Archive for the ‘Leggings’ Category


January 20, 2009

I’m so happy, I managed to get all my backlog of stuff done today…wooohooooo!

Therefore I had some time to blog a few freebies over the past few days. I just threw them all together in a big mish-mash of prints, but then I do that in RL too, throw it all on and hope for the best!

The pretty denim dress is a new group gift in store at Miu , wear your group tag and touch the sign, the spotty leggings are free at C’est la vie at Aventi Island . These can be worn as leggings or socks and come in 3 colours.


Big thankyou to Nan Ohl who sent me a note about this beautiful oriental skin from Tink Fairy, there are 2 makeups in a box on the floor only at the Passion Mall location.

The hat/hair I won on a lucky board at W&Y, the hat changes colour/pattern with a click and comes in short and long style (boys can wear it too)


Oooh I couldnt resist showing you my little pet chick, it has little animated flappy wings. You can find this in the ::plod:: information group notices.


This is the same W&Y hat/hair worn on a boy and I thought I would dress him up in one of the fantastic free suits at the :*WAvE.:* store, which Suri blogged here.


Mary Dress: Miu group gift in store
Leggings: (0L) C’est la vie at Aventi Island location only
Hat/Hair W&Y, lucky board
Skin: tf_skin_normal_make up Free Tink Fairy at Passion Mall
Muggy Boots: Kookie group gift (look in notice archives)

On Him
Suit by :*WAvE.:* (0L) SEE SURI’s POST for more freebies there
Skin by Belleza (previous free gift)
Hat/Hair W&Y, lucky board

little chicken – ::plod:: information group gift (look in notice archives)

Too many goodies to list in this title

November 22, 2008

I’m multitasking right now, watching a movie (What Lies Beneath..AGAIN and getting freaked out), doing this blog post and talking on IM, oh and drinking wine.

MAI who I featured a few days ago on this blog has now released a gift skin and it is wonderful. TP to the store, join the group by touching the group joiner and then touch the sign for the skin


Also, Tuli has a new range in store called sUmi. She has given a pair of beautiful bright pink shoes away to the group and also you will find the leggings (colourable) and zebra stillettos for free in store. The dress and socks worn is also by sUmi, these are not free, my L’s were burnin a hole in my virtual pocket when i saw these. The sUmi range is in the right back corner of the store.

mai_tuli 1
Free shoes, pink Tuli group gift, and the zebra are free in the store

mai tuli 2

Ohhhh and Katat0nik has a fabby new free dress too…actually 3….in these gorgeous colours and they come with matching leggings.

mai tuli 3


Also worn (not free)
bracelets by Kookie
Hair by Cake

I’m off to watch the rest of this movie now, arghghghg

Hunting at DYN & Sexy Sole Sister

November 20, 2008

DYN is another fab store which I have never been to before, you wouldn’t believe it but I don’t get much time to go shopping any more, what with Free*Style and griefing on sex sims. I’m so behind the times 😦

I decided to give my friend Hiro a break from stalking me and get him to model the mens outfit which includes the trainers, jeans, sweater and scarf.

Despite some technical issues and gay poses we managed to get some half decent photo’s.

“Hiro Geesink: SL is yanking on my thrups”

In the girls’ prizes you get this cutely casual outfit which includes shoes, leggings, skirt and top.


Very nice shooooz too.


This hunt is on for a week so plenty of time to get there. Hunt for the silver bags, 4 for girls and 4 for boys.


Other items I am wearing (not free)
Sakura Skin: Redgrave (yes I succumbed to temptation)
Lola Hair by Cake

I’m cramming this post full of loads of yummers which kept appearing during my time in SL over the past 2 days

Beautiful skin store, MAI, has some freebies in store. This lush, sexy lingerie, gives me a body to die for, I could kiss myself and like it. Also in store are free eyes and nails.

28 nov mai

Holy waaaah! Look at this barely there dress which is from The Used
EDIT: THIS DRESS IS NO LONGER FREE, I had no idea it was only free for a limited time (seems it was a very short limited time as it was free this morning)

20 nov dress
Woops only just noticed I didn’t sort the skirt prim on the right pic. A minor adjustment and it would fit like a dream.

Hair and Skin by Redgrave (not free)

Next up, moar shooz. Sole Sister is another store which is new to me, gorgeous shoes and check out all the 1L pairs. Yeesssss all of these.

20 nov sole sister

Last but definitely not least, while I was finishing off this post, I received this amazing coat and gloves set from Pixel Dolls (subscribo group gift), TP to the store, touch the sign, touch it again and choose History Option 1


This coat is pure quality as all PixelDolls creations, there are many more colours to buy in store.

Also worn (not free)
Kalia Hair, Philotic Energy
Leggings by Kyoot

Golden Age

October 5, 2008

I’m having a golden moment, sitting in our brand new ‘office’ (errr, well, the tiny room upstairs where I used to hide my ironing, now has a desk in it). The sun shining down on me from the window and a I have a cold bottle of Corona sitting in front of me.

Here’s some lush golden clothes to match my mood. Funky, foxy metallic gold Metallic Shine leggings from a cool store called League, subscribomatic group gift. TP to the store, touch the sign, touch it again and choose History, Option 1 and it’s yours (until the owner removes it, so hurry)


Amazing corset piercing which was a group gift from Frick , but you can now get it on the lucky chair, downstairs in the store.


I wanted to show you the front view of these leggings without spreading my virtual breasticles all over the feed, so a perfect opportunity to wear this cute Cuppycake Tank Top, 1L from Pink Fuel


Wooot! An excuse to play this wicked new song, Golden Age by TV On The Radio.

Metallic Shine leggings : League, subscribomatic group gift
Corset Piercing : Frick (lucky chair gift)
Cuppycake Tank : Pink Fuel (1L)
Berri Hair in Barley : Truth (1L for full colour pack)
Rejuvenate – Fossil (halloween) skin : Truth subscribomatic group gift
Katia Demi d’Orsay Wedges – Zebra : SKG (5L for limited time)


September 23, 2008

MINE!! That’s all I have to say about that one!! Cept, “Take that eeevil lucky board from hell!!”

K I’ll compose myself now!! Desdemona Young dropped a note on me to let me, and yooos know that SD Wear has had a major facelift and expansion. What to do with some extra room? Put up a dollarbie wall of course!!

You can get these items and many more on the wall, and if you have a bit of cash spare, nothing is over 200L in the whole store! Can’t get better than that!

The shoes……….ah the shoes!! As blogged by the srsly smexy Creams here, (she’s def a 12 camel chick) theres lotsa stuff happening at Shoe Fly at the moment. The gorgy glass stillettos weren’t free but I got em half price with the nifty store card system that CCTV has in place. The hot pepper ones in the last pic are only 100L if you wear your group tag, and as said group has reached over 2000 members, that means a gifty for you!! Stay tuned, it should be sent out some time this week.

Pic 1
Lo*momo Lucky Board


Rest Of Pics
SD Wear

Not Free
Pic 1
Unique Needs

Pics 2&3
Hair and Arm Warmer Glove Thingos
Gritty Kitty

High Tops

Pics 3&4

Shoe Fly

Something Fishy Going on

September 22, 2008

Ah the emergency room… old friend, how I missed you. It’s been at least a couple of months since my last visit there, I had almost forgotten the um..specialness of it all!! *Almost* Mini me had a spill at daycare today, after she was allowed to run around on polished floors with wet feet….oy. This doesn’t make much sense for a co-ordinated adult, let alone a boisterous 3 and a half year old.

Once safely home and ice pack applied to a very purple and swollen chin, madam passed out. Usually after daycare, she’s raring to go, full of the day’s excitement and such. So the falling asleep tres early left me with an unusual amount of time on my hands. Time to pwn some lucky chairs!! Well actually just the Fishy Strawberry one, cos my other nemesis at Lo*momo remains unclaimed…….for now!

I got this gorgy dress from Salon De Pigeon Blanc. It’s a 10 min item camp, I needed a break from glaring at the Lo*momo lucky board XD!

These cuties are also from Salon De Pigeon Blanc, you’ll find them on the wall next to the camp stool. I luff the leggings, they suit my Q down to a T. A perfect way to still wear a short skirt in the cooler months doncha think?

Pic 1
Fishy Strawberry Lucky Chair

Kumamoto Japan

Pics 2&3
Salon De Pigeon Blanc Item Camp

Shoes (not free)
Unique Needs

Pics 4&5
Salon De Pigeon Blanc

Shoes (not free)
Unique Needs

Hair worn throughout

Veezy Breezy

September 14, 2008

Vylorna Demar from Veezy left me a note a couple of days ago, alas my preoccupation with my Q got the better of me till today!! She’s redoing her store, and we benefit as a consequence!!!

Everything is half off,and there’s a whole heap of new dollarbies to be had. The black pants shown are part of the sale, the rest are the dollarbies.

I can’t wait to see what yummy newness she comes up!! And speaking of yummy newness, (yes I mean you Ms Sakuradawn!!) I’m being tortured beyond belief by the cutest elf in the world!! But enough I cry!! You gave me permission to hunt you down and make you release those boots, I believe that time is now XD! Please save Phil’s Place from my emo whining, it could soon escalate to very unladylike tantys, and all sortsa other really embarrassing behaviour. I’m off now to leave a row of “please” all over your flickr pics 😉

Outfits (pants not free)

Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Hair (not free)
Deviant Kitties

It’s time to get your cosies on and enjoy a bit of butt sex

September 10, 2008

It’s nearly Autumn in my part of the world, so that means it’s time to start wearing our warm cosy stuff.

Lookie here, ever so generous and lovely Machang from Aoharu is giving away a pair of fluffy, chunky Mouton boots…so cute! You will find these in the on the wall on the far side of the shoe store and are only available for a few days.


Check out these luffly ‘welcome to country’ leggings with wallpaper pattern knee pads, a group gift from Royal Blue (in 4 different colours and knee patterns). Marni also kindly sent some to our Free*Style group too.

Want something else cosy to wear? Then you need this sweater which is only 1L from I-Candy, it’s unisex and with a fluffy trimmed hood which comes in 2 sizes with 2 colour fur trims..


Kylarai at I-Candy has made some really cute new boots called Smooshie and has put the Skullerfly ones (shown below) on the lucky chair, I’ve got a similar pair of these in RL with Bambi on them, my favie boots! These boots also come in various patterns to buy and are only 200L.


Also in store you will find loads more 1L items, including this flouncy frou-frou skirt which I love.


Look around the store and you will find all sorts of 1L items and great deals such as high tops for only 10L.

Ghetto blaster bag (1L)

Duck Slippers (1L), you will find the T-shirt and bracelets worn here at that store which smells of fish and strawberry’s that Ashia has blogged previously, what’s it called again? Ooh yes, Fishy Strawberry, it’s right across the bridge from I-Candy. You won’t believe this but it was my first visit there and I loved it.


Ooh and while you are in I-Candy , remember to pick up this yummy crumpet for 1L to keep your energy levels up.


Of course, I couldn’t resist a purchase, and true to form I had to choose the most crude item possible, this ‘Butt Sex’ t-shirt (100L).


Moutan Boots – Aoharu (0L) for 3 days
Leggings – Royal Blue (Group Gift)
Skullerfly Boots (Lucky Chair) Skirt / Hooded Top / Bag / Crumpet (all 1L) – I-Candy
Hair: Tekuteku, found in the hunt (0L) – See Miu’s post HERE for more
Bracelets and Fish Soup Tee: Fishy Strawberry(0L)

Not Free
Birthday Suit – Sienna – Shimmer: M&R Cupcakes

More Random Coolness

May 5, 2008


This is a super quick post, my frikkin laptop is being a biatchipoo again and has reset the clock, it’s been displaying as an hour behind what the actual time is, trying to confuse me…it’s way past my bedtime.

Random Fashions is giving away even more great gifts, a unisex pair of white skinny jeans and some tops and leggings for girls. If you would like these, TP to the store and click the subscribomatic sign, click it again and choose history option 1.

So, for the girls, we have 3 pairs of leggings and tops in various colours which can be worn with the flouncy prim bit or just as a vest top.




random1_008 random1_009

The white jeans also part of the Random group are unisex. The Top Gun style flight jacket also worn here is only 1L from Diversity (possibly only for a limited time so get this mucho quickness). This jacket is guys but it looks good on us girlies too.

This IS a guy in case you were in any doubt 😀

and this one is female…look she’s got bewbs!

One more thing…Gigi Couture has given away a wearable kawaii backpack which contains a LOVE top to the group, search Gigi and join the Gigi Couture group for these and lots of other great items. The super sexy jeans worn here, which I have previously blogged, are also still in the group notices.



Ever felt like I was rushing to get out of here?…I’m outta here. Ni nites xx

Tops/Leggings/White Jeans: Random Fashions (subscribomatic group gift)
Flight Jacket:
Diversity (1L)
Gigi Couture (Group Gift)
Jessica Skin by Cake (not free)
Lil Diva Hair by Cake (not free)
Male Skin by Random at Gnubie Store (free/1L)
Rick Hair by Random at Gnubie Store (free/1L)
Chucks: Akeyo (not free)

Will provide the links for these tomorrow

More Fuel at Fuel

May 4, 2008

Hallo Avatars!

I have a Sunday morning reminder for you. The free goodies at Fuel are only available until 12pm today (Sunday), so hurry on down and get them mucho quickness. The Sky hair which I blogged a couple of days ago is inside the store and there’s lots of other items for girls and boys on a little market stall to the left of the entrance, cool unisex tops, boots, jewellery and leggings can be found there.

These tops are suitable for males and females as they come in 2 lengths.

more fuel_004

These superdooper boots are available in various colours, for freeee (click pics for a closer look)

more fuel_003 more fuel_002

Not forgetting the boi’s, you must go get these before they are gone. These are an essential cool item in your virtual wardrobe.

more fuel_008

more fuel_007

Tops/Jewellery/Sky Hair/Leggings/Boots and Tattoo’s: Fuel **free until 12pm SLT today**
Black Mini Skirt: Part of a free outfit from Tuli
Mens Jeans: Elephant outfitters (1L)
Reckless Mink Hair: Exile (Group Gift – Search Exile Gear and look in notice archives)
Luna Skin: Emporio Caproni (not free)
Justin Eyeliner Skin: Good Life (not free)