Archive for the ‘Kilt’ Category

Moar Proof Girls Can Wear Boys Clothes!

December 9, 2008

One of my most vivid memories of falling in love with the fashion feed, was an amazing post my Sasybum did on a boys skirt called Scavenger. She worked the hell out of that skirt, as did I when I ran to grab it and wore it in varying combinations for a month straight, no shit!


These outfits so remind me of that skirt. The Boeme dress above and the Battlemaster kilt below. On a tip from the ever luscious Green, these *had* to be in my inv and on my pixel bod. Can you believe they’re free?


This kilt is for boys, but I edited it with not too much drama. Get yours here. I now wanna see lotsa bruised, scarred boys running round the grid in this and submitting pics to our Flickr group!!



The lovely Blueberry Mayo sent me an offline to run grab these outfits from a hunt at Ayyaiyai. The outfit on the left in the first pic, I won on the lucky chair and lucky board while I was hunting. Lookit my monkey hat!! You can also get a panda version if your letter comes up. You’re looking for 50 candy canes for an L each, fair warning, they’re small. But alt click is your friend, as it said in the hunt card! And, and, winter hoofies!! Q’s long suffering hubby indulged Ash’s addiction to all things Lazy Places (confuzzled? Me too!) He even put up with me trotting round the house all day making snow crunching sounds and leaving hoof prints everywhere, must be love ay! Right, off to work for me. Below is a webisode of something that has totes been keeping us in stitches, it’s a must watch for any gamer, I present to you The Legend Of Neil. Please note, it’s a mature vid, not for kiddies. Ash out.

Hair (not free)

Tattoo (not free)