Archive for the ‘Meghindo's Touch sadistic hacker thimbles plaid truth tassle shades alta moda kristen league’ Category

Pieces of Everything

February 4, 2009

*licks ice cream as she types, embracing typos all the same*

BBF poster for momo

BFF Gift pose for Sadistic Hacker, only for 2 weeks!
While I am at the store, I bought hair…how can I resist?!

LATEST UPDATE: Sadistic Hacker is going under construction, hopefully this will not be for long? Those of you who would still like this pose can visit our FREE*STYLE spot on Starlust Extended, you will find it near to the entrance!


Here’s another freebie/dollarbie I have been meaning to blog; still in time for anti-Valentine stuff, here is a Black gown named Black Valentine up for grabs at Meghindo’s Touch, notice the amazing lacey detail! Very sexy..The vendor is on the wall, just look for this poster!


This is another gift for Valentine’s!
:: Alatiel Fashions :: Carnival – february 2009 free gift. Include gorgeous hat and tattoo detail on yer legs.

My Valentine

Shoes from Armidi (not free)

Visiting Alta Moda

Visiting one of my favorite shopping spots on the grid, I purposely checked to see if Alta Moda has reopned yet or not, soon! Very soon…

Visiting Alta Moda

1. Shirt from Thimbles group gift, search for this group and join!
2. Hair from Truth!Don’t forget $50L sale on hair is on til end of Feb, there is a pair of boots giftie for group members as well!
3. Pants from League (not free)
4. Fierce Tassle Shades from Kristen Pick (creator of Alta Moda), thanks so much Kristen, they are wicked!!! I totes totes totes totes luv ’em ❤