Archive for the ‘Kawaii’ Category

MnM Hunt, and it is a hunt….oh yes….

November 16, 2008

….AKA, the most confusing hunt in the virtual world (if you don’t speak Japanese).
Once I had completed it though, in hindsight it was really rather simple. Info on the MnM website HERE

So the hunt started yesterday and runs through to 24 Nov and you win wonderful prizes from *BP, MCH and Honey Kitty.

You begin at the Okinawa sim, you are looking for a large acorn which appears randomly in certain locations. It is the same acorn which appears all of the sim, so you don’t need to collect them from all over the sim. I found 3 places it where the acorn appears but there are more locations.

The 3 places I found acorns
hunt okinwama Acorn locations

BUT, it’s not as simple as you collect an acorn and you get a prize…oh no! you are sent on a trail for your prize, you have to work for it.

When you collect an acorn you are also given a notecard which gives landmarks to 3 more locations : Electro Kitty, MnM at Glass Earth and MnM at Oz. So my tip is, stay where you are and keep collecting around 8 or more acorns (in case lag swallows them, which happened to me).

Go to one of the locations on the notecard you are given (it is the same notecard with each acorn), where you will find treasure chests.
Click on the chest to open, see your name above the chest.
Ctrl + drag the acorn from your inventory into the open chest)
*You don’t need to put an the acorn in every chest. I have written on the photo’s below how many acorns you need at each location, please read the pictures carefully.

The 3 locations on the notecard given with the acorns.
Hunt - acorn drop chests

When the chest accepts your acorn (any problems please read the MnM blog), you will be given a leaf which says *wear* and a notecard with the prize location LM.

Hunt - Take your leaf to next location

Take your leafs to the prize location and touch a chest to open. When you see your name above the chest drag your leaf into the chest.
Honey Kitty and MCH have the same prize in each chest so you only need one leaf for these. BP* has 3 prizes so you need 3 leaves.

BP* has 3 gifts, drop a leaf into a chest at gift 1, 2 and 3 location as shown on the photo below.
Hunt - BP Leaf Drop Chests

You only need to drop a leaf in 1 chest at Honey Kitty and MCH as they all contain the same prize
hunt HK & MCH Leaf drop chests

After all your efforts, well what do you win? Cute stuff, that’s what!

hunt prizes 2
Gorgeous Smooch pumps worn above are from Vinyl Cafe, free for a limited time

Hunt prizes 1

hunt prizes 3
The skirt and top worn above are by Pink Outfitters. The top is a group gift (search Pink Outfitters and look in notice archives) and the skirt is 1L in the Pink Outfitters store.

The Xmas tree with couple pose shown below is also a BP* prize, comes in snow particle or no particle version and different sizes.

Here I am posing with my real life cousin (SL name ‘Chapman’). He’s wearing a normal male shape here for a change, he normally looks like a turkey in SL. I remember when he was born…arghhhghghghghghg (I feel old now)
hunt prize 4

Big thanks to Jojoruno, elka lahane and a lovely mysterious girl called Teshi (who if she reads this blog won’t realise it was me, as I was playing an alt) for helping me with this hunt.

Also to my fellow confused hunters Zuzu and Uma Ceawlin for making me realise that it was not only me who felt like a total retard doing this hunt. XD

July 26, 2008

Outfit – GL (free)
Hair – AOHARU (not free)
Skin – Curio (not free)

AOHARUでアイスクリームフェア開催中です。L$10支払うとランダムに70種類以上のアクセサリーやアニメーション付きのアイスクリームの中から1点もらえます。Trans OKなのでお友達へプレゼントしたら喜ばれること間違いなしです。グループギフトと店内にも無料ギフトが期間限定で置かれてますので是非ゲットしてくださいね^^スキンはHeaven’s ShapeのB11モールのみ扱いの期間限定の物です。ポップな色合いでお気に入りです。ブルーの涼しげなキャミソールはC’est la vieのギフト。

Skin – Heaven’s Shape (free for limited time only at B11 Mall)
Camisole – C’est la vie (free)
Hair – AOHARU (not free)
Cherry earrings and ice cream necklace – AOHARU (L$10 each. AOHARU is holding Ice Cream Fair and there’s a vendor by the landing point. Pay L$10 and you get a random gift out of over 70 accessories. All Trans OK. There’s 2 group gifts too, one in the group notices and one in store)


June 8, 2008

先日ナチュラムに新店舗を構えたKuri Styleからガーリーな新作が出ました^^ドット柄、コサージュ、フリフリ、女の子が好きなポイントがてんこ盛りです。こちらは日本時間火曜の深夜までの限定でL$1です。
可愛いネイルはお友達のきょうちゃんの作品。L$1でKuri Styleにて置かれています。ヘアはMoniちゃん作!可愛いです><
Outfit & stockings – Kuri Style (L$1 until 8am slt June 10th)
Hair – Moni Criss (Yes, our Moniiiiii! L$50)
Nails – Kyo (L$1)


June 1, 2008

丸いバルーンなワンピを3点紹介します^^まずはPopfeelのグループギフトです。このドレス、毎月かわいい色違いがグループ通知で送られてきます。それからこちらのカサは私のお気に入り。最近色々なところで目にするカサですが、やっぱりyaman shopのカサが一番好きです。丸さといい、柄の部分や持つところの形が本当に良く出来ています。4本入りでL$7とい破格なのも魅力なのです^^


Dress – Popfeel (group gift)
Hair – AOHARU (L$280 for the pack of 4 colors)
Skin – minajunk (L$1000)
Umbrella – yaman shop (L$7 for the pack of 4 colors)



Dresses in Black and Blue – Cattleya (free)
Hair – AOHARU (L$280 for the pack of 4 colors)
Skin – Blowpop (free)
Shoes – Juicy (L$500)
Umbrella – yaman shop (L$7 for the pack of 4 colors)
Red Crescent Moon with animated sit pose – Apple Pop (group gift in store)

[Insert Temari Here]

May 27, 2008

お友達のDaro Korobaseさんから頂いた情報です。*Hearts* Cupcakesのフリー3点紹介します。ヘアはなんとモニちゃんが作った物です!こちらからお求めください^^可愛いリンゴのイヤリングはL$1で置かれています。



Dresses – *Hearts* Cupcakes (free. Big thanks to my friend Daro Korobase for telling me about them^^)
Hair by Moni (L$50)
Earrings by Moni (L$1)
Skin – Tuli (Group gift)

こちらのユニセックスなヘアはお友達のRufus Camelさんから頂いた情報です。Find Ashのグループギフトです。”All”検索からFind Ashと打ち込んで*fs skin & Find Ashに入ってください。洋服はACgirlのグループギフトです。

Hair – Find Ash (Group gift. Big thankies to my friend, Rufus Camel who told me about this group gift hair^^ Comes in lots and lotsa colors. Type in Find Ash in “All” tab and join *fs skin & Find Ash group.)
Dress – ACgirl (Group gift. Type in ACgirl in “All” tab and join We Are The ACgirls! group.)

GiGi Couture New Gift*

May 13, 2008

今日はGigi CoutureMainStoraの新しいGiftを紹介します。

Hello! eveyone:)
I introduce Gift of Gigi Couture MainStora.X)
Contents of Gift are two tank tops and one yellow pants.
kawaii!! X)

Tops & Pants : Gigi Couture MainStora(1L$)
Earrings : FabulouS (100L$)

Tops & Pants : Gigi Couture MainStora(1L$)
Earrings : FabulouS (100L$)

Earrings are very HQ.
It is very cool though Gift is not put.

Kuri the Panda

May 7, 2008

Kuri Styleの恒例となった新作L$1が出ました! 今回はホルターネックのキュートなパンダシャツです^^モデルはこの作品を作られたkuri Karasさんです。太っ腹すぎるそのメタボなお姿を得とご覧ください。

Modelled by kuri Karas of Kuri Style

Kuri Style has a new L$1 item in store. This kewt halter neck tops, in 3 colors and white skirts, in 2 styles, single layered and multi layered. All of this for just L$1, what a bargain o.O! There’s another freebie, the white dress which I blogged here. They are both L$1 until 5/9, Friday midnight SLT. Hurry =3 (You can find the panel on the floor, just by the landing point)

Wonderful gift of AOHARU*

May 4, 2008

Hello! everyone:)

AOHARU simのFREEとグループギフトの紹介です^^*
I introduce the group gift & a free item of the shop of AOHARU.
Thank you for offering information. 🙂

The set of yellow pants, the dress, and the jacket is the group gifts. XD


↓ These are free items put in the store. 🙂



Kimono:) Hurry up! XD

May 4, 2008

Hello! everyone:)

There is an event of a renewal opening of Tenjin sim.
But I wrote at Japan standard time.
I’m sorry.
Free of kimono ended. X((((((

You can get these four kinds of kimonos from May 3 to the 4th free of charge.

Let’s come to hurry up!!

TP→Tenjin sim




There are shoes for the kimono together:)

Hello, I’m a minajunkie

May 3, 2008

Koreshan PointeBake Saleが今週末開催されていると読み早速行って来ました~。思ったよりこじんまりとしたセール会場の中で真っ先に目にとまったのがminajunkのこのタンクトップと口から鼻から飛び散りまくるジェリービーンズ!かなーりツボっちゃいました。大好きな遊園地でのSSいきまっす。

余裕、余裕 ヘラヘラ



このタンクとジェリービーンズのセットはBake Saleのみの限定品ですのでお見逃しのないように!



Bake Sale is on this weekend only in Koreshan Pointe. This cool tank top with jellybeans is by my favorite minajunk, and is available only this weekend!

Tank top and jellybeans accessories – minajunk (free. TP to Bake Sale)
Hair – Uncleweb Studio (Not free)