Archive for the ‘Limited Time Giveaways’ Category

All good things come to an end.

April 13, 2009

By all good things I mean my long weekend. By come to an end I mean I had to drag myself into work today like a dead weight. I must be coming down from a sugar high or somesuch!


EDIT: The pic that was here has been temp removed as the dress posted had a glitch 😦
Tuli sent out a truly stunning skin to her group today, although it came with a sobering message. Named “Faith” as it’s something we could all use, and can never have too much of. My thoughts are with Tuli and her family, lets all send her some good vibes and positive energy 🙂 The skin has beautiful painted lashes, luscious lips and comes in three tones, so y’all are catered for 😛


A new store is something I always get excited about. Kayla Radikal sent me a card letting me know about a lucky chair at Grim Kitteh. While I wasn’t lucky enough to win the skirt, I did this super cute outfit for joining the subscribo. I’ve paired it with some of my fave (not free) acessories, you can grab the slurls for those down below. Now I need some caffeine…stat. Ash Out.

Pic 1
Prim & Pixel
Tuli Group Gift
Hair (not free)

Pic 2
Grim Kitteh Subscribo join gift
Tuli Group gift
Hair (not free)
Legwarmers (not free)
Sweet Leonard
Tattoo (not free)
Custom Inkz
Collar (not free)
Cats Of A Feather


April 1, 2009

Oh god I hate it when I wake up, and it’s raining, been raining all night. Dark skies at 7am are just wrong. Specially on a Weds, specially when mini Ash decided at 2.30am that there was no way on earth she could sleep in her own bed. Specially when she takes up my whole damn bed.

Van Stantz, he makes me happy, in fact he makes me squee. These amazing boots are yours for free, for a limited time at EvA. As always, they are scripted sculpts of yum, and we are spoilt rotten. Be sure to fangirl Van and Evangeline if you see them!

Next we have a gorgeous opening dollarbie from Amaranthus, a new project from Elbereth Nightfire of Star Kindler fame. This is a bit of a departure from the jewelery we are used to from this talented designer, featuring Victorian gothic pieces that are just stunning. The perfect foil for these gorgy silks from Silk & Satyr, also an opening gift. Do hit up the subscribo, and do spend lots of lindens in this yummy store, it’s my first choice for silks…….srsly.


And here is where Ash got thoroughly fed up today!!! Ash and Q were looking decidedly similar, so here we have the new (for the moment) Ash! I’m prob the only one that can tell the difference, but that kinda counts..right?!



I haven’t posted about the cutest store on the grid for awhile. Lo*momo long ago claimed that title in my books, and there has been no contender since!! Shown here are a mixture of group gifts (avail in store with tag activated) dollarbies and the Bunny Hop gift. Ohh and there’s 2 lucky boards there now, both dresses eluded me, but they are stunning. And now I suppose I shall drag myself off to do something semi useful, Ash out.

Pic 1
Hair (not free)

Pic 2
Silk And Satyr Group Gift
Hair (not free)
Amaranthus opening Dollarbie

Pics 3,4,5

Hair (not free)

Hoofies (not free)
Lazy Places

Skin worn Throughout
Seduction Cupcakes Group Gift


March 29, 2009

Oh what a beautiful morning, the sun is shining in Sydney (and in sl, cos it’s always sunny in Ash’s world :P) Mini Ash is at pre school, I don’t have to start work till a bit later, housework=done, washing=done, inv sorting kinda done?! Not bad for a Monday morning.


Even better than all the above, look at the amazing things I logged into today. First is today retiring dollarbie from Lemania. Tapika sent me an IM saying this is a must have, I 100% agree with her. Eggplant Elegance is the kinda dress you’d wear while dancing the night away with a significant other (without a hint of hooing!!) I needed a skin to go with it, to do the dress justice, and despite going through my 70895709785723563854057 collections of skins I was coming up empty. Till a group gift from the Cupcakes group landed in my inv! This is the new line “Seduction” and if you adore Lovespell, this skin is for you. It is just stunning. Rosemary and Mimi just get better and better with each release and this is my favorite so far. The lips are absolutely amazing, and this makeup features a gorgeous irridescent eyeshadow and liner. At this stage, there are 8 tones available, 10 makeups per tone, so get to demoing!


The super cute bikini shown here is part of the April gift from Voodoo Baby. There is a men’s gift available too, as well as unisex flip flops (thongs to us Aussies!) Aren’t these boots scrummy!!! They are free for a limited time from Wik’s Wardrobe. I love the Burberry pattern, and the red soles are to die for, I have been cammed on my feet for ages, yes I’m strange I know!! The hair shown is not free, but there is a massive sale going on atm at Aden, so all hair is 50L. I think it’s a closing sale. I sincerely hope not, because I love Aden’s hair and skins and we really don’t need to loose another awesome content creator. Ash Out.

Pic 1
Sedution By Cupcakes (group gift)
Hair (not free)
Necklace (not free)

Pic 2
Voodoo Baby
Wik’s Wardrobe
Hair (not free)
Skin (not free)


March 5, 2009

So far this week has blown bucketloads. It must be a full moon over here, it really does bring the crazies out, all of whom seem to want to talk to me during RL work. I have felt the urge several times to headbutt my desk while chanting over and over “go away”. Unfortunately there is no reasoning with the insanity that is my job, so I’ll have to content myself with plotting the death of the IT dick who created our website instead…..satisfying 😛


Thank god for pretty clothes from one of my favie designers. Project Kiwi is a store I’ve blogged a couple of times and have really enjoyed seeing the newness from there. This gorgeous denim number is a linden for a limited time. You’ll find it at the main store with the new releases. Other colours are available for full price too, if green ain’t your thang and such. I’ve shown it with a necklace from Shiny Things, that is a part of a set, not free, but very versatile due to the nifty gem change script.


These shirts are also a linden from Project Kiwi, again only for a limited time. The jeans! A new store Miasma has these in the fortune teller. You can never have enough jeans in your inv, srsly!


Staying with Miasma, you’ll find this cute tank in the camping chairs, along with all sorts of other goodies, such as a tail and jelly bracelets. Yay for awesome new stores!


And last but not least, Leigh in our chatbox talked this up so much I had to grab it! While not free, this pack from Pacadi (formerly Maeva) is choc full of yummy stuff. You’ll get the dress, necklace, a skin, and 57457 pairs of leggings on all layers! 295L isn’t too much to pay for a preview of the new clothing line, grab it while you can. Now time to get mini Ash so we can play dress ups yay! Ash Out.

Not Free


Lazy Places

Totally Twisted

March 4, 2009

Firstly, a hearty welcome to all our new guest bloggers, especially Ms Eden who I have pestering for months to start blogging! Now you all can appreciate her razor wit as much as I do, yay!


I’m gonna start things off quite sedately with this gorgeous, classy number from A Piece Of Candy. A store I haven’t blogged for ages (shame on me!) You’ll find this, some skins and 2 other outfits in the latest subscribo gift.


And here we have “Jazz Baby” from the ever generous Ms Lemania. Shown here with the stunning “Kept” choker I picked up from Sable Rose as part of the massive Twisted Hunt. There’s a lock and key version in the folder and both are my new sloves.


And speaking of the Twisted hunt, I thought I’d show a few of my faves. I know it’s been all over the feed, but hopefully my faves don’t clash with anyone else’s!! These silks are from Subtle Submission, and I adore them. They come with the wrist and ankle chains shown, and cover quite a bit more than regular silks, perfect for shyer wearers!


This is the gift from Blueblood, shown with the most amazing hair from Burning Chrome. Apart from the yummy hunt gifts, you’ll also find mucho goodness at the main store, and hit up the group too, a little bird tells me there’s something waiting for you 😛


I love love this dress from Skinzor, shown with incredible stompers from Self Expression. I’m only up to 20 something out of 103 pressies, so far some have been easy to find, others really really hard. Best advice I can give is de prim, take your time and above all have fun with it. If you can’t find a gift, move on to the next. There’s a list of the stores participating on the blog, and it’s not the end of the world if you have to leave a gift till later. And for the love of all things holy, don’t be an asshat kthnx 😛 Ash Out.

Amazing Shtuff That Ain’t Free



February 23, 2009

Not only is my remote desk top having Mondayitis (making work a sodding nightmare) but apparently my Photoshop is also having conniptions. However I haz pretties to show, come hell or high water!


An ode to a bygone era of glamor and elegance from Lemania called Ginger. You have less than 24 hours to grab it before it’s retired forever. It’s Oscar day over at Lemania’s too, so you never know what other lushness you’ll find!


This is a yummy group gift from Sweeter Than Candy, and evidence of how Photoshop is being a complete hoar for me! The dress is all nude, not nude and cyan as shown here *shakes fist at computer* Also gave me a chance to wear my fave boots from 69, that while aren’t free are bloody awesome!


My Yohane from Strayer has done it again with a funky, quirky number, that while isn’t for everyday wear is so fun I had to camp it up. There’s boy’s and girl’s versions in the group gift, thanks Yohane! Shown here with freebie sunnies from Redgrave and BRIGHT PINK BOOTS (Suri) from Vinyl Cafe. Now I shall skulk off back to work and pray that by some miracle, the database has fixed itself, yes even I have a dream 😛 Ash Out.

Non Freebs


Words N Stuff

February 21, 2009

Urgh sleepless night. I’ve been productive though, trying to Photoshop myself to sleep! I find myself looking at things in SL, builds, textures and such, and wonder how much of the was borne of a sleepless night.


I know we don’t normally show furniture but this was too good to pass up! My friend Julez Odigaunt has a really cute, quirky store called The Julia Collection. She makes beautiful pieces, with hidden poses for you to find. Until March 1st, you can grab this Teatime Chair for an L. That’s an unbelievable bargain, go grab it now!


These outfits started as a post on Welma’s blog. I saw the dress on her and had to have it. The Freesia dress shown below is from Ambrosia. There’s a box in the Aventi Isle store, you vote for the store and get the dress. There are really gorgeous dresses of all kinds here.


In most of them, you get two skirt options, a babydoll or a more flowy skirt.


The ones shown here are an L each, the Freesia one is free.


Even the full price dresses are so reasonable, starting from 40L. It’s totally the store to go to if cutesy is your thing. The beautiful, delicate skin is from Yome Shoujo. You’ll find it in a box on the floor, to your left as you land. Don’t forget to check out the 5 lucky boards at the back of the store and the other freebies scattered around.


Also a huge massive thank you to Laleeta and Dove, who have totally helped on the pose front. Now I’m back to my usual picture taking times, instead of trawling through my poses for an hour looking for the right ones. heart you girls 😛 Ash Out.

Not Free

Huuuge, Massive Post!

February 20, 2009

I’m so happy happy this morning!! I have the house to myself again as I had given my roomie notice, and he’s gooooone!! I know it’s mean to celebrate so much, but some people you can live with and some….well lets just say you can’t 😛 The concurrent theme for this post is lucky chair exclusives. Those precious outfits you can only win from the chair.



This first set is from Dare Designs. A new to me store, but it’s a one stop for just about everything you could want! There’s 4 lucky chairs for girls, a midnight mania board, clothes galore, boots *pauses for breath* and if that’s not enough, you also get a gift when you join the subscribo! Phew. Thank you so much to Dare Munro for letting me know about his yummy store, I’ll be sending Q in with some cash later today 😉 The outfit is called STFU, and will be in the chair for about a week, so pack the place out ppl! You get all these options and more in the one box, a ton of ways to wear it.


These bits of hawtness are from +DV8+ and match the boots I posted a couple of weeks ago. There’s also an exclusive colour in the riotvend with matching boots, so get crowding!! Thanks Vasha. The skin shown here is a pick reward from Little Bird. The AYC skin is just luminous and innocent looking, I looove. You know the drill with pick rewards, add the store, wait a bit touch the thingo and away you go!


The next dresses are from the Glitterati Goodie Table. Shown are 2 dresses from T2T and DCNY. There’s also gifts from CNS, Arsnova, Rock Me Amadeus and probably much more that I missed due to copious blue screens.



These skins! More lushness from Lazolli, 7 new skins to be precise. I always feel terribly grown up when I wear these skins, I know, I’m completely odd! And looky! I haz Gummi Bears on my neck, thanks to Sanu 😛 You can get the Gummy Love Rainbow set from the lucky chair. You get a choker and 4 monocles, they’re so real looking, if I could work out a way to lick my own neck I would!! Ash out.

Stuff That’s Not Free, But You Know You Want
Discord Designs

Skin In Pics 1&2

Silver Collar

Fashion Week

February 17, 2009

The lure of RUNWAY Fashion Week proved all too much for me last night, when I found myself at a loose end, and not a scrap of tiredness!! So I sent Q along, with her teeny, tiny, perfectly ordered inventory to have a look see.


I was more than stoked to see Silk & Satyr has a booth there. Not only did they give away a massive bag of stuff in their spot, they also included gifts in the official RUNWAY gift bag. ThomasD Felisimo has always been the epitome of generous and this is no exception. The collar shown here is part of the gift and is called “Impassioned Collar-Dina’s Favorite” I think it’ll become Q’s favorite too!


This set is called “Nauteh Scots” with male and female versions. Made me think of our fearless leader Creams and her love for all things tartan 😛 All sets come with a “wax job” (skin coloured undies) as most of these silks are prim only.


“Return To Eden” made me chuckle, it takes some adjusting to get it to sit in the right place though, so be prepared to spend some time on it. There’s many many more gifts and gorgeous clothes to see, make sure you take the time to look at it all at RUNWAY Fashion Week.


I’m not sure if this has been blogged, but I hadn’t unpacked it yet from Q’s inv, so it’s new to me! A valentines gift from the Thimbles group. It was too cute not to show and suits curvier Q down to a t!


This yummy dress was a group gift from Ookami Ningen. Join the group and head to the main store to get yours. There was much happiness as the skirt has a resize script FTW. I never realised how much of a difference a few points to the right on the slider scale would make, both in terms of how clothes fit, how poses look and the kind of AO one wears. I’m gonna persevere though, I like being curvy 😛 Ash Out.

Not Free Schtuff

KA Designs

Ballet Boots

With Love From The Biatchipoos

February 14, 2009


I know, I know, it’s just a hallmark holiday right? Even blackhearted cynical me got a wee bit sucked in this year. Not from the romance, but all the girls on my list giving cards and pressies and using today as an excuse to let us all know how they luff us. Romances have come and gone, but my girls, ah my girls, how I adore them, RL and SL. And of course, mush aside, a chance for me to get into lingerie (like I need much encouragement…ahem.)


First up we have this beautiful lingerie from Addoro Design. I love this style of undies, comfy yet terribly sexy. The pack comes with a necklace and bracelet too, perfectly matching.


What mushy day is complete without chocolate? Violet Morellet from Inorite, knows this and dropped these yummy treats on the subscribo group this morning, nomnomnom 😛 Thanks Violet!


This lingerie will be vanishing from Apple May Designs either today or tomorrow so grab it fast. The hair!! This is a gift from Beauty Avatar, I tinted it a wee bit darker than it originally was. But so terribly pretty I had to TP the biatchipoos to get it 😀 Seems like Lady Gaga is the style icon du jour! She was here in Sydney last week, and boy is she “out there”, lets just hope she doesn’t crash and burn too fast! And speaking of mah Biatchipoos, a funnier, more supportive group of ladies you will never find, heart juuuus girls. Ash Out.

Not free