Archive for the ‘Lucky Chair’ Category

Oh Hai

April 10, 2009

So I’ve been crazy busy getting ready for Easter Sunday, eggs to be hidden from prying eyes/hands, before I can hop round pretending to be the Easter bunny and well hide them all again!! Also I’ve been having a crazy creative streak, and when that happens, I can’t think of or do anything else. You can see some of the stuff I’ve been working on here, alot of it’s nude content though, so if boobs offend don’t look!


First up, this lovely, warm and cozy dress from the Lunas Boutique group. It’s starting to get colder over here, and I find I’m wanting to dress my av in warmer clothes, (when I’m not nakies :P) Although the pieces appear to be no mod, there’s a resize script, perfect from prim phobes like myself!


Here we have the weekly dollarbie from Concrete Flowers in the form of this super cute skirt. Paired with a dollarbie shirt from Fairytail. Check out my skin!! My friend Evangeline Schism from SchismPhrenic has been hard at work again, and you can get this skin free with any purchase from her.


Looky looky! Thanks to a tip from the chatbox, off I went to KA Designs. I was rewarded with a complete “Kate” from Lost avatar. There’s a boys set too, you get everything you need except hair!!


Remember the hawtness from Dare Designs I showed you? The Enforcer set is now out in the main store, and the pink colour shown here is the lucky chair exclusive! But that’s not all! Dare sent out the red mask set to the group. The mask set contains 2 versions of the gas mask, and the hat, so you can pair it with your own fetish wear. Other colours are of course available for purchase. Right, I must get back to doing Easter stuff, and somehow persuade Mini Ash to get dressed so we can go shopping! Ash Out.

Pic 1
Lunas Boutique Group Gift
Pic 2
Concrete Flowers
Pic 3
Dare Designs Lucky Chair
Pic 4
Dare Designs Group Gift

Boots (not free)
Pics 1 &2

Pic 4
Dare Designs (old lucky chair gift)

Hair (not free)
Pics 1 & 2

Pics 3&4

Pic1 (not free)
Pic 2
Pic 3
KA Designs (in store freeb)
Pic 4 (not free)

Crimson Chair And More

April 8, 2009

Mini Ash went back to school today, woohoo!!! Means I also have to go to work, but dealing with grown up children will make a nice change 😛


Lets take a look at the latest dollarbie from KOSH, named “Kretch”. Yes, it’s named after that Kretch, the uber cool Sn@tch model I have seen strutting her stuff at many a show. I love the textures on this set, all earthy and warm, it won’t be available for a linden for very long, so best to grab yours now.


This morning I woke up to a folder from the lovely Lokum Shilova of Crimson Shadow fame. Yes! It’s time for lucky chair newness there, so get to stalking. This stunning dress is called “Whisper Of The Feather”, it is just beautiful, Ash=pretty princess!! I’ve shown it with part of a jewelry set you can grab at a hunt at Dare Designs. Prizes include: A full set of jewelry for ladies broken up amongst various eggs – specially designed for this hunt and not available any other way…
A claw torc for men (necklace)…
Special Edition ‘Vicious’ boots for ladies…
…and more…
There is one simple rule for this hunt, and I’ll paste it from the card so I don’t bugger it up: Rules:
Simple. Come, hunt, don’t give away the locations of the eggs.

To keep it fun for everyone, anyone caught publishing, shouting out, or giving away the locations will be ejected from the sim – possibly banned. This includes TPing people directly to the eggs. It’s called a ‘hunt’, so let’s keep it fair for everyone.


And speaking of Dare Designs, check out this Enforcer set. So much hawt in one folder, it’s not out as yet, but keep your eyes peeled for special lucky chair colours and/or MM versions. When I get the exact info, I’ll update my post! Back to work for me now. Ash Out.

Pic 1-KOSH
Pic 2-Crimson Shadow lucky chair
Pic3-Dare Designs


Pic 1-Chai
Pic 2-Curio
Pic 3-Chai

Moar hunts and such

April 6, 2009

With Mini Ash being on the mend (read running round like a lunatic trying to kill hug the cat) I had some time yesterday to do stuff.

My favie store Axel is having a hooooooooge sale. Everything is 50-75% off. There’s also 2 dollarbies to be had, the gold dress shown here is one of them. Your old LM’s won’t work so please use the slurl at the bottom of this post.

Then I found out about a hunt at Miasofia. Cue bloodcurdling scream for the lack of group notices (ps LL sort that out soon pls kthnx) You’re looking for fried eggs, theyre not hidden at all, the idea being for you to explore the new build. I also won twice on the lucky chairs while I was there, this dress from Lurvebite is one of my winnings!! Also made me realise I have some kind of bug going on when taking pictures of items with glow in them. Anyone else having glow issues or is it something *special* reserved just for me?! I also won a gorgeous “Romance Room” from the Miasnow lucky chair, which I left on Sasy’s beach, bah!

This gorgy chocolate dress is one of the Lurvebite gifts. It comes with a choice of 3 skirts and all sorts of layers, yay!!

OMG. Is this not the cutest skin in the whole of fucking SL? This is prize number one from Miasnow. It’s different from the original Hunny skins, especially around the mouth and nose, I love the changes! I’m hoping for a new line of these *bats eyelashes* 😛 On another note, for this post I used the VR Foundry pose HUD and library (after getting yelled at by Sasybum for not having an updated product!!) I’m not good with technical shit, but Sas has an awesome video of the front page of her blog, outlining how to use the pose stand, HUD and HUD library. I was moaning about not being good at location pics, and also the rezing of poseballs and such is an issue. Not anymore! Once you get the hang of using it, it’ll revolutionize your photo taking, srsly. Ash Out.

Pic 1
Axel (dress is a linden, other outfit 75L)
Shoes (not free)
Hair (not free)
Cupcakes group gift

Pics 2 &3
Lurvebite (lucky chair & hunt)
Skin (not free)
HOM hunt gift

Pic 4
Skin & Hair
Miasnow hunt gift


April 3, 2009

Mhm, it’s 5am, and I’m awake…….WTF? Late nights talking to my friends in the States are totally buggering up my time clock. Wouldn’t change it for a second, although I would like to sleep longer 😛


First up is an outfit that isn’t free, but all the proceeds go to RFL. This super cute offering from Lemania is my kinda gorgeous. Look stunning for a good cause, can’t get better than that!! Have you noticed my rather fetching monocle? For that we have Azia Lunasea to thank. She let me know that it was sitting in Tekeli-Li’s mainstore, waiting to jump in my inv for a linden! Yup a linden. Everything about the monocle is customisable, you pick your metal, gems, lens colour and glow. It’s a limited edition type dealio, once it’s gone, it’s gone forever so grab yours now.



Seeing as the weather is getting warmer for you guys, I thought it was time to show off some swimwear! You’ll find these beauties in the lucky chair at Swim. Shown here with the super extravagant hair from the Clawtooth By Clawtooth group, as blogged by the yummy Eden.


You can get this set for a linden at Swim, it’s the April dollarbie. There’s also a midnight mania board, so it’s well worth joining the group to keep up with the happenings! Many thanks to Ianni Lane for letting me know! And with that I shall drag myself back to bed to grab an hours sleep before mini Ash wakes up! Ash Out.

Pic 1
Lemania RFL
Hair (not free)
The Stringer Mausoleum
Cupcakes Eater hunt
Hoofies (not free)
Lazy places

Pics 2,3,& 4
Skins (not free)
Clawtooth By Clawtooth group gift

Is Shopping In Latex Ever Appropriate? Mmhmm!

April 2, 2009

When these outfits landed in my inv yesterday, I swear I was trying to think of ways to get away with going shopping in latex, cos there was no way in hell I wanted to take *any* of them off!


See this pink lushness? You cannae buy this, you can only get it in the chairs at Dare Designs. You have exactly one week of stalking before they go on sale. You get the choice of see through or not so see through, layers galore all sorts of ways to wear and play. The skin? OMG. Rosemary and Mimi of Cupcakes have once again taken generosity to a new level. There is an Easter egg hunt going on, you’re looking for 20 eggs of deliciousness. You’ll get loads of clothes and this scrummy makeup, in all tones from the brand new Seduction line.



And just because it’s the hottest latex I’ve seen in awhile, here’s a preview of some of the other colours you can buy from Dare Designs. The blood is my favie, just delicious, go buy it!! Now if you’ll excuse me, I need some alone time with my screenshots 😛 Ash Out.

Pic 1
Dare Designs Lucky Chairs
Hair (not free)
The Stringer Mausoleum
Seduction (Easter hunt gift @ Cupcakes)

Pics 2 & 3
Outfits (not free)
Dare Designs
Hair (not free)
Skin (not free)

Group lucky chair sets at ~silentsparrow~

March 24, 2009

Ashia Tomsen and boi-Achariya in ~silentsparrow~

For the dedicated ~silentsparrow~ chair stalkers, there are two new outfits “(sorrow)” in the ~silentsparrow~ lucky chair. It’s for group members only, and cycles between the saucy girl outfit (Ashia has great booty in it) and the dapper boy outfit. The outfits have awesome separates, like the Fond Affections corset, the blue shruggie, the garter belt and booty shorts, and the men’s shirt, collar-jabot and pants. Happy hunting! (Ashia and I always have to duke it out for the As.)

On Ashia:
***Outfit: ~silentsparrow~ (sorrow) Lucky chair set, girl version
Not free:
***Hair: Black Maria
***Skin: Ti’ko
***Hoofies: Lazy Places
On Boi Acha
***Outfit: ~silentsparrow~ (sorrow) Lucky chair set, boy version
Not free:
***Skin: Den-dou boys Kabuki /Jiro
***Shoes: Lassitude & Ennui Laudanum in black
***Glasses: Schadenfreude Hardwire Spectacles with color change hud
***Hair: The Stringer Mausoleum Shadow Keeper – blue shine


March 20, 2009

Yesterday has to go down on record as one of the weirdest days of the year. I had been clinging onto the hope it was a full moon, and therefore perfectly rationalised ahem….not to be!


Want a sneak peek? Come closer and check out the yummy thats about to go in the lucky chair at Dare Designs. Either today or tomorrow, depending on Dare’s schedule, you can nab this, and other versions in the chair. So fecking hawt. The boots are previous freebies from SHI, and the sunnies, well they’re a sneak peek too. They will be released next week at Dare Designs.


This amazing dress is from Primalot. I actually read a post on The Freebie Telegraph about a jewelery set, the story behind it alone was enough for me to instantly TP. There are 2 lucky chairs aswell as a whole freebie section. The necklace shown is part of that very special set, read about that here. The gorgy wings are from Fancy Fairy. I don’t remember if I bought them, or if they are an old gift. Whutevs, they’re my faves!!


Isn’t this dress the cutest. It’s got such a Madonna 80’s vibe to it.It comes with matching boots and fishnets too! Grab it at Vixens, for a limited time only.


I hope after last week’s vampire post, you all stayed in the Lunas Boutiqe group. I did 😛 and looky what I got today. “Purple Disco Dream” baby, love it!


And last but by no means least, something that is most certainly not free, but worth every penny and more. This stunning, delicate lingerie is the RFL outfit from Fancy Fairy. You can get it for 150L, I paid more, cos I love it, and the money goes to a good cause. Ash Out

Not Free


Lingerie In Pic 5
Fancy Fairy RFL Item

The Day Green Took Over The Grid!

March 17, 2009

Why? . . . WHY! More GREEN?

Didn’t I say I liked green?

Well there is a good reason for this post. The Sim “Magic of Oz” is holding a hunt! If ever you have been to a Oz hunt, you’ll know the quality of the stuff is to die for. Even in a sea of green. This hunt is no different. Want to see some of the lovely clothing? you’ll have to go visit Strawberry’s blog for that, just click Here!

I’m blogging everything else for you to oggle at.

But first I’ll give you the official info:

Times:March 17th-March 22nd

Sim Mainstores
.:: eyecandy ::. (2 Gifts)
malContent (formerly Treasured Visions) (2 Gifts)

Sim Vendors
KessKreations (2 Gift)
MnM Design Store (1 Gift)
KatatOnik (3 Gifts)
silentsparrow (1 Gift)
Laughing Academy (1 Gift)
Aqua Shop (1 Gift)
Schadenfreude (1 Gift)
Wasabi Pills (1 Gift)
Guild of Crie Eyewear Store/Reve du Crie (1 Gift)
Risusipo Shop (2 Gifts)
The Stringer Mausoleum and Shrine (1 Gift)


1)Coins are what you are looking for. They appear all over the island.
2)Wear the coin, in the name of the coin, and in scripted chat, it’ll say what store it is for.
3)go to the coins store on the island. eg. You have a coin that says *Oz* St. Patrick’s Cuardach Gold Coin:Silent Sparrow. This means you have to find the Silent Sparrow Store on the island.
4)find the pot of gold in each store. You have to go up close to them.
5)Click the coin you are wearing. Your gift Will poof to you! Accept it, and there you go! Now don’t be RL Blonde like me, and try to click the pot of gold. It wont do anything!

Some stores have more then one gift. This means you’ll get one of them randomly. So in order to get both, you have to try again with a new coin. It takes a few tries some times, but the coins are easy enough to find.

Okay enough of that, on with the goodies!

Clothing from Silent Sparrow. There are a bunch of pieces in the gift, these were for the dudes, but I didn’t feel like crossdressing today. The jewelry is by EyeCandy. I’m not big on rings and things, but I do like this one, and it was super easy to fit. I also love the clasp on the back of the necklace, I didn’t take a pic, but the detail is great. I find as a RL jewelry designer, much of the items in sl are lacking that fine detail quality I expect in my own works. EyeCandy keeps surprising me with these little things.

Particles always suck when blue screening, I should have done an “on Location” shoot for this one. But the head bobbers are really nice inworld. They and the necklace come as one of the gifts from KessKreations. The clothing is some more bits and pieces from Silent Sparrow.

The lashes are from Wasabi Pills, and were not hard to mod to my face. The eyes are one of the gifts from the rebranded malContent. Malkavyn is going to be diving into a few other types of content, other then eyes. All the backgrounds in my pics he made, and they are the other gift in his pot.
It’s like a mini Pope! This is from the Aqua Shop.

The hat here is the 3rd gift from Katat0nik. The other 2 are the dresses from Strawberry’s post.
These have nothing to do with OZ, I really just needed to snag these before Ashia did =) Kat sends group gifts out here and there. These both came in the one today. The other great thing about the group is there are secret group only sales and other benefits of being in there. Kat sends an invite once you have spent L$250 in the store, it should come within 24hours. bug her if it takes more then a week, or mob the store with pandas. Think of it as a group fee, but you get something automatically.

I saved the best for last. Lookatthisthingy! It’s a ridable Clover! It makes me want to make random things to ride now, maybe that can be the next craze after sticking odd things in our mouths!

Stop thinking sick things you!

Other items I’m wearing that aren’t from the hunt:

Skin(Pic 1-6)-Domestic V-Mairmalade-03-Sketchy Mustard Skin-JPTRC 2009-L$25 for 3tones in 5 different makeups
Shoes(Pic 2-3)-Duh!-Light Green Leather Pumps-past gift-Join the Subscribo to learn when new ones are out!
Lashes(Pic 6-8)-La Sylphide-Natural Prim Lashes-L$0
Eyes(Pic 6-8)-Elv’an-L$5 for a bunch of colours
Dresses(Pic 7-8)-*katat0nik*-(lime) Dollie Dresses-group gift
Skin(Pic 7-8)-{Frick}-Goth-Shamrock-lucky chair gift
Boots(Pic 7-8)-SN@TCH-Oblivion Boots (Black Leather)-L$300

Next post-Under The Sea-Stay Tuned

moar o’ teh green

March 14, 2009
As the fabled March 17th draws closer, the grid becomes a deeper saturated sea o green, so if this is your color, your will be doing double time, trying to keep up with the hunts and freebz and all… mucho funo!

I threw together a few more of my green favs I have collected when I am out and about…


The dress is from the lucky chairs at Moxie Polano’s Haute Styles, (I adore the back detail prim on this dress) There are actually 3 different prizes and a good crowd keeps the chairs moving… and I actually witnessed chair etiquette here, with those with the same initial, taking turns… *APPLAUSE*


The “Clover shoes” are free at 50 Flats, and the leggings are part of the welcome gift freebie when you join the Creamshop subscribo.


Scribble has most green stuff on for 50L right now, and that is where my Spinning Hat(w/hair) and Bubble Pipe are from!! (There is also a lucky board here where you can choose from gifts when your letter comes up!) The Skin is “Hannah-Fair-Grape” a dollarbee from Sh*t Happens

Lucky Ducky

March 14, 2009


It’s like my favvy sl colour. I really don’t get to wear it in rl, never find the right shade. Plus in here I get to be green. Literally! So Fricka was in the shop buying up a wack of hair, and I was all like oh ya, I hadn’t been to her shop in a bit. So I dragged one of my store models, Ruina Kessel(Also owner of House of Ruin) over to {Frick}. There we found some new goodies. This Green goddess of a skin was down stairs, as well as the lucky chair! And low and behold my letter came up! I’m always super excited when that happens, cause honestly we designers like never get out. We are hermits. We need showers most days, at least 2 dunkings.

Nyla Cheeky of House of Nyla gave me an outfit the other day. It so went with the {Frick} skin, I just had to show you.

This made me go to the store, see if she had any goodies. There is one, for both men and women. I remembered I mentioned Ducks in my first post, so I laughed when I found these duck feet looking for a slurl.

Here are the Lucky Chair Beauties. I only realised at the last pic that I had lost my lashes due to the hat. Oops.
Now I really didn’t want to go too holiday crazy, but this giftpack warranted Free*Style bloggage.
All this is in it, and it’s free! Can’t beat that! Well you can but it could get messy.

I saw these eyes in the Free*Style Flickr group and was like OOOOOOO. MINE! The only thing that sucks is if your hunting on your own. That’s cause it’s not a regular hunt. It’s a lucky letter hunt, so bring peeps to get the items rolling.

Lastly for the love of all things Duh! That’s the store name I swear! Renee is awesome. We have seen shoe kits go out there, and people do nothing with them. They just make them up and slap them out. Well Renee, she actually adds things, and like makes different colours, ooo and here is a new concept, she like places different types of textures on them. OMG! Like I can feel the air going to my head. So ya head on over to Duh! you’ll find something, and spend next to nothing, she gives awesome gifts, has a lucky chair, does hunts. Shoe lovers dream designer. So off with you now, hump her leg a bit!

Pic 1-2

Skin-{Frick}-Shamrock Skin-L$0
Outfit(with Hat)-House Of Nyla-St. Patties Girl-L$600
Shoes-ETD-2008 St.Patties Hunt(not available)-L$0

Pic 3

Shirt-House Of Nyla-St.Patrick’s Day T-Shirt-L$0
Skirt-KaWaii Jelly-Cheapie Puffy Skirt-L$1
Hat-House Of Nyla-St.Patrick’s Day tophat-L$0
Duck Feet-KaWaii Jelly-Cheapie Duck Feet Slippers-L$1

Pic 4

Skins-{Frick}-Shamrock Lucky Chair Prize(there is also shapes and a tanktop)-Lucky Chair

Pic 5-6

Hoodie-KaWaii Jelly-Cheapie Plain Hoody -L$1
Shorts-These were free, but the store is gone now =(
Leggings-SN@TCH-Green Star&Stripe Leggings-L$200 for pack of 20
Hat, Necklace, Boots and Arm Cuffs-Burning Chrome-Bigass Gift pack(not actual name XP)-L$0

Pic 7

Eyes-Kunstkammer-Fae Moss-Lucky Hunt Gift

Pic 8

Boots-Duh!-Big Buckle Boots Olive-L$0