Archive for the ‘Leotard’ Category

Pure as the driven snow..oh yes

November 28, 2008

Some Crimbo foxyness here for you. A new Xmas gift at Bijou and its wonderous! Big thankies to Gogo for TPing me to this, she’s got her eye on that Fashion Feed (unlike me)

I roped in a couple of smexy friends to take pics with me, Gattina Dumpling (of Hotel Dare ) in the black and Kookie Lemon in the white. Freezing our arses off Mudshake, the cutest place for all your Winter goodies, (you can buy everything you see in the background on these pics.)


Gattina dutifully poses whilst Kookie and I hump the snowman, he’s so hot (or not)


Tis freezing work standing out in the snow in inappropriate footwear (in mine and Gatt’s case) Kookie is wearing her own creation, these gorgeous warm booties which Suri previously blogged here on special offer in her store.


So we retreat inside the cosy cabin and I read them a filthy, pornographic story, cos that’s the way we roll!


Outfits 3 colours, including the hood with hair – Bijou (free)
Skate Shoes on Creamy: ShoeFly (not free)
Kookie’s Boots: Kookie (95L special offer)
Gatt’s Shoes: probably Stiletto Moody knowing her 😉

Get yer Madges out!

May 3, 2008

Last night, I had too much wine and this happened….

Miu sent a notice to the group about a free Madonna outfit and poses at a cute Japanese store called AC Girl, so off Adaire and I went to check it out (I was in my skimpy knickers – where else can you go shopping in your undercrackers than SL?…woot!)

Sooooo, I TP’d Morgan of Digital Eyes over too as she’s always up for a laugh. We decided the 3 of us should take pics for the Free*Style blog. This outfit consists of a pink leotard and two eyewatering Madonna-esque ‘I’m so flexible for 50’ type poses, so where else could we go but a gym. I remembered about this fantastically realistic gym called SLeek so off we went…

3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005…………………1000!! Work it betches! Yep we really were that good !

Time goes by….so slowly….

Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock…

Dun dun dunnnn, In walks the Hummer Corleone, the gym owner – who is a total Adonis…we don’t appear too keen here do we?


Water bottle betch fight

Check out Morgan’s video:

Believe it or not, I’m still aching today!

Pink Madonna Leotards and floor poses: AC Girl (free)
Water bottles, towels, use of all equipment and ogle and gorgeous owner: SLeek (free)

Finally a big thanks to Hummer for tolerating our unladylike behaviour 😉 I highly recommend you visit SLeek, it’s not just a gym, there’s a nice beach and stores too.