Archive for the ‘Lucky Board’ Category

Who Knew?

April 9, 2009
I’m not sure how often this wonderful woman has been blogged but she is very deserving of attention.  Tucked into the corner of the Monkey Mall at Baby Monkey is Rarurick Ragu’s :WhoNose: shop.  Rarurick has a very distinctive style of layered skirts and uses lush colors.  The first dress is an exclusive gift for the Lucky Chair Stalkers group (it’s in my profile).  We recently grew to over 1000 members and Rarurick’s store is a big favorite of one of the group owners, Elliandra Parx. 

I paired the dress with the adorable elven skin and ears that Brutus Martinek gave to the Pididdle subscriber group.  She is eliminating her regular group by the end of the month and going all subscriber.  I believe you must be in the group already to receive the gift so get over there and get your name in.  She is one of my favorites.  The hair is a score from Madam Ashia, who told me that you can get older Kin hair free on XStreet.  All the hair I feature in this post is from there.  There are other styles, including some for men.  

I was telling Rarurick today that her Lucky Boards hate E so she came over and set her boards to wild for a spell and some of us got this incredible dress and egg backpack from her lucky boards.  The colors in the egg are fantastic.  If you don’t want to wait for your letter or want different colors she has a fatpack of eggs for only 50 L.  If you see Rarurick around the grid she is probably wearing a Lucky Board backpack that really gives out prizes!  Look for her for a gorgeous pink dress.  The skin I am wearing in the last three pictures is a new dollarbie from Beauty Avatar called Alyssa. 

I’ve been anticipating these shoes for a long time.  My darling Pixieplumb Flanagan, the creator of Baby Monkey shoes has been working on these hunnies for awhile.  The Ultimates are prim footed shoes and get this:  You can pick your skin tone from a menu (or you can match colors)! The nail color can be changed as well as the toe rings.  This style was a group gift today to the Baby Monkey Junkies group.  There are 4 more styles in about a million colors.  And even better: if you are a member of the Baby Monkey Junkies group you can get them for 100 L a pair!!!!  Nongroup members can get them for 150 L, which is still a bargain, but Pixie is such a generous designer and always working so hard to expand her selection.  I’ve been a devoted fan forever!  

 I received this incredible dress yesterday from On the Catwalk through their subscriber.  It is a very sexy number which wonderful texturing.  I didn’t show the back but it has a great skull graphic.  It’s hard-core and posh at the same time.  It is #1 (Ed Hardy mini-gift) in the messages.  I haven’t taken in off since I got it. 
PS.  Rarurick just added a Midnight Mania at :WhoNose:, too, for an amazing color change jewelry set!


March 10, 2009

Since Ach’s yummy post about the Mia lucky chair skin, and my subsequent buying of the entire store while waiting for my letter, all outfits must now match my skin!!

Good job I won this outfit from Madness & Mayhem, thanks to OKR who sent me there for the Midnight Mania pasties!! The board clicked over to A just as I was rezzing, nice!! Shown here with fishnets from Sn@tch, part of the “Cabaret” outfit, NOT FREE. The legwarmer boots are part of the epic dollarbie pack of boots from Katatonik, also not free but my all time faves are the cuffs from Primitive Design and my collar from Dari’s Haus.

Evangeline Schism has been hiding away, hard at work in Photoshop. I love her Eloh mods and I’m stoked to say she’s back with newness yay! Grab this amazing emo skin from Xstreet for an L, and all her other skins are on sale for 1L a piece also. The manky jeans (that’s their name :P) are a limited time dollarbie from KOSH and they’re like fecking perfect. The tanks, Evangeline told me about. They can also be found on Xstreet, from a store called Hello Dave. There are pages of cheeky tanks for guys and girls, all an L each. Maia Gasparini will be opening an inworld location soon, I can’t wait to stalk it!

When Dare Monroe asks you what your favorite colour is, you know something awesomesauce is coming your way! Check out these amazing boots from Dare Designs. They will be out this week, with colours to be won in the lucky chair as well as the fortune teller. The top I snagged from Sweeter Than Candy, with a gift card Candace sent to the group. As well as her own designs, Candace is an authorised pixel Dolls reseller, the top is part of that collection and soo yummy! The capris are my staples from, De Designs, not free. The hair worn throughout is my all time fave Kin hair, Cyberpunk. The goggles are seperate, so you can wear them with other hair too!! Now I’m off to shoot zombies or some such 😛 Ash Out.


March 8, 2009

So yesterday, while we were stalking the Umi Usagi chair for the amazing outfit Elusyve showed, Eden’s like have you heard of Cattleya? The name sounded familiar, I thought it was the hair place she had blogged a few days ago…duh. Soo not.!

Cattleya is a gorgeous little store, choc full of beautiful dresses. The full price ones are ridiculously cheap, but the are also 5 lucky boards FTW, and a whole wall of freebies. I recognised the name as they have some outfits at Fujiyama’s Geisha Freebie Store, check out that post here.

The dresses shown here are from the freebie wall and from the lucky boards. One was on A when I landed, and then it just snowballed!!

You’ll find all sorts of styles here, as well as some super cute separates.

I’ve shown a couple of the new hairs from Dejavu, not free but gorgeous, once I could get them to fit my head. Which brings me to my next question. If you make hair, and demo small, medium and large sizes, why not sell those also? It totally confuses me and I’d love to know the answer from all you amazing hair makers out there! Ash Out.

Not free
D-Skin (limited ed for last years Harajuku Box skin fair)


Moar Proof Girls Can Wear Boys Clothes!

December 9, 2008

One of my most vivid memories of falling in love with the fashion feed, was an amazing post my Sasybum did on a boys skirt called Scavenger. She worked the hell out of that skirt, as did I when I ran to grab it and wore it in varying combinations for a month straight, no shit!


These outfits so remind me of that skirt. The Boeme dress above and the Battlemaster kilt below. On a tip from the ever luscious Green, these *had* to be in my inv and on my pixel bod. Can you believe they’re free?


This kilt is for boys, but I edited it with not too much drama. Get yours here. I now wanna see lotsa bruised, scarred boys running round the grid in this and submitting pics to our Flickr group!!



The lovely Blueberry Mayo sent me an offline to run grab these outfits from a hunt at Ayyaiyai. The outfit on the left in the first pic, I won on the lucky chair and lucky board while I was hunting. Lookit my monkey hat!! You can also get a panda version if your letter comes up. You’re looking for 50 candy canes for an L each, fair warning, they’re small. But alt click is your friend, as it said in the hunt card! And, and, winter hoofies!! Q’s long suffering hubby indulged Ash’s addiction to all things Lazy Places (confuzzled? Me too!) He even put up with me trotting round the house all day making snow crunching sounds and leaving hoof prints everywhere, must be love ay! Right, off to work for me. Below is a webisode of something that has totes been keeping us in stitches, it’s a must watch for any gamer, I present to you The Legend Of Neil. Please note, it’s a mature vid, not for kiddies. Ash out.

Hair (not free)

Tattoo (not free)

Massimo Attack

November 22, 2008

I little cheeky reference to one of my favie ever bands Massive Attack there.

Massimo have this amazing outfit in their group notices which you need

I’m rockin’ it like futuristic barbie doll gone wrong – in a good way!



Oh and you need to check out the 4 lucky boards and lucky chair in the Massimo store too. I’ve been stalking for weeks and only won the cushions so far (which rocks by the way) but there’s a few outfits there for men and women which you will love …. I need!

Fighting Queen outfit: Massimo (group gift)
Eartha Boots: Sole Sisters: 1L
AD-Virgo-Sunkissed-Drama-Infected Yellow (LS): Diversity (not free, previous hunt gift)
48 Hair W&Y (100L)

WARNING: An Enema Of Happy May Occur!

November 14, 2008

Ok. So the feed’s been kinda on attack/defense mode in the last week, from my perspective. There’s a few things that have set this off, blog posts, flickr feeds etc. Well, I was planning on doing a post, thanking my amazing friends and colleagues for being so fecking awesome to me through such a difficult time in my personal life. Then I had a chat with an old friend Tristan Micheline and that solidified the idea for me! Also, the designer that made the clothes featured in this post really cemented it.


These clothes are from Jill, an already incredibly generous and talented designer. I have my amazing Eden to thank for introducing me to this store. Eden who has listened to me emo, time and time again, who pokes a stick in my ass when I get lazy and is my foul mouthed voice of reason wrapped up in a super hawt av!


Jill had put out a new lucky board today, as reported in many blogs. Unfortunately, the board had script errors, which I IM’d Jill about to let her know. So she put the outfit out as a freebie. Christ I could have fallen over. Her generosity of spirit made me think alot about how the rest of us grid inhabitants treat each other.


As mentioned, you can get all of the clothes shown here for free, and you can also spend a fortune in the store as I did. (ps do that spend a fortune thing!)
I want to thank Kenlee, who worked an 18hr day, and still had time to sing Fallout Boy to me. I want to thank Creamz, my ever zen voice of reason. Cheri for my obsession with Japanese designers. Lolly, for my crap vocab that’s now getting worse!! Adi, for just being so fecking clever she makes me want to scream! Ach, who makes me want to spell words correctly at all times. Sasy for being so positive all the time, Efe for being my piece of home. Ames for being my Aussie grounding, and Eden for coming up with more swear words than should really be allowable in peace time XD! I guess, what I’m trying to say in my super crap, inelegant way is, write a post about the people who mean the most to you, thank them, mean it. Just for one day, forget the fashion dramz, what’s in and what’s not. Be thankful and happy and let those that mean the most to us know it. Ash out.
EDIT: I just got directed to Ivey’s post hurr, so do that shit too!!!

Other Shit
Boots (not free)
Lazy Places

Hair (not free)


October 24, 2008

I meant to show you the 1L Mrs Deli Salami top from Ki2 earlier in the week when it was first released (thanks Kiki for sending it to me and I’ll smack my bum for being hugely disorganised). Ki2 give out a 1L goodie from their store every week and this week it’s a gorgeous purple top, hurry though as it’s been there nearly a week already.

It looks great with a bit of Edge Grafika, (the pants have been featured before by Cheri and they are a firm favie in my virtual wardrobe). I am trying to find any excuse to wear this tartan scarf right now, I love it, this is the new free gift from Edge Grafika. This entire ensemble is something I would wear in RL.



Damn group notices not coming through! I only just discovered this lush green jewelled top which is a group which is a group gift from M&R Cupcakes (250L join fee) which was sent out a few days ago.


Yeah maybe I’ve gone overboard on the tartan here, but you know I have to – being a Scottish lass and all that.

Everytime I see beautiful creations like these, I wish I could make clothes in SL. Believe me, I’ve tried and I suck.

Deli Salami Top: Ki2 (1L)
Pants, Tartan Skirt and Scarf: Edge Grafica (0L)
Green Top: M&R Cupcakes (group gift)
Skin by Den Dou (lucky board)
Aimee Hair by Maitraya (1L)

Moar Spookeh & a Competition

October 14, 2008

I’ve just been to see Igor at the cinema with my kids and I think I loved it more than they did.
The hideous yet beautiful ‘Frankenstein’ type Monster, Eva, is now my heroine. She was created to do evil but she was accidentally brainwashed into thinking she is an actress…chaos ensues with a soo sweeet melty ending. LOVED IT!

Anyhooo, onto the freebies. Rockberry have some awesome outfits for free for Halloween, a bit different from your usual Pumpkins and Ghosts. We have a Jester and a Vampire/gothic lady


These outfits are so beautifully made, the gothic outfit can be worn in two ways, as pants with tails or a long flowing skirt. I adore the neckline on this, it reminds me of batwings.


The Jester outfit is so fun and unusual, it comes with the skin and shape (not worn).


I won this gorgee skin on the lucky board at Rockberry too.


Ghanima at Blue Blood has been busy-busy as always, she’s made lots of super Halloween goodies, the Body Art skin worn here is free in store for a limited time.



Also you can find this gorgeous Alice in Wonderland inspired Cheshire skin on the lucky mushroom camp chair at Blue Blood.


Just as I was finishing this post, Ghanima IMd me to say that she is having a photo contest.

Send a Halloween themed photograph to Ghanima Uriza wearing a Blue Blood outfit, the winner gets 4 free outfits of their choice.

These are the conditions
1) You must belong to the Blue Blood update group, (search ‘Blue Blood’ it is free to join)
2) You must be wearing a Blue Blood outfit
3) No Photoshop (or any other photo editing program) allowed as this could give an unfair advantage. Raw, untreated photographs direct from SL only please.
4) entries by the 25th October and the winner will be announced on the 28th

One photo must be sent in a folder named with your SL name to Ghanima Uriza containing the picture and a notecard mentioning the 4 outfits you want.

Oh…and I volunteered to be a judge, I’ll take on the Simon Cowell role – so watch out :p

Pics 1, 2, 3, 4
Jester and Gothic outfit: Rockberry (0L)

Megan Dark Skin: Rockberry Lucky Board( 0L)
Wild Woman Hair: Miasofia lucky chair (0L)

Pics 5 & 6
Body Art Skin: Blue Blood (0L)
Wild Woman Hair as before
Cheshire Skin: Blue Blood Lucky Chair (0L)
Halloween Tiara: Irollic (0L)

Outfits both from Blue Blood (not free)

Fashion as Therapy aka. *le sigh*

October 11, 2008

muffler luv

(and exhale…) *ahhhhhh* I’ve had a tough week, and forgoing any details let’s just say “thank goodness for shopping!” I am from the camp that believes that shopping IS therapy. Mine at least! I mean, I’ll sit on a couch any day, but it better be swathed in rosy velvet and be very very comfortable. Then I can sit and try on shoes with you. ;))

more muff

Aside from the RL tough parts, my SL life has been a breeze. No boy drama, no bad purchases, and I got lucky a LOT. Which for me, is the ultimate mood booster. I don’t need drugs people, just give me this hot pink muffler from DP*yumyum. (Ok, a cosmo too, only because it matches ;)) The muffler is a gift on the new lucky boards in the store and let me tell you- soo pretty! It comes with button/no button options and that big bow makes a girl’s heart swell. 

kyootness in pink

kookie madness

I also stopped by the juicy sim and ooohhhh, all of us can get lucky here! I picked up some Kookie shoes, and so should you! If you don’t own any of her awesome designs yet, now is your chance to scoop some up for free! After you decide they are amazing and want more, run over to her store and buy some of her cute muggys (my new non-free fav). After all…they are all 50% off! This won’t last forever so make haste.

I’m also wearing sn@tch’s dragonfly dress, which is cute and a little nasty too. I like ;)) It comes with the leggings and bangles, so one can layer up or layer down as she pleases.

Violet Voltaire <3

This bracelet is from Violet Voltaire, and it’s also available at the Juicy sim! The matching earrings, pictured below, are a grand opening gift from Tuli’s new sim Journey. So you can sim hop to complete the set! (We all know Tuli from the amazing skins Adaire wore in the post below. Not to mention the skins we’ve bought and wear all the time.)

Party Girl

Violet is also having a 50% off sale for all pink items, ONLY at her store @ Journey. I’m a big fan of Violet’s sweet/tart jewelry and if you haven’t seen it, all it takes is a look to fall in love.

VV earrings

I noticed you eyeing my skin, o thank you, it’s La Sylphide’s newest Lucky Chair prezzie! (Thank you Ash for the tippie.) Gorgie isn’t it? I love the matte red lips and the slit of green eyeshadow. It’s called party girl, I assume because it’s dressier makeup. I, on the other hand, call it party girl because I wanted to throw one after putting it on! Another instant mood booster.


These purdy chokers were sent over to me by Sanu Collars owner Sanura. They are at once, very beautiful, a little tough and quite sexy. Each choker comes with a glow/non-glow option and you can put scripts in them if you’d like it to function as a collar!


Personally, I’m quite happy to see chokers like this, they differ from the usual plain black leather/spikes/pearls variety yet remain very versatile. 

Choker Details

I love the details on them! Zoom in, they are flawless.


All above are dollarbies! Be sure to check out the non-dollarbies at the store as well, I have my eye on both the ‘Inspired’ and ‘Belle’ designs!


Halloween Details

This design is available only in the lucky chair and I think it’s the most elegant & cool Halloween choker I’ve come across in SL! I like orange so I’ll be wearing this year round for sure.

See? Shopping is therapy…

now where’s that cosmo? ;P


{pic 1}
‘pink muffler’ by DP*yumyum (get it on the lucky board!)
{not free}
‘knit grey cardigan’ by BP*
‘heart 4 hair’ in pink by Kurotsubaki
‘trashy diva’ skin by Heartcore

{pic 2}
‘pink muffler’ (see above)
{not free}
‘amikomi’ chignon hair in dark brown by BP* (see above for link)

{pic 3}
‘dragonfly dress’ by sn@tch (available here at the Juicy B-Day prezzie stand)

{pic 4}
‘donna’ platforms in hot pinkness by Kookie (available here! only!)

{pic 5}
‘Tourmaline eternity bracelet’ in pink by Violet Voltaire (available here, only)

{pic 6}
‘Tourmaline eternity earrings’ in pink by Violet Voltaire (available here at Journey sim opening, only!)

{pic 7}
‘erin tan party girl’ skin by La Sylphide (store lucky chair prezzie!)

{pic 8-13}
‘Madame Butterfly’ & ‘Hallowed’ collars by Sanu Collars (Hallowed is a lucky chair prezzie)
‘Knit Jumper’ in black by RunoRuno

October 2, 2008

とてもかわいいハロウィンギフトがMIUから出てます。本店のみの取り扱いです^^ ヘアはUncleweb Studioのラッキーボードです。

Knit dress, necklace, tats, leggings – MIU (free. )
Hair – Uncleweb Studio (Lucky board. The letter changes every 2 mins. 2 styles in 2 colors)