Archive for the ‘lolz’ Category


January 29, 2009

So it started on Plurk (I wonder how many of my posts will use that opening line from now on!) Addison posted the new releases from A-Bomb, and I’m all like WANT, and she’s like cool, and I’m like, fucking love those shirts and she’s like, I’ll drop em on ya, and I’m like, SHWEET.


Before we get to the shirts though, check the boots (yells “SURI”)! A-Bomb‘s released a whole load of fetishy goodness by way of Ballet boots. These ones aren’t free, but the black versions are 50% off till the weekend. You know you want them 😛 The yummy cami is from Hanamachi. You’ll find this is the lucky chair, Riko Kamachi was kind enough to let me know.


And here they are, the new loves of my slife. Rude, obnoxious shirts with some very apt sayings 😉 Shown here with a skin I call “You Got Shanked” in honor of our main store moving to the HORST sim. It features cuts, bruises, broken ribs, ass bruises (at Abra’s request, she’s like twisted yo), vein stuff ooh and the bestest bush you ever did see! No landing strip here, cos the last thing one does when being a prison junkie is have a wax. When we’re done building and put stuff in the store, this will be there too, it’ll be pay what you wish, and will have all 5 tones from the Timeless range.


Also in light of the recent, ahem, dramz in our comments, this shirt is quite possibly my all time favie ever. Check out Sileny’s take here. Welcome back btw missy 😉 Also it matches our new tagline for the blog, cos it’s all about matching! Ash out.

Hair (not free)