine!!! Since the last time I had been to DXD, Mistress Xene Demina has been redecorating, and alot of the vendors were offline….EMO SAD. So the iron boots I covet are still not in my inv, and I had to make do with the ones shown here (totes not a hardship as they fucken rock!) They are my new loves, so much so, I bought a pair for Q and Ash. Now the boots and I need to be alone……..Ash out.

Non Free Hair


January 23, 2009

There is no rhyme or reason to the group notices that actually make it through to me, whether I’m online or off. It started with my beloved Silent Sparrow group, and now, it’s spread to my other most favorite group katatonik. Out of 3 messages Kat has sent out lately I got a whole massive 1.

So while going through the archives to re-read said notice, there it was, mocking me, the notice that told of lucky chair newness!! Several blood curdling screams later and I was safely ensconced in the main store by the chair. Phew, crisis averted XD! Although I think Valentines day is a load of bollox, I can totes make a pink exception for these dresses. Super special versions of one of my all time faves from Kat, the Starfall dress *sighs*. If you’re impatient, you can buy them next to the chair.

One group that is working for me (cos it’s not a LL group) is Elemiah. For a limited time, you can grab this gorgy lingerie for free at the main store. There are other colours available too, for 50L. This offer’s good for 3 days only. Now I’m off to beg, plead ask my daughter to get dressed. She has taken to nakedness lately, which is not such a bad thing at home, but when she strips off at preschool it can be a bit of a worry! Ash out.

Hair (not free

Hoofies (not free)
Lazy Places

Little Fish = Big, big love!!

October 31, 2008

There really isn;t much to say, other than, get off ya butt and get down to Little Fish tommorrow!!!!!
Check out this amazing orange creation. Sexy, saucy, orange and uber-awesome.
Available until the 1st of November. So get it.Or you’ll be sure to cry your eyes out.



Orange 1




Here’s the deal:
Halloween Outfit from Little Fish (available 31st October-1st November 2008)
Skin is from Loser on the Vain Ghost Hunt
Shoes are from katat0nik on the Vain Ghost Hunt
Hair from 20-minute camp @ ::69::
Eyes from MiaSofia Group Gift