Archive for the ‘Limited Time Giveaways’ Category

Ash Hearts SL

February 12, 2009

It’s true, I confess!! I’m adoring SL at the moment, not least because of the community spirit and generosity of my fellow gridmates. The last few days in SL and RL have blown me away and have given me the warm and fuzzies. Before we get to the clothes, again I would like to say a massive thankyou to everyone who has donated to the Bushfire appeal, be it their Lindens or their time to organise events or make special stuffs for you to buy. More on events a bit later in this post 😛 I appologise if any of the clothes I’m showing have been shown previously, I’ve had my head in Photoshop and also have been volunteering for the Red Cross taking donation calls. My time in SL has been brief to say the least.


First up we have this shexay number from Sweeter Than Candy. It comes with 2 skirts, a top and a bra, yay for options! You need to hit up the subscribo, if you haven’t done so already.


I love this group gift from Kunglers. It’s been awhile since I’ve worn something from there, but the gorgeousness always makes me feel good. Yes I cam on my own butt, sue me 😛 Shown here with a super cute collar from the Katatonik group. The full version available to buy in store is colour change scripted with 670899786878 options for metals, colours, textures etc.


New boots from Eva. Special, yummy delicious Valentines boots, grab em quick. They go so perfectly with this Anti Valentines tail from Volt, only available on Xstreetsl. I saw it on the Freebie Telegraph and had to make it mine, plus I sent it to all my gf’s too! The tail also terribly conveniently matches this gorgy group gift from Alchemy. It looks so cosy, which is how I need to feel right now, seeing as our heatwave seems to be over and I’m a total wussbag about the cold!



Vasha Martinek from +DV8+ sent me these amazing lucky chair specials awhile ago, apologies Vasha for me not posting them sooner. These colours can only be won from the chair, they will never be available to buy, so get stalking!

Announcing the Date for Down Under

And last but by no means least, my secret crush friend Winter Jefferson has organised for me to be sold into slavery a date auction for the Bushfire appeal. It will be held on Sunday 15th 7pm SLT at Seven Ultra. Click on Winter’s name for a fully detailed post about the party and event. All are welcome and Seven has waived the usual cover charge and dress code. Fair warning though, Kid has already bid 59L for me, and Winter has bid 60……ahem. Even if you dont bid, come party and have some funs! Ash out.

Not free
Ashia Designs

Bec Is Ok!

February 6, 2009

The lovely Ms Okrebecca has been spamming our chat box for ages with the bestest of tips, she’s so fast I can’t even pretend to keep up!! But this tip, I was all over it dood.


Not one, not two, but eight skins from Lazolli. All these scrummy makeups belong to the “Julia” range and they’re just so gorgeous.


The mouth is very pouty, I had to take mine down heaps, because as we all know, my av has a ridiculously large mouth 😛 That being said I love the lack of lipstick, and the focus on the eyes. The gorgeous hair is a Valentines gift from Aleri Darkes of Diversity. You get 5 Valentines type colours, ranging from red to silver, thanks Aleri!!


Our kat sent out a group gift at some point in the last 2 days (don’t ask me exactly when as I’m still not getting notices.) This super cute fishing Katty doll, a shopping bag and a tattoo. The dress shown is a 25L special for Valentines called Rina, prettiful huh!!


The black version is part of the Vain gridwide hunt, and is 0L just for you. Which brings me to the boots. It’s not often I read something that gets me totally inspired and fascinated, but when I do, look out!! For months now, Ash has had the free slave/mistress heels from DXD, Q has full versions of the slave heels thanks to a crazy friend of hers who likes to play dressup the slutty barbie!! But for all the times I had been to the store, I had never looked at anything else really, till I read this post. I was at work too when I read it, bouncing around in my seat, waiting for my break so I could log in and claim those boots as mine!!! Since the last time I had been to DXD, Mistress Xene Demina has been redecorating, and alot of the vendors were offline….EMO SAD. So the iron boots I covet are still not in my inv, and I had to make do with the ones shown here (totes not a hardship as they fucken rock!) They are my new loves, so much so, I bought a pair for Q and Ash. Now the boots and I need to be alone……..Ash out.

Non Free Hair


January 29, 2009

So it started on Plurk (I wonder how many of my posts will use that opening line from now on!) Addison posted the new releases from A-Bomb, and I’m all like WANT, and she’s like cool, and I’m like, fucking love those shirts and she’s like, I’ll drop em on ya, and I’m like, SHWEET.


Before we get to the shirts though, check the boots (yells “SURI”)! A-Bomb‘s released a whole load of fetishy goodness by way of Ballet boots. These ones aren’t free, but the black versions are 50% off till the weekend. You know you want them 😛 The yummy cami is from Hanamachi. You’ll find this is the lucky chair, Riko Kamachi was kind enough to let me know.


And here they are, the new loves of my slife. Rude, obnoxious shirts with some very apt sayings 😉 Shown here with a skin I call “You Got Shanked” in honor of our main store moving to the HORST sim. It features cuts, bruises, broken ribs, ass bruises (at Abra’s request, she’s like twisted yo), vein stuff ooh and the bestest bush you ever did see! No landing strip here, cos the last thing one does when being a prison junkie is have a wax. When we’re done building and put stuff in the store, this will be there too, it’ll be pay what you wish, and will have all 5 tones from the Timeless range.


Also in light of the recent, ahem, dramz in our comments, this shirt is quite possibly my all time favie ever. Check out Sileny’s take here. Welcome back btw missy 😉 Also it matches our new tagline for the blog, cos it’s all about matching! Ash out.

Hair (not free)

Yay Me!

January 27, 2009

Abra, darling Abra, I blame you ya know. Having resisted plurky goodness for ages and ages (I had an acount but never used it) I am now utterly addicted. You can find me here, crapping on about stuff and things!


Angie Dryke sent me a LM very early this morning for a store called Cybernetic. For today only you can get the fecking gorgeous skin shown above for free. I even remembered to send a notice to the group, double yay me!! The super cute dress is from the lucky chair at *Sisters*. The wonderful Eden TP’d me in, and bless her didn’t ask why I was wearing a Slutty McSlutterson prison uniform and no shoes, that’s a troo friend!


My favorite pant maker in SL has set out another dollarbie for you to enjoy. Get thee to Strayer to grab these rockin pants. The gorgy top and shrug were part of this weeks group gift from Sweeter Than Candy, really pretty colour candace, thank you so much!


And another dress from Sisters, my letter came up twice in a row, there was much happiness 😛 The lovely boots are from TD Boots, really cute store. Thanks to Cornelius for letting me know 🙂 K, it’s back to crack smoking Plurk for me ;P Ash out

Hair (not free)

January 25, 2009

Back at the start of the year, I found a new to me store through fashcon, Luna’s Boutique. Luna has once again put out a gorgeous gift for you guys to enjoy, the dress shown below. You’ll find it on the second floor of her store. Last time I went, looking for the retro outfit I had seen blogged, my poor craptop was dying a death and I never even made it through the front door!


Now time for a bit of torture 😛 These beautiful skins are from BEBAE. They are limited edition skins for Valentines, due to be released tomorrow. While not free, they are so damn gorgeous I had to show you. They will be available for a month only, before they vanish forever, so if skin is your thing, be sure to treat yourself!


While at Luna’s, I found this super cute number, perfect for showing off this terribly lick able skin 😉 Bed time for me now, off on an Australia Day picnic tomorrow, wish you were here Ames 3. Ash out.

Hair (not free)

Project kiwi

January 25, 2009

A new day, a new start hopefully. It’s a long weekend here in Aus, and so far, it’s been tres relaxing (apart from my epic hangover today 😉



Normally, when I have a top or shirt to show off, I immediately reach for my Torridwear dollarbie jeans. But now I have an alternative! For a very limited time, as in get down to Project Kiwi before 8pm slt today, the 2 pairs of jeans shown here are free. You get 3 different versions in each pack and they’re totes totally gorgeous. The first shirt is a Valentines gift of the Ash kind from A-Bomb. Even the note card announcing the shirt made me laugh, Lavea is a jaded bitch and hates Valentine’s Day, so if you are looking for fluff and hearts, don’t bother to come pick up our 1L V-Day tee. Men’s and women’s versions included on all layers. Hot. The sweater shown is 10L until Sunday, matches my hair perfectly!


While I was there, I won shoes on the lucky chair (which I’ll show in a later post) and checked out the cheapy section on the second floor. Nothing over 10L, and I found some really cool stuffs!



Perfect if you’re on a budget, but still have a wee bit of cash to spend. Wish me luck, it’s grocery shopping time. Ash out.

Things that aren’t free, but I cannae live without.
House of Munster

Custom Inkz

Lazy Places


January 23, 2009

There is no rhyme or reason to the group notices that actually make it through to me, whether I’m online or off. It started with my beloved Silent Sparrow group, and now, it’s spread to my other most favorite group katatonik. Out of 3 messages Kat has sent out lately I got a whole massive 1.

So while going through the archives to re-read said notice, there it was, mocking me, the notice that told of lucky chair newness!! Several blood curdling screams later and I was safely ensconced in the main store by the chair. Phew, crisis averted XD! Although I think Valentines day is a load of bollox, I can totes make a pink exception for these dresses. Super special versions of one of my all time faves from Kat, the Starfall dress *sighs*. If you’re impatient, you can buy them next to the chair.

One group that is working for me (cos it’s not a LL group) is Elemiah. For a limited time, you can grab this gorgy lingerie for free at the main store. There are other colours available too, for 50L. This offer’s good for 3 days only. Now I’m off to beg, plead ask my daughter to get dressed. She has taken to nakedness lately, which is not such a bad thing at home, but when she strips off at preschool it can be a bit of a worry! Ash out.

Hair (not free

Hoofies (not free)
Lazy Places

Everyone needs A Four

January 14, 2009

So I really should be working, but I just can’t get into it today. Dunno if it’s a full moon or if the stars are aligned backwards, but the stupid people are out in force. I mean really, if you don’t know what a popup is on your computer, back away very fucking slowly and pretend the interwebz don’t exist kthnxbai.


Sweaters are wardrobe staples, and ones that look this good make me wish it was cold year round! For a limited time, you can get these from A-Bomb for 10L each and the grey one for 1L, many thanks to Addison for letting me know!



Yesterday, our poor snotty Creams sent out a notice telling of newness at Four’s part of the world! I also found some things I didn’t have in my overstuffed Four Yip folder (her generosity still blows me away every time, not to mention her creativity!) White shirt and men’s undies? I’m totes there! A dress that comes with a bee that attaches to your eye? Count me in! Don’t forget to drop some lindens in her tip jar while you’re there 🙂


Have you guys been to Aurora? Not only is there an amazing sale on at the moment (gorgeous boots and shoes for a stupidly low price), a lucky chair and these gorgeous undies in the group. It’s a subscribo, so yay for not taking one of the 25. Eden told me about it via a note entitled “Eden says you have to check this out”


And lastly, a new to me store I found through a fashcon notice, Venusdesign. I’m so happy I actually have time to follow up on those notices now!! This dress will be available for a week only for free, then it goes back to it’s regular price. And now it’s time to get back to educating the masses about Google *not* being the address bar. Ash out.

Other Schtuff
Hair (not free)
Discord Designs

Jeans (1L)

Ow My Head

December 31, 2008

So I woke up at 4am this morn after a sum total of an hours sleep! Hangover ahoy!! Not only was it NYE for me, Q’s hubby got back yesterday too FTW!


Anyhoo, logging in at 4am led me to Prim & Pixel for a mini hunt. These silks are your prize, divided up into 5 snowflakes for you to find. They’re very well done, and I didn’t have to adjust the prims, yay! I hadn’t been to this store in a long while, Halloween was the last time I think. It’s all changed now and an absolute pleasure to wander round. Check out the beautiful skin. This is a New years gift from Tokeo Plastik. You’ll need to join the group and head to the main store with your tag active.


This lushness is the Prim & Pixel POE gift, which I stumbled upon during the hunt. Royal Purple is one of my favie colours, never fails to make me smile!


The cute lingerie was a group gift from Damiani, and I’ve shown it with a skin I got from Prim & Pixel. Heaps of you asked about the masked skin Sasy made, so when I found this I was terribly excited! It was a Halloween gift, but it’s back out and still free, I don’t know how long for though, so best to grab it now.


This powerful piece is from Luna’s Boutique, a new to me store that I found through a Fashcon notice. It’s another New Years gift, it will vanish on the 2nd I think, possibly sooner? I got so many notices today I’m totes confuzzled.


And last but not least, a blood covered Cinderella dress from Little Heaven! The blood looks so awesome, all soaked in and old mmmm! Okies, time to flush my head down the toilet have a shower. Ash out.

Pic 1
Prim & Pixel Mini Hunt
Hair (not free)
Gritty kitty
Skin (group gift)
Tokeo Plastik
Shoes (not free)

Pic 2
Prim & Pixel POE Gift
Hair (not free)
Damiani (Old Gift)

Pic 3
Damiani Group Gift
Hair (not free)
Prim & Pixel
Shoes (not free)
Shoe Fly

Pic 4
Luna’s Boutique (limited time gift)
Hair (not free)
Curio (old group gift)

Pic 5
Little Heaven Lucky Chair
Hair (not free)
Curio (old group gift)

Kuri Style Yummys

December 27, 2008

Normally our darling Miu would blog the gorgeousness from Kuri Style, so I hope I do it justice!

I found these 2 beauties outside the store. I love love the knit detail, seeing as it’s Winter in SL land!

These New Years dresses are 2L each, and can be found in a room off to the side, along with some gogeous kimono, eyes and other goodies.

And this gorgy tartan number, for Creams!! Go grab it! I know I’m wearing hoofies that dont match any of the dresses today (I usually try and co-ordinate colours!) But that’s because these were a present from the luffley Adi for Christmas. I’ll be showing what all the girls got me, mostly cos I’m totes chuffed, and they have impeccable taste!! Ash out.

Edit: I forgot the slurl, bah!!! Too much cold and flu medication. Anyhoo, there’s a new freeb there now too. This will take you to the 4 dresses outside, the rest I mentioned are all inside xoxo

Hair (not free)

Skin (old gift)
KA Designs

Hoofies (pressie From Adi fucken yeah!!)
Winter Black Swan hoofies