Archive for the ‘line on the catwalk kissed hunt sugar mill pink gown dress’ Category

Quick Update

February 13, 2009

Valentine’s Day approaching, my closet has more pink stuff than ever; for those who cannot get enough of pink, here is a free pink dress until saturday!
Get it before it goes:

Valentine Dress

TP to Elegant Fashion for the pink dress!

Ring and draped necklace from Alyssa Bijoux, not free.

Line cute top with Teddies

1. Line – Fun Toys Shirt in Blue, not free
2. Kenzie & Co. – Half Tank, not free
3. LikeA Jeans, previous group gift
4. Line – Vans in grey (unisex), camping prize!

The Kissed hunt lips in the picture was found @ Sugar Mill!

Daisy headband

This cutesy headband is from Decollage, free!!

Eat Snow!

1. Dress: On The Catwalk – Ed Hardy Mini Dress, not free

2. Boots from Line, camping prize!