Archive for the ‘Latex’ Category

Crimson Chair And More

April 8, 2009

Mini Ash went back to school today, woohoo!!! Means I also have to go to work, but dealing with grown up children will make a nice change 😛


Lets take a look at the latest dollarbie from KOSH, named “Kretch”. Yes, it’s named after that Kretch, the uber cool Sn@tch model I have seen strutting her stuff at many a show. I love the textures on this set, all earthy and warm, it won’t be available for a linden for very long, so best to grab yours now.


This morning I woke up to a folder from the lovely Lokum Shilova of Crimson Shadow fame. Yes! It’s time for lucky chair newness there, so get to stalking. This stunning dress is called “Whisper Of The Feather”, it is just beautiful, Ash=pretty princess!! I’ve shown it with part of a jewelry set you can grab at a hunt at Dare Designs. Prizes include: A full set of jewelry for ladies broken up amongst various eggs – specially designed for this hunt and not available any other way…
A claw torc for men (necklace)…
Special Edition ‘Vicious’ boots for ladies…
…and more…
There is one simple rule for this hunt, and I’ll paste it from the card so I don’t bugger it up: Rules:
Simple. Come, hunt, don’t give away the locations of the eggs.

To keep it fun for everyone, anyone caught publishing, shouting out, or giving away the locations will be ejected from the sim – possibly banned. This includes TPing people directly to the eggs. It’s called a ‘hunt’, so let’s keep it fair for everyone.


And speaking of Dare Designs, check out this Enforcer set. So much hawt in one folder, it’s not out as yet, but keep your eyes peeled for special lucky chair colours and/or MM versions. When I get the exact info, I’ll update my post! Back to work for me now. Ash Out.

Pic 1-KOSH
Pic 2-Crimson Shadow lucky chair
Pic3-Dare Designs


Pic 1-Chai
Pic 2-Curio
Pic 3-Chai

Is Shopping In Latex Ever Appropriate? Mmhmm!

April 2, 2009

When these outfits landed in my inv yesterday, I swear I was trying to think of ways to get away with going shopping in latex, cos there was no way in hell I wanted to take *any* of them off!


See this pink lushness? You cannae buy this, you can only get it in the chairs at Dare Designs. You have exactly one week of stalking before they go on sale. You get the choice of see through or not so see through, layers galore all sorts of ways to wear and play. The skin? OMG. Rosemary and Mimi of Cupcakes have once again taken generosity to a new level. There is an Easter egg hunt going on, you’re looking for 20 eggs of deliciousness. You’ll get loads of clothes and this scrummy makeup, in all tones from the brand new Seduction line.



And just because it’s the hottest latex I’ve seen in awhile, here’s a preview of some of the other colours you can buy from Dare Designs. The blood is my favie, just delicious, go buy it!! Now if you’ll excuse me, I need some alone time with my screenshots 😛 Ash Out.

Pic 1
Dare Designs Lucky Chairs
Hair (not free)
The Stringer Mausoleum
Seduction (Easter hunt gift @ Cupcakes)

Pics 2 & 3
Outfits (not free)
Dare Designs
Hair (not free)
Skin (not free)

A Night With The Bestie

March 27, 2009

So a night with my bestie usually consists of “Dood have you seen……?” “Dood you gots to check this out….” and “OMFG loook at that guy’s collar” And so it was this evening. Bestie and I were at Aden, stocking up on hair, when this guy rezzed in. He had on the most amazing neko feets, but it was his collar that grabbed our attention. His name is Devilmaycare Oxbar, and we were mercilessly clicking on him to see what his collar would do. It changed before our eyes, from a simple collar, to rotating gears, to yet another collar with glowy gear symbols on it.


“ASK HIM WHERE HE GOT THAT SHIT FROM” I think I remember demanding at some point. So question asked, LM given and we were off to Cats Of A Feather. It’s a store Devil and his partner Melancholia Lilliehook own. After the collar was purchased, we actually took a breather to look round!! Not only do they have the most incredible jewelery, but poses, neko parts and fecking awesome cyber bits. Shown here is the Kitty Lock Collar, which while isn’t free is the best L you’ll spend this year….srsly. The hawt outfits? Totes free from Kayliwulf Kingdom.


And because I’m not a total meany, the bone choker shown here is a freeb/dollarbie (forgive me I have buyers fever) 😛 You will find free eyes, a shape, poses and much more. The other chokers shown are amazing and totally reasonable (like 75L) so go buy em!!! Now if you’ll excuse me, I haz to go cleek myself….lots 😛 Ash Out.

Other Stuff I’m Wearing
Hair (not free, but all hair is 50L atm)

Skin (not free)

Seerose Lucky Chair


March 20, 2009

Yesterday has to go down on record as one of the weirdest days of the year. I had been clinging onto the hope it was a full moon, and therefore perfectly rationalised ahem….not to be!


Want a sneak peek? Come closer and check out the yummy thats about to go in the lucky chair at Dare Designs. Either today or tomorrow, depending on Dare’s schedule, you can nab this, and other versions in the chair. So fecking hawt. The boots are previous freebies from SHI, and the sunnies, well they’re a sneak peek too. They will be released next week at Dare Designs.


This amazing dress is from Primalot. I actually read a post on The Freebie Telegraph about a jewelery set, the story behind it alone was enough for me to instantly TP. There are 2 lucky chairs aswell as a whole freebie section. The necklace shown is part of that very special set, read about that here. The gorgy wings are from Fancy Fairy. I don’t remember if I bought them, or if they are an old gift. Whutevs, they’re my faves!!


Isn’t this dress the cutest. It’s got such a Madonna 80’s vibe to it.It comes with matching boots and fishnets too! Grab it at Vixens, for a limited time only.


I hope after last week’s vampire post, you all stayed in the Lunas Boutiqe group. I did 😛 and looky what I got today. “Purple Disco Dream” baby, love it!


And last but by no means least, something that is most certainly not free, but worth every penny and more. This stunning, delicate lingerie is the RFL outfit from Fancy Fairy. You can get it for 150L, I paid more, cos I love it, and the money goes to a good cause. Ash Out

Not Free


Lingerie In Pic 5
Fancy Fairy RFL Item

Slaves & Shamrocks from Guest Blogger Glamouramama Boa

March 10, 2009

Being a new Second Life Fetish Pornographer with a new pulp pornographic magazine titled SLag featuring sexy pierced and tattooed naked ladies & sexual fetish related articles (shameless plug to check out our blog and look for the mag after April 5th in world and on, I’ve been learning a lot more about the love of Latex and other equally as kinky materials in costumes, boots, and other *ahem* accessories. So I’d like to share some almost freebies for your inner fetish freak as well as some slave lulz, because I like a nice balance of intense kinky sex and many many laughs…though maybe not at the same time.

My good friend introduced me to the hilarious limited time dollarbie slave girls which is a part of an Avatar Pack, and i have not taken these ladies off since they crawled their way into my inventory. Not only do these blow up like slave attachments make my avatar look like a Mistress pimp, but I can’t stop giggling incessantly in RL as I see my favorite neglected slave who is positioned on the longest leash the furthest away from the group. Plus, it is a fabulous conversation starter in world when you are out and about shopping for some gags or strap ons, you won’t believe how many interesting people i’ve met since I got these bad girls. I’d hop on over asap and pick yourself up the “The Most Sadly Infamous Manstress of all time” Avatar.


The first Latex ensemble is the “Tease” catsuit from Plausable body which you can find amongst a handful of Open Price Items (where you pay what you can, whether it’s $1 or $100). It has a few style options, 2 different types of bottoms (fitted or not) and an option for “cutouts” in the chestical area of your avatar.

Glam Doghouse Slave

I shed my usual red locks to don the hair styles from the Feb. 28th Release Gift at House of Hearts, with the blonde style blogged earlier by Eden. House of Hearts hair styles are some of my favorite in all of SL (probably because I have crazy curly hair in RL which I can often emulate in SL). Mia Snow of the fabulous MiaSofia store dropped the new amazing Photo FX frame attachment (NOT FREE) on me and I immediately tried them all, finding this could be wonderful inspiration for photogs. All you do is attach it and take a screenshot and you’re golden. I’ve got the Old Photo 5 on in the close up photo, there are 16 option variety pack with frames and key holes. Speaking of the lovely Mia Snow (I think everyone knows by now her skins feel like they were made for my full figured shape), I’m also wearing the limited lucky chair MiaSofia skin as Ach blogged in her adorable rainbow outfit post.

Glam CU Frame

I’m half Irish and 100% freak, so for Saint Patrick’s Day I found a fun latex dollarbie at a tiny store called Cortes N’ Rossini. I must say I kind of felt like a Lucky Charms super hero in this get up, I was just missing my clover mask! The ensemble has a long prim skirt and appropriately places shamrocks on a nice green latex catsuit, so I say you surprise your Irish pals not only with a kiss but a little latex lovin’.

Shamrock Glam 1

Shamrock Glam 2

SO that’s it for me, Thanks to Creamy that sexy slag for letting me blog something a little more offbeat and dirtier than everyday streetwear, and hopefully I’ll be back with some more intimate kinky additions for your wardrobe.


(1st outfit)
Slaves – Part of The Harpie Hawkbreath Avatar Pack – ($1)
Latex Catsuit – Plausable Body – (Open Price)
Hair – Bailey in Candy from House of Hearts Feb. 28th release gift – (free)
Skin – MiaSofia (limited lucky chair skin)

LipRing – Unruly – ($50) –
Photo FX Frame – MiaSnow – (L$120 for 16 option variety pack)
Boots – Angelique’s Fashion – Overknees in Pink – ($20)

(2nd Outfit)
St. Patricks Day Latex – Cortes N’ Rossini – ($1 gift in store)
(also another $1 New Years Baby outfit still out)
Hair – Maria Sandy – House of Hearts Feb. 28th release gift (free)

Not Free Now:
Skin – Tuli Emily Light Freckle Coal – (Old group gift)

Dress Up Dolly

January 11, 2009

Remember those amazing boots from Shi?


These amazing latex boots got sent out to the group this morning. They’re so detailed and just yummy.


I thought I’d take a trip down to the store as I hadn’t been there in a while, and good job I did too! I found this full doll outfit (mask not shown) for free! You get everything you need to turn you into a latex dolly, gloves, boots, posture collar and mask included.


A few days ago, Creams did an awesome post on a limited time freebie at Elemiah. Another store I hadn’t been to in ages either. I found heaps of stuff around, most for free, there were also some 30L outfits (not shown) item camps and a lucky chair.


I love these dresses, being summer here, they fit my mood perfectly.


And some yummy casual tops, something a girl can never have enough of! Now it’s back to doing laundry….EMO SAD, must be time for Falloutboy 😉 Ash out.

Hair (not free)

Jeans (1L)

Hoofies (not free)

Bald For Bandana Day!

September 7, 2008

It’s been Banadana day for me already here (future girl), and I wore mine all day, and so did my daughter!! We got some funny looks in the stupor market at 8am doing our shopping though, but hey, it was only Coles!!


You can grab this super smexy outfit from Sn@tch. You’ll find it near the live models, along with a secret freebie somewhere on the wall… secret in fact I couldn’t find it XD!! Not too surprising really as for most of the day, people were fluffy clouds for me, and buildings totally failed to rez.




These lovely dresses can be found in the lucky chair at MM Fashion. The letter changes every 10 mins, so you won’t have to wait too long!! There’s also a lovely group freebie still available at the time of posting, as well as some instore freebies, including an amazing Halloween dress that I couldn’t show as I was having serious attachment issues.


And last but not least, this gorgy lingerie from Simply Rose. You can pick it up for a linden in store, and also some yummy boxers for the boys. Can’t wait to see some of the bald/bandana looks people come up with tomorrow, it will be the highlight of a blah rl work day!!

Non Freebs
Lazy places

