Archive for the ‘kyoot jetcity irresistable gisele sia’ Category

Simply Irresistible

October 2, 2008

Some new gifts at Irresistible! I have blogged one of their gifts before in All Smiles (the red dress), but it is still avaliable for $1L. With a new store layout, it’s worthwhile to go back and check!


Irresistible – Gorgy red dress for $1L
Hair: Gisele – Sia Hair (not free)

New House

Vent: “I got something for you”
Suri: “Is it a pony?”

New House

Vent promised me these red roses, I am estatic that he kept to his promise!

Roses: from Jetcity, $0L
Suri’s outfit: Irresistible – Denim Set, $1L
Hair: Kyoot – Wynter hair (not free)

Pictures taken @ Valparaiso Chile