Archive for the ‘Live Music Event’ Category

Indie Rocks!! RFL

July 12, 2008

If you are a cool kid who loves Indie tunage and you wanna do your bit for a good cause, then you will love this event to raise funds for RFL organised by the wonderful Violet Morellet. Then event runs from July 11th until 13th.

Some of the best Indie DJs in SL will be playing over the weekend (including my SL sissypoo The One and Only Cecee LA). There’s loads of fun rides and you will also find some freebies around too.

I’ve copied the following text from the notecard I received.

“The Indie Rock for RFL Carnival and Expo was created to not only raise money for Relay for Life and help fight cancer, but to showcase what happening in the indie, alternative, experimental clubs in SL. And thanks to the generous donation of the best rides and attractions in the game, we’re bringing the traveling carnival theme to life.

Join us July 11-13 for a sim-wide weekend of music, fun, games, performances, and a charity auction featuring one-of-a-kind pieces by some of SL’s top designers. 100% of proceeds from the entire event go directly to Relay for Life.”

All the fun of the fair…

indie rfl 4

Stick your head out of a cows arse!!
indie rfl 3

Shit yourself on spooky rides!!
indie rfl 2

So off you go and have fun and find it in your hearts to donate a few L$’s to this worthwhile cause too.

Here’s your taxi…