Archive for the ‘Megasales’ Category

May 25, 2008

cheri so brilliantly blogged some of her german fashion finds from vanity universe i naturally had to go check out the scene myself. i honestly didn’t think i’d uncover anything new, but look what turned up in the mimikri booth! a glamorously curve-loving freebie fit for a film noir queen:

[hair: detour, beloved (350L); lashes: bp* group gift (notice dated 5/20)]

in one of those happy confluences of slthings, the dress seemed meant to go with my recently acquired freeb cigarette holder from animah (check out the fantastic set of smoking poses while you’re there! i knooowwwww, smoking is evil, but i figure since i’m good to my lungs in rl nowadays i’m perfectly happy with ruining my pixel ones), and the saucy little tophat from wild o. the hat isn’t free, but at 10L you’d have to be a total scrooge to pass on it. but hurry hurry – this and three other colors are a grand opening type deal and only available through today (the 25th). for this tip much thanks to the lovely cerrie janus!

i saved fleur’s new laura (which, speaking of film noir, immediately reminded me of the soul-achingly ethereal gene tierney in, errr, laura) skin for last… no silly, it’s not free, but fleur is running a holiday weekend sale on certain skins, and you can grab laura for all of 250L. oh, and speaking of sales, if you haven’t got a photosphere yet now’s the time to do it. right now the photosphere is marked down to 750L and all backdrop packs are 150L.

alright, enough jibber jabber and abuse of parenthetical asides. i’ve got to get ready to get my memorial day partying on. have a lovely sunday, sweetie darlings!

in which i break the rules, oh noes

March 27, 2008

(what follows is mostly of the not-free variety but the clearance sale at random industries is fabulous enough that i couldn’t resist letting you all in on it, so don’t hate me too much please)

[skin – rosemar group gift; hair – random, layla (70L for around 25 colors); top – random; skirt – mg fashions]

i got the yummy salmon skirt free from the mg fashions update group a few days ago. i was completely stumped as to what to wear with it, and couldn’t settle on anydamnthing til i found the “this is why i’m hot” (20L, but you can get a big old variety pack of kitschy shirts for 150L) shirt at the abovementioned sale. i had to go all out pepto bismol pink overdose. had to!

[hair – booN, uzuz22 (220L for a 2 color pack); skin – belleza (group gift); top and jeans – random]

because i personally can never have enough peggy bundy in my wardrobe, i also picked up the shimmery metallic glamorous tops (5L for a 2 pack – gold and silver) and the skinny leopard jeans (a pack of 3 in varying washes for 25L).

[shirt – random, boys polo (25L for a pack of 7)]

yup, there’s stuff for the boys too! i’m a sucker for the boyliner on garbage’s skins (reduced to 75L for a single skin), and the emotacular jack hair was crying out to me, threatening to slit its imaginary wrists if i didn’t fork over the 70L (like with the layla hair, you get 25ish colors) and take it home with me. the glasses are from g.l.a.m./indigo’s instore dollarbie box – it’s upstairs with the men’s stuff.

and because you’ve all been so well behaved, i do actually have something totes free to share:

well hellloooooo nurse! thanks to bronwyn llewelyn for alerting the group to this naughty freebie from nuclear boutique. doctor bear’s included in case you can’t find a strapping young orderly to cuddle during those lonesome 11-7’s. you’ll find it instore in the casualwear section, and the sign indicates that it’s the freebie of the week, so don’t wait on this one. now, who’s ready for their checkup?